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Circle of Elements: Water and Wind Collide

Page 8

by Mandy Adler

  “Well, then get your tail up here before Ash and I eat everything.” He turned before he was completely out of the room. “And come let your girl know you’re okay. No one likes to see her stressed out.”

  After I showered I headed to the kitchen where Asher and Dylan were already eating. Ella was standing at the sink washing dishes. She was a sight still in her purple pajama pants and a tank top, she had her hair knotted on top of her head… she was freaking gorgeous, and she was all mine. My heart pounded just at the sight of her standing in my kitchen, knowing she would be with me forever. Yeah, I’m going to keep her, and hope she decides to keep me.

  I stepped up beside her to dry and saw a notebook she had been writing in.

  Trouble is coming,

  Nowhere to hide.

  Don’t bother running,

  The shadows are near.

  Somethings you can’t fight

  You risk losing those you hold dear.

  It’s going to be a dark and lonely night.

  The words sent chills down my spine. I didn’t know if she had a touch of sight or if she was just worried and coping through her words. I would guess even she didn’t know the answer to that.

  You were gone when I woke. Her eyes slid to mine and I could see the worry in them.

  I was just working out some energy. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have snuck out. Next time I’ll let you know.

  I worry too. Please know that I’m here for you too, just like you are for me.

  I hated her thinking I wasn’t letting her in, she was so far past in. I just wasn’t used to leaning on someone else.

  I pulled her against me, not caring that she was soaking my shirt. I know that, Love. I’m still getting used to everything too. I may be ancient compared to you and Asher, but I have been on my own for a long time. I am not used to having a Chosen to lean on, I’ll work on it.

  That’s all I ask. She leaned up and pressed a sweet kiss on my chin. I tilted her chin with a finger and gave her the kiss she was worthy of, loving the way she melted into me, the way her hands weaved into my hair.

  The sound of an irritated throat clearing reminded us we were alone. I smiled at the blush that rose on her cheeks.

  “That is not something a brother likes to see, just saying, I could go my whole life not seeing my baby sister making out in the kitchen, or anywhere for that matter.”

  “Didn’t bother me none,” Dylan smirked, making Ella laugh.

  Asher grumbled a bit more, but you tell his heart wasn’t really in it. He loved giving his sister a hard time.

  Chapter Eleven


  Today was the day Ash and I turned eighteen, the day we always thought would bring us freedom. I never dreamed it would bring me to a new family. Asher and I weren’t alone anymore. Christian and I were to be bound tomorrow, tonight we were going out, celebrating our birthdays. Dinner and dancing, a new experience for me and Ash.

  “El, are you ready yet?” Asher called from downstairs. The boys were all waiting on me, but this was new for me, I wanted to look my best.

  “Five more minutes!” I called down, smiling when I heard his grumble.

  I was dressed in a deep-green dress that hit mid-thigh, paired with a pair of black flats. My hair was pulled up with soft curls framing my face. Good enough.

  I head down to meet the boys but stopped at the head of the stairs. Christian was wearing black slacks and a button up dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up, his hair was pulled back and tied at the nape of his neck. But the reason my breath got stuck and goosebumps covered my eyes wasn’t due to how he looked… it was how he was looking at me. His eyes swept the entirety of my body before meeting my eyes, the heat I saw there stopped me in my tracks. His lips were slightly parted as if to kiss me where I stood. I’ve never had anyone look at me the way this man was looking at me now. It was a powerful feeling to be able to be able to shock him, this man with more power in his pinky than most had in their entire bodies.

  Finally, I made it to the bottom of the stairs. He brushed my cheek gently with the back of his fingers. “You look incredible, Ella mine,” he whispered, brushing his lips against my cheek, causing a shiver to rack through my body.

  I’m second guessing going out tonight, Love. I don’t know that I can handle having another man’s eyes on you.

  “Well, I’m starving so how about we get this show on the road,” Asher cut in, breaking the spell Christian had me under.

