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Maverick's Redemption (Devil's Deviants Book 2)

Page 18

by C. M. Allen

  Blinking at me like she’d been in the dark and someone just flipped the lights on, she chuckled. “That’s impossible, we’ve only known each other for a few months now.” When I just sat there staring back at her with a raised brow, she shook her head and let out another tearful chuckle. “I’m in fucking love with him,” sighing heavily after her surprise confession, to herself that is, she plopped down onto the couch. “How the hell did this happen?”

  Giggling at her, I sat down onto the couch next to her. “Same way it happened to me. It just did.”

  “That’s not a real answer you know.”

  Laughing at her, I rolled my eyes. “Well, it’s the only answer that I’ve got for you.”

  “Well then, you’re no help,” taking a deep breath, she asked me the million-dollar question. “Do you think they’re going to beat Dekes?”

  As much as I wanted to tell her with all the confidence in the world right now that I knew they would, I told her the truth instead. “I’m praying with everything I have that they will. But unfortunately knowing how hell bent Dekes is on his revenge for them, I’m scared to death that he’ll win.”

  Grabbing my hand, she gave it a squeeze. “Let’s just try and keep good thoughts and pray to God that he watches over them all.”


  EXACTLY ONE HOUR ON the dot before he had to leave me for what I had hoped and prayed would only be for a short time, I looked up to see Maverick filling the doorway to our room, watching Ava and I talk. “Roman is lookin՛ for you, Ava.”

  Just those six words had Ava springing up from the couch like it had just been lit on fire and heading for the door. Passing by Maverick, she suddenly stopped and turned around to glare at him. “I swear to God if you go out there and get yourself killed today and break my best friends’ heart, the Devil himself won’t be able to save you from me, got it?” She threatened just before her face softened and she did something that had me gaping in disbelief, and Maverick standing stock still, frozen to his spot.

  She hugged him!

  After she let him go and walked away, he looked at me. “Did that shit just really happen?”

  Giggling at the look of surprise on his face, I answered. “Well, I saw it happen too, so it must have or we’re both hallucinating.”

  Shutting the door, he walked over and sat down next to me on the couch. “How are you doin՛?”

  I’m freaking the hell out and wish so bad that I could kill Dekes myself, so you don’t have to do this! Is what I wanted to say but didn’t. “I’m holding up. How did your meeting with everyone go? Are they all ready for this?”

  “As ready as they can be, knowin՛ they may be riddin՛ into their last fight for this club.” At his words, the tears made a reappearance. “Shit, I shouldn’t have said that. I’m sorry,” hugging me tightly, he kissed my forehead. “Everyone is as anxious to get this over with as I am. Our plan is solid, and I think we have a real chance at beatin՛ this prick.”

  Wiping my tears away, I smiled up at him. “Better.”

  “Chainsaw is goin՛ to stay here, Emma too, with you, Ava and Raven to make sure no one tries to get in while we’re gone, so I want you three to stay in his sight until I make it back to you, all right?”


  Tilting my chin up with his finger, he took my mouth in a deep kiss. When we came up for air, he pushed away from me to look at me. “We are goin՛ to beat this fucker tonight. I promise you. After tonight Dekes will no longer breathe the same air as you.”

  I didn’t miss the fact that he said you and not us. “I know you will.” Were the only words that I was able to get out in a choked voice.

  For what only seemed like minutes, Maverick and I held one another and traded kisses, but the knock that sounded on the door, interrupting us sounded more like the final nail being pounded into the coffin that held my heart, and seemed to have one foot in the grave already.

  “I’ve got to get goin՛, Sweetheart,” grabbing my face, he leaned in and gave me one more kiss on the lips before pressing his forehead to mine. “I love you, Harper Lancaster. Always will. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened in my life.” And with those last words the next sound I heard was the door slamming shut on my heart with the loudest noise of finality I’d ever heard.

  My heart won’t beat again until he returns to me.

  After hearing all the bike engines roar to life, then fade away into the night, I sat there for a few minutes before the knock on my door, I knew would come, finally arrived. When I shouted for them to come in, Ava and Raven both walked through the door, looking just as broken and worried as I felt. “Chainsaw wants us all downstairs in the game room so he can keep watch on us until everyone gets back.”

