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Beauty of the Beast #1 The Mystic Rose- Part A- The Flower, The Sword, And The Kiss

Page 5

by Kristie Lynn Higgins

  Chapter Three

  Breakneck and Waterswift

  The blue-gray hills of the land of Naught gave way to the flat country of the Flush Plains. Han nudged his horse to pick up speed through the tall blue-gray grass. The steed gnawed at the bit but obeyed as Han glanced at Pluck and questioned her, “You haven’t said a word since we started our journey. Is something bothering you?”

  “Many things,” she answered. “Will the High Guards accept me? Is it too late to end my curse?”

  If it wasn't, would Edward give her the Kiss or would he save it for his new wife?

  Han hated that she kept the cure to her curse a secret all of these seasons and he said, “If you would only tell me what pact you and the prince made, I might be able to help you.”

  She stared at the distance shore as she told him, “When I am ready, I promise Han, I’ll tell you.”

  He nodded, not understanding but respected her decision, looked ahead, and said, “Time you pulled on your hood. We’re nearing the port.”

  Pluck and Han slowed their horses to a trot upon entering the large fishing village. Heron was like any in the Fletching Kingdom. The village had three taverns, a market, many huts, and a baron’s house sat on the hill. Many peasants walked the streets while a few nobles rode through in carriages. Voices filled the air along with the cries of Gray Gulls as a salty breeze and the smell of fish hit Han.

  He pointed as he told her, “The ships are ahead.”

  “Han, does the prince know I’m coming?”

  The commander halted his steed as he told her, “Pluck, I never told you this, but Edward doesn’t remember you or that sun’s cycle in the Temple. It was too much for him.”

  She pulled on the reins as her heart sunk. Pluck stared at the horse’s mane, not wanting Han to see her hurt expression. She had been able to endure the curse because she always hoped one sun’s cycle it would be lifted, but she always assumed Edward appreciated her actions. Pluck put a gloved hand to her chest as her soul ached, knowing her sacrifice was forgotten. She turned to Han and questioned, “If an act is unremembered, did it ever happen? Does it mean anything?”

  “Pluck, I remember what you did and what you lost,” Han told her and then he nudged his steed forward, and she followed as he said, “To answer your question, I believe an act good or evil is never forgotten.”

  They neared the docks and dismounted. Breakneck and Waterswift, two of the Fletching six masts Royal Navy ships, were loading supplies. Most of the High Guards and their horses were already aboard, awaiting their commander’s arrival.

  “We’re to board the Breakneck, that is Prince Edward’s ship,” Han told her as he grabbed his horse’s reins, leading the animal toward the plank.

  Pluck started to follow when she heard an old woman’s voice. Outside a supply store, three men harassed an elderly couple. Her emerald feline eyes flashed with anger within the shadow of her hood. “Foul Dreggs,” she muttered and shouted, “Wait, Han! Here...” Pluck handed him her reins and then she told him, “I must deal with these fiendish brutes.”

  Han noticed the couple and he argued, “There’s no time for this.”

  She faced him, surprised by the commander’s words and questioned, “No time?” The cloak shadowed her outraged face. Surely this wasn't her teacher speaking. Pluck said, “I can’t believe you said that.” She calmed herself and then questioned him, “What’s the High Guard vow?”

  Han muttered to himself, “So the student has become the instructor.” He then answered, “We do all things to glorify the Creator. We pledge loyalty to the crown. We swear to protect the Fletching people and property. And above all, we forfeit our lives for the Royal Family.”

  She nodded and told him, “Very good. I shouldn’t be too long.”

  Pluck approached the three men like a dauntless Ghost Panther stalking the jungles. She deepened her voice as she spoke, “Is there something I can do for you gentlemen?”

  One of the thugs barked, “No.” He turned, facing the cloaked stranger who had a gruff voice. The thug had a missing front tooth. He said, “Now why don’t ya mind yer own business and move on?”

  Pluck parted her cloak, revealing her Accolade Sword as she told him, “I’m afraid I can’t do that.”

  “Matt, he’s a High Guard,” another thug voiced, assuming she was a he. “Crell... He’ll have our Fasses!” the thug exclaimed as he backed away from the cloaked figure.

  “I think not,” Matt said as he placed his hand on the hilt of his bastard sword.

  “Crell! What do we do?” the other thug questioned as he and his companion readied their maces, glancing around skittishly like Plains Rabbits.

  Matt saw the ship load of High Guards watching them. Even if they took down the smug one in front of them, the rest’ll surely kill them. Matt spat on the ground and backed up, relenting as he said, “Our business here’s completed.” He turned, cursing and stomped down the dirt street as he barked, “Come on!”

  Pluck watched the three men walk off and turned to the elderly couple as she asked, “Can I help you load your cart?”

  “No thank you, kind sir. We’re grateful you came to our aid. Please...” The man handed her a wheel of cheese as he said, “Take this with our gratitude.”

  Pluck nodded, took the yellow cheese, headed for the Breakneck, and boarded the ship. She found Han standing at the gangplank after he had loaded their horses into the stable of the lower deck.

  “Didn’t even draw your sword, quite the beast,” Han told her as he glanced hungrily at the cheddar. “What are you going to do with the wheel?”