  “I think the happy couple is having second thoughts of going out.” Dylan laughed. “I think they would rather stay home and celebrate.”

  “No way. They get tomorrow! Tonight, we celebrate the passing of our youth! So, saddle up boys and girls, it’s party time!”

  “Yes, because eighteen makes you such an old man.” Dylan teased.

  He is right. Tomorrow you are all mine, Ella. And I will not tolerate anyone or anything coming between us. But for tonight, let’s enjoy this milestone for the both of you.

  This man was going to slay me with his words, but I couldn’t deny I was looking forward to tomorrow just as much as he was. But, Ash was right. We have celebrated every birthday together, and we would celebrate this one together too, with our family.

  Christian and I followed Asher and Dylan out into the night to head out to destination number one. Let the party begin.


  I would much rather go to a nice restaurant than a club, but the twins were young and needed to experience things for themselves. And I won’t lie and say the idea of dancing with Ella in that dress didn’t excite me to no end, even with the loud music and rowdy crowd of people.

  Asher was clearly excited, I hadn’t thought about how much training we have been doing and not letting them let loose and act their age enough. As soon as this mess with the council and weres is done I need to make sure to let them live a little, see the world. I sometimes forget how young they actually are. They have been through so much they act much older than their eighteen years. I’m glad we decided to go out tonight, they deserve it, Dylan too.

  The club was loud and too dark for my liking, I couldn’t anything that hung in the shadows. Not that there was anything to look out for in a building full of humans just looking to have a good time, but you never knew where evil would show, something I have learned over the years. I look over to see Dylan scanning the place with watchful eyes too, old habits are hard to kill. Asher and Ella are looking with wide eyes, taking in the lights, loud music, and crowded floors. Experiencing everything through eyes that have never seen much more than heartbreak. I wondered if they have ever just relaxed and enjoyed the world. Probably not.

  “Food first?” Dylan shouted over the music, waving us to a booth settled in the corner.

  The twins followed closely behind him. I walked behind Ella to ensure nothing or no one touched her, I’m not sure I could handle that right now. Ash and Ella sat together while Dylan and I sat across from them. Asher grins at his sister whiles she gives him a timid smile back.

  “Order whatever you want, it’s on me. No alcohol. Neither of you are old enough anyways and casters don’t drink, makes our powers go haywire.” I tell them as quietly as I could, but the place was so loud I was still having halfway shout.

  “Trust me. You do not want to lose control like that.” Dylan says to them with a bark of laughter.

  “I sense a story there.” Ella laughs, the sound warming me enough to not mind being in this place.

  “For another day, my dear,” Dylan replies to her lightly. “Tonight is about you and Asher. Finally into adulthood and on to better things with us!”

  “Eighteen is just a number.” Asher laughs. “El and I have been adults for a long time now. But still, yeah, not being under the systems thumb is something to celebrate!”

  “Here, here.” Ella mumbles.

  “So, if there are five elements, why are considered a complete circle?” This from Asher, guess we’re going to fill the night with unanswe
red questions.

  “Spirits are rare, extremely rare,” Dylan replies as he pursues the menu.

  “Why?” Ella cocks her head to the side, trying to understand why one power would be in danger over the others.

  “Spirit Casters rarely make it to maturity,” I tell them. I hate being the one to tell them the darker sides of our world. But, the questions in the twins’ eyes lets me know they won’t let this go. “Spirits have odd powers. Anywhere from seeing the dead, seeing visions, hearing thoughts, and so on. Sometimes their minds crack. The other reason is that they have no abilities to protect themselves, their powers are never fight-worthy, they are either hunted down by our enemies or they tend to take their own lives when their minds can’t take anymore.”

  “That’s so sad.” Ella murmurs, tears shining in her beautiful eyes. “Does our Chosen have to be another Caster? Or can they be human?” I understand why she changed the subject, her heart’s too big for the hurt. She’d want to help every Spirit Caster we could find.

