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You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 8

Page 11

by Nikhil Parekh

  At times an ardent fanatic; perpetuating me to drown into realms of unending fantasy; as she indefatigably swished under milky rays of impeccable moonlight,

  At times a magnanimous messiah; teaching me to bow down to humanity irrespective of religion; caste or creed; as she benevolently donated all her riches to impoverished mankind in pain,

  At times the epitome of beauty; deluging my survival with enthralling entrenchment and stupendous charm; as she gallivanted merrily on the aisles of augmenting

  desire glistening as splendidly as the Sun,

  At times a gentle draught of wind; granting me that eternal peace that I had always desired; as she herself underwent all the miseries of salaciously treacherous life,

  At times this; and At times that; the list is endless but still a fraction too frugal to describe her divinely countenance; as she was everything for me in my impoverished life; she was my immortal wife .


  Paradise was in your eyes; if they unsurpassably harbored the feeling of philanthropic benevolence for all mankind,

  Paradise was in your lips; if they gave a smile to your impoverished comrades in inexplicable pain; flooding their tottering lives with unprecedented happiness,

  Paradise was in your voice; if it disseminated the essence of immortal peace; pacified the tyrannized agony of the innocent deprived; with the benign melody in your sound,

  Paradise was in your shoulders; if they hoisted all those orphaned shivering disastrously on barren streets; towards the ultimate summit of bountiful prosperity,

  Paradise was in your palms; if they blessed all those destitutes obnoxiously battered in life; molding their vibrant destinies; with the insurmountable tenacity of your fingers,

  Paradise was in your ears; if they profoundly heard the disastrously augmenting wails of the impeccable in distress; gushing like an untamed whirlwind; to be their messiah in their hour of tumultuous discomfort,

  Paradise was in your emotions; if they were fulminated turbulently for withering mankind; profusely commiserating with both ecstasy as well as pain,

  Paradise was in your fantasy; if it incessantly revolved round making this planet a better place to exist; culminated into a fountain of astronomical sacrifice and goodwill,

  Paradise was in your lids; if they enlightened the lives of the deplorably frustrated; winking and thereby triggering insatiable cloudbursts of desire,

  Paradise was in your shadow; if it overwhelmingly calmed down irascible discrimination; sequestered dying man in its compassionate swirl,

  Paradise was in your flesh; if it ignited fireballs of intransigent passion; in the lives of those frigidly hovering like ghastly ghosts; without their soul mates,

  Paradise was in your bones; if they magnanimously bore the load of tangible organisms in pain and traumatic torture; carrying them indefatigably; till the time

  they acquired the fortitude to construct their own abode in life,

  Paradise was in your wealth; if it was unequivocally used to alleviate dwindling humanity; scrap the essence of malnourishment and stinking poverty; from

  the trajectory of this fathomless Universe,

  Paradise was in your blood; if it flowed uninhibitedlyfor your countrymen in horrendous despair; becoming the unfathomable resilience of their bodies; to fight

  against evil infiltrating their serene kind,

  Paradise was in your soul; if it existed for centuries immemorial; combating the devil with its irrefutable spirit of truth; every time that it dared to vindictively arise,

  Paradise was in your conscience; if it fought for unconquerable righteousness all night and day; towering above the clouds like an embellished prince; after affording the same to all its fellow beings; incarcerated in webs of malice,

  Paradise was in your breath; if it ardently instilled life in the immaculately lifeless; reinvigorate devastatingly shattered lives with the scent of exuberant newness,

  And paradise was in your heart; if it took an infinite more births for the person it loved; ensuring that the waves of immortal love; formed invincible bonds; uniting the rich and poor alike; from even the most remotest corners of this boundless planet .


  In order to break the stumps of the boundless cricket field; all that was required was a brilliantly scarlet and royally red ball,

  In order to break the stumps of the dolorously murky sky; all that was required was gloriously rhapsodic rays of flamboyant light,

  In order to break the stumps of heinously stagnating depression; all that was required was a philanthropically charismatic smile,

  In order to break the stumps of uncouth treachery; all that was required was perpetual empathy; which inundated every soul with unprecedented bliss and

  celestial happiness,

  In order to break the stumps of painstakingly sweaty boredom; all that was required was exuberantly escalating cheer; towering unflinchingly above the blue sky,

  In order to break the stumps of morbid blackness; all that was required was an optimistic rays of enchanting light,

  In order to break the stumps of insanely maniacal depression; all that was required was astronomical conviction in your abilities; a never ending spirit to surge forward in life,

  In order to break the stumps of impoverished malice; all that was required was uninhibited goodwill; the winds of benevolence which embrace one and all; alike,

  In order to break the stumps of indiscriminate hatred; all that was required was the sacred virtue of sharing; which made you feel the richest organism on earth; alive,

  In order to break the stumps of the hideously tyrannizing glass; all that was required was a diminutive chunk of stone; compounded with a dexterously astute hurl of the palm,

  In order to break the stumps of the satanic devil; all that was required was an inconspicuous puff of the irrefutably divine; ordinary mankind uniting in the

  mission to scrap crime from this planet alike,

  In order to break the stumps of the frigidly shivering parasitic ice; all that was required was golden beams of intrepid Sunlight; metamorphosing the ominous

  avalanche into heavenly streams of harmonious liquid,

  In order to break the stumps of baseless fear; all that was required was surmountable faith in your senses; the patriotic warrior lingering intrinsically in your poignant blood,

  In order to break the stumps of malevolent disdain; all that was required was transparent voices of the conscience; blessing all with the Omnipotent power to

  distinguish between the good and bad,

  In order to break the stumps of diabolical stinginess; all that was required was a magnanimously open heart; wholeheartedly diffusing the Omnipresent essence of


  In order to break the stumps of self inflicted sorrow; all that was required was a bountifully blooming festoon of crimson rose; sprouting into the majestic

  winds of a new found beginning,

  In order to break the stumps of criminal disease; all that was required was a impeccably benign society; which harbored the most diminutively perspiring

  entities; for simply what they were,

  In order to break the stumps of perilously rotting yesterday; all that was required was an insatiably untamed desire; to blossom into countless more tomorrow’s,

  And in order to break the stumps of my fervently throbbing heart; all that was required was your immortal love; which gave it the sole reason to beat for centuries immemorial; more importantly a tireless mission to beat for all mankind .

  The End .


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