Book Read Free


Page 26

by Lorraine, Tracy

  David Michael Paine.

  Beloved husband and father.

  Oh fuck.

  “Mason, I’m so sorry.”

  It’s then he lifts his head from his knees and looks at me over his arm. His dark eyes are almost black with grief and full of tears. That sight has my own burning the back of my throat.

  A sob rumbles up from his chest and I crawl closer. He uncurls himself and pulls me onto his lap. I wrap my arms around him and hold him as tight as I can as he cries on my shoulder. I rub his back and whisper that I love him in his ear, hoping that it does something to help.

  I feel utterly useless, but as he clings to me, I know without a doubt that I did the right thing following him here.

  “How did you know?” he eventually whispers in my ear.

  “I followed you,” I admit. “When you turned and looked at me, I knew something was seriously wrong. I couldn’t leave you.”

  “I’m so sorry. I-I didn’t mean to… get lost but fuck—” Some more tears fall and I catch them with my thumbs as I rest my forehead against his.

  “It’s okay. I wish you’d told me. I could have helped, supported you. I thought... I thought…” I trail off. It doesn’t matter what I thought right now. What matters is Mason and how he’s feeling. “How did you find out?”

  “I had a visit from my stepmom.”

  “You’ve got a stepmom?”

  “Apparently so. He was going to come and see me, but he didn’t make it. He wrote me a letter. She wanted me to have it so…”

  “She brought it to you,” I finish for him. “Have you opened it?”

  He nods. “But I haven’t read it. Inside was the address for this place, her address, and his folded letter. I didn’t have it in me to read his words, not yet.”

  “That’s understandable.”

  “But I woke up this morning and I knew I needed to see him. I needed to put everything behind me. I’ve held onto the past for long enough. It kept me from you for too long. It’s time to face up to it and move on.”

  I nod, allowing him time for his thoughts.

  “She said he’s left everything to me and Charlie and Ollie.”

  “Wow,” I breathe.

  “I mean, everything could mean a beat-up old car and a twenty-dollar bill…”

  “Or it could be enough to secure your future.”



  “He could give you everything you need to start your life properly. It might be a little late, but in the end, you’d know he had your best interests at heart.”

  I didn’t know that the only thing I needed after running from my old house the other day was to feel Camila’s arms wrapped around me, but the second she appeared at my side my muscles relaxed and everything that woman’s appearance disturbed inside me settled instantly.

  I woke up this morning with a raging headache and a need so strong to get out of that house that I can’t even describe it. I thought I needed to get lost, to drown myself alongside my best friend and forget everything I’d discovered. Turned out I was wrong, because Ethan is hell bent on ruining his life right now whereas I just needed a distraction. What I’d discovered wasn’t going to disappear anytime soon. I knew that I’d need to poke my head back into the real world and deal with it all.

  The moment I saw Noah leaning into Camila, I knew I needed to pull my head out of my ass and talk to her, but then Chelsea happened and the next thing I knew I was in bed with Camila at my side.

  I could have told her everything this morning, but my head was so fucking fuzzy and the last thing I needed was for everyone in his house to start waking up and questioning me on everything.

  “So, what now?”

  “I think I need to go and see her. I wasn’t exactly polite the other day.”

  “She turned up and told you your dad had died. I’m sure she understands.”

  “They’ve got a daughter, Cami. I’ve got a sister.”


  “Do you want to come with me?”

  “If you want me to.”

  “Always.” I can see the skepticism in her eyes, thinking about the fact I decided that I didn’t need her when I first found out all this. But after a second, she takes my hand and together we leave my dad behind and head toward our cars.

  Pushing her up against her car, I press my body into hers and stare down into her eyes. Lifting my hand, I tuck a lock of her hair behind her ear, brushing my knuckles down her cheek and onto her neck. I wrap my fingers around the back of her neck and hold her to me, our foreheads together, our breaths mingling.

  “I’m so fucking sorry.”

  She looks away and I hate that she feels the need to. “Mase.” She pauses and it makes my heart thunder in my chest. “Do you remember what happened last night?”

  “I had a few too many and you guys put me to bed?” It’s the only explanation I have for how I went from Jake ripping me a new one for my behavior on the field to being in bed fully dressed with Camila beside me.

  Slipping her hand behind her, she pulls her cell from her back pocket and opens it up.

  “Do you recognize these at all?” She turns the screen to me and my eyes almost pop out of my head. Taking it from her hand, I swipe to see more of the same. Chelsea with her hands all over me, her lips pressed against mine and her hand… “What the fuck? This never happened. Cami, I haven’t… I didn’t…”

  She lets me stew for a few seconds before she opens her mouth. “I know. She staged them. She’s been going after me since she called me to Shane’s the night I discovered Noah. That girl’s got some issues.”

  “You don’t fucking say.” I scroll up through the other messages she’s received.

  “Why didn’t you tell me about these?”

  “Because they’re nothing. Just a pathetic girl trying to play games to get her own way.”

  “True, but you shouldn’t have to deal with this.” I look back at the photos and my stomach turns over. I know exactly which night these are from. I was so fucking drunk that I passed out. I never thought she’d pull something like this.

