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You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 8

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by Nikhil Parekh

  He made my blood passionately pregnant; with untamed infernos of ecstatically scintillating yearning; celestially diffusing his spirit of philanthropically divine mantra of life; profusely into even the most inconspicuous of my stride,

  He made my pulse ingratiatingly pregnant; with the waves of intrepidly unflinching adventure; sensuously bestowing his mystically emphatic touch all over my

  uncontrollably trembling body,

  He made my shadow fascinatingly pregnant; with magnificent cisterns of fantastically unending enigma; bestowing upon his cradle of unbelievably royal voluptuousness on every cranny of my drearily lambasted skin,

  He made my teeth blazingly pregnant; with limitless skies of bountifully scintillating shine; gorgeously bequeathing the legacy of his aristocratically patriotic footsteps; upon the fabric of my shattered life,

  He made my fingers dexterously pregnant; with unfathomable shades of regale artistry; chivalrously blending the reservoir of gargantuan sensitivity of his senses; in unshakable entirety with mine,

  He made my chest fearlessly pregnant; with fortresses of solidarity and invincible courage; altruistically imparting the magnanimously pristine goodness of his

  soul; to every bit of inadvertently malicious lies in the chapter of my life,

  He made my conscience pregnant; with unassailable fireballs of godly truth; marvelously wafting the astonishingly proliferating and righteous scent of his

  stride; into my miserably withering life,

  He made my cheeks pregnant; with an unending entrenchment of bountifully embellished scarlet blushes; magically pouring the reverberations of his

  overwhelmingly sensitive visage; into the meaninglessly wavering crux of heartless existence,

  He made my hands gloriously pregnant; with an impregnably ubiquitous canvas of aristocratic destiny lines; timelessly maneuvering even the most mercurial

  iota of my existence with the winds of uninhibited freedom; that incessantly emanated from his demeanor,

  He made my brain fabulously pregnant; with unlimited aisles of thunderously overpowering fantasy; the enthrallingly heavenly rhythm of his existence being

  the ultimate dream that I tirelessly perceived,

  He made my breath pricelessly pregnant; with insatiably untamed whirlpools of vibrantly eclectic life; miraculously healing even the most inexplicably cancerous of my wounds; with his melody of benign mankind,

  He made my belly sacredly pregnant; with his mischievously bouncing child; making me feel as the most richest organism on this Universe; without even a penny in my pocket and for infinite more births of mine,

  And he made my heart immortally pregnant; with his tale of jubilantly iridescent love; a perpetual bonding which none on the planet could ever conquer; even after the planet itself came to a veritably ghastly end .


  Renunciation from dolorously heinous stagnation; the corpses of crippling decay that had so vindictively strangulated every aspect of my impoverished existence,

  Renunciation from preposterously dastardly stench; the unfathomably abominable filth of bizarre manipulation; that had so treacherously pulverized me on every step

  that I dared to tread,

  Renunciation from despicably claustrophobic monotony; the knives of insane bloodshed and gory war; pugnaciously stabbing me from all sides,

  Renunciation from indefatigably squelching dreariness; the seeds of invidious laggardness; making me disdainfully collapse like a pack of frigid matchsticks; even before I alight a single step,

  As I perpetually blended myself with the unsurpassably exotic petals of the poignantly proliferating nature; solely inhaling its Omnipotently philanthropic fragrance; for infinite more births of mine yet to handsomely unveil .

  1 .

  Renunciation from tyrannically lambasting slavery; the blood-stained chains of malevolent dictatorship which had so brutally excoriated the shades of my

  vivaciously resplendent existence, 

  Renunciation from robotically corporate machinery; the pompously spurious and ghastly walls of ignominiously castigating office; which had so indiscriminately

  incarcerated me from nine to nine, 

  Renunciation from graveyards of fretful cowardliness; the ghosts of baselessly horrific fear; venomously poisoning my immaculately fantastic mind all the time, 

  Renunciation from the shells of grotesquely sinister diffidence; the feckless hypochondriac that tried to annihilate me with its swords of unrelenting

  viciousness; every unfurling minute of the day and the bountifully star studded night,

  As I surrendered every ingredient of my mind; body and soul; to the invincibly Omnipresent inferno of spell binding righteousness; coalescing with the fabric of

  unflinching truth till the Lord had destined the very last breath of my life .

  3 .

  Renunciation from the conventionally meaningless society; the derogatorily sinful wisps of sleazy cigar smoke and sanctimonious slang; which had rendered my

  survival more exacerbated than the wounds of a wailing dog, 

  Renunciation from the tornadoes of gory war; the rain of innocent blood that poured unstoppably on my countenance; as countless lost their lives in battles of color and tribe,

  Renunciation from the gutters of unforgivable corruption; the raunchy wad of salacious notes; indefatigably trying to weigh every ingredient of my holistically blessed survival,

  Renunciation from disastrously stray loneliness; the winds of murderously rebuked isolation; overwhelmingly overpowering me; for ostensibly not the slightest

  fault of mine,

  As I wholeheartedly embraced the religion of eternally endowing humanity; blissfully burgeoning in its swirl to continue God’s most sacred chapter of creation; perpetually bonding with every synergistically living organism and its kind .

