Logan's Second Chance

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Logan's Second Chance Page 6

by Fel Fern

They sat back down. Logan noticed Dino lingered long enough to exchange more tense words with Raul before stalking off.

  “Raul, I don’t want to be a problem,” Logan muttered, finishing off another slice.

  “You aren’t. We’ll talk more in my car,” Raul said. Logan glanced around the restaurant. Empty of the Gamma’s wolves, other shifters lingered. By the bar, Alessio and Michella were talking shop.

  “Is Dino coming with us?” Logan had to ask.

  “Nah, usually one of us stays with Michella. He volunteered.”

  A thousand questions burned in his head, but Logan could wait until later, where no one watched or judged them.

  Chapter Eight

  The drive back to the apartment started out a silent one, although Raul was certain Logan had plenty of questions he wanted to ask. Dino’s words had stung. “How can you throw away what Michella, you, and I have for one single Omega?” Dino had said. “Are you forgetting our promise to David?”

  Fuck. Dino knew where to drive the knife where it hurt most. Of course Raul didn’t forget, but he couldn’t dismiss the unexplainable magnetism between Logan and him either. Michella wasn’t even the least bit mad. Dino was a different story. The three of them had been together and worked alongside each other for so long most pack members assumed they were intimate.

  What right did Dino have to judge him for his choices anyway? Dino didn’t seem to give a damn whenever Raul indulged in casual sex during mating season.

  “Raul, sorry, but I need to ask,” Logan began.

  “I’m surprised you’ve held off this long,” Raul muttered.

  “Like I said in the restaurant, I don’t want to get in between you three.”

  “Why don’t you come out and ask the question you’re dying to have answered?” Raul asked with a smile.

  “Billy mentioned to Davis that Dino, Michella, and you have been living together for five years,” Logan pointed out.

  “That’s true, but our relationship is kind of hard to define.” Raul sighed. “It’s a long story.”

  “I don’t mind.”

  “David, Dino’s older brother, was kind of like my brother, too. All three of us were orphans. Ten years older and an adult according to the laws, David took care of Dino and me,” Raul said. It had been a while since he thought of the past. Dino and he agreed to keep it to themselves and seldom let anyone into their little circle.

  Raul continued, “David never left us. Even when we came home one night from night classes at the local community college, both sporting werewolf bites and carrying a badly injured golden wolf.”

  Logan looked at him thoughtfully. “Michella?”

  Raul nodded. “Back then, Darkfall Mountain wasn’t like this. It was worse, overrun by animal groups who saw humans as nothing more than food. Dino and I were coming home from classes when we were attacked by a rabid werewolf. Michella saved us, but by then, we’d been bitten by the bastard.”

  Years might have passed, but Raul could still remember that lone moment that forever changed his and Dino’s life. Back then, the town hadn’t been the safest place to live in. David always bid them to be careful, pushed them into taking boxing, self-defense classes, and even had Dino carry their father’s old, service revolver. The lessons or the gun didn’t do a scratch to the huge and furry werewolf waiting in the alley.

  “She was attracted to your scents, huh?”

  Raul shook his head. “Not ours, but David’s scent because it turned out she smelled him on us because we all lived in the same apartment,” Raul said, his mind taking him back to that particular place in the past.

  He continued, “I can still remember his shock and ours when that injured, slender wolf turned into a blonde girl. The Michella back then isn’t like the woman you see now. She was pretty wild, rebellious, and a living force of nature. None of us had encountered anything like her, especially David.”

  Logan was sleepy a moment ago, but he looked intrigued. Was he relieved it wasn’t Raul who fell in love?”

  “She made a promise to David, or rather, he made a deal with her. Hell, she didn’t even like Dino or me at first.” Raul could see Michella then—incredibly young, vain, and possessing no humble bone in her body. Then again, Dino and he weren’t easy to handle either. Being human for most of their lives and waking up the next day a shifter was a kind of rude awakening.

  He went on, “In return for continuing to see David, she taught Dino and me how to control the beast, to hunt safely. She eventually softened toward us and introduced us to her brothers, who weren’t pleased their little sister brought back two strays to their tiny and growing pack.”

