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Moon River

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by Nicholas Knight


  The Nightshade Series, Book 3


  Moon River

  By Nicholas Knight

  Burning Bulb Publishing

  P.O. Box 4721

  Bridgeport, WV 26330-4721

  United States of America

  PUBLISHER'S NOTE: This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is purely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2017 Nicholas Knight.

  All rights reserved.

  Cover designed by Klem Kanthesis.

  First Edition.

  Paperback Edition ISBN: 978-1-948278-02-7


  In the first book, Dawn’s Tale, we were introduced to Dawn Moon, a young Cherokee who’s institutionalized in a psychiatric facility, in late 1970s Virginia. It’s here that she falls madly in love with a much older ginger named, Reuben. She tragically suffers an unbearable trauma that leads her to escape, as well as launch a quest for retribution, which molds her into a serial killer.

  In, Dark Fugitive, Dawn is on the lam, running and hiding from the FBI. As she continues to dig her hole even deeper, she befriends an abused white wolf, and hooks up with an exotic succubus hybrid who behaves more like an energy vampire, who seduces her into an exceptionally passionate, yet detrimental, lesbian relationship. While all this is happening, Dawn also draws the attention of a brutal coven of Satanic witches who are obsessed with both Lady Isis and Aleister Crowley.

  This magical and mystical story will promise to both disturb you and warm your heart. Though this trilogy is about a female werewolf, this is very much a story of uninhibited passion, undying love, and animalistic rage. This book series is a phenomenal one, which I am considerably proud of and surprised to have written. Thank you for supporting this trilogy, and for getting to know these characters who have come to mean so much to me.

  See how Dawn’s cautionary saga, her traumatic story, and her very tail…ends! For better or for worse! See Dawn in a new light, as you’ve never seen her before! Love comes in many forms, and doesn’t always make sense. In the rarity that love is true, there is nothing more beautiful! For those reading this, who get their joy from abusing, fighting, and murdering animals…your day will come (if God is good). Enjoy the anticipated finale of this amazing, coital trilogy. Take a dip into MOON RIVER!


  For Erica Linnette Heath: “You are perfect, as our Father in Heaven is perfect.” (Matthew 5:48). “God is love” (1 John 4:8), and so are you. They say you never forget your first love, and you are my truest and greatest love. As I have told you before, baby, love is not a big enough word…it’s just not a big enough word…when it comes to what you mean to me and how I feel about you. Philippians 4:8 says we should think on that which is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and admirable, and you, my love, are all those things and more. You were always so humble and gentle, and graciously continue to love me in spite of my flaws and failures (Ephesians 4:1-3). Thank you, Erica, for all of the influence and guidance that you have so kindly, and generously, contributed to this book series. Thank you for taking me back, for still wanting me, for not giving up on me, and for loving me as much as I love you. 1 Peter 1:22 tells us to love with a complete and sincere heart, and you and I are the definition of that. I adore you, Erica, and will always be here (and there) for you. I will always defend your honor, and will forever be yours. You are my hope for Heaven (Hebrews 11:1). You are my Heaven. (In Very Loving Memory, February 22, 1980 – December 27, 2002).

