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Logan's Second Chance

Page 5

by Fel Fern

  They kept close to his pack members until now, making sure no harm would come to them. Logan was certain they’d only been following orders from Raul, but he was grateful for their protection. He wasn’t sure what the pack structure was like in the Darkfall Mountain pack, but it seemed Raul was loyal first to Michella.

  Would Raul follow the Gamma’s orders over his Alpha’s? Why?

  Michella did sound too good to be true on the phone, and he could tell she was a good person. Was there division in the Darkfall pack? Logan hoped not, because he didn’t want to cause trouble for Raul, who went above and beyond his duty. Hell, Raul even stayed behind with him.

  Raul and Logan came to stop by the two voices. Logan’s gaze moved to the huge, six-foot plus of menace standing a few feet from him. There was no denying who this dark-haired stranger was. Power practically rolled off Sergio Esteban in waves. Logan turned to the other, shocked at the sight of the slender and blonde young woman, who looked no older than he was.

  This was Michella? Logan expected her to be a lot older, a little scarier looking perhaps, not the pretty girl next door.

  “What gave you the fucking right to bring these strays over?” Sergio demanded, not bothering to keep his voice down. “You know very well we’re on lockdown after the incident with A.J. and his mate.”

  “I didn’t realize I needed to ask you or Alessio for permission to let guests stay over. You didn’t care before,” she replied, clearly unfazed by his snarl.

  “I might be blood, but I am still Alpha here, little sister. Guests? Give me a break. I wasn’t born yesterday. Where the fuck did these pups come from? We know nothing about them.”

  “Like I’ve said,” she answered patiently. How she managed to maintain that calmness was nothing short of impressive. Michella continued, “Ray’s pack—”

  “Ray Bowen,” Sergio said the name like a curse. “That bastard was a traitor.”

  A traitor? Anger sparked inside him, followed by uncertainty. How much did Logan really know about Ray’s history with the Darkfall Mountain pack? He reached to Michella because he had no other option. Logan spotted another man hurrying over to them. He was around Raul’s height, equally padded with muscle, and had green eyes and black hair.

  “Raul, over here,” he said.

  Raul nipped at his ear, urging Logan to follow. They went to a table a distance away from the arguing wolves, but Logan could still hear Sergio’s voice from here.

  “What were you thinking?” the man began as Raul shifted back to human form. Despite his accusatory tone, he handed Raul what looked like a pair of sweats then looked at Logan. “I have spare clothes for you, too, Omega.”

  Logan shifted. In moments, Raul and he were back to human.

  “So you’re the Omega my best friend stayed for,” the man said, giving him an appraising look. Logan felt like he was being judged, and knowing this stranger was someone important to Raul made him hope he gave off a good impression. Was he going to be judged by his one action of leaving the others to look for Bran?

  “Logan Bowen,” Logan said, holding out a hand across the table. The guy raised an eyebrow, but nonetheless shook his hand, grip firm and sure. He reminded him a little of Raul. While he smelled of power, he didn’t look like the kind of guy who would abuse it.

  “Logan, this is Dino. We’re both enforcers for Michella,” Raul explained.

  There it was again. Raul didn’t specifically mention they were pack enforcers, but personal ones for the Gamma.

  “You mean enforcers for the pack, right?” Logan queried.

  Dino gave him a contemplative look before turning to Raul. “What did you tell him?”

  Raul shrugged. “Let’s focus on the problem at hand. How long have Sergio and Michella been arguing? Is Alessio around?”

  “He arrived half an hour after our guys brought the pups. You should have told the others to bring them to our apartment instead,” Dino said.

  “Our place’s too small. Besides, sooner or later, the Alpha would know, too.”

  Dino sighed. “Michella said that, too. She didn’t seem worried about keeping the strays, but she was apprehensive you didn’t arrive with the rest.”

  “She knows I can take care of myself. You know that, too,” Raul pointed out.

  “I know, but I worry sometimes, too,” Dino murmured.

  Logan looked back and forth between the two men. Raul and Dino seemed to have dropped off into their own little world. He wondered how long they’d been friends because they seemed close, completely in sync with each other.