  “I guess I would be protective of a younger sister like Michella, too,” Logan mused.

  “Michella kept her relationship with David secret from her brothers, for David’s safety. He was human after all and didn’t belong to our world.”

  “The bad part of the story’s coming up, isn’t it?” Logan murmured. The Omega’s tone sounded sorrowful. Was he recalling painful memories, too?

  Raul clutched the wheel hard, until his knuckles turned white. He knew a little of Logan’s background from Michella. Grief left its mark on the Omega, too, which made him question if pursuing this, whatever they had between them, was right.

  “There was a territorial war. David got caught up in the crossfire. Before he died, he pulled Dino and I aside and made us promise to take care of Michella. He passed her his gift of empathy, too. His death changed all of us.”

  Raul turned the car into a familiar neighborhood and parked the car in front of the same apartment building where Dino and he dragged an unconscious Michella upstairs to David. They never thought to move, even after all these years.

  “In case you’re wondering, we’re not intimate, contrary to what most pack members believe. I’ve always seen Michella like a little sister, but she’s a pretty good leader, too. She balances our Alpha and Beta. Dino sees her a little differently. Our system worked fine, and I never bothered correcting anyone of their misconceptions, until now anyway.”


  “A good question, but there’s no profound reason save that it was convenient. Look, Logan, I’m not a good guy. Up until now, I’ve never considered having a relationship with anyone. To me, they’re hard work, but I finally understand David now. People change.”

  Killing the engine, Raul finally looked at Logan.

  “What do you mean?” Logan whispered. “Why choose me?”

  “I didn’t choose you, Logan.” Raul titled the Omega’s chin, angling his face for a kiss. God knew how long he wanted to do this, how it pushed the limits of his patience to not find out how Logan tasted like back in the pizzeria.

  “We can’t,” Logan whispered.

  The Omega said one thing, but he was already leaning in close to accept Raul’s kiss. Just one taste, Raul decided. One kiss could tell me anything. Fuck. When did he become such a romantic? Clasping the back of Logan’s neck, Raul took his lips. Heat surged down his throat. His cock jumped in his jeans, and his wolf woke inside him, hungry for more.

  He sucked and nipped on Logan’s bottom lip. The Omega responded to him with equal passion, all tongues and teeth, but Logan eventually let Raul deepen the kiss. Logan clutched at his shirt. Raul had a hard time controlling his hands. He wanted to do many dirty and naughty things to Logan.

  Not only that, he didn’t just want Logan under him, but he wanted to know everything about Logan, Logan’s flaws and what made him laugh, including Logan’s favorite movies and his choice of music. It felt nice running alongside Logan in the woods with Logan’s fur brushing his. In other words, Raul wanted everything.

  Down boy, he chided his wolf.

  Common sense told him this wasn’t the wisest course of action. Didn’t he relish living his old lifestyle?

  Neither Michella nor Dino cared how sometimes he entered the apartment smelling of sex and beer, forgetting the name of the man he slept with the night before as long as h
e did his job. Seeing him in that awful state, Michella would get up from her favorite spot on the sofa and start making him peppermint tea, his go-to hangover drink. Dino would snort and mercilessly talk about the tasks they needed to accomplish for the day.

  By pursuing Logan, would Raul lose all of that?

  Raul pulled away at the same time Logan did. Doubt clouded Logan’s eyes.

  “This is wrong,” Logan murmured. “We werewolves find one mate, and I lost mine. It’s not right I want you this much.”

  “Who’s to say what’s right and wrong?” Raul placed his hand over Logan’s chest, beaming at the harsh beat of his heart. Taking Logan’s hand, he placed it over his left pectoral. “Hear that? Your heart longs for me the same way mine does for you.”

  “I don’t know what to say to that,” Logan whispered.

  “It’s fine for now. You need rest.” Raul got out of the car. He wasn’t impatient. When he kissed Logan, he tasted reluctance there, but also bottomless need and hunger. He led Logan into the apartment building, elevator, and finally their unit on the eighth floor. Raul watched Logan curiously look around the space as if terrified of finding something he didn’t like.