  She shrugs. “It could be worse. Those could actually be real.”

  “I don’t even remember getting up to the bedroom that night. There’s no way I was capable of this.”

  “I know. She drugged you.”

  “She fucking what?” I ask, thinking I must have misheard her.

  “That night, last night, did you accept a drink from her?”

  I think back. “Yeah, but—”

  “It was her. She was the one who drugged Amalie at Shane’s party.”

  “Fucking hell.” My hands lift to my hair and tug. “What the fuck was she playing at?”

  “I don’t know, but I’m pretty sure she needs some help. The shit she does isn’t normal.”

  “You’re fucking telling me.”

  Camila’s hands run up my chest and I’m dragged from thoughts of Chelsea as I look into her dark eyes. “Her issues aren’t our responsibility. Everyone is going to know what she’s done after last night. Hopefully it’ll be the reality check she needs.”

  “We’ll see.” I can’t help feeling like she’s always going to be the way she is. She’s so desperate for attention that it seems she stops at nothing.

  “Shall we go then?” Camila asks, reminding me where we were heading.

  “Yeah. I’ll put her address in my GPS if you want to follow me.”

  “I’m right behind you.”

  “Thank you, Cami-bear.” I don’t know if I mean for chasing me, for believing in me or for giving me a pass after my behavior the past two days, maybe a little of all of it. I drop my lips to hers for a quick kiss. I’m afraid if I allow it to go on for too long that I’ll use it as an excuse to get out of here and not do what needs doing.

  It’s only a short drive to the address I found inside the envelope. It’s a cute little duplex home with flower boxes under the windows. I stop the car out front and Camila pulls up behind me.
I don’t move as I stare at the house my dad had called home for the last years of his life. Regret fills me that I never made the effort to find him. I told myself it wasn’t my job, seeing as I was a kid, but if I’d made that effort then maybe I’d have seen him again, maybe we’d have had the chance to rebuild our relationship. All the possibilities of what could have happened swim around in my head until Camila appears at the window beside me.

  I open the door and look up at her. Sympathy fills her eyes. “I can’t even try to imagine how you’re feeling right now, but whatever you need, I’m here. You need to leave, just give me a sign and we’re out of there.”

  After releasing a slow and steadying breath, I climb from the car.

  Maybe they’re not in, I tell myself as we make our way up the small front garden.

  Camila raises her hand to the door and knocks three times. It becomes immediately obvious that someone is inside, because the sound of a young child crying filters through the door.

  I suck in a breath when I hear footsteps heading our way. Camila must hear it or sense the tension within me because she reaches for my hand just before the door’s pulled open.

  “Mason.” She’s shocked to see me, that much is obvious. “It’s so good to see you. Hi,” she says, turning to Camila. “I’m Julie, and this munchkin is Megan.”

  “Hi, I’m Camila. I’m Mason’s girlfriend.”

  “Camila, it’s so good to meet you. I’ve heard so much about you.”

  “Really?” Camila asks, sounding shocked.

  “Of course. David used to tell me what you two used to get up to, how you were both attached at the hip. He always hoped you’d end up being his daughter-in-law.” Camila’s chin drops but no words pass her lips.

  “We’ve just been to see him,” I blurt like an idiot.

  “Would you like to come in? I was just making us some lunch.”

  “Oh... um…”

  “That would be lovely,” Camila answers for us, and when Julie moves aside, Camila all but drags me inside. This is why I needed her here, because I’d have bolted by now otherwise.

  My hand slips from hers as we make our way through the explosion of toys in the living room in favor of looking at a photograph that’s hanging from the wall.

  “That’s from our wedding day,” Julie says from behind me, not that it really needed explaining with her in a white dress and Dad in a suit. “It was just a small thing. He’d have loved to have had you there.”

  I nod. Hearing things like that doesn’t really make any of this better, because at the end of the day, no matter how much he’d have liked me there, he never invited me.

  Dragging my eyes away, I look at the other photographs scattered around her house. Most of them include my dad, whether it’s the two of them together or him with Megan. My heart aches more with each one I look at. I was desperate to see him, to ask him why he never came home, to tell him that I understood why he left, but here he was only one town over, living a new life with a new wife and daughter. Why weren’t we good enough?

  “It’s only cheese sandwiches, I hope that’s okay.”

  “It’s perfect, thank you so much,” Camila answers as I trail behind her, trying not to let it show just how much I’m struggling with all of this. “Just say the word, Mase, and we can leave,” Camila whispers in my ear after Julie’s placed Megan in her highchair and turned to the kitchen

  “I’m okay.” In reality, I’m anything but, but now I’m here I want to find out more.

  “Megan’s almost nine months old. I never thought I’d have kids, but she was the best thing that ever happened to me. I’m not sure how I’d have got through all this without her.”

  Julie gives me some more detail about how she met my dad and what their lives were like together. I’m torn as I listen to her happy stories. Of course, I wanted him to be happy and to restart his life after everything that happened, but at the same time while I was drowning at home, trying to keep his family above water, a part of me hoped he was struggling just as much. I guess the fact that they met at rehab means his life wasn’t always like this.