  Plus, he had a lot of questions to ask, like what their relationship was with Michella. Well, that was none of Logan’s business really.

  He came to Darkfall Mountain for one reason, but back in the woods with Raul, he felt something, didn’t he?

  Raul felt the same chemistry, too, he knew, and Raul didn’t seem like the kind of guy who screwed around when it came to relationships. This was all so confusing to Logan, who hadn’t fully recovered from Ray’s death. Focusing on vengeance, on making sure everyone was taken care of, that was his mission, but God. Logan was dying to ask the least important question.

  “Guys, sorry to interrupt, but I need to know.” Logan suddenly found the two, huge, dominant werewolves looking at him, the attention slightly overwhelming. “Is my pack going to get kicked out?”

  Logan nervously fiddled with his hands. Showing weakness to more powerful shifters was never a good idea. He tried to sound confident, although he was barely holding it together.

  Raul flashed him a reassuring grin that went bone deep and righted his world once again. His heart fluttered in his chest. Why was Raul capable of making him react like this?

  A wiser man would have backed off. After all, if wolves mated for life, then Logan had his chance with Ray. Besides, he shouldn’t make a move on an involved man. Worse, Raul was Michella’s enforcer and Michella was the only soul kind enough to help them.

  How would she react if Logan hit on Raul and vice versa? This was a dangerous game they played, and if Logan wasn’t careful, he might just end up losing the sanctuary he and the others risked their lives to reach.

  “Didn’t I tell you before, pup? You have nothing to worry about. I’ll take care of you now.”

  Logan blinked, stunned Raul had been able to say those words with a straight face, without an ounce of doubt.

  “You mean ‘we’,” Dino corrected.

  Logan felt the other man’s gaze on him again, but this time it wasn’t just curiosity on Dino’s face. Dino became guarded, lips curving to a frown, as if seeing something he didn’t like.

  “What?” Raul asked.

  “We will help these pups get back on their feet, and once they’re out of deep water, send them safely wherever they want to go,” Dino said firmly.

  Tension racketed. The air felt suddenly hot, and Logan didn’t understand anything. A moment ago, Dino and Raul acted like brothers, and the next, they wanted to kill each other.

  Chapter Seven

  Much to Logan’s relief, Raul backed away first.

  “Dino, we don’t know what will happen yet,” Raul said quietly. “Let’s see what Michella decides.”

  Logan saw the wild shade of gold in his eyes, telling Logan his wolf was slipping out. Shit. He didn’t want to come between the two men or cause unnecessary trouble. Why did Raul tell him to come with him instead of sitting him with the others? Why single him out? Did Raul want to introduce him to Dino for some unexplainable reason? It felt like Raul wanted Dino’s approval or something, but for what?

  “Didn’t it occur to you that by staying with this Omega and not arriving with the others, you’ve caused more problems for her?” Dino demanded, voice rising. “Do you think I’m a fucking blind idiot? Don’t think with your cock. Use your fucking head.”

  Logan’s other pack members looked their way. He didn’t see Martin anywhere but assumed he was getting medical care. Davis shot him a questioning look, silentl
y asking if he should intervene, but Logan shook his head. Causing a commotion was never his intention, but he suddenly found these two wolves arguing over him.

  Raul blistered, a growl slipping from his lips. “What the fuck did you just say to me?”

  “Everyone can see why you stayed with this Omega. You want him.”

  What the hell? Was that true?

  The smell of something unbelievably good came close to their table, breaking Logan’s concentration. Logan licked his lips, seeing the extra-large, freshly baked pizza ridiculously topped with nothing but meat before seeing the woman holding it.

  “That’s enough.” Michella placed a hand on Dino’s shoulder. “Everything’s settled with Sergio, so there’s nothing to be worried about, right?”

  She smiled when she said that, and Logan saw no hint of malice or anything there, just warmth. The Gamma might look completely at peace, but the two men were wrought with tension. Dino breathed hard, gripping her wrist and tugging her close, making her blink.