  For Harley Linnette Delorie: Though your mother’s adopted parents adopted you when you were 10, you will always be my daughter. I adore you and am so proud to be your Dad. I’m sorry that things turned out the way they did. I never wanted us to be a broken family, and I know you’re not thrilled about the situation either. I wanted to be with your mother, and I certainly wanted to keep you. Andrea had different plans and other intentions. I’ve never had luck with women, always attracting the ones who wanted to hurt me. Erica has been the only exception to that, and Jennifer has been the only one to apologize for that. You, Erica, and Rose (your older sister who we lost to a miscarriage) will forever own my heart. I love you, Harley girl, and miss you every day that we’re apart. I pray that you understand things someday and know that I tried my best to fight for both you and Andrea. One of the toughest lessons in life is having to accept that we can’t make somebody we love, love us back. You were only 2, when Andrea proudly and shamelessly took you from my arms. Part of me died that day, just like part of me died when Jennifer left me and Erica passed away. Those were the three worst days of my life, and certainly the most painful. My love for you, Erica, Jennifer, and Rose, will never die. The majority of Christians are frauds, and the cruelest people you will ever encounter. The reason why I have always been an underachiever (which I am deeply sorry for), is because nobody has ever given me a shot at being anything more (especially those who profess to be "Christian"). Jesus loves you, almost as much as I do. Please stay with God, despite what “Christians” say and do to turn you away from Him. As precious as this life can be, it’s not nearly as important as the afterlife. Please don’t let this cold world rob you of your faith. I know that you have learned, at such a young age, how toxic and wicked people can be, and I’m so sorry for that. Heaven wouldn’t be Heaven without you, Rose, and Erica to share it with. I love you, Harley! Please never forget that.

  For Rose Delorie: A "Rose" by any other name is...a daughter. Though you were tragically taken from both myself and Jennifer, I pray that God lets you and I meet one day, in Paradise. Even though I've never had the pleasure or honor of knowing you, I have always…and will always…love you. I sadly wasn’t successful at holding onto your beautiful mother, but I have always loved her with great passion and sincerity. You were definitely conceived from love. I’m sorry, Rose, that I didn’t include you until this third book. I would have, had I known about you before now.

  For Jennifer Lee Hassel: Even if we can never visit each other in person, thank you for being my friend again (at least online). I care for you deeply, and have missed you over these last 25 years. I regretfully failed at keeping you, but I’ve certainly never forgotten you. I wish you only the best, and pray that life treats you with the kindness that is long overdue and that I’ve rarely known myself. Thank you for telling me about our daughter, even if it took you this long to do so. I love you, Jennifer, and will always be your friend. I have valued this reconnection you’ve allowed us to have, even if it must be restricted and transient. I may have lost you to Chris 25 years ago, but you will never lose me. I wish you would let me see you, but I respect your wishes and your reasons. Thank you for reading my books and for permitting me to be in your life again, even if only from afar. Your friendship and support mean a lot to me.

  For Tiger: You’re the best friend I’ve ever had. I love you so much. You have never been a pet, but more of a son. You are irreplaceable. You mean so much to me, and I thank both God and Erica for you.

  For Kirsten Bergh: Thank you for reading the first book and catching a detail that the rest of us had overlooked. I appreciate your thoughtful feedback.

  For Klem Kanthesis: Thank you for contributing this fantastic cover, for the final book in this sentimental saga. Your artwork is absolutely breathtaking, and in retrospect, I wish I had hired you to do all three covers for this trilogy. You really illustrated what was in my head. Thank you, Klem!

  For Keira Fox, Kaylynn Coy, Ashley Vierra, and Erin Wrae Sasse: Thank you for wanting to model for this amazing book. Had I been su
ccessful at finding a photographer on Model Mayhem who wasn’t a total dick, I would have loved for you all to have been on this cover. I’m sorry that things didn’t work out as we had hoped. You are all very pretty and were very sweet. Thank you for that. I wish we could have worked together.

  For Gary Lee Vincent: Thank you for believing in my talent, and for all you’ve done to support this trilogy and help bring it to life. Thank you for convincing me to make this a series rather than a standalone novel, and for suggesting the initial direction of Book 2. Thank you for your friendship, Gary.

  For Franziska Schissler: For being the visual inspiration for the look of Dawn’s face, on this stunning 3rd cover.

  For Russell Clayton Harris, Jr: I’m sorry that our time together was too short and that your life was so painful. You were simply too good for this sordid country. I pray that you are doing well and that you eventually find your way to Heaven, when you’re ready to walk into the Light. I love and miss you, Uncle Russ. (In Loving Memory, March 31, 1952 - November 22, 1982)

  For Jackie Faircloth: Thank you so much for your unwavering support of this trilogy. I deeply appreciate your kind words regarding my books. You’re very talented, and I really hope all of your dreams come true.