  Dylan lets out a bark of laughter. “Where did that come from?”

  “Makes sense,” Asher says, taking up for his sister. “We are similar to humans. Heck, we thought we were human recently.”

  I laughed and shared a look with Dylan. “Technically we could, I guess. I mean, we don’t usually hang out around humans. But there are one or two rumored cases of a Caster being bound to a human. It’s never been confirmed though.” Tired of the direction of this conversation after we put in our food order, I stood and walked over to my Chosen on the other side of the booth and held a hand out to her. “Care to dance?”

  The twinkle in her eyes made me laugh, she knew I was changing the subject and letting me get away with it. “Of course, I would love to dance with you.”

  Asher smirked and stood to let her out of the booth. “I’ll just wait here with Dylan.”

  Dylan laughed. “We will order an appetizer and pig out while the boss is gone.”

  I led my girl to the edge of the crowded dance floor, loving the flirty smile she was giving me. Luckily a slow song was playing. I don’t know that I could dance to an upbeat song in this place, making a fool of myself was not for me. I took both her arms and wrapped them around my neck as I wrapped both of mine around her waist. She stepped into me, laying her cheek against my chest. We didn’t so much as dance as we just kind of swayed, enjoying being in other’s arms. If I could spend the rest of my life with her safely in my arms, I would die a happy man. She left out a soft sigh, and I knew she felt the same.

  We both turned and laughed when we spotted her brother and Dylan with a cake that looked as if it had been set on fire, waving us over and already singing ‘Happy Birthday’. Time to share my girl with the other men in our family. But, tomorrow… tomorrow and every day after, she was mine.

  Chapter Twelve


  I have never been so nervous in my entire life. We were having a small binding ceremony, just us and the Coopers. It was Christians idea to invite them, and they gave a very happy yes. I felt thankful for them for bringing us here and basically introducing us to our new lives, lives we would never have dreamed of, but were thankful for all the more.

  Asher was helping me get ready, I couldn’t think of a better person for the job. I think he is genially happy for me, but I understand that this is all still a little weird. I was nervous… but very excited. I couldn’t have dreamed up a better man to marry than Christian, my Chosen.

  I’m wearing a simple white dress that fell just above my knees, we had decided against shoes since this was all happening on the beach. Dylan went online for us and got licensed so he could officiate our wedding at the same time as the bonding ceremony, it made things a little easier.

  “You ready for this, baby sister?” Ash cleared his throat as I walked out of the bathroom, fully ready. My cheeks were flushed, and the smile wouldn’t leave my lips.

  “More than anything,” I replied softly.

  Asher grinned and held out his arm to lead me to the beach. He had asked to give me away. What else was I going to say besides yes? He was the only one I would ever let have that honor.

  When we walked outside my breath let my body in a gasp. There were white rose petals scattered everywhere leading down to the beach. Dylan had made a beautiful archway of flowers for us to stand under, flowers blooming everywhere… it was beautiful.

  Christian’s eyes shined brightly as I finally stood before him. He held out a hand and I placed my shaky one in his. He gave me a reassuring smile and my nervousness just slipped away. I could feel the love flowing off him, the utter confidence that we would be okay.

  I heard none of the words Dylan was saying, my eyes staying on this man, this man that was mine, just as much as I was his.

  I heard Christian’s firm ‘I do” and I repeated the words. He smiled with a light in his eyes, he knew he had me completely. A ribbon was placed around both our wrist and I sighed as I felt the joining magic. Mine rose to meet his, they played and caressed, rising to meet its mate, our mate. The moments the binding we complete I let out a small gasp and laughed at the feeling of happiness and peace. Christian was my peace. He pulled me to him and kissed me eagerly, making me ten shades redder.

  “I love you, Ella Hollister, forever.” He whispered as our friends and family cheered.

  “I love you too, Christian Hollister, always.” He grinned at my words, making a smile break out on my face.

