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Tiara & Tempest

Page 46

by Jeremy Dwyer

  “I do have a plan,” Lady Onora said.

  Emerond looked at her as if to ask the obvious.

  “Prayer,” Lady Onora answered.

  “How is that a plan?” Zoe asked.

  “No matter what we do, we can’t succeed without the help of the One True God,” Romana said, defending the position of her old friend.

  “Daven, don’t you have a song or something?” Rayner asked.

  Daven drank anew of the waters of the Pirovalen Ocean and was energized. He searched for more words and they began to come to him.

  Lady Onora looked at him and said: “You are a master of music, but have little faith, if any. The power of music comes from the Pirovalen waters. The power of the waters, in turn, comes from the One True God. We are up against a power of great magnitude that must be directly confronted, not by a song – rather, by calling on the Ultimate Power.”

  “We have to look inside of ourselves to find the song, to find the strength, to find the answers,” Daven said.

  “When we look inside of ourselves, and we are honest, we will find that there is not enough. We are not the Ultimate Power. If we overextend ourselves, and forget the True Source of our strength, we will fail,” Lady Onora said.

  “Song has power. All the waters have power. But none of them has been enough. We’ve all seen it when we fought against her earlier. We are not enough, not even the ocean water within us, working together, makes us enough,” Romana said.

  “After all that we’ve done!...” Emerond began saying.

  Lady Onora looked directly at him, prepared for a theological debate.

  “…You’re right: we’re not enough, not even all of us working together,” Emerond said.

  “The Highest Power is what we need. I will fight to the death for what is right, but to fight a war that we cannot win alone, and to refuse help, will bring us needless death,” Joshua said.

  “You believe in this stuff?” Brant asked.

  “How much strength do you think that you have at your best? How many times did we all hit her, and yet she stands, despite her wounds?” Joshua asked.

  “What is this prayer? What does it do?” Rayner asked.

  “The stars in the sky don’t burn as bright as the light from the One True God,” Romana said, referencing the power she knew that Rayner had to communicate with the suns. The vial of water that Rayner carried around his neck contained Atrejan Ocean waters, giving him that power, and his vial was clearly marked with the classical symbols of the so-called “sun waters.”

  “The combined strength of all the armies and navies of the world can’t create the oceans out of nothing. Only the One True God can do that. His is the Ultimate Power, which put the power into the oceans from the beginning, and He commands them,” Lady Onora said.

  “I will pray with you,” Judith said.

  “As will I,” Joshua said.

  “Teach me to say this prayer, so that I may join you as well,” Guillermo said, not having any answers, and being more curious than faithful.

  Romana and Lady Onora, Joshua and Judith, as well as Guillermo, all joined hands, and Lady Onora led the prayer, saying: “One True God, we turn to Thy Ultimate Power to decide Justice and Mercy, and to deliver us from this evil. We seek Thy Strength, and Thy Protection, in this, our hour of need.”

  Ovid recorded all of this in his book, as did Judith in hers, even as she had joined hands with the others. She was quick to record everything, sometimes too fast to even be noticed, thanks to the time-slowing powers granted to her by the waters of the Ursegan Ocean that she drank.

  Ovid was just as quick to record, but was not interested in prayer. Yet, he never denied the power of prayer, either.

  “Do whatever you want. I’ll take this sword and drive it right into her, as many times as I can. Sooner or later, she’ll go down, even if I have to go with her,” Brant said. He believed in the strength of the sword and of the Nabavodel Ocean water that he drank and pure personal determination. He then drank anew of those waters from his vial to be further energized. A moment later, he remembered that he could do more.

  “Better than that, I’ll use both these swords,” Brant said, drawing the second sword from its sheath and readying both.

  “They’ll pray. We’ll fight. Fine by me,” Zoe said. She believed the same as Brant: her skill and powers from the Lujladia Ocean water she drank would just have to be used in some clever and determined way to win this war. She knew that past efforts weren’t enough, but prayer did not enter into the equation for her.