  4 .

  Renunciation from shattered glasses of asphyxiated boredom; the whiplashes of irascibly pernicious and anomalous sodomy that truculently impeded me; on every

  stage of my life, 

  Renunciation from the web of transiently surreptitious desire; the untamed infernos of insurmountably bawdy delight that sporadically crept up from nowhere in

  clear space; into my wandering soul,

  Renunciation from the tunnels of abhorrently sordid betrayal; the pathetically reverberating edifices of prurient prejudice; parasitically deteriorating the beats of my marvelously celestial existence,

  Renunciation from inexplicably slandering misery; the incomprehensibly livid ant holes of cancerous disease; which so tumultuously augmented in every part of my

  sensitive blood and skin,

  As I immortally bonded every beat of my heart with hers forever and ever and ever; with the unassailably unparalleled fires between our bodies miraculously quelling all agonizing pain not only for this birth; but each time the Creator gifted this earth to

  eclectic mankind .


  Golden were the moments; when I gallivanted through the rain soaked hills; with the boisterous chirping of the sparrows being my everlastingly exhilarating rhyme,

  Golden were the moments; when I swam uninhibitedly in the marvelously undulating sea; with an unfathomable cascade of tangy froth; insurmountably tantalizing each of my monotonously dreary senses,

  Golden were the moments; when I unrelentingly whispered with the enigmatically rustling trees; profusely blending even the most infinitesimal of my senses with the winds of inimitably ebullient ecstasy,

  Golden were the moments; when I poignantly danced with the resplendent peacocks; euphorically relishing every bit of majestically crimson cloud; in the fathomless

  firmament of blue sky,

  Golden were the moments; when I indefatigably floated in the aisles of unsurpassable fantasy; tirelessly conceiving the exuberantly unending beauty of this bountifully boundless earth,

  Golden were the moments; when I was an immaculate
child; wholesomely bereft of even the most inconspicuous vagaries of existence; blissfully bouncing in the lap of my divinely sacrosanct mother,

  Golden were the moments; when I had first stepped into the dormitories of school; ingratiatingly relishing the camaraderie of my mates; erupting into compassionate whirlpools of laughter at even the tiniest of provocation,

  Golden were the moments; when I felt the blazingly beautiful rays of the morning Sun; Omnisciently healing even the most inexplicable trace of disease; invidiously enshrouding my nimble countenance,

  Golden were the moments; when I relentlessly rolled on gregariously fresh grass; sensuously inhaling the tantalizing aroma of glistening dewdrops; as the Moon

  glimmered to its most profound radiance in the cosmos,

  Golden were the moments; when I suckled honey from the melodiously brimming hives; embellishing my impoverished visage with the astronomically aristocratic sweetness of the Mother Nature,

  Golden were the moments; when I clambered like an untamed chimpanzee upon the mystically philandering hills; drifted in surreal unison with the romantically gorgeous clouds; for centuries unprecedented,

  Golden were the moments; when I smelt the unbelievably effulgent lotus; profusely drowning my mind; body and wavering soul; into an unsurpassable ocean of

  chivalrously fabulous scent,

  Golden were the moments; when I played with the rollicking crabs on the pristine seashores; with the majestic froth of the titillating sea handsomely tingling each of my haplessly staggering breath,

  Golden were the moments; when I innocuously flirted with ravishingly nubile maidens in the realms of ardent desire; igniting fires of unconquerable passion; even in the heart of the morbidly insipid night,


  Golden were the moments; when I earnestly prayed to the Almighty Lord; philanthropically serving all fraternities of harmoniously holistic living kind,

  Golden were the moments; when I reminisced my past with my eternal parents; irrefutably saluting all insurmountably endless perseverance that they had

  displayed to bring me up; every instant of their hard-fought life,

  Golden were the moments; when I unfurled into a meadow of fascinatingly limitless artistry; vivaciously painting the infinite shades of existence; on the barren canvas of my devastatingly wandering life,

  Golden were the moments; when I gallivanted barefoot under the enchantingly streaming moonlight; beautifully submerging my entire persona in impeccable

  cisterns of emollient milk,

  Golden were the moments; when I regally expunged my every breath; was triumphantly endowed by a chance from the Almighty Lord; to celestially diffuse into

  fabulously voluptuous and vibrant shades of eclectic life,

  Golden were the moments; when I divinely penned down gorgeously symbiotic poetry; profusely reveling the countless shades of charismatic enchantment; that were

  a stupendous gift from the Lord Almighty,

  Golden were the moments; when I thoroughly enthralled even the most intricate of my senses; intensely listening to the enigmatically astounding reverberations of the; thunderously echoing valley,

