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Chasing Dreams, Year Two

Page 34

by Shawn Keys

Say ‘no’ ? I’m not even sure my heart’s going to keep beating much longer! Some part of his conscience was at war with his libido. His instincts weren’t telling him this was necessarily wrong, but… if he allowed this to happen, would he ruin the wonderful future they had all been contemplating? Complicate things that were already complicated? He stammered out, “What about… umm… Flora? Your coach?”

  Daphne spoke with gentle determination. “This is what we want. This has nothing to do with her.” Her tone softened a little. “But we did tell her. For what it’s worth, she gave us her blessing.”

  That’s what she had been trying to hint at outside, he realized. Treat them well, she said. Be good to them. Don’t hurt them. It all made sense now. How much could he hurt these beautiful women if he was thoughtless in what he did next?

  Seeing him waver on the edge, Hélène unleashed the most incredibly sensual, dazzling smile he had ever seen on a woman. “Stay with us. You won’t regret it.”

  He wasn’t sure it would be possible for anyone to walk away from these four. But any urge… any conflict… any uncertainty died under the force of that smile. The tension in his body faded away as he made his decision.

  It was what the women had been waiting for. They saw the change and their smiles emerged, each in their own way. Matteo was about to ask what came next, but the team had apparently decided how they wanted this to start. Matteo wasn’t a passive lover by any stretch of the imagination, but he could tell that they had formed a script in their mind. The women had decided to grant him a wish in a very specific way, and he found himself enraptured as he watched their play unfold.

  Laura, Daphne and Melodie rose together. They moved in synch in a way that was possible only by those who had literally made it their life’s work to move in tandem with each other. Their sculpted legs unfolded, drawing Matteo’s eyes to every flex of their lithe musculature as they stood. Brief glimpses of the intimate flesh between their legs teased him, becoming hidden as they took a half step forward with their right legs, posing with one thigh canted inward to block his view.

  Behind the chairs, Hélène popped the cork. The telltale sound echoed over the room followed by the cool fog that didn’t quite become an explosion of foam. A distant instinct suggested to Matteo that he should be helping to hold the glasses...

  Except, there weren’t any glasses.

  Hélène didn’t give him much time to wonder about that. She appeared from behind the chairs, walking with a silky sway to her hips as she revealed herself, emphasizing the sleek power in her thighs as she strutted up behind her friends. “We all want to celebrate this right.” She raised up the bottle above the heads of her teammates and tilted it forward.

  As one, the other three tilted their heads back and parted their lips. Hélène drifted the bottle from one to the next, spilling the frothing liquid into their mouths. She wasn’t careful. Splashes of the champagne ran down their chins and cheeks, then rushed in rivulets along their necks and out over the swell of their breasts. Droplets fell from their nipples like rain while other small streams found paths along their midriffs and then went where his eyes could not yet follow between their legs, dripping down their inner thighs.

  Hélène finished drenching them in the champagne, keeping a small reserve in the bottle. Laura, Daphne and Melodie’s heads fell to face him again, the inviting fire in each of them building. In unison, they took another step forward, once again angling their thighs to prevent him from seeing anything of their precious treasures for more than a second. Just enough to tease.

  There they stopped. Their gazes locked with him. They didn’t say anything or make any other gesture. He admired their courage as they posed with one hand propped on their hip to accentuate their curves while the other dangled by their side. It was a nerve-wracking thing to stand in front of anyone naked, giving them the privilege to see every bit of you laid totally bare. Most people couldn’t help tiny concessions toward modesty, especially as time went on. Yet even as the first second passed into two and then three, the trio of women remained boldly presented there, not fearing his eyes that roved over them in the slightest.

  He swallowed hard as he began to understand what they wanted now. They had done their part. Been as forward and clear about what they wanted as a person could be. Exposed themselves physically to him. But they needed him to commit. To accept them. They had offered themselves, and now… they were waiting for him to show them that he wanted them in return.