  “I don’t claim to understand. Do whatever you believe, and do your best of it,” Emerond said. He drank of the Kazofen Ocean waters that he kept in a vial of his own. He was energized, not sure of what was to be done with the energy he had.

  Xal’Kativok/Xavier didn’t believe in any higher power, and found all of this talk of prayer to be the mere foolishness of a superstitious people. He delighted in this, however, because he saw superstition as a fatal weakness to be exploited so that he could plunder their wealth – that being the oceans themselves. In his estimation, anyone who was foolish enough to believe in any deity in this random and cruel universe was sure to be easily tricked into believing in any pseudoscience or compatible philosophy that he might be able to present to them. He could thereby earn their trust and mislead them. It was just a matter of crafting the proper lie, and he was already beginning to do just that.

  “Each must follow his own path. I will assist any anyway possible to end this danger,” Xal’Kativok/Xavier said.

  “See her and hit her and hit her again as hard as you can! That’s all you’ve got to do!” Brant said.


  In the spirit world, Lavakara heard all of this and found it to be unreliable but not necessarily worthless. Sometimes, the spirits gave assistance; at other times, they didn’t. They did as they wished, and he didn’t see prayer to be any guarantee: it was merely begging for unlikely mercy that one would have to repay many times over if it did arrive. There were unquestionably higher spiritual powers – despite what the doubters said – and some were of terrifyingly immense magnitude, but he found them to be of questionable alignment. Of course, he never questioned his own alignment.


  On board the Tidal Sovereign, Victoria was waiting on the deck. The tiara had been recently expended, so it needed to be renewed. Victoria also needed renewal, by rest.

  Victoria retired into her quarters and her light scouts and dark scouts stood guard outside. Victoria slept and dreamed.

  Her dream was of being alone and in dreadful pain and darkness. She awoke, screaming in terror and agony.

  Her guards heard her and entered the room.

  Victoria then said to them: “I dreamt of being alone and in pain and darkness.”

  One light scout looked around the cabin and said: “You are alone, except for us. There is no one hiding in the darkness.”

  One dark scout looked around the cabin and said to her: “I see no one hiding here in a false light. You are certainly alone.”

  Victoria then left her quarters and stood on the deck of the Tidal Sovereign.

  The voice of the demon, Matatirot, spoke to her, saying: “Of every ocean are you the queen and every power serves your will. Bring them all to the waters dead, where every last one you shall kill.”

  Victoria then held out her arms and the blue diamonds of the tiara once again glowed bright.

  The still air turned to a breeze, and then to a strong wind and then to a dangerous gale. The calm waters began to ripple and then waves began to rise. The waves rose high and moved quickly toward distant shores.

  One light scout said: “To the east, the waters are striking at the Way of Raza’Deptorum and Elaja’s Walkway, but it seems that no one has been killed – no one is in sight.”

  A second light scout said: “To the west, the waters have hit southeastern Baradaxa and the Crypt Trail. Yet, no bodies have been swept out to sea – the shores are

  A third light scout said: “To the south, the waters have battered Volaraden but there are no corpses floating in the sea from the storm – all have retreated from the coasts!”

  A fourth light scout said: “To the north, the waters have assaulted southern Baradaxa. Yet no one is near the coast, so no one has been killed by the tempest.”

  A fifth light scout said: “All around us, I see no ships caught up in the storm.”

  “That is the dream! We are alone! They have run from us! The world is running away from the power I wield!” Victoria screamed, not sure if this was triumph or defeat. The world was afraid of the magnificent power given to her by the tiara, for sure, but there were more to be murdered, and she wanted them all dead.

  A sixth light scout said: “No! We are not alone! Look! Two (2) ships are approaching from the air!”

  Victoria was even angrier now, and more afraid than ever. Yet she felt different: she felt stronger than before, and the tiara was channeling the powers of the Dead Waters Ocean through her. The Dead Waters gave no particular power, so this feeling of empowerment was strange, she thought.