  Golden were the moments; when I amiably communicated with different tribes; caste and creed; feeling the niceness of wonderfully royal humanity; heavenly perpetuate every shade of my dwindling survival,

  Golden were the moments; when I traced the piquant outlines of my palms; resplendently endeavoring to decipher the eluding trajectories of spell binding


  Golden were the moments; when I timelessly lay at the feet of my revered mother; incorrigibly following her paths of unshakable righteousness; on every sphere of

  the earth that she humbly tread,

  Golden were the moments; when I feasted my penuriously blinded eyes; on the magically proliferating winds of glorious nature; witnessed in awe-struck splendor; as

  innocent fledglings hatched in mesmerizing tandem from their crystalline eggs,

  Golden were the moments; when I patriotically marched forward to unflinchingly lead life; resolutely pledged to unite all mankind one and alike; even as the most

  treacherously ghastly impediments tried to brutally thwart me on my way,

  But perpetual were the moments; when I fell in love; immortally bonding every ingredient of my blood with her godly life; as she led me like a priceless prince

  through the corridors of magnificent newness; through the fortresses of a friendship which would continue taking birth; even after the entire earth had come to

  a gruesomely stuttering  end .



  I was prepared to wait for robust health; spending many a limitless decade; miserably entwined in the dungeons of decaying debilitation,

  I was prepared to wait for fascinating desire; worthlessly whiling countless hours on the trot; in the mists of disparagingly dolorous monotony,

  I was prepared to wait for enchanting prosperity; remorsefully stagnating on infinitesimally threadbare soil; with my haplessly tattered rags splitting more

  obnoxiously than ever before; under the sweltering Sun,

  I was prepared to wait for unflinching camaraderie; staggering like a worthless urchin on the desolate streets; with only insidiously parasitic mosquitoes perched in unfathomable quantities on my lambasted chin,

  I was prepared to wait for scintillating righteousness; wasting the entire tenure of my

  impoverished life; truculently besieged by the graveyard of delinquently deteriorating lies,

  I was prepared to wait for voluptuous desire; meaninglessly trespassing through the aisles of nothingness and cripplingly lackluster stoicism; for infinite more births yet to unveil,

  I was prepared to wait for triumphant happiness; horrendously kissing the corpses of ghastly malice and defeat; till the time I traumatically tread on the trajectory of this earth,

  I was prepared to wait for insatiable ecstasy; derogatorily rotting in unsurpassably pallid doomsday; letting my entire visage metamorphose into a gutter of criminally sucking leeches,

  I was prepared to wait for unconquerable glory; meekly subjugating my body to the whiplashes of the society; pathetically collapsing like a pack of soggy matchsticks; even before a soul could raise his voice,

  I was prepared to wait for dazzling flamboyance; stupidly diffusing every unfurling instant of my life; into a coffin of delinquently gruesome morbidity,

  I was prepared to wait for Herculean strength; withering away like an insipidly insulted porcupine; at even the most diminutive draught of parsimonious wind,

  I was prepared to wait for majestic eloquence; barking like a disastrously cacophonic and wounded crow; till the last breath I ghoulishly exhaled,

  I was prepared to wait for unequivocally explicit candidness; substituting the chapter of my life; with the webs of satanically bizarre manipulation instead,

  I was prepared to wait for patriotic victory; baselessly pulverizing myself every unleashing moment of my life; with the threadbare smoke of derogatorily dastardly defeat,

  I was prepared to wait for exhilarating mysticism; deliberately enshrouding my agonizingly trembling demeanor; with maliciously devilish monotony from all


  I was prepared to wait for prolific success; nonchalantly swallowing the tail of thwarting failure; everytime I exuded into even the most infidel of movement,

  I was prepared to wait for spell binding aristocracy; lecherously staggering on each path of my life; abhorrently dedicating each second of my time; swapping flies on the walls of my sordidly stinking hutment,

  I was prepared to wait for ravishingly perpetual breath; insanely offering every element of my mind; body and soul; to the thunderously marauding demon and

  the hell of torturous death,

  And I was prepared to wait for every conceivable comfort and richness on this fathomless earth O! Almighty Lord; but I wasn’t the slightest prepared to

for her ecstatically vibrant caress; I wasn’t the slightest prepared to wait for her celestially immortal and bountiful love .

  16. OPENLY 

  Secretly she admired my fluttering eyelashes; insatiably wanting to trap every element of her magnetic countenance; forever and wholesomely with mine,

  Secretly she insatiably romanticized about my patriotic stride; relentlessly wanting me to trespass through her gateways of unparalleled romance,

  Secretly she unrelentingly dreamt about intermingling her fingers with mine; compassionately incarcerating even the most infinitesimal ingredient of my

  countenance; with her bountiful rhyme,

  Secretly she timelessly perceived about philandering with me behind the gloriously sun soaked hills; mischievously nibbling the barren regions of my chest; as frosty winds of winter embraced us from all sides,


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