Red Thorns Crew: The Complete Series
Page 31
“Oh, my God pleeeease.”
Her hands fell away from my head and she sat up. I moved with her, refusing to let her go as she changed her position. Her eyes peeked down at me, her tits bouncing with every movement she made. I slid my fingers away from her body and wrapped my arms around her thighs, pulling her back toward me, then watching her slide back down.
Watching her finally give in to me.
“Shit. Shit. Shit. You feel so good. So good. I can’t--I can’t--a little harder. Left. Left left le--yes!”
I growled against her pussy. “Come for me.”
“I’m trying.”
“Take what you want.”
“I want you.”
“And I want you to stop holding back. Come for me, Dani.”
Her back arched and her gut jumped as I opened my mouth to receive her offering. I felt her juices trickle against my tongue and I swallowed every bit of her down. I slid my thumb between her folds, softly caressing her aching clit. She jumped and whimpered, gasping for breath as she choked out my name. I slid my tongue inside her, feeling her walls pulsate. Her heat rushed over me as my thumb slowed its ministrations.
“Oh, Max,” she said with a sigh.
“Take a few deep breaths, gorgeous. Because once I get myself situated, you’ll be at my mercy. Completely.”
His words shot electricity through every part of my body. Even though I was spent, I felt myself rising to the occasion again. I should’ve been scared. Possibly intimidated. But as I sat up and drank in his strong physique, I realized something.
I wasn't.
I wanted him. All of him. He stood there, stroking his length, his back falling against the wall as his hand moved faster. Pumped harder. I bit down on to my lower lip as I picked myself up, sitting at the edge of the bench with my legs still spread.
“Now. I want you, please, Max.”
He shook his head. “Hold on. Just a--fuck.”
“Max, let me--”
“Shit, Dani.”
I sighed. “Max, please.”
“Almost there…”
His muscles twitched, his balls bouncing. And when his cock shot spurts of cum from its tip, I gasped with every pump. He leaned heavily against the wall, dripping with condensation. Smelling of sweat and musk and me, a heady combination that wafted up my nostrils.
It was torture, watching him pleasure himself like that.
“Now I’m ready.”
My eyes widened. “What?”
The second he charged me, I yelped. He scooped me into his arms and I fell against him. He sat himself down on the lower bench, his back resting against the upper portion. And as I straddled him, I felt his cock growing thicker than ever.
“Holy shit,” I whispered.
He grinned. “I suppose that’s one way to put it.”
He commanded my hips and pressed them down the length of his cock. I moaned with pleasure, my head falling back as he fisted my skin. I sighed as he stroked my walls. I felt our hips bottom out together before his hand cupped the back of my head. He drew my eyes to his, our foreheads resting against each other. And after capturing my lips, he rolled his hips.
“Holy shit,” I whispered.
“Just needed a quick one out of the way,” he growled.
He rolled deeper, causing my toes to curl.
“Max, yeah.”
He grunted. “So tight for me.”
I wrapped my arms around his neck. He guided my hips, teaching me how to pleasure him. And the fireworks exploding inside my veins pushed me onward. A renewed sense of vigor filled my veins. I rocked against him, feeling his dick throbbing against my walls as his hands guided me faster. He picked me up, only to stake my body on his cock again. Over and over, making my breasts bounce as his face fell into my cleavage.
“Damn it, you’re fucking gorgeous,” he groaned.
I ground against him, taking as much of him as I could. My nails raked down his chest. I massaged my tits as my head fell back once more. It was all too much. Feeling him filling me, his hands massaging me, his lips marking me with every suck and nibble against my bare skin.
And with the steam swirling around us, I didn’t stand a chance.
“I’m so close.”
He grunted. “There it is.”
“So close. Max. I can’t--I can’t--”
“Come for me, Dani. Do it.”
I whimpered. “Oh, shit.”
My body pulled taut and his arms blanketed my back. I quivered against him, my walls clamping down around his girth. I shivered as he stood up. I felt him sink to his knees, planting my back against the floor of the sauna. The heat seared through my skin, making me quake as my muscles contracted. And as I caught my breath, Max tossed my legs over his shoulders, bending me in half.
“Holy fuck!” I exclaimed.
He grinned down at me. “My favorite position.”
“Oh, Max. I can’t take any more. I can’t. My body, it’s--”
“You’ll give me one more, and you’ll love it.”
He pulled back and slammed into me, causing my body to jump. It hurt so good. The pleasure was almost painful. I arched my back as he sucked on my nipples. My knees bent forward toward my chest as his hot breath caressed my skin. I raked my nails up his arms. The feeling of his wet balls smacking against my ass cheeks made my eyes roll back.
But, nothing compared to the feeling of being trapped beneath him.
“Max!” I wailed.
“Say my name.”
“Max, Max. Oh, holy fuck, Max. Please.”
“What was that?”
“Please, let me come. Please, let come. Please. Please. I can’t--”
“Oh, yes you can, Dani. Come for me.”