  CHAPTER 48: Battle of the Powers of Oceans

  On board the Persistent, Zoe drank anew of the Lujladia Ocean waters from her vial and was energized. She looked out into the distance and saw Victoria on board the Tidal Sovereign.

  “There she is!” Zoe shouted as she pointed. She also drew her bow, ready to strike.

  Brant drank anew of the waters of the Nabavodel Ocean from his own vial and was energized. He felt the strength of many men, and had incredible speed within him, ready to strike like a tiger.

  Joshua also drank anew of the waters of the Nabavodel Ocean from his own vial and was energized. He was strong and swift now, and ready to strike, or to do whatever was necessary. He left the prayer circle to be ready for this confrontation, but knew that he needed the power behind the earlier prayer in order to achieve true victory.

  Daven drank anew of the waters of the Pirovalen Ocean from his own vial and readied a song so that he could strike at Victoria and weaken her, giving the others time to deliver what damage they could and put an end to her reign of terror. He thought that he had something even stronger than before, but there was only one way to find out, and that was at the crucial moment.

  Rayner drank anew of the waters of the Atrejan Ocean from his vial and was energized. He did not know what this would do, but there was certainly a monumental battle ahead, and he wanted to be prepared. If he was to die, he would not go without the best fight he could put up, although the power to hear the stars was not much of help in combat, and he knew this. Perhaps he could help them to navigate their way to safety if they needed to escape, but even that was dubious.

  Lady Onora drank anew of the waters of the Pirovalen Ocean from her vial and was energized. However, she was not placing confidence in her own abilities. Rather, she continued in her prayers, along with Judith and Romana and even Guillermo, who remained holding hands and praying with them. However, he kept his eyes wide open so that he would have the greatest tales to tell, as long as he survived.

  Romana drank anew of the waters of the Gradaken Ocean from her own vial and was energized. She did not know what she might be called to do, but wanted to be prepared.

  Judith drank anew of the waters of the Ursegan Ocean from her vial and was energized. She was ready to see all that happened, even if it occurred at blazing speeds, and to record it in her book.

  Ovid also drank anew of the waters of the Ursegan Ocean from his own vial so that he would continue to have the benefits of slowing time and thus be able to see and record the events around him into his book, however quickly those events might proceed.

  Emerond was still energized by the waters of the Kazofen Ocean from his own vial. He didn’t know how its power could help, but was searching for ways in which it might.

  Xal’Kativok/Xavier prepared his own weapons and defenses. He was sure that a terrible battle was to be fought. Setting aside the superstitions of those around him, he knew that the woman named Victoria was truly a formidable enemy and that he would have to be cautious, especially if he was to take her power for himself.


  In the spirit world, Lavakara merely positioned himself, waiting for the proper moment.


  On board the Everlasting Pain, Va’Qileren looked out in the distance and saw the Tidal Sovereign.

  “There she is!” Va’Qileren said, pointing.

  Pradrock steered the ship toward Victoria’s ship and advanced quickly.

  Claudia drank anew of the Elanatin Ocean waters from her vial and was energized. These gave her strong perceptions of thought and emotion. She wanted to know her enemy’s next move, so that she could deliver the perfect counterattack. She readied her daggers.

  Akantha drank anew of the Zovvin Ocean waters from her vial and was energized. These gave her a deep sense of the spirit world, and she could feel the powerful presence of the demon around Victoria as they approached.

  Farovaxen drank anew of the waters of the Atrejan Ocean from his vial and was energized. He felt the suns of the sky moving and aligning in a way that he hadn’t felt since the inferno.

  Akylas and Torin drank anew of the Atrejan Ocean waters from their own vials, and they were both energized. They listened for whatever the stars might tell them. However, neither believed that this would be any combat advantage.

