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His Highland Lass (The Clan Sinclair Book 1)

Page 6

by Celeste Barclay

  “Ah, aye. Then friends we are.”

  That day, Tristan walked Thunder out of the stables and helped Mairghread into the saddle. Usually she rode pillion behind him. When he settled behind her, he realized that this would be the sweetest type of torture. Her backside was nestled between his thighs and his arm wrapped around her middle just below her breasts. His cock twitched and began to lengthen immediately. He shifted in the saddle to try to give her some room. The last thing he wanted was to frighten her with his staff rubbing against her back.

  After two weeks of spending afternoons together, both Tristan and Mairghread were almost going out of their minds with unspent desire and lust. They shared many heated looks and found any opportunity to brush their bodies against each other. Mairghread’s body ached to feel his body against her like it did when they rode Thunder together. Tristan was barely able to hang on to his wits. He became hard at the mere thought of Mairghread. When he saw her or caught a whiff of her fragrance, he almost spilled his seed even without touching her.

  Chapter Nine

  It all came to a frenzied head on one of their rides on Thunder. Tristan wrapped his arm tightly around Mairghread as they galloped across the meadow. He drew small circles under her breast with his thumb. He felt Mairghread inhale slowly. It pushed her breasts into his arm and he reflexively tightened his hold. She melted back into him and tucked her head into his shoulder. He rolled his wrist so that he could grasp the underside of her breast. She wiggled in the saddle so that her backside rubbed up against his stiff shaft. Moving with the motion of the horse, Tristan rocked his hips forward so that his cock rubbed between the cheeks of her backside. He heard her soft moan. She wriggled again trying to gain more contact through their clothes. Tristan could not help but groan as his cock throbbed for release. He turned Thunder towards the tree line and looked over his shoulder to his men. He gave a short whistle and they reined in some distance from the tree line where Tristan halted Thunder. As he helped Mairghread done, he let her body slide down the length of his. They needed no words as their eyes communicated the burning need that could no longer be ignored.

  He grasped her hand and walked along the tree line. He found inane comments to make about the trees as he pointed to various ones. He was attempting to be discreet by leading his men to believe he was showing her the local flora and fauna. He knew they were well aware of what was really happening, but perhaps he could offer some reassurance to Mairghread that they did not have an audience. He gently tugged her hand and led her into the trees. Once past a particularly large oak tree, he pulled her into his arms and backed her against the tree trunk. Her arms slid up and around his neck and she rose on his tiptoes. She met his mouth half way. The first press of their lips was soft, but within seconds it erupted into a firestorm. He wrapped one arm around her waist and sifted the fingers of his other hand into the hair above her nap. His tongue pressed along the seam of her lips. It took a moment for Mairghread to realize what he wanted, but once she did, she opened her mouth to his invading tongue. Without much thought and on instinct, she began to suck on his tongue. Tristan growled and slid his hand to her buttocks. He squeezed hard and pulled up so that she was almost lifted off of her feet. She pressed her hips into his and ground her mound against his cock. It felt like a length of steel was behind his plaid. He had already pushed his sporran out of the way when he had pulled her against him. There was only the material of his breacan feile and her kirtle that kept them from touching skin to skin. Tristan slid his hand down the nape of her neck to her shoulder and around the front to the ties of her gown. He yanked at them and slid his hand down the front to grasp her breast. It fit perfectly in his hand. He was a large man and had large hands. Mairghread was more endowed than he had realized as it filled his hand with his fingers spread open. He gently squeezed and massaged her breast and her buttocks. She moaned and whimpered as she wanted more but was not quite sure what that was.

  “Tristan, please. I dinna ken what’s happening to me, but I need ye. Please.”

  “I ken, little flame. I ken.”

  Tristan leaned forward and licked her exposed nipple. He laved it and swirled his tongue around it, and he finally took it fully into his mouth and sucked on it. Mairghread gasped. She had never felt anything like it. Her breasts felt full and heavy. She arched her back to press her breast more fully into his mouth. His hands slid to grasp the ends of her skirts. He tugged them up and squeezed her buttocks before lifting her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist and rocked against his shaft.