  “There are no monsters hiding under the furniture, pup.”

  Logan froze in his footsteps. Raul locked the door behind him.

  “This place smells of you three,” Logan murmured.

  “This was David’s place. We never bothered to move.”

  “You guys share so much history,” Logan whispered. Curiosity brought the Omega to the living room, where Raul knew the framed photographs were. “Oh, there are so many. Michella looks so happy in this one.”

  Raul came to stand by Logan. The shelves here were crowded with books and framed photos, of the three of them, David, members of the pack. “Michella likes keeping memories close to her heart.”

  Raul tore his gaze from the photos and back to Logan. Thinking about why Michella wanted to keep the memories of those she cared about close pained him, but it no doubt hurt Dino the most. “Come on. I’ll show you around.”

  He toured Logan around the loft, which wasn’t all that big. They stopped in front of a corridor. “Bathroom’s through there. You can use my room, which is this one.”

  Raul entered his room, noticing Logan’s gaze linger on the two rooms next to his. Grinning, he said, “We don’t exactly invite guests here often, even pack members.”

  “You made an exception for me though, Michella, too,” Logan pointed out.

  Raul wondered about that, too, but decided to ask Michella later, when things weren’t as busy. Logan glanced at his messy room and the bed.

  “I’ll take the couch,” Raul told him in reassurance.

  “You don’t need to do that. This is your apartment. I’ll take the couch, no arguments,” Logan said, crossing his arms, steel in his eyes.

  “Oh come on. There’s a third option. We can share the bed.”

  “Share? Your bed’s so tiny, and you’re so huge,” Logan pointed out, shaking his head. “I’m standing my ground.”

  Raul chuckled. “Has anyone ever told you how fucking adorable you look when you get mad, pup?”

  “Adorable? That’s the best word you can use?” Logan demanded.

  “What do you prefer?”

  “I don’t know, fierce or ferocious maybe,” Logan muttered.

  Raul walked to his closet and pulled out a clean towel, shirt, and sweats. “They’re big, but endure them for a little while. We’ll find you clothes that fit tomorrow.”

  “Thanks,” Logan answered, accepting the items.

  The moment their hands crossed, electricity coursed up his arm and went right to his chest and dick. Well, shit. Raul had to keep his libido in check from now on, because it was clear Logan wasn’t ready to move on from his grief. Raul didn’t blame him. He wasn’t sure he was ready for this, whatever this was, either.

  “What else do you need?” Raul asked, scratching his head. Michella was good with this sort of thing.

  “I’ll be fine,” Logan assured him, exiting the room.

  Raul heard the bathroom door close later. One night, he reminded himself. Just one evening, and Logan and his pack would find rooms at a nearby inn or rent out a boarding house to stay together. Raul could endure one evening.

  Fuck. Why did the thought of Logan not permanently staying here within easy reach for him to keep an eye out for him annoy the hell out of him?

  Chapter Nine

  When Logan got out of the bathroom after a wonderfully long shower, he took a sneak peek at Raul. The enforcer was propped on his bed, one muscled arm over his face, looking like he fell asleep. Deciding not to bother him, Logan padded away, but Raul’s voice stopped him.


  Logan peered into the room. “Yes?”

  “Sweet dreams. See you tomorrow.”

  “You, too. What’s going to happen tomorrow?”

  Where did this awkwardness come from? It felt like the balance of the world shifted after Raul kissed him in the car. It didn’t help Logan knowing he kissed back without a care in the world. He couldn’t remember the last time any other man made him feel like this. Even Ray never…no he refused to pursue that line of thought.

  “I’ll show you around town. We’ll have a nice lunch at my favorite diner or eat at the park. Weather’s perfect for a picnic.”

  Logan stared at Raul. The enforcer moved his arm from his face to look at him, expression intent.

  “Are you asking me out on a date?” The words flew out of Logan’s mouth before he could stop himself. Did a guy like Raul, who just admitted to him he didn’t do relationships and preferred casual sex, know what a date entailed?