  Nodding my head, I got up off the couch and followed them both silently down the stairs, praying for my parents to keep a watch over Maverick and the others tonight.

  Once we made it downstairs into the game room, we all began our search for Chainsaw and Emma, but didn’t find them anywhere. “Chainsaw! Emma!” I shouted out.

  When a few moments went by and they didn’t appear I began to worry that somehow Dekes had already gotten to us. “We’re here!” Emma yelled out, walking in from out back. “We just wanted to make sure everythin՛ was zipped up tight out back before we locked down the clubhouse. Sorry if we scared you.”

  All of us let out a collective relieved breath. “No problem. So, movies, games? What are we going to be doing to take our minds off this whole situation?” I asked, knowing damn well, nothing would.

  “Why don’t we watch a movie for now.” Emma suggested with sympathetic eyes.

  We all moved into the small theater room and started the movie up. After we sat there watching it for a very nerve wracking half hour or so, Chainsaw got up and asked. “Anyone want a beer or a stiff shot of somethin՛? I’m goin՛ to get myself one.”

  All of us raised our hands at the same time, but it was Ava that spoke up first. “I think we could all use a shot and a beer at this point.”

  Nodding his head, he asked Emma to help him and then they disappeared into the kitchen, leaving Ava, Raven and I in an awkward silence. We had only talked to Raven the one time and by looking at her now she didn’t seem ready to talk to us again, but I still tried. “Are you doing ok, Raven?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. It’s not the first time I’ve been through a tense situation like this... and I’m sure it won’t be the last.”

  At her words Ava and I shared a silent message with just a look between us.

  Poor girl.

  When Chainsaw and Emma didn’t return quick enough to end the awkward statement left hanging in the air, I chose the escape route before Ava could, and it got me a dirty look for doing so. “I’m going to go help them bring our drinks in.”

  When I walked into the kitchen, I found it empty. “Probably went into the bar area to get the drinks, duh.” I mumbled to myself as I made my way through the clubhouse and into the bar area. But again, I found the room empty with the two of them nowhere in sight. “Chainsaw! Emma! Where are you guys?!”

  “If you really want to know I’d be happy to show you, personally.”

  I whirled around quickly at the sound of a voice I knew all too well. “You? How the hell did you get in here? The place was locked up tight.”

  “You’re forgettin՛ that I lived here for a shit ton of years before your skanky ass showed up and wrecked everythin՛ you stupid bitch. Well, that and my trustin՛ friend Bambi who believed I so desperately needed to get to my son and let me in,” she said, pointing a gun straight at me.

  Quickly she put it away though when we heard, “Momma! Momma!” From the little boy that seemed to come out of nowhere, shouting and running into Roxy’s outstretched arms.

  “Hi baby,” when she gathered him up in her arms, I saw it as my chance to get the gun away from her. That was until a man dressed in a suit with a firm grip on Bambi’s arm, dragging her behind him, walked up behind her and aime
d his gun at me.

  “What did you do to Chainsaw and Emma?!” At my loud words, I heard footsteps quickly make their way towards us, then slide to a halt. Turning around, I saw Ava and Raven with wide eyes.

  “Shit! You ratface bitch!” Ava yelled at Roxy. “They are going to kill you if you’ve hurt them or us!”

  At Ava’s harsh words Roxy’s little boy began to cry. Comforting him and covering his ears, she glared up at us before looking at the man with her. “Get these bitches out of here before I shoot them for makin՛ my baby cry.”

  When the man yanked on Bambi’s arm, suddenly three more men in suits came filing in through the doorway, guns pointed at us. “Let’s go ladies. Can’t keep the boss waiting, the first man ordered.” At his words we’re all grabbed up and dragged outside to the two awaiting black SUV’s parked out front.