  “I need more, Tristan. I ache so badly that it hurts. I dinna ken what to do.”

  “I shall help ye. I can make the ache go away and bring ye pleasure.”

  She looked into his eyes. There was a mixture of need, confusion, and worry.

  “Mair, I willna take yer maidenhead until ye’re ma wife. But I will make ye mine and mine alone. I will touch ye where no other mon ever has and no other mon ever will.”

  With that, he turned and slid his back down the trunk of the tree. When he sat down, she straddled his lap. He squeezed her buttocks again as he leaned forward and took her nipple back into his mouth. His fingers inched towards her hot, wet sheath. He dipped the fingers of one hand into her slick seam. He brought the other hand around to rub his thumb across her pleasure nub. Mairghread’s head fell back as she rocked against him. Her moans were almost enough to undo him. Tristan could feel the tip of his cock leaking. He had not been this close to climaxing without a woman touching him since he first realized what he could do with a lass. He was so hard that he thought he would explode, but he would do nothing about it now. He was introducing Mairghread to passion and pleasure. It was about her and not him in this moment. He would either take himself in hand later just as he had been doing at least twice a day since she agreed to stay on or he would take yet another dunk in the loch when they returned.

  For now, he slipped two fingers into her. She was so very tight. His rod had a mind of its own. It was already imagining itself buried hilt deep. His cock pulsed.

  Mairghread could feel the twitches coming from Tristan’s cock, and it almost drove her mad. She reached below her skirts and grasped Tristan’s hand. She guided another finger into her.

  “Tristan, I need more. I can feel how large yer shaft is. Ma body kens what it will take to feel full. It’s yer cock. If I canna have that then I need more from yer fingers.”

  Tristan was surprised but supremely pleased that Mairghread could speak aloud her desires and wants. He did not want a dead fish for a bed partner. He had known all along that Mairghread would be passionate, but he had not been sure that she would be open to letting him know what she wanted. Once again, she amazed him. He knew from her reactions and her uncertainty that she was untried. He did not worry that she had been with anyone else.

  Tristan pressed all four fingers into her sheath. He hooked his first two fingers to find that spot just inside her wall and let the other two find the spot just beside her maidenhead. His thumb rubbed against her pleasure button. He had known enough women over the course of his life to know just what would pleasure her most. He had a vague vision of other women that he had been intimate with, but suddenly they were all faceless and nameless. All he could see and think of was the beautiful woman in his lap and how he only ever wanted to touch her for the rest of his life.

  Mairghread rode Tristan’s hand as his other moved up to squeeze her breast. His mouth returned to her other nipple. He sucked as though he was a parched man trying to squeeze the last drop from a waterskin. She felt a tension building inside her that she had never felt before. It began in her core and felt like a wave rising within her. Her hips took off at their own pace. Her head was thrown back, but now she looked down to see what Tristan was doing. Even with his lips around her breast, he was watching her. He felt her sheath beginning to contract around his fingers. He knew she was so close. He wanted to push her over the top and let her orgasm crest. He pinched and twisted her nippl
e and bit her other nipple with just enough pressure to make her come. He watched as she bit her lower lip to keep from screaming aloud, but he still head her mumble his name. The sight of her climaxing above him for the first time and hearing his name on her lips was enough for him to come too. He felt his hot seed shoot out as though he were a geyser going off. It seemed like a limitless flow. He could not believe that bringing her to climax had been enough to make him climax too. That had never happened before.

  As they floated down to Earth, Mairghread leaned her head against his chest and panted. She had had no idea that anything shared between a man and a woman could be so powerful. Magnus had never shared what it felt like afterwards. She had never thought to ask. Feelings were not something that her brothers often talked about, even the physical ones. Tristan’s heart was still pounding beneath her cheek. He slowly removed his hands and ran them up and down her back in soothing circles. She still clung to his leine as she had throughout their interlude.