  She grinned at his pun and at his apparent craving for cheese and told him, “You can have it.”

  Han waved over a cabin boy and had the lad take the cheddar to his quarters. Han told her, “My thanks.” He motioned for her to follow him to a group of men. Four High Guards stood at attention as their commander approached. Each wore a white long sleeved shirt, brown leather pants, and a red cape with the Fletching insignia of a charging Black Elk pinned above their heart. Each was armed with a rapier and matching main gauche.

  Han motioned to the tallest of the group and said, “This is Ardor, my Second. He’s the finest swordsman in the land.”

  The long black haired man with a muscular build stepped forward. He was beardless and had a small scar under his right eye. Ardor said, “So this must be Pluck, the Guard you’ve been training in the North.” He looked over their newest member. What did Han see in him? Over the last few seasons, Han spent most of his time in the North. Was this High Guard better than him? He tightened his jaw. He was the Second, but he felt this newcomer would be in the running to replace the commander when the time came. He rested his hand on his hilt, thinking he would watch him closely.

  “Yes, this is Pluck,” Han replied and then he motioned to a red headed man with a pointed beard. “This is Fracas, master of the bow and Head Archer.”

  “Ah...” Fracas reached out, grabbed her gloved hand, and shook it as he said, “So... I’ve heard you’ve also split a few arrows.” Fracas would have to test his arm, pit his skill against Pluck's, and see if Pluck was as good as Han boasts.

  Pluck returned the thin man’s shake as she said, “I’m nowhere near your skill.”

  “Modesty.” A blond headed man slapped her back, nearly knocking her down and then he spoke, “We shall have to keep an eye on you.”

  Han said, “This Forest Ox of a man is Parry and to his right is Sinew. He’s the silent one and our finest tracker.”

  Pluck looked to the large muscular man with a blond goatee then to the last. Sinew was short, had a shaven head, and a long black mustache. She nodded to them.

  Parry leaned down to Sinew’s ear and questioned, “So which initiation should we use to induct this one? The bloody sheep’s bag in the bed or the Night Prowlers Raid?”

  “The latter,” Sinew answered, stroking his long mustach
e. “Why hold back?”

  Parry nodded as he replied, “Good. The first night he isn’t on duty we strike.”

  Han turned to Ardor and asked him, “Are we ready to set sail?”

  “Yes, all of our men and supplies are loaded,” Ardor answered and then he headed for the Breakneck’s captain. “Let us see how long till her crew’s ready.”

  The rest of the men headed for their stations as Pluck followed Han and Ardor up to the bridge.

  “Waterswift has set sail for the mouth of the bay to scout for any of Commery, Swelldom, or Hort’s ships,” Ardor continued. “Two nights ago a Commery vessel was spotted. It isn’t likely they shall attack so close to the mainland, but one never knows.” He walked up the steps to the bridge as he said, “We await the prince’s arrival.”

  “Then you wait no longer,” Edward declared as he stood at the top of the gangplank with Melee his personal guard behind him. The prince's disdain of King Stark’s orders was apparent on his face. His father forced him to leave his lovers behind. His father said it wouldn’t be proper to have them along on his wedding voyage. Not only would he have no companionship on the journey, but he was to marry a woman he’d never seen. What if she was ghastly?

  Edward asked, “How long till we get this wretched voyage on its way?”

  Ardor nodded to the skipper, and Captain Brine stepped forward and answered, “We shall set sail now, my lord.”

  Pluck studied her prince and her childhood friend. Edward had changed; he was a man. She looked over his royal garb consisting of a blue silk shirt, white cotton pants, and a gold silk sash girded his waist. A large gold medallion with the charging Black Elk decorated his neck. He was a handsome man and this fact saddened her. What was she thinking? Why would he kiss one so monstrous as she? Even if it ended her curse, Edward doesn’t know her or remember her. Why did she get her hopes up?

  “Very good,” Edward answered. “Have someone show me my quarters and bring along my things.”

  “At once, my lord,” Brine said and then he shouted orders to his crew, and soon they were on their way.

  A great wind caught Breakneck’s sails, pushing her over the blue-green waters. Sea spray moistened the cool air as Gray Gulls filled the cloudless sky. Pluck stood at a railing, looked at the ocean, and held on to her hood as the salty wind whipped at her face. She had never been out to sea before; it was a completely different world. Pluck felt a hand touch her shoulder, she turned, and she spoke, “Han.”

  “I have assigned you to be one of Edward’s personal guards along with Melee. One of you must always be at his side.”

  “I’m afraid to approach the prince, how can I be his bodyguard?” she questioned him as she glanced at the water. “I don’t think...”

  “Then don’t,” Han interrupted. “This assignment shall give you a chance to get to know Edward. Maybe then he shall come to remember you and the pledge then once and for all, he shall shatter your curse.” He looked across the horizon as he spoke, “Till that happens, do your job and let time deal with forgotten memories. I have confidence things shall work out.”

  “I don't know,” Pluck said. “Maybe it’s better I don’t get my hopes up.” She changed the subject by asking, “How many sun’s cycles till we reach the Morgog Kingdom?”

  “Four. A lot can happen in that time,” he spoke to reassure her. “Seize the opportunities when they come.”


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