  For Jay Rizzo: Thank you for being one of two people to ask for my autograph.

  For James Crow, Heinz Treschnitzer, and other wonderful friends I’ve made through my acting endeavors.

  For my parents: I love you both, in spite of our differences. I’m sorry that we didn’t always relate well, or share much of anything in common. In some ways, I wish I could’ve been more like you, while in other ways, I’m grateful to be who I am. I appreciate you both always being there for me, in all the ways that you were, but wish that we could have been closer. I’m sorry that it wasn’t easy for either of you, and even sorrier that I failed at so much. I have a ton of regret for the bad choices I’ve made, but most of what has happened to me has not been my fault, as you both well know. This world is full of cruel and sadistic people. Even though we were often at odds, you both are good souls and I am proud to be your son. My childhood was not an easy road, nor has been my adult life, but sometimes I wonder if I could have ever written this magical trilogy, had I not lived the nightmare I have.

  For Andy Gibb: I can’t resonate to your massive success, but I can most certainly relate to your repeated heartbreak. You were once quoted as saying that it was Victoria (Principal’s) callousness and indifference that devastated you the most, and that she made it painfully clear that she felt nothing when she abandoned you. So, though we never knew each other, I definitely feel like we were dealt the same cards, as far as disappointments go. (March 5, 1958 - March 10, 1988)

  For every clergyman (and woman), church, politician, girlfriend, wife, corporate head, lawyer, certain extended relatives (who will go unnamed), and others who have kicked me when I’m down, told me I’m worthless and treated me like trash, stepped and spit on my trusting heart, and did everything in their power to wreck and ruin me. Thank you for pushing me to make something of myself and for showing me what I don’t want to become. 1 Thessalonians 5:15 warns us to not repay evil for evil, which is why I have always maintained my benignity and my faith, even when presented with animosity, affliction, acrimony, and adversity. Even if these books never make a dime, it won’t change my accomplishment or rob me of my sense of pride in creating these marvelous stories. These characters, particularly Dawn, Reuben, Cheri, and Wolf, will stay with me forever.

  “Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through. Where people fail is that they wish to elect a state and remain in it. This is a kind of death.”

  - Anais Nin

  “Shapeshifting requires the ability to transcend your attachments, in particular your ego attachments and identify who you are. If you can get over your attachment to labeling of yourself and your cherishing of your identity, you can be virtually anybody. You can slip in and out of different shells, even different animal forms or deity forms.”

  - Zeena Schreck

  “The self is not something one finds, but rather creates.”

  - Thomas Szasz

  "Since the so-called Age of Enlightenment, our shaky anthropocentric, rationalist egos have been brainwashed to forget what 'primitive' cultures once understood: animals can be manifestations of celestial beings in disguise; they possess supernatural abilities, and they can be our spiritual guides and healers."

  - Zeena Schreck

  “Beware of the preachers, priests, evangelists, clergymen, and other ministry staff, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are rabid wolves.”

  - Matthew 7:15

  “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, but about learning to dance in the rain.”

  – Unknown Author

  “I believe that the only true religion consists of having a good heart.”

  - Dalai Lama

  “To look into the eyes of a wolf is to see your own soul.”

  – Aldo Leopold

  “Love is the slowest form of suicide. and the most used four-letter word, other than, life.”

  – Dawn Lynne Moon

  “When the still sea conspires an armor, currents breed tiny monsters, true sailing is dead and sullen. At night, the moon becomes a woman’s face. The sea is a vagina, which may be penetrated at any point. That whorish Blue Lady, playing with silver decks and smiling at the night, and spilled to the moon. I’m sad, so full of sadness. No eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn.”

