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To My Immature Ex Boyfriend (The Inappropriate Bachelors Book 5)

Page 6

by J. S. Cooper

  “Trust me, I know.”

  “So, then what happened?” she prodded gently. “And if at any time you want to stop or you think I’m being too nosy, please just tell me you don’t want to talk about it anymore. I don’t want to make you feel bad.”

  “No, it’s okay. It’s been a long time since I’ve thought about the beginning. It was just cool. Everyone knew we were a couple, and we would go to parties together. We tried to get as many classes together as possible. I joined the cheerleading squad and he joined the junior varsity football team. And it turned out he was actually really good at football and he was really fast. He moved up to varsity and was the second-string quarterback. And I wasn’t too shabby at cheerleading. We were like the perfect, all-American couple, cheerleader and football player, you know?” I shook my head. “At least, that’s what my mom liked to call us.”

  “Sounds like your mom really liked him.”

  “Our parents were both ecstatic that we were dating. I mean, we were both from ‘good families’, so everyone approved.” I laughed. “They always talk about young love when one person’s from the wrong side of the tracks and the families hate it. We didn’t have that problem at all. Both of our families were thrilled that we were dating. They wanted our relationship to work.” I took another sip from my drink. “But I guess you don’t always get what you want, do you?”

  “Yeah, that’s very true,” Olivia nodded. “So, everything was going well and …?”

  “You know, I lost my virginity to him, and it was the most amazing night.” I cringed slightly. “I sound absolutely ridiculous, don’t I? The first kiss was amazing. Our first night together was amazing. But it really was. It was so special. I guess no one can take that from me.”

  “So what happened? What went wrong?”

  “We went to college together and, of course, he was the star quarterback for the team in college and I was a cheerleader. I wasn’t the star of the cheerleading squad. But there’s something very different when you’re a football star in high school to when you’re a football star in college. All of a sudden, all these girls were after him and flirting with him, and …” I let out a deep sigh, “it made me a little crazy. Turns out I’m the jealous type.”

  “Oh, no. I’m sorry, Birdie but I understand. That’s hard. Did he cheat on you?” she asked softly. “Is that what happened?”

  “Not that I know of.” I shook my head. “I mean, maybe he emotionally cheated. I don’t think he physically cheated.”

  “So what happened?” Olivia said.

  “Well, there’s a thing with guys, especially teenage guys, college guys. When they get together, they all want to sort of show off with each other. They all want to be the alpha. When you’re on the football team, they all want to show that they’re the hottest and the fastest and the best, you know?”

  “Trust me, I know.”

  “And I guess he got caught up in that. I guess he wanted to be the big man on campus, and I was just sort of like his … plaything.”

  “His plaything?”

  “Yeah. I mean, he didn’t have as much time for me. He started becoming more and more distant, and he started treating me like shit. He wouldn’t show up for dates. He always had an excuse. And then …“ I paused. “Ugh,” I groaned out loud. “I need another drink if I’m going to continue.”

  “Hold that thought, girl. Let me get us drinks. Another tequila sunrise?”

  “That sounds good. Thank you.”

  I watched as Olivia got up and walked over to the bar and stared down at the table. Talking about my past with Hunter was bringing up so many sad memories …but happy memories, too, surprisingly. I missed our time together. I missed the Hunter he’d been when we were in high school and at the beginning of college. I didn’t like the guy he’d grown into. I didn’t like the way he’d spoken to me, the way he treated me, the way he’d taken me for granted. I’d loved everything about our relationship.

  But then, maybe I hadn’t been completely honest with myself, either.

  A part of me had been happy to be dating the quarterback of the football team. It was kind of nice to be able to boast and to show off to other people. I guess that didn’t make me any better than him. I’d been his trophy girlfriend, the cute blonde from a good family, and he’d been my trophy boyfriend, the hot jock who came from money. Somewhere along the way, the innocence and pureness of our relationship had changed, and it became more about our status. Maybe it wasn’t all his fault. Maybe it had been me as well.