  Va’Qileren drank anew of the waters of the Lujladia Ocean from his vial and was energized. He kept his eyes on all around them, at every angle and over distances, expecting a sudden attack.

  Caroline and Taesa merely stood back, not knowing what to say or do. Instead, they just watched.


  On board the Tidal Sovereign, Victoria exercised her powers over the oceans, by way of the tiara, to create new forms of attack.

  The powers of calm rational thought – those associated with the Medathero Ocean waters – were hers to utilize. She used them to calm her thoughts and plan her tactics for using the other powers.

  The powers of time – those associated with the Ursegan Ocean waters – were hers to command. She used them to slow down time around her, such that she could act quickly.

  The darkness powers – those associated with the Ikkith Tar Ocean waters – were within her grasp. The sky darkened and no one on the other ships could see a thing using only their unaided eyes. Also, as the waves of water rose, they became cold in the darkness and turned into ice.

  The powers of light – those associated with the Lujladia Ocean waters – were now in her service. She used them to see clearly all that was done by her enemies, despite the darkness that now encompassed them.

  The crystal and stone powers – those associated with the Kazofen Ocean waters – were also within Victoria’s grasp. She used them to cause the falling ice crystals to swirl around in the air and pelt her enemies, stinging and tearing at them.

  Many had died in these waters over the millennia, and their ghosts still haunted the seas. The spirit powers – those associated with the Zovvin Ocean waters – were under her command. Victoria called forth ghosts to haunt her living enemies.

  Poisonous sea serpents were in all oceans, including the Dead Waters Ocean. The nature powers – those associated with the Gradaken Ocean waters – were hers to use and abuse, and she did. Victoria called forth sea serpents to strike at and poison her enemies.

  Overhead, the blue and red suns shone down. The star powers – those associated with the Atrejan Ocean waters – were hers to control. Victoria called forth the suns to align and burn the ships of her enemies.

  Victoria burned with hatred, and in hatred she found joy. The emotion powers – those associated with the Elanatin Ocean waters – were hers to express. Victoria projected her hatred out to her enemies around her.

  The powers of song – those associated with the Pirovalen Ocean waters – were subject to her desires. She used them to fill the air
with horrific sounds of screams rather than beautiful music, so as to distract her enemies.

  The powers of strength and speed – those associated with the Nabavodel Ocean waters – gave her their advantage, making all her other attacks more intense.

  The powers of great health and beauty – those associated with the Trerada Ocean waters – belonged to her, as well. She used them to protect herself from counterattacks.


  On board the Everlasting Pain, all were covered in a shroud of darkness and then pain from the stinging ice crystals of the frozen tempest waters. The sounds of distant screams filled the air and caused even more pain.

  Va’Qileren used his powers to generate light, and this enabled them to see what was occurring.

  What they saw was terrifying: a sea serpent had leaped out of the ocean onto their ship, and more were in the waters below. Some were as short as twenty-three (23) feet, others were as long one hundred five (105) feet in length – and they raised their heads from the sea.

  “Sea serpents!” Va’Qileren yelled, now casting his light onto the one that had come onto the ship’s deck.

  A twenty-nine (29) foot long sea serpent was on the deck of the ship, and writhed around.

  “They’re poisonous! Deadly!” Caroline screamed. She knew that much about them, as the sea serpents the world over were generally lethal, even the small ones. She didn’t travel much, and that was part of the reason why: she found them terrifying.

  Claudia lunged at it and plunged a dagger into its eyes, and the creature leaped away in pain. She was too quick to let it strike her, largely because of her extreme combat training, including in the low light that she was operating: Va’Qileren distributed his light in many directions, and she got some, but not a lot. Claudia was still in pain from being pelted by the frozen ice crystals and the sounds of screams that she couldn’t explain, but she had learned to ignore pain and fight through it.

  “I feel hate here! The screams of hate are too much!” Caroline said.

  “If you admit to feeling something, it must be real!” Akantha said, looking to Caroline.


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