  “Congratulations, little sister!” Asher shouted as he pulled me into a monster of a hug.

  And then it began. I was passed to everyone for congratulations and well-wishes… all I wanted was to be back in Christian’s arms.

  We had decided not to leave for a honeymoon right now, with the unknown threat and the Council hanging over us, we both felt it was safer for our circle to stay together. I was perfectly okay with that, I would be too nervous to leave Dylan and Asher right now, and I didn’t need to be on some tropical island, I just needed my Mate, my Chosen, my Husband, it didn’t matter where we were.

  “Ah ha. I finally caught you Mrs. Hollister, and this time I am not letting you go.” I smile as his arms wrap around me from behind.

  I turned in his arms, kissing his chin. “I wasn’t running, I was just waiting to be caught by you. What took you so long?” The spark in his eyes flared as he leaned in to kiss me again. My breath caught in my throat as he dipped me backward, something I had only ever seen in the movies.

  The sound of our family and friends cheering brought the blood to my cheeks and Christian ran a finger across my face, tracing the signs of my embarrassment.

  “That is a lovely color on you, my Chosen.” He whispered, his cheek brushing mine. He straightened without releasing me. “Thank you, everyone. Thank you for sharing this wonderful moment with us, this start of our lives together. Have fun and enjoy the party, there is no curfew tonight, just don’t wander, stay on the grounds if you’re staying late. If you will excuse us, Ella and I are going to head in.”

  As we headed back into the house my nerves really started to kick in. If I thought the wedding was nerve-wracking I was wrong. The thought of what we are about to do I scary. I had absolutely no experience, I knew Christian did. He had a lot more of every experience than I did.

  I kept my hand in his as we headed to his room… our room. I kept my head down, trying to hide my fears. He didn’t need to be reminded just how inexperienced I was. I heard the door close behind us and the lock click over. My heart raced faster.

  Slowly I felt a finger under my chin, forcing my eyes to meet his. “Do not look at me like that, Love.” He pleaded. “We don’t have to do anything, I would be happy to just hold you all night.” He wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug, making me feel safe. “I never want you to fear me. I would never hurt you, Ella. Please trust me.”

  I took a deep breath and realized he was right. I was being silly. This was Christian; my Chosen, my Husband, my Mate, my other Half. He would nev
er hurt me or think less of me. It was just nervous jitters.

  I pulled back and met his eyes, slowly the smile returned to his face and he cupped mine. “I like that look on your face much more. I love you, Ella. And I meant what I said, we don’t have to do anything, it wouldn’t bother me a bit.”

  “I know,” I whisper. “I’m a little scared, but I want to. It’s our wedding night, and I love you. This feels right, just a little scary.”

  “Trust me, Love. I will always take care of you.” He ran a hand up my spine, sending a shiver racking through my small frame. “Are you sure?”

  I leaned up and placed a kiss that he deepened by moving his other hand to the base of my neck. My hands tangled in his hair and I let out a whispered, “Yes.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  She was beautiful when she slept, and I couldn’t believe she was mine. Yesterday and last night had to of been the best moments of my life. I didn’t want to wake her, so I placed a soft kiss on her head and smoothed the hair out of her face. She let out a happy sigh that made me smile.

  I shut the door silently behind me as I headed downstairs. Dylan was already at the table. I raised a brow.

  “He’s in the Gym again. He’s got too much energy, he’s going to blow if he can’t figure out how to channel it.” He was worried about Ash. I was too, fire was a tough element to master. Anger was a hell of a thing to live with all the time.

  “Council called early this morning.” Dylan smiled, eyes laughing. “Seems they heard of the bonding and decided they will postpone the visit. They said they trust our judgment and they will make an unannounced visit sometime in the future.”

  I barked out a laugh. “So, in other words; they can’t have the twins now that one is bonded so they will let us be for now.” I cut him a look. “We are going to have to deal with them soon. Our circle is powerful enough they are going to start feeling threatened.”


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