  “I’m being a good host, showing a guest around,” Raul corrected, smug expression on his face.

  “Fine. Whatever.”

  Logan left the lofty enforcer. There was a pillow and a folded blanket on the arm of the couch. Whatever Raul called it, it was definitely a damn date. What the hell? Wasn’t Logan clear enough? It would be nice to spend a relaxing day with Raul though, after days of running and fear. Logan shook his head.

  Damn Raul. He would be up all night overthinking things. Logan settled on the couch, lifting the blanket over him. The wall clock kept ticking, the sound grating on his ears. It would be easy to slip into Raul’s room. Raul kept his door open. Was that an invitation? Raul would feel so warm, and they would be forced to share that tiny space, their bodies touching and practically breathing the same air.

  “I’m going insane,” Logan muttered.

  Why was it when Raul was around, he easily forgot his reasons for coming here? The first part of his plan had been achieved. They arrived here safely. Rescuing Bran and vengeance came next, but where would he begin? The Gamma’s wolves helped him get this far, but Logan doubted that, despite Michella’s kindness, she would let her men fight the battles of another pack, and Logan wouldn’t dare ask such a thing.

  A snore came from Raul’s bedroom, which didn’t help Logan’s mood. It would serve the arrogant enforcer right if Logan came in and pounced on him to wake him. Wait. Pounce? Was Logan a cat now?

  Besides, doing that was dangerous. Raul was still a powerful, dominant wolf and could easily overturn the tables again. What if Raul did more than kiss Logan again?

  His last wall of resistance would crumble away because during the short moments their lips locked, it opened a well of emotions. Logan missed being held like that, safe in the muscular, powerful arms of his mate. When Alpine Industries set up their lab in Blue River, Ray became too busy to pay attention to their relationship.

  They drifted apart slowly, became less affectionate. It was the truth, but Logan didn’t want to admit it to anyone, so he kept it to himself. After all, he was the lucky one, the Omega a powerful Alpha like Ray settled for, as Ray sometimes liked to remind him when they had one of their terrible arguments. Raul, though, didn’t seem to care he was only an Omega or an outsider. The enforcer was
the kind of man who saw what he wanted and went for it, no holds barred.

  Maybe sleep would help clear his head. He’d figure out this mess and how to move forward from this point tomorrow. In all his plans, he never imagined Raul would ever enter the picture. He couldn’t get the memory of Raul touching his chest and grabbing his hand so he could feel Raul’s galloping heartbeats.

  Raul’s touch had burned, Logan remembered, so hot it seemed his warmth could seep past his skin. It made him imagine how those warm, callused, and enormous hands would feel on his body, those lips pressing to his most intimate places.

  Werewolves possessed an amazing sense of smell, and back in the car, Logan was certain Raul could smell his arousal. Logan saw the bulge in Raul’s jeans, and for a second, he’d been tempted to unzip Raul’s pants to see how huge Raul was and how Raul’s prick would taste like in his mouth.

  Where these wild and wicked thoughts came from, Logan had no clue, because he wasn’t that kind of Omega who threw themselves at the first potential mate they saw, right? Davis warned him to be careful, but Logan also saw the disapproval in his friend’s eyes. What would Martin and the others say?

  It didn’t matter. This was life, damn it.

  Logan nearly winked to sleep when the front door opened. The lights were turned on.

  Logan hastily shut his eyes and dared not to move.

  “This isn’t something we can ignore,” said a man’s voice, Dino’s.

  “Dino, I’ve been reprimanded like a small child by my brothers. I’m tired. Let’s leave this for tomorrow,” Michella answered, sounding tired.

  “It is tomorrow,” Dino muttered. “It’s almost three in the morning.”

  “Keep your voice down. Logan’s sleeping,” she said softly.

  “I’m surprised the pup isn’t snuggled and well fucked in Raul’s bed by now.”

  Logan curled into a ball and winced at the sound of a slap.

  “What the hell?” By his tone, Dino sounded shocked, too.

  “Get some sleep, Dino. Your temper’s awful tonight. The last time I saw you like this…” Michella trailed off, not finishing the sentence.


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