I couldn't even get the words out. As my body spiraled into an endless pit of darkness, I felt his cock stroking the whole of me. Sliding against places that made me shiver. Rutting against me as his pelvis ground against my swollen clit. I wrapped my arms around his neck. I pulled him back down to me, my body quaking beneath him as his cock twitched, thickened, and grew against my walls. Signaling his own end.
While his tightly-wound curls tickled my clit.
“Like that. Like that. Like that. Don’t stop. Don’t stop. Max. Holy fuck. What have you done to me?”
Orgasms poured over me, one after the other, robbing me of my voice and my breath. His teeth sank into my shoulder, sucking and marking. Lapping at me, as if he’d lost full control of his movements. I felt him spilling into me with every pump of his cock.
And when my body finally collapsed, he came tumbling with me, pinning me beneath his strength and the comforting tiles of the sauna floor.
My arms fell to the sides. My legs softly slipped from his shoulders. He kissed my neck, my shoulders, my cheeks, until our lips softly came together in a wanton kiss. I lay there beneath him, spread-eagle on the floor, quivering until he finally managed to move. I jumped as his cock fell from between my legs. The gush of fluids signaling our debauchery flowed behind it, wetting the floor beneath me.
“My God, Dani,” he grunted.
I giggled. “My sentiments exactly.”
He snickered as he pulled himself up to the first-level bench. After drawing in a deep breath, he reached down for me. He helped me into his lap and I curled up, my body still shaking after our adventure. His arms were strong. The crook of his neck smelled divine. He wrapped his arms around me and held me close, nuzzling his cheek against my forehead.
I didn’t want the moment to end.
I wasn't sure how long we sat there. Eventually, Max moved. He picked me up and helped settle me onto my feet. Then the two of us finally breached the door of the sauna. We shivered as we gathered our clothes. We had a devil of a time getting them on, too. I giggled while he grunted. I cursed softly to myself, making him chuckle. I had to jump to get back into my
skinny jeans, and I felt Max’s eyes on me the entire time.
“Hell of a show,” he said.
I rolled my eyes. “Such a horndog.”
“Only for you, gorgeous.”
How was it possible for him to make me feel so special like that?
“I’ll walk you back to your dorm.”
I waved my hand at him. “You don’t have to do that if you don’t want to.”
He grabbed my wrist. “I said I’ll walk you back to your dorm. I want to make sure you get there safely.”
I nodded. “Okay. Thank you.”
“Not a problem. Come on.”
We started out of the saunas, the cool air conditioning greeting us. But it had nothing on the autumn breeze hanging softly in the air. As we walked back to my dorm, hand in hand, I felt myself drying off. The wind kicked up in the darkness, swirling dead leaves around as we ventured onward. I leaned my head against his arm, trying to cherish the moment as much as I could. Eventually, we got to the front door of my dorm.
And it was time to part ways.
“I had a really good time tonight, Max.”
I looked up at him and saw him grinning.
“Me, too, Bambi.”
I snickered. “I’m still getting used to that.”
He ran his knuckles along my cheek. “Take your time. It’s not going anywhere anytime soon.”
“Oh. Thanks.”
He chuckled. “You like it, don’t even try to play like you don’t.”
I blushed. “Maybe a little bit.”
“See? There’s my Dani.”
His Dani. “Are you feeling okay enough to drive home?”
“I feel better than I have in days, thanks to you.”
“Good. I’m glad.”
“Now, if I could just get one more…”
I smiled as his face gravitated toward mine, his breath pulsing against my lips. I closed my eyes, preparing myself for his warmth. I wanted as much of this kiss as I could get before we had to leave one another’s presence.
Just before we connected, the dorm door swung open, ruining the moment.
“Finally ready to come inside?”
Hannah’s voice grated on my ears and I sighed.
“Sorry,” I murmured.
Max kissed my forehead. “Another time.”
Hannah scoffed. “You can let her go now.”
I shot her a look before Max backed away from me. I could’ve strangled that girl, if my body had the energy to do much of anything.
I hid my smile. “I’d better go. Got classes in the morning.”
Hannah put her hand on her hip. “Among other things.”
Max nodded. “Have a good sleep. I’ll see you tomorrow?”
Hannah went to interject, but I put my hand up to silence her.
“Sounds like a plan. Just let me know when, handsome.”
He nodded at Hannah. “You sleep well, too.”
She scowled at him, but didn’t say a word. Thank the Lord. Because I was two seconds away from figuring out what it felt like to smack someone in the face.
Max winked at me before he walked away and I stood there. Watching him go. And when he finally disappeared off toward the horizon that held the library, I sighed. I pushed past Hannah and made my way for the elevator. I didn’t want to speak with her, I didn’t want to look at her, and I sure as hell didn’t want to talk to her.
“Hey, aren’t you going to wait for me?”
Her arm jutted in between the closing elevator doors before she slid in.
“Damn. All right. I’m ready,” she said.
I shrugged before I pressed the button for the top floor again.
“So you want to talk?”
I didn’t acknowledge the question as the elevator kept pulling us up to the top of the building.