  When I turned around to look and see where Ava was, that’s when I spotted them. Both Chainsaw and Emma with a gunshot wound to their heads, lying lifeless in a pool of their own blood. I let out a gasp in horror at the sight of them before I was shoved into the back seat and pushed roughly over by the man who got in behind me. With the door slammed shut, the car took off as my tears fell for the loss of Chainsaw and Emma’s lives. They were such nice people and now they were dead because of him.


  I kept an eye on the SUV behind us that had Ava, Raven and Bambi in it, knowing that there had to be a reason for me being separated from them.

  And it wasn’t a good one.

  The man that sat next to me was the one who had a hold on Bambi before calling in the other men, making me believe he was the guy in charge. “How can you work for someone like Dekes, knowing all the lives he’s destroyed? How do you live with yourself?”

  Turning to acknowledge me for the first time since we’d gotten into this car, he only uttered two simple words. “Shut up,” then went back to staring straight ahead.

  “You’re a real asshole, you know that?” I snapped back getting pissed off.

  “Speak again and I’ll be forced to cut your tongue out to make sure that you never do again. Are we clear?”

  Only glaring at him, I turned away and watched as the landscape passed us by, wondering just what it was Dekes had planned for us this time.




  When I walked out of my room and shut the door behind me it took everything inside of me to release the grip on the doorknob my hand held onto with white knuckles. What I really wanted to do was run back in there, grab Harper up and disappear to a place where no one could find us ever again. But deep down I knew that I could never abandon my club let alone outrun a man like Dekes; who had unlimited resources and would find us no matter how far we ran. “You ready, Mav?” Gunner asked me.

  “As ready as I’ll ever be. Let’s get this shit over with so we can all hopefully get on with our lives in peace,” I said before walking away and descending the stairs.

  When I got outside, I saw that the rest of my men were already waiting for me and headed over to where my bike was parked next to Butch’s, spotting him leaning on it. At the sight of me walking towards him, he straightened up and walked over to meet me halfway. “You still plan on doin՛ this your way?”

  “I do.”

  Letting out a heavy breath, he shook his head before he pulled me in for a tight hug, and I hugged him back. “Then I’ve got your back. I love you brother... ˋtil the end.”

  Patting each other on the back, we both released each other and stood back. “Love you too, brother. ˋTil the end.” I told him.

  All of us mounted our bikes and took off for a war we had already been bet on as the losers but needed to find a way to come out the victors.

  Thirty minutes later the warehouse finally came into view. Looking over at Butch to my side as we rode up, we both nodded to one another before looking at the surrounding area, feeling as though a hundred pairs of eyes were burning holes in our flesh as we rode up.

  Pulling up to the building, we all began to back our bikes in, parking them and dismounting one at a time, while keeping an eye out for any sudden movements. One by one we filed into the warehouse and took our spots on our side of the table that had been set up.

  When I took my seat at the head on one end, I drew in a deep breath as I sat down, relieved that we all made it inside, and alive. The tension at the table was palpable as I looked around at my men. We mostly sat in silence until we heard the roar of the Slayers bikes pulling up to the building.

  After a few tense moments, they began to file into the area one at a time.

  I stood to greet Skull when he made his way over to the table. He held out his hand and I took it in mine, shaking it as the rest of his men made their way to their seats. Motioning with my eyes, I signaled him to the door in the back that was left unlocked for our not such a surprise guest that we would be expecting and no doubt very soon if I knew that prick. He nodded back to me in understanding. “Maverick.”

  “Skull. Shall we start?”


  Skull walked over to the other end of the table and took his own seat at the opposite head. An eerie silence fell over the table before I spoke up first. “So, you asked for this meetin՛, Skull. What is it you would like to discuss?”

  “I think you know, Maverick. You killed one of my men with no cause. You disrespected me and my club by not informin՛ me of what you thought he had done to your bitch. You acted out. The only reason we’re sittin՛ down at this table and not retaliatin՛ is because of the circumstances surroundin՛ what happened that involves this man you told me about, Dekes.”

  At the mention of his name, Dekes stepped through the door like an impatient child who had been waiting all night for Santa Clause to show up. At the sight of him, all my men rose up out of their chairs and moved to pull their guns, only to be met with every Slayer pointing a gun across the table back at them. Then, before we knew it fifteen more men dressed in all black with black masks had entered the building behind Dekes, AK-47’s raised and aimed at our heads as they surround the table. “Do I know how to make an entrance or what, gentlemen?!” he shouted with outspread arms, then chuckled at his own stupid joke as he made his way over to the table. “Mr. Reed. So nice to see you again.”

  “What is this? What the fuck is goin՛ on? You workin՛ with this prick now, Skull?”

  “For would be the better way to describe it, but I’m not a petty enough man to be concerned with those kinds of small details.” Dekes clarified, brushing away the comment before tucking his hands into his pockets like he didn’t have a care in the world right now.

  That’s right, keep believing that shit asshole.

  “Bet you weren’t expecting to see me here today, were you, Mr. Reed? Or is the surprise that Mr. Diego over here is the one who helped me set this little meeting up to get you and all your members here in one spot?”

  Walking over towards him, I only made it about four feet away from him before I was met by the end of a gun barrel in my face. “That’s close enough.” His sidekick Devin warned me.

  “What? You afraid I might rip your boss’s trachea right out of his throat?”

  “My, my, so savage, Mr. Reed. But as you can see Maverick the time has come for you and your piece of shit club to pay the piper for what happened to my sister... in fact... it’s time that all of you pay for your roles in that day she was ripped away from me and my family was destroyed.” At his words ten more men dressed in the same all black clothes with AK-47’s entered the building and held every Slayer member in their sites.

  “What the fuck is this shit, Dekes? You double crossin՛, motherfucker!”

  Strolling over to where Skull stood, Dekes just waited there for a moment, wearing his arrogance on his face at what he thought was his show right now. “You Mr. Diego are the reason my sister is dead! You are the reason my father shot himself in the head after he blamed me for not being here to stop her from hanging out wit
h the likes of, Mr. Reed! You are the reason my mother needs pads on all four walls of her room, just so she doesn’t slam her head against them trying to erase the painful memories about her daughter and husbands’ deaths that plague her! Every. Single. Fucking. Day! You and Mr. Reed are both responsible for my family’s demise! Both of you! And now it’s up to me to give the only living member of my family left the peace she deserves,” looking at Devin, he motioned with his hand in a circle and minutes later we were all stripped of our weapons and phones before we’re shoved back into our chairs. “So, let’s start with you Mr. Diego, hmm, how was it she was killed again?” he inquired as he made his way closer to Skull, acting as though he was really thinking about it as he made a show of tapping his finger to his lips. “Ahh, that’s right, a bullet to the head. I would say that it’s only fair that I return the favor, don’t you think? But then that would be all too easy for a man like yourself and everyone else in this room responsible for her death.”

  Suddenly a shot rang out, echoing through the warehouse like a bomb had gone off, causing all of us to jerk at the deafening sound. When I brought my head back up, I found one of Skull’s men slumped over with a bullet hole in his forehead, a river of blood flowing freely down his face, forming a puddle around his head that now laid on the table. Upon further inspection, I found that the back of his skull had been turned into an empty canyon.

  “You mother fuckin՛ piece of shit!” Skull shouted before abruptly rising out of his chair, which earned him a slam in the back of the head from the butt of an AK-47 that the man behind him held. The hit to his head was hard enough to knock Skull back into his seat, but not hard enough to knock him out.

  “And now that we have that settled, I would say that it’s time for you to choose which member of your club will be put out of his God forsaking misery now, Mr. Reed. See, this is how the game we’re going to play is going to go, we are just going to go back and forth between your two clubs, putting a bullet in each one of your brother’s heads until there’s only the two of you left at the table. That way you can feel the same pain over and over again that me and my family experienced when my sister and then my father were taken from us until it’s time for you two to also die. For that moment though... I have a very special game in mind for you two gentlemen. Kind of an old western meets new times with a twisted fucked up ending. Sounds intriguing, doesn’t it? But, I regress. Now, back to the business at hand, shall we?” he made his way over to stand in front of me before he spoke again. “Choose one, Mr. Reed. Or I will.”


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