  The animal part of him had entertained a lust for them since the first time meeting them. Wouldn’t anyone with a pulse? He had forgiven himself that for two reasons: first, because he knew he would never let his desire get out of control, and second… because things like this never happened to him. He wasn’t that guy.

  Even when he had been an athlete, he had never become a rake. He knew all about the jock-types who went through women like bandsaws, treating their encounters like racking up notches on a bedpost and using the victories for bragging rights among their crew. That wasn’t him. He had never developed that slick style of easy flirtation and effortless confidence that opened bedroom doors.

  Now… this. A sexual fantasy stolen from his recent dreams and offered to him without guilt for being exactly who he was: helpful, genuine and forthright. He had done right by these women. Helped them find their path. If this was the thanks that they had chosen to bestow on him…

  The only questions became… was he willing to deal with the consequences? Yes, things might get complicated. A secret to be hidden. Would this become an ongoing thing, or only for tonight? He had the distinct impression from all of them that they weren’t the one-night-stand types, especially since he was going to be around for a while. It wasn’t like they could forget about him unless they sent him away. And he hoped like hell they wouldn’t do that.

  All of that flashed through his mind in what felt like a single heartbeat. He felt the earnest desire in their eyes, urging him to do something.

  It was their simmering desire that tipped him over more than his own. It was clear which path they wished for him to take.

  So… he did.

  His gaze swept up and down their bare skin, giving himself the gift of enjoying the uniqueness to each of the women. Laura’s long, straight hair falling past the chocolate skin of her shoulders. Melodie’s chestnut cheeks with her elegant bone structure surrounded by her tight, black curls. Daphne’s lighter, tawny skin being brushed by her wavy locks. Behind them, Hélène’s springy curls bouncing as her dark mocha body circled around, aiming to move behind Matteo. In many ways, they were purposefully similar, honing their physiques to become more akin to each other so that they would blend under the eyes of the judges. Yet up close, he had to wonder how anyone could ever fail to see the incredible, singular beauty each woman possessed.

  As he approached the three nearest him, they drew into a closer circle so that each of them was within easy reach. He didn’t know why he chose Laura first. Perhaps because she played the leader in their routines? Was he picking up on the same, subconscious, mental cue, recognizing that it was her lead from which the others were measuring their movements even here?

  She was the smallest of them, creating a little over a foot of height difference even with him in socks and her in heels. Next to his broad-shouldered, barrel-chested bulk, her slender frame seemed even wispier and thin, suggesting that he could sweep her off her feet at any moment.

  Whatever the provocation, he did choose her first, leaning down to press his lips against hers. She responded instantly, tilting her head back to meet him and surrendering to the moment. Her tongue brushed over his, urging it into a lush dance that still tasted of champagne.

  Her naked body melded against his leg and side. He could feel the moisture from the alcohol that had drenched her, giving her beautiful, dark skin that lustrous shine. Breaking their embrace, Matteo slipped an arm around her side and coaxed her up off the ground. Laura let out a soft cry of surprise as he demonstra
ted his strength. Lifting her close, he swept a tongue over the flesh of her left breast, savoring the hint of champagne mingled with the taste of her skin.

  As if drinking from her, he devoured her nipple and used his tongue until it hardened into a firm nub. Letting it slip noisily from his lips, he allowed her to sink back to the ground. With soft panting breath, her shaky feet found their balance. Heat burned in her eyes, clearly wishing that he would have kept her in his grasp. He held her eyes, taking the time to place one last, longing kiss on her full lips in a promise that she would be in his arms again.

  He turned to Melodie next. It was a choice that was a touch more deliberate. He could see the fire on Daphne’s face, yearning to get her chance at him. The wicked part of him that was in control and gave him the confidence to see what would happen if he left her to wait. How long would it be before the intense young woman exploded?

