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Tomorrow's Shadow - Part III - Full Circle

Page 6

by Marcus Kruger

  ~ Rebuffed ~

  The following wolfmoon found Gerik pacing between fireplace and bar, grumbling. “I cannot believe you invited them. It astounds me Mother would accept, but I really have a hard time understanding why you even invited them.”

  Stefano stood in front of the fire, sipping a blood-cognac. He sighed as he watched his chylde’s frustration grow. “I am sorry, my love, but I did say I was inviting them for dinner and a discussion.”

  “No. You said you wanted to invite them.”

  “Well, yes. At the time I had not invited them yet, so I only wanted to at that point.”

  “And I said I did not think that was a good idea.”

  “You did not tell me to not invite them to the Keep.”

  “You never said you were going to invite them!”

  Stefano set his glass on the mantle and moved to stand in front of the young kindred to stop the pacing. He put his hands on Gerik’s shoulders and looked deeply into his eyes. “I am sorry. I erred in judgement. I truly wanted to end your strife over the issue with your father, not double it. Forgive me, beloved. Please accept that I never intended to upset you.”

  Sad eyes returned the look. “And yet I am upset over your actions, so your intentions did not play out as planned. I do not desire to sit and listen to his blatant refusal to accept our love. The man does not change his mind. Ever.”

  Stefano drew his love into an embrace and held him close. “I am filled with remorse over how my actions have affected you. Please accept my apology.”

  Viktor stepped into the hall from the kitchens and cleared his throat. “Excuse me, gentlemen, but a runner just delivered this missive from House Falow.” He held out a folded paper, the wax seal bearing the Falow emblem.

  Stefano kissed Gerik’s cheek then walked toward his manservant with an arm extended to take the note. “Thank you, Viktor.”

  Viktor pulled back slightly. “It is addressed for Lord Gerik.”

  “I see.” Stefano moved to the side and watched as Gerik stepped over to take the paper. His chylde’s hands shook as he broke the seal and unfolded the page, then began to read aloud.


  Your mother and I will not be accepting your unexpected and undesired offer. We believe accepting would be paramount to approving of your corruption at the hands of the lord of the island. Certainly by now you and he are quite aware this will never take place. This abomination you try to entitle ‘love’ is most foul in our eyes.

  I am surprised your companion would even offer such after my refusal to see him at our home three evenings past. I did not appreciate his appearing the gates of our home without even a missive stating his intentions. The lateness of the hour only accentuated the vulgarity of his actions.

  Your mother and I find it most grievous that you could consider asking us to enter your den of depravity. It becomes increasingly apparent that you have forgotten all your training in the proper manners of a gentleman.

  Do not make this error again.

  I remain,

  Lord T. Falow

  Falow House


  Stefano smiled. “Well, it appears the problem has resolved itself.”

  “Resolved?” Fury blazed in Gerik’s eyes. “Tell me, my love, what is this he says about you going to House Falow three nights ago? You were just returning from Arvis then. Or did you get back early and make a detour?”

  “Gerik, my heart, I think mayhaps you are becoming overwrought and need…”

  “No. You don’t tell me what I need. Not at present. The only thing I need