  – James Douglas Morrison


  “76% of all known serial killers in the 20th Century, were from the United States.”

  “Ted Bundy saved a drowning child, and Dennis Rader installed home security alarms for 14 years.”

  “America’s 1st serial killer was Dr. H.H. Holmes, who confessed to killing 27 people in the late 1890s.”

  “Most serial killers had clean records, Christian reputations, & warned about to police before caught.”

  “Almost all serial killers admit to starting out by torturing, dissecting, stuffing, and hunting animals.”

  “44% of serial killers started in their 20s; while 26% started in their teens.”

  “It only takes 3 murders to earn the title, serial killer.”

  “According to historians, legends such as werewolves and vampires were inspired by medieval serial killers.”

  “Psychiatrists note that psychopaths are untreatable.”


  Galina Volkov, a journalist major at George Mason University, sat down with Nicholas to interview him for their Broadside student newspaper. She wanted to interview him, and give him an opportunity to answer a few questions about his NIGHTSHADE Series:

  Q: Your writing is very erotic and very dark, more so than most authors? Aren’t you worried that you may have damned yourself, by limiting your potential audience by blending these two genres?

  Nicholas: There have been plenty of writers who have done this, where they interweaved graphic sex and horror fiction, both in books and in films. In fact, some of the best Horror movies ever made, have been those with graphic sexual content. Is my storytelling a bit more intense and risqué than most? Possibly. But, I find that the extreme always leaves an impression. I don’t believe in censorship. I think that, in order for us to say we are a free country, we should actually have freedom of expression. When I decided to become a writer, I promised myself in the beginning that I would only write honest stories that offered compelling characters and legendary adventures. So, I intentionally write without limitations or boundaries. Whether you fancy my writing or not, I think you’d have to agree that these novels are hard to erase from your memory, once you’ve read them. That’s my wish…to be unforgettable.

  Q: You’re not afraid that maybe you go too far, with the erotica?

  Nicholas: Let me answer you this way…repression has never worked
out well for anyone. History shows this time and again. Repression is what leads priests to molest children. In life, extremes are never a good idea. Too many people are either stuck-up or slutty. Neither one is healthy. Secondly, pornography is not the abomination that Christians make it out to be. Reading or watching porn isn’t what damns your soul, your wicked behavior and evil intentions do. Nobody ever goes out and rapes somebody, because they are hooked on pornography. They rape someone, because they’re heartless and cruel, two things which come from a place much deeper and darker than any media outlet or entertainment vice. I also don’t write smut. Nothing I write is there just for the sake of being there, but rather to enhance and enrich the story. Everything I put into my novels, has purpose and is part of the plan. I should also note that this type of material never hurt anyone. What harms people is things like marriage. This is the one thing that Muslims actually got right. They take infidelity very seriously (not that I condone stoning or beheading anyone), but at least they don’t tolerate it. We, in America, not only tolerate it, we enable it and applaud it. If a woman sleeps around on her boyfriend or husband, here in America, she gets full custody and government-funded welfare. We all know the horrible sex crimes that are out there, and if you read my books, you’ll see that I don’t paint any of them in a good light.

  Q: Why werewolves?

  Nicholas: It’s always bothered me that most of the werewolf movies I’ve seen in my lifetime have been shit. People love The Howling (with Dee Wallace), but I found it a bit silly and rather boring. I did, however, dig the fourth one (The Original Nightmare) and the eighth one (Reborn). But, the best werewolf movie I’ve ever seen has been the original Ginger Snaps (2000). The two sequels were dreadful and unwatchable, but the first one was great. The majority of werewolf films, though, have been complete garbage. The best vampire movie I've ever seen was a 2009 Horror-Comedy called, Suck, which is a brilliant film. I realize you’re asking me about a book, not a movie, but they’re both mediums of storytelling, and…I’d love to see my ‘Dawn’ trilogy be adapted onto the big screen (or small screen), but I realize that’s a pipe dream.


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