  “Tristan, is it always like that?” she whispered. She did not think her voice would come out if she tried to speak any louder. She looked up into his eyes.

  He was dazzled with the luminescent shade of grey that her eyes had turned. He had learned that after riding fast, her eyes would turn greyer with exertion. They fairly glowed now. He could not look away even if he wanted to.

  “Nae. It isnae.” He saw the look of hurt and felt her beginning to withdraw.

  “Little flame, ye dinna understand me. I meant it isnae always that good between all couples. It certainly has nae been like that before for me but I do ken it will always be like this for us.”

  “I hope so.” She smiled and lifted her chin to give him a soft and sweet kiss. He slowly moved his hand to her breasts. It was time to return to his horse. He had no idea how long they had been there, but it was long enough to be suspicious. He helped her right her gown and straighten her hair. Luckily, she wore it down so there was no intricate hairstyle to repair.



  “I wish I’d been able to give ye the pleasure ye gave me.” She looked so serious and almost remorseful that he could not help but chuckle. Her brow furrowed, and she did not look to care for his response.

  “Mair, ye did. Ye couldnae feel it because ma plaid was in the way, but I exploded like never before. Just touching ye and watching ye was enough to bring me to a climax unlike any I’ve ever had before. Truth be told, I felt like a green lad again. Ye’d nae even touched ma cock, and I spilled ma seed.”

  They emerged from the tree line grinning like the cats that found the cream. They quickly became more serious lest they completely give away their actions. They remounted Thunder and turned back towards the keep.

  Chapter Ten

  Things were progressing smoothly for Tristan and Mairghread, but there was only one thing that dampened each other’s moods. It came in the form of Sorcha. She had not abandoned her belief that she should be the chief’s lady and in lieu of that, she should be his leman. On the second night after the Sinclairs agreed to stay, Mairghread was seated beside Tristan on his left. The seat for the lady of the keep was vacant as no one officially held that position. In deference to tradition, Mairghread had slipped into the chair on the other side of Tristan. The meal was progressing nicely until Sorcha came to the dais to refill their goblet. While there was room next to the empty chair for Sorcha to stand, she squeezed her way between Tristan’s and Mairghread’s shoulders. She leaned forward giving Tristan an unavoidable view of her cleavage, and she pressed her breasts into his shoulder. Tristan looked straight forward and attempted to pay no attention to Sorcha. He had already begun to pick up on little responses that Mairghread made in different situations. Even though he could not hear it or feel it, he knew she had sucked in a slight breath when Sorcha came between them. He could sense when her body stiffened as Sorcha leaned against him. He knew that her movement would go unseen as she would not shift in her seat, but she did tense.

  He slid his hand beneath the tablecloth and found her thigh. He squeezed it gently and left his hand there. He did not remove it for the remainder of dinner.

  “Ma laird, is there anything I can do fer ye. I ken what ye like.” Sorcha cooed just above his ear. Her stress on the word “my” was no accident. She intended to let Mairghread know she’d already staked a claim and was possessive of Tristan.

  “Nay, Sorcha. Ye ken there is naught I want from ye.” Tristan barely got the words out through his clenched teeth. When Sorcha left the dais, he leaned over to Mairghread.

  “Mair, I’m sorry. I’m vera sorry. Ye ken there is nothing happening anymore. Ye ken I’ve nae touched her since before ye arrived, right?”

  “Aye. I ken.” She said no more. Tristan knew she was not pleased. He looked over at Morag, his housekeeper. He waived her over. When she came to the dais, she bent to hear Tristan’s whispered words. They were so low that Mairghread could not hear everything, but she did catch some it.

  “Dinna ever let Sorcha serve us again. I want her nae where near me or Mairghread. She hasnae accepted that we are through, and she keeps pressing the issue. I dinna exaggerate that last bit.”

  “I ken it, ma laird. I saw her with ma own two eyes. That bit of baggage is too big in the britches by half. I’ll be sure she stays in the kitchens where she always belonged. At best, she can serve the lower tables.”

  “Thank ye.”