  I pulled out my phone and started playing a game. I didn’t want to think about stupid Hunter anymore. I didn’t want to take the blame for the end of a relationship that had meant so much to me. I was not going to allow myself to feel sad. Yes, it had ended, but all relationships ended. Well, most relationships ended, anyway.

  “I’m back.” Olivia handed me my new drink. “You look so sad,” she said. “Are you okay, girl?”

  “I’m okay.” I nodded. “Sorry. I hate to be a Debbie Downer.”

  “You’re not a Debbie Downer. I guess it’s just bringing up a lot of trauma?”

  “You’re right. I guess I never really got over everything that happened.”

  “So, what did happen, Birdie? How did it end?”

  “So, in our senior year of college …”


  “There was a big football game coming up. I think we were playing Alabama, and they were a huge rival of ours.”


  “Hunter had asked me to come to the locker room because he wanted to have a quickie before the game.”

  “Ooh.” Olivia grinned. “That sounds like fun.”

  “I can’t lie. Sex with him was amazing. And so I went to the locker room and we had a quickie. It was amazing, even though it was only 10 minutes, and I left. But I had left my bag in the locker room, so I went back to get it.”

  “Oh, boy.” Olivia looked nervous. “I have a bad feeling.”

  “Yeah. I walked into the locker room, and there was Hunter talking with all of his teammates.”

  She leaned forward, breathless.

  “He was telling them how we’d just fucked in the locker room and—” my voice caught as I took a deep breath. “And they were all high-fiving him and saying that he was the man, and basically saying that I was a slut and that he could do whatever he wanted to me. And he didn’t speak up for me.”

  “Oh, no. Did they actually call you a slut?”

  “I don’t know that they used that particular word, but one guy was like, ‘Damn, she’s easy. You can take her whenever and wherever you want.’ Hunter replied with ‘Yeah. All I need to do is pull my cock out and she’s bouncing up and down.’ Something like that.”

  “Oh, wow.” Olivia’s jaw dropped. “I’m sorry. But you know boys will be boys.”

  “I mean, yeah I know that but,” I paused, “it was more than that.”

  “Uh oh. What was it?”

  “One of the guys brought up this girl. Victoria Venice was her name.”

  “Victoria Venice? That’s a cool name.”

  “Yeah. She was gorgeous. I think she was Miss South Carolina or Miss Teen South Carolina at some point. But she was really beautiful, and she was interested in Hunter.”

  “Why am I feeling apprehensive all of a sudden?”

  “And one guy said, ‘So what’s going on with you and Victoria?’ And so of course, I stood there, listening. And Hunter said, ”I’m going to take her out this weekend, and then do what I think she wants.“

  “What does that mean?” Olivia asked.

  “I don’t know, but one of the guys asked him if he was going to bang her and what about me. And he said, ‘What Birdie doesn’t know won’t hurt her,’ and they all started laughing like it was funny.” I shook my head. “And it wasn’t funny. This was a guy I’d loved and really cared about, and that’s how he would talk about me with his friends?”

  “Oh, shit. So, did he date this Victoria, then?”<
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  “Well, this is the worst part.” I was starting to get emotional. “I’d had enough by then, so I spoke up, and I was like, ‘Hey, Hunter!’ really loudly and they all looked at me. I thought he would rush over to me and apologize. He was like, ‘What’s up?’ I was like, ‘I’ve been standing here. I left my purse.’ He was like, ‘Okay, where’s your purse? Let me get it.’ I wasn’t sure that he’d understood what I was saying, so I said, ‘I heard what you just said, Hunter. I just heard what you said about Victoria.’ He was like, ‘Yeah, and?’ I was like, ‘Whadda you mean yeah and? I’m your girlfriend. I thought I was special to you.’ And he just shrugged.”

  I took a deep breath. “And I started crying. All the guys were staring at me, and Hunter was staring at me. He didn’t even come over and say sorry or see if I was okay. So I walked over and I grabbed my bag and he just stood there. I said, ‘Hunter, don’t you have anything to say to me?’ And he was like, ‘You know I’ve got a game in like ten minutes. Can we talk later?’ I was like, ‘Whadda you mean can we talk later? Don’t you think this is more important right now?” He just laughed and said, ‘There’s nothing more important than football, Birdie. You know that.’“

  “Wow.” Olivia’s jaw dropped. “You’re joking.”