  Logan stared at her small hand. Now it looked like a child’s compared to Dino’s. She didn’t look the least bit intimidated or frightened, didn’t push away Dino or tell Dino to stop when he nuzzled his unshaven cheek against her hand like a huge, needy, predatory cat.

  “Raul, I’m glad you came back safely. Introduce me to your young friend,” she said, setting the pizza on the table. Dino hadn’t let go of her yet, so she leaned against his huge frame instead.

  Logan decided to speak. “We’ve met, I mean, talked on the phone at least.”

  Rising to his feet, he walked to her, wary of Dino’s glare, and held out a hand. He could feel Raul behind him, his presence comforting. Logan continued, “It’s nice to finally meet you.”

  “Same.” Michella shook his hand.

  Over her shoulder, he saw Sergio Esteban conversing with another man, a taller and less scarred but no less impressive version of him. Was he the Beta, the other brother, Alessio?

  Michella noticed his gaze and said, “I meant what I’ve said. All you need to worry about right now is getting some food and rest. I don’t see your missing friend.”

  “We were too late for Bran,” he whispered.

  He was about to let go of her hand, to look away, not wanting anyone to see his shame. However, she held on to his fingers, massaging the skin, the motions strangely calming. The panic threatening to spill over him subsided immediately. Logan no longer felt like breaking down.

  What was that? Was she really a werewolf or one that possessed other abilities?

  “I’m sorry to hear that,” she said, letting go, looking like she meant it.

  “What are you?” Logan whispered.

  Dino growled an answer at him. “You don’t deserve her kindness.”

  “Dino, do us all a favor and shut up,” Raul began. He was about to push forward, but Logan grabbed his arm.

  “Don’t, please. It’s fine. I understand we’re intruders here.”

  “Not intruders, guests,” Michella corrected. “Sit down. Have a bite.”

  The other man who had been speaking to Sergio came over to their table. “Michella, we need to talk,” he said, voice tight, spearing Logan one, withering look.

  Sighing, she parted from Dino. “Play nice, okay?”

  “You heard her,” Raul told Dino unhelpfully.

  Raul dragged a chair out and positioned himself between Logan and the other enforcer and reached for a pizza slice. Logan was just about to take a bite himself when Davis, Kian, and Nathan hurried over, their bodyguards trailing after them. Logan saw there were other werewolves moving around the restaurant. Some gave them curious looks, others cast them suspicious glares.

  Why did it feel like Raul and his men were protecting them?

  “Do you guys use this place as a front for pack business?” Logan asked Raul.

  “It’s genuinely a restaurant, but you can say that,” Raul said.

  “Logan, we heard about Bran,” Davis said, reaching the table. Since the table only sat four, they had to drag extra seats to where they were.

  “I—” Logan didn’t know how to face the others.

  “We tried our best.” Raul spoke for both of them, much to Logan’s relief. “Tracked the fucker who took him, but the scent was long gone.”

  “Stupid Bran,” Nathan muttered. “He should have kept up.”

  “It’s my fault,” Davis said, looking miserable. “I’m so sorry, Logan. You told me to watch for him, but when I smelled Martin’s blood and saw you hurrying to him, I forgot about Bran.”

  “Casting blame is useless at this point. We’ll get him back,” Logan said, although he wasn’t entirely sure he should be making promises he might not be able to keep. “Where’s Martin?”

  “Doc, the pack healer is looking after him,” Dino said, crossing his arms. While Logan was certain the enforcer still didn’t approve of him, he had a feeling Dino would put his job ahead of his personal dislike.

  “He’s safe,” Raul reassured him.

  “This doesn’t look good for the boss though, eh?” Billy pointed out.

  “You call Michella boss, not your Alpha?” Nathan asked.

  Billy shrugged. “We’re her wolves. At one point or another, she saved our lives or helped us. We’re indebted to her.”

  “I sort of imagined her being older though,” Davis muttered, glancing past their tables to where Michella seemed to be having a second argument with her other brother. Alessio seemed to do most of the talking anyway.