  I let out a sigh and both Camila and Julie turn to look at me.

  “I know this is a lot to take in, Mason. I just... I had to come and find you. That letter and everything he left you deserved to be in the right hands.”

  “I don’t need his money,” I say sadly.

  “I never said you did. Nor did he. When his parents died, they left quite a big estate behind, and him being an only child meant it all went to him. He never spent a penny of it. He wanted you to have it all. He’d already written it into his will before meeting me. Everything’s all ready for you, our lawyer just needs somewhere to send the money. Your brothers’ shares have been put into trust ready for when they’re eighteen.”

  I nod, still unsure about how I feel about all of this.

  We stay just over an hour before Camila makes our excuses. She can see I’m struggling and thankfully makes the call for me.

  I follow her out to our cars after saying goodbye to Julie and agreeing that I’ll consider coming back one day to get to know both her and my sister better. I haven’t decided if that will happen or not. My head’s spinning too much right now to make any kind of serious decisions. I left my bank details with her so she can forward them to Dad’s lawyer, so all I need to do now is wait to see what he wanted me to have.

  I hate that Camila and I are about to get into different cars right now to head home. I desperately want her beside me as I try to process everything.

  “We’ll be back in no time,” Camila says, reading my thoughts. “We could order pizza and watch a movie, maybe.”

  “Sounds perfect. Thank you for this.”

  “You’re more than welcome.”

  I pull her into my arms and hold her like it might be the last chance I get. “I love you, Cami-bear,” I whisper into her hair. I’m really not sure how I’d have handled this today if it wasn’t for her.

  “I love you too. Come on, let’s get back.” I nod, dropping my lips to hers for a chaste kiss before allowing her to climb into her car. Once she’s strapped in, I close her door and make my way to my own car.

  I set the GPS to home. I should be able to navigate my way back, but with the way my head’s spinning the last thing I need to do is think about anything else.

  In forty-five minutes, we’ll be back and I can pull Camila into my arms and never let go. The last few days have been stressful at best, and I need to lose myself in her more than I need my next breath right now.

  My head’s still back in Julie’s house as I stared at the photos of my dad living a life I didn’t know existed as I make my way out of town. I’m so focused on getting back that I’m not paying enough attention. I look up and see the red light I should have stopped at and slam my foot down on the brake, but it’s too late.



  Mason’s a mess. Every time I looked at him in Julie’s house I could see his internal conflict about even being there. He was trying, but it was taking its toll on him. Unable to see him suffer any longer, I make our excuses and get him away.

  The drive home should be easy. It’s one straight road back to Rosewood. I trail behind Mason, wishing that I was sitting in his passenger seat and holding his hand in support instead of being all the way back here.

  The lights change up ahead, but Mason makes no attempt to slow down. He flies toward them and my heart jumps into my throat as his car speeds toward the intersection.

  “Brake, Mason. Brake,” I shout, but obviously he can’t hear me.

  My heart thunders in my chest as he continues forward as a car comes into view from the left. It’s not slowing down either, but why would it? It’s got a green light.

  Fuck, fuck, fuck.

  I can’t drag my eyes away from the inevitable. Mason’s brake lights finally shine bright but it’s too late. Both cars are going too fast, and I have no choice but to watch as the two collide. The sou
nd of crushing metal echoes around me as I sit frozen, my hands gripping onto the wheel, my foot pressing so hard down on the brake it’s hitting the floor, but I stopped long ago.

  Get out of the car. Get out of the fucking car, I repeat over and over as I stare at the wreckage, but I know it’s wishful thinking. There’s no way either driver is walking away from this one.

  A few other witnesses go running toward the cars, but I can’t make my body move. I can’t do anything. My fear for what this means locks my muscles tight. The only thing that seems to still be working is my heart as it pounds against my ribs.

  Mason please, come on. Just get out of the car. GET OUT OF THE CAR.

  I have no idea how much time passes. All I know is that I’m still in the exact same position in my car and Mason hasn’t emerged when the flashing lights of an ambulance race toward the scene.

  Knowing that help has come gets me moving. I’m like a robot as I climb from the car and slowly make my way over. I’m not aware of my body moving, but I’m not aware of the distance I’ve traveled until I’m standing just in front of Mason’s car.

  I’m not able to see him, but the soft tone of the paramedic fills my ears.

  “My name’s Devon, I’m a paramedic. Can you hear me? You’ve been in a accident. We need to get you assessed and get you out of this car.” I start to assume he’s awake and listening. I begin to relax a little until he speaks again. “If you can hear me, squeeze my finger.”

  I don’t feel anything as my knees hit the concrete, or the stones digging into them.

  The sound of a scream hits my ears, but it’s not until a policewoman bends down in front of me that I realize it came from me.

  This can’t be happening. I just got him back. He’s got his whole future ahead of him. This cannot be happening.

  “Shhh... calm down, sweetheart.” The policewoman joins me on the ground and rubs my back, encouraging me to suck in a deep breath and release it through my nose.


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