  Tristan looked over at Mairghread who had plastered her serene smile. He already knew that look meant that she felt anything but that. He had only known her three days at that point, but he could already read so much of her.

  “Mair, I’ve taken care of it. She willna bother us again.”

  “Is that what ye really think? Ye dinna know women at all if it is.”

  She turned her head to speak to her brothers. It seemed that Tristan had been dismissed. Just as he began to feel hurt and frustrated, her hand slid over his wrist and her fingers intertwined with those already on her thigh. She gave his hand a squeeze and kept her fingers there.

  Tristan thought he had found his own little piece of heaven.

  Chapter Eleven

  After their time together in the woods, Tristan and Mairghread found any and every opportunity to meet in dark alcoves, under the stairs, outer store rooms, and the battlements to sneak kisses and to run their hands over each other. They were insatiable and frustrated. While the kisses were enough to tie them over, they longed for another chance to be alone. When they had returned to the keep after their interlude, all of the men were entering the great hall. It had only taken one look for the Sinclair to figure out what they had been doing. He marched over to Thunder and unceremoniously lifted Mairghread off the horse. He growled at Tristan and marched away. After that, the couple was more careful about their rendezvous.

  They were given a bit of luck when a messenger arrived from Sinclair lands with an update. Before leaving, Laird Sinclair gave a directive to his second that a monthly report should be brought to him. As it had taken them almost four days to travel to Mackay lands and they had been there now almost three, the report was due. The Sinclair and Callum retired to the Sinclair’s chamber to review the report. Alexander, Tavish, and Magnus were still in the lists.

  It was a particularly warm and sunny day. Mairghread had spent the morning in the garden seeing to the vegetables and herbs that would need to be stored for the coming winter months. She was hot and sticky. She could feel her gown sticking to her, and it was beginning to make her skin itch. She longed for a dip in the loch to cool off, but she knew she could not. She was no longer on her own lands where she had learned to swim almost as soon as she had learned to run. Her clan knew, even at her age, she still liked to go for a dip whenever the weather permitted. As a result, she would alert the guardsmen at the gate where she was going, and she would take a maid, usually Alys, with her. While Alys did not swim, she did not mind the walk or the time away from her regular duties. With Alys alo
ng, no one ever bothered Mairghread, and she was able to strip down to nothing. Here on Mackay land, she knew that was not an option. Beyond that, it was close to the midday meal, and Tristan had said he would join her.

  She continued to work at weeding the cabbages. It seemed like every time she turned back to the dirt another weed had sprung up in the place of the one she had just torn out. With a grunt she tore out a particularly tenacious one. She pulled so hard that when the roots final gave, she fell backwards onto her backside. She managed to rain dirt all down the front of her self.

  A large shadow came to rest over her. When she looked up, she was blinded momentarily by the sun, but she would know that hulking form anywhere.

  “Has ma wood nymph turned into a garden sprite?”

  “Nay. There is naught fae aboot me right now. Can ye give me a hand up? I’ve sprayed dirt down the front of me, and I’ve got ma skirts in a muddle.” She reached her hand up to Tristan.

  Rather than take her hand, he grasped her waist and lifted her up to eye level with him. He gave her a quick kiss before putting her back on her feet.

  “Yer cheeks are a might pink. Ye’re nae overdoing it are ye?”

  “Nay more than I usually do at this time of year, though it is rather hot today. If I were home, I’d go to the loch to cool off.”

  Tristan’s mind raced to the idea of Mairghread in nothing but her skin swimming through his loch. He already knew she was a strong swimmer from stories they had shared about their childhoods. At this point, they felt like there was little they did not know about each other’s childhoods. As soon as the thought entered his mind, he picked up on something else. She still thought of Sinclair lands as home. He wondered if she would ever think of Mackay lands as home.

  Looking up at him, she saw the lust in his eyes, and she knew what he was picturing. She pictured him bare as a new bairn at the loch. But just as her mind settled into that fantasy, she saw a sadness creep into his eyes. It was gone quickly, but she had seen it nonetheless. She thought she knew what might have caused it.


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