  With that in mind, he brought his full attention to the silver-medal soloist in a way that was different from Laura. Each of them is special. Show that to them. Show that you want them all in their own, unique way. He canted his head so that his lips could find Melodie’s neck, nibbling along her pulse line and up to her ear where he captured her lobe and set fire to the nerve clusters there that delivered sweet sensation right into her mind. As he kissed back down her neck, his other arm curved to her back and ran down along her spine with a firm caress. Cresting over her buttocks, he cupped her firm flesh and drew her in against the thickness of his leg. Her thighs parted, allowing her center to grind against the fabric, eliciting a soft moan from her at the contact.

  By then, Hélène had finished her voyage behind him. She positioned the champagne bottle up to where he would find it after he finished sampling Melodie’s skin all the way to the end of her shoulder. Putting the rim to his lips, she angled it to give him a healthy swallow of the drink, inevitably causing some to splash over his chin and onto Melodie’s breasts. He chased the excess, licking as he ravished his way up her mounds to tease her nipples into full hardness.

  Hélène reached around and handed the bottle to Laura, who was waiting for it. They were still following the remnants of their established plan, even if Matteo was throwing his own spice into the mix. While Laura took another sip from the bottle, Hélène’s second hand joined the first in reaching around Matteo’s chest. Tugging on the buttons of his shirt, she broke them, tearing his shirt open, dragging it away from his torso.

  Deciding a shirt was a small price to pay, Matteo didn’t object, allowing his arms to be pulled backward for long enough that Hélène could finish the removal before he returned his hand to Melodie’s firm behind and continued to grind her against his leg. His other hand splayed over Laura’s toned midriff, enjoying the feel of her smooth skin over her taut muscles, then slid higher to fondle her palm-sized right breast. His thumb spiraled around its peak, dialing up the tingling sensation while she enjoyed another sip of champagne.

  Continuing her mission, Hélène tucked herself against Matteo’s back. Even as the tallest of her team, her mouth was right above his shoulder blades. As her breasts crushed softly against his back, she graced the line of his spine with kisses, working as far up toward the nape of his neck as she could reach. In tingling counterpoint, she reached around to his chest to drag her fingernails in light scratches that raised gooseflesh every inch their traveled.

  Daphne was done waiting. Biting her lower lip, she apparently decided Matteo had done more than enough to signal that he was saying ‘yes’ to this. Since she couldn’t kiss his lips with Melodie’s breasts still occupying them, she began peeling open his pants and exposing his dark-grey boxer-briefs. Whatever shield his pants were providing was removed to reveal his swelling bulge beneath. Being in the latter half of his thirties didn’t exactly make him old, but it also meant Matteo’s body didn’t rage its way into lust as a twenty-year-old at the mercy of his hormones.

  That wasn’t to say he wasn’t building toward full arousal. The four, gorgeous women’s nakedness alone had started the blood flowing to his shaft. But the way his manhood happened to be laying inside the confines of his underwear were further preventing a headlong surge toward full hardness. It had been pinned ‘downward’, further constrained by his pants. Being relieved of those was permitting his shaft to thicken without being granted total freedom quite yet.

  His bulge was still more than impressive. Daphne’s mouth parted and her eyes widened as she let out a soft gasp. “Oh my…” She spoke in a blend of awe and desire, with a touch of nervous anticipation knowing that she was on the road to getting much more intimately acquainted to the monster she was staring down.

  In spite of any sense of intimidation, Daphne seemed eager. Her hands hooked into his underwear and stripped them down his thighs. If her eyes were wide before, now they were challenging a cute anime character’s for how open they were. As if talking to the monster, she said, “We can definitely have fun with you!”

  A throb passed through his member at her praise. Only halfway to being its full size, his cock was still hanging more than it was extending out. Despite that, his length was already beyond that of Daphne’s hand and rapidly approaching being too thick to wrap her fingers around it.

  Now on her knees, Daphne spread her legs apart, dipping her mouth down to where his engorged glans pulsed in the open air. She spread her lips around his plum-shaped tip, accepting him into the wet warmth of her mouth. Filling it completely, Matteo groaned as he rubbed against her palate, cheeks and tongue all at once. She bathed him with the attention of her tongue, struggling to curl it around his flesh while slowly tilting her head left and right to increase the sweet sensation of her sucking on him.