  “I’m not joking. And then one of his buddies says, ‘Ain’t that right, Hunter?’ And all the guys started laughing. I heard one guy saying, ‘bros before hoes.’ I couldn’t believe that Hunter didn’t even say anything. He didn’t speak up for me. Nothing. And so I left and I went home. I waited all night for him to call and he didn’t call me. I waited for the weekend to see if he would call and he didn’t call me. And then on Monday, I saw on Instagram that he’d gone to a party and was all dancing up on Victoria.”

  Olivia’s jaw dropped. “Oh, hell no! Really?”

  “Yup. So I called him, and I said, ‘What the hell is going on?’ He said, ‘What are you talking about?’ And I said, ‘Really? You’re going to speak to me like that and treat me like that and you’re not even going to apologize?’ And he said to me, ‘You’re the one that should have apologized to me. How dare you embarrass me in front of my football friends like that.’ And I was like, ‘Are you joking?’ And he said, ‘Are you joking?’ I said, ‘So now you’re dating Victoria?’ He said, ‘No, I just went to a party and she was there. I can dance with other women. You can dance with other men.’“

  “Wow, what a jackass.”

  “And that was it. I’d had enough. I told him it was over. I told him I never wanted to see him again. And then that was it.” I could feel the tears running down my eyes. “It all sounds so stupid and dumb, and I hate myself for even letting this still affect me, but it’s just so ridiculous.”

  “Girl,” Olivia reached out her hand and squeezed mine, “he’s an asshole, okay? None of that was your fault. The way he spoke to you, the way he treated you, he’s an absolute asshole. I completely understand why you don’t like him. I completely understand why you don’t want to see him. He doesn’t deserve even a second of your time. Are you telling me he’s never apologized to you?”

  I shook my head. “He has never apologized to me. And now he thinks that I’ll show him around San Francisco after everything?” I laughed a little hysterically. “He’s an idiot. That is never going to happen. Never, ever, ever, ever, ever going to happen.”

  “Yeah, girl, I don’t blame you. Not at all. Wow, that is absolutely crazy. I mean, I know guys are immature and I know guys can do stupid things and say dumb things, but that’s just absolutely awful. What a way for him to treat you, his girlfriend of, what, eight years?”

  “Exactly. Essentially, we’d been dating for eight years. I thought I was the one that he loved more than anyone else. We’d been talking about getting freaking married. I’m never going to marry a guy like that. What an asshole.”

  “Oh, wow. Oh, man.” Olivia shook her head. “I’ve heard some stories about some horrible guys before, and I mean, he’s up there. He’s not the worst, but he’s really up there.”

  “So anyway, that’s why I don’t want to see him and I don’t want to talk to him. You can see why I’m kind of embarrassed because I basically was giving this guy my everything and he just used and abused me. He just didn’t even care that I loved him so much.”

  “Girl, you do not have anything to feel sorry about. Screw him. Let him move on in his life and leave you alone. Man, I kind of wish you would see him just so I could come and cuss him out for you.”

  I laughed. “Oh, Olivia, you’re amazing. You know that, right?”

  “That’s what friends are for. Wow. Yeah, now I understand why you absolutely want nothing to do with him.”

  “Yeah. I want nothing to do with him ever, ever again. Just because he thinks he’s cute and whatever, he’s not going to worm his way back into my life.”

  “Good girl. And thank you for telling me. I know that must’ve been really hard. It seems like he really hurt you.”

  “Yeah, he did. I think I had so many dreams for us that I just didn’t recognize the person he’d become.” I let out a long sigh and sat back. “At one point in my life, he’d been like my Prince Charming. I thought he was my knight in shining armor. I thought he was the man who would chase all the bogeymen away. He was meant to be my protector, my lover, the person that was there for me against everyone else. But in the end, he became the villain of my story. He was the one I needed to run from.”