  Logan nervously reached for Raul’s hand, an instinctual gesture. Realizing his error, he awkwardly pulled away, but Raul caught his fingers, giving them a squeeze. Logan’s cheeks colored slightly. He didn’t care Dino and the others were there.

  “Fine,” Logan could hear Alessio saying. “Do what you want, little sister, but this is on you. Take responsibility for these strays.”

  “I will, don’t worry about a thing, Alessio,” she answered in the same even voice.

  “We’re far from done discussing this matter,” Alessio pointed out.

  “Doesn’t she ever lose her temper?” Logan asked Raul, who chuckled.

  “She does, rarely though.”

  “She’s a werewolf though, right? I mean, I could feel her wolf,” Logan pointed out.

  “I’ll explain later,” Raul told him.

  They were whispering like two lovers keeping a secret, Logan realized. Davis kept casting them curious looks, but Logan refused to let go of Raul’s hand. Michella joined their table, rubbing her temples and looking like she had a headache.

  She looked to Logan. Logan’s cheeks flamed, realizing his hands were still linked to Raul’s. A wave of guilt filled him, although they’d done nothing wrong. Michella didn’t seem to care though.

  “There’s still plenty of food in the kitchens, Logan,” she began.

  Logan whipped his head toward her. “Y-yeah?”

  “We don’t have a place big enough for you guys to stay in, but I have a suggestion. Each of your wolves can stay at the homes of mine, for tonight at least. You guys can decide where to stay next. What do you think?”

  Gazes hovered on him again. Swallowing, he looked at the others, who gave him curt nods.

  “Don’t worry,” Michella told him with a smile. “They’ll be safe, right, guys?”

  “Of course,” Billy and the others said automatically.

  “Well, then. That’s settled. I need to stay behind and discuss other pack business with Alessio. Raul, if you like, go ahead and take Logan home,” she said.

  “What the fuck?” Dino’s chair fell back.

  Logan let out a squeak. Raul frowned, giving his fingers a squeeze.

  “What the hell, Michella? Why is the Omega staying with us?” Dino demanded.

  Us. That word again, like Dino, Raul and Gamma were a singular being. Logan didn’t see Michella or the two men sporting any mate marks though, but they lived in the same apartment? She reached out to Dino, about to run her f
ingers across his forearm, but he grabbed her wrist. The other shifters rose from the table, baring fangs, hissing.

  “Don’t. Calming me down isn’t the solution,” Dino snapped.

  “We’ll go elsewhere,” Raul said firmly.

  “I don’t want to cause trouble,” Logan muttered.

  “Dino, Logan feels safe with Raul. Even you can see that,” Michella said firmly. “I can’t deal with your temper right now.”

  She pulled her wrist away, and Logan saw the red marks left behind by Dino’s grip. “Get some sleep everyone. Billy, Diego, Blake, Clay, and Jay, I’ll leave the others to you.”

  Logan untangled himself from Raul to talk to Davis and the others. “This is fine, right?”

  “Don’t worry about us, Logan. We’ll be fine,” Davis told him. He nodded to Michella and Raul’s men. “These guys have been nothing but amazing hosts.”

  “Okay, that’s good.” Logan’s voice sounded tired to his own ears.

  “You, on the other hand, should take care. Sounds like you’re in a precarious situation,” Davis said in a whisper close enough so only the two of them could hear. “I heard from Billy that Michella, Dino, and Raul are pretty close. They’ve lived together for five years apparently.”

  His stomach sunk. Was Raul bisexual, then? How could Raul hit on him if he was in a relationship with his Gamma?

  Logan nodded, biting on his lower lip. He watched the others leave and felt a shadow behind him. It was Raul, so he wasn’t worried. How he could easily identify Raul’s scent should alarm him, but it didn’t. Logan leaned against him for comfort, no longer questioning logic for now. Michella certainly hit a spot. Logan did feel safe and wanted to stay by Raul’s side and no one else’s.

  Raul gave his shoulder a squeeze.

  “Let’s fill our bellies first before heading back,” Raul suggested.


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