“Fine. I’ll talk, then. Your relationship with him is unhealthy, at best. He shouldn't be pulling you away from your studies. And he damn sure shouldn’t be seeking you out while you’re on campus. That’s creepy. And weird. And I don't like it.”
The doors of the elevator opened and I strode out.
“Dani, are you even listening to me? I’m telling you this for your own good!”
I didn’t stop moving until I was inside our dorm and standing at the window. Waiting and watching for Max to drive by. I was worried. The last time he dropped me off at my dorm room, he’d almost been killed. I chewed on my nails as I kept my eyes outside, half-listening to Hannah rattle her head off.
“I mean, look at you. You’re already watching for him at the window. There’s a life outside there, Dani. A life that wants to meet you. Friends that want to meet you on campus. Grades that need to be gotten. And you can’t have any of that if you’re too busy straddling the back of some dude’s bike. He’s going to get you in trouble.”
Relief flooded my veins as I heard a bike off in the distance. The engine roared louder. And louder. Until finally I saw its headlights. There was Max, rounding the corner, his helmet turned toward my dorm building. I saw him lift his hand and I smiled as I lifted my own. I watched him drive off, no worse for wear, and I felt as if I could finally get a peaceful night’s sleep.
“Have you heard a word I’ve said?”
I rolled my eyes. “Yes, Hannah. Unfortunately.”
She snickered. “Unfortunately?”
I turned toward her. “Yes. That’s what I said. You don’t even know the man, Hannah. You’re all bent out of shape over literally nothing right now.”
Her eyes widened. “Really? Because I think I’m the right amount of bent out of shape. He’s bad news. You can practically smell it on him. You just have your blinders on because you think he’s hot.”
“Uh, when have you ever known me to be reckless? I don’t take risks. I make calculated decisions.”
“Well, you’re not being calculated about this. And if you’re not careful, he’ll take you down with him, and you’ll have nothing.”
I watched as she reached for her shower caddy and dug around for a towel. She looked over at me before she snickered and stormed back through the door. I stood there, alone, in the middle of our dorm room, wishing I was anywhere else.
Preferably with Max.
I felt angry and frustrated. But, more than that, I felt policed. I felt as if I was right back at home, having my every move and my every word questioned. I didn’t come to college for this. I came to college not just to get an education, but to get away from that bullshit. I loved my parents. I loved my childhood. But I was ready to be a bit freer with my life. Not always having to succumb to all these expectations and be someone I wasn’t inside.
That’s how I felt with Max.
I felt a little more like myself.
I turned back toward the window and gazed outside, wondering where Max was. What he was up to. Whether or not he missed me. Because I sure missed him. A lot. Being with him made me feel strong. It didn’t make me feel like this weak-willed little people pleaser I had become. I was stronger at his side. More capable. I felt like I had a voice, and I felt like he listened to that voice.
I enjoyed who I was around Max. And no one would take that away from me. Not my parents, not my roommate, and certainly not my studies.
I finally felt as if I was coming into my own. Learning all about who I was and who I wanted to be.
Thanks to Max.
I shifted myself on the stool as I reached for my rag and wiped some wax onto it. I hated buffing. It was the bane of my existence. So much damn work just to get a few scratches and shit out of my bike. But there was no one else around here that took half as much care with my bike as I did. I’d gladly pay someone to do the damn job. But it was always half-assed.
So I sucked it up and did it myself.
“Fucking college campus,” I murmured.
Every time I went to that damn place, I found a new scratch. A new piece of paint chipped off the side. A new dent I had to pop out. Col
lege kids were selfish. Brutal. They didn’t appreciate the shit that had been given to them through their tuition. That was another thing I liked about Dani. She wasn’t selfish. She took care of her things. Myself included.
Huh. Look at you, being someone else’s property.
I chuckled at the thought.
“The fuck happened here?”
Benji’s voice pulled me from my thoughts and I slowly looked over at him. His eyes danced around the garage as he shoved his hands into his pockets, his gaze landing on a hole in the wall. A hole I still hadn’t patched from the goons my father had brought over a while back.
At least, it felt like a while back.
“You good?” he asked.
I clicked my tongue. “I’m great.”
He pointed to the hole. “What happened there?”
I shrugged. “Something probably fell through it.”
“Did you fall through it? Because that’s a pretty big hole.”
I sighed. “You got a reason for being here, Benj?”
“Dude, I can’t believe your face is still fucked up like that. Have you seen a doctor?”
“I asked you a question.”
“And I asked you one, too. I take it your ribs are better since you’re hunched over that bike.”
I whipped my eyes over to his. “You know what happened. You were at the meeting. What I want to know is why that meeting was the first time I’d seen you in almost a damn week.”
He paused. “What?”
I stood from my stool. “You’ve been M.I.A. for almost six days. You haven’t checked in with any of the guys. You haven’t made your rounds. You sure as hell haven’t been seen around campus lately. Where the hell have you been?”
He shrugged. “I’ve had shit to do, man. Studying. Library time. College bitches to fuck. You know how that is. Right?”
He winked at me and I wanted to pull his throat out through his asshole.
“No. I don’t know how it is.”