  “Hey, it’s okay, Birdie. Because you know what?”


  “You still got a Prince Charming out there, and I promise you, when you meet him, you’ll forget all about this asshole.”

  Chapter 10


  My stomach was tight with nerves, and it wasn’t because of my meetings with the heads of two banks. I was used to business. I was good at business. And I knew that the offer my father and I had put together was a good one.

  No, the nerves in my stomach had nothing to do with the two hundred million dollar merger I was hoping to pull off. They had to do with a certain blonde who had ruined me for other women.

  “So, Hunter, I have a question for you.”

  “Yes, Nellie?” I raised an eyebrow as I looked at my sister, who was looking out the window. We were sitting on the plane, and I was drinking my second beer, trying to relax, thinking about everything that I had ahead of me for the next week.

  “I think that you need to show me the card and the gift that you’re giving Birdie before I give them to her.” Nellie finally turned towards me.

  I stared at her obstinate face, so pretty and yet so like my own. “Are you freaking joking? I’m not going to show you the very personal letter that I’m giving to Birdie.”

  “Then I’m not going to give it to her.” Nellie tossed her long blonde curls and gave me a sweet smile. “We’re on the plane now, big bro. So it’s not like you can change your mind about taking me on this trip.”

  “I can cancel your best friend’s ticket, though,” I said, with a sweet smile in return. “Good for me that Shelby decided to take a later flight, isn’t it?”

  Nellie’s expression snapped into annoyance. “Hunter, you can’t do that. I mean, you’ve already paid, and I’m sure the flight’s nonrefundable.”

  “I used miles. I’ll get over it.”

  “Hunter, I promised Shelby that she’d be coming, and she’s only taking another flight because she went to get hair extensions.”

  “I don’t care what she went to get, but if you really think I’m going to show you the card and the gift before you give them to Birdie, then you’re out of your mind. I’m not going to have you in my personal business.”

  “What personal business, Hunter? Birdie’s your ex. The only card you should be giving her is an ‘I am sorry,’ and that’s about it.”

  “I don’t know why you keep judging me, Nellie. You seem to think that I was the one in the wrong in this relationship. She was the one who dumped me.”

/>   “And for good reason, Hunter!” Her voice rose. “Look, I’m your sister, but I’m going to call you out when you do wrong,” she said, her voice a little bit lower this time. She leaned towards me and touched me on the arm. “I know that you’re a typical guy, and you were on the football team, and you think you’re awesome. And maybe you are awesome in some ways, but the way you treated her? It’s just not cool, Hunter.”

  “How did I treat her? What did I do? She freaking came into the locker room on a game day. What was she expecting?” I sighed. “I was with my friends, and we were getting ready for the game and egging each other on. That’s how we are as men.”

  “I don’t know the full story, Hunter, but from what I heard, you treated her really badly.”

  “What did you hear?”

  I didn’t really care to hear what she had to say, but I figured we needed to have this conversation once and for all because there was no way that I was going to show my little sister the card that I had for Birdie.

  “I heard that you and Birdie hooked up in the locker room before a game because you said she was your good luck charm, and she left, but then she came back because she left her purse or something. And she heard you and the other guys on the football team talking about her and how good the sex had been.”

  “That’s not true.” I shook my head in disgust. “Like I would talk to my teammates about sex with Birdie. Who do you take me for, a Neanderthal?”

  “I don’t know. I know you and those guys are absolutely crazy and disrespectful to women. I’ve heard y’all at home.”

  “Nellie, we’re not disrespectful to women. You’re telling me you and your friends don’t talk about guys?”

  “We don’t talk about guys the way that you talk about girls.”

  “Whatever, I didn’t talk about Birdie in that way. Thank you very much.”

  “Didn’t you make some insinuations that she was easy and that you were looking to go out with another girl?”

  “What?” I shook my head at her. “Are you freaking crazy? Of course not. Why would I say that she’s easy? She was my girlfriend. She’d been my girlfriend for years. And what other girl would I want to date?”


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