  Hearing her moans of delight, Laura came back to herself from the state of quiet bliss as he savored her body. Dropping down to her knees next to her friend, Laura pressed against his bare left leg and kissed her way along his thigh. As she worked inward, Matteo began to breathe faster as her lips explored their way to his balls. Her tongue dragged along the dangling flesh, sending fireworks through him.

  His answering groan made him part from Melodie. Flashing him a lustful look, the quiet woman said nothing as she descended, following the example of her teammates. Her lithe body coiled around his right leg, further eradicating Matteo’s sanity as he felt her champagne slicked breasts hug around him. She added her own kisses to the mix, going deeper… deeper… until she was able to lick at the other side of his balls, joining Laura to drive him totally insane.

  Not trusting his senses, Matteo peered down to see the three beauties slathering him with their sweet attention. Hearing his moan, all three of them turned their eyes up toward him. Laura’s yellowish hazel. Daphne’s shining green. Melodie’s dark and smoldering. All beautiful. All broadcasting lust and desire and their wish to make him feel things he had never felt before. As they met his gaze, that connection goaded them into increased fervor as they feasted on him together.

  If he thought nothing could make that moment any better, Hélène proved him wrong. Realizing that the other three had dove onto his member, she sank down his back with her tongue, gliding her hands over his stomach until she could reach past his pelvis and find his quickly expanding cock. Using both hands, she caressed down his length, flaring her fingers until they met on the sensitive underside of his shaft. Purring as she took her own measure of him, her hands pumped back and forth with a slow rhythm, stirring his passion.

  His shaft continued to grow to the wonder and delight of the women tending to him. Daphne had the greatest challenge as he continued to stiffen. She tracked with him, keeping her mouth shrouding him. She didn’t work to get him much deeper. Not only was his girth a problem that she would struggle with, but Hélène was already tending him. She contented herself to keep bobbing her head around his glans, dripping saliva past her lips that Hélène then used to slicken his now-fully hard shaft.

  The resultant visual was nearly enough to push Matteo right over the edge. It had been amazi
ng enough when Daphne was still urging him to full length. Now, nearly a foot of turgid flesh was spearing outward while she hung on the end as if ready for him to pierce it down her throat.

  It was then he felt Hélène compelling him to sink back into her. Falling backward like it was a trust fall was a bad idea. He did trust her. The difference in their physiques and weight class was the problem. He was eager to see what the woman intended.

  Under control, he sank backward. The slow pace also helped him read if there was any change to Hélène’s intentions. The trio with their mouths on him couldn’t keep their place, so they transitioned to caressing and petting his thighs and cock as he sank to his back.

  The change of perspective made his point of view sexy in a whole different way. All four of them finished stroking along him and rose to their feet. Quite suddenly, he was surrounded by a forest of lithe legs. The carpet he was laying on was thin; enough that it wasn’t totally comfortable to rest on and to let him hear muted clicks from their heels as they strutted around him as if waiting to see who might dare to engage with him first. He considered choosing. He was fairly certain they would listen if he made his will known.

  The problem was, he wasn’t sure which of them he would pick first. How could anyone do so? Maybe if this was our eighth or ninth time together, but… the first time? How?

  Fortunately, the women had no intention of waiting. As obvious as his arousal was, theirs seemed to be as strong as his, and they weren’t hanging around for him to make up his mind. Had they drawn straws beforehand? he wondered with a burst of lustful humor.

  His breath caught as Melodie stepped in closer. She didn’t saunter. She might be first, but she was still who she was. Not as shy as she usually was, but perhaps still self-conscious; as much as she could be with him staring up at her with desire while surrounded by friends that loved her beyond doubt. It was simply who she was. The others might perform for the adulation of the crowd. She was part of the team in spite of her performance anxiety and fear. Their sport was her creative outlet, and she conquered her fear in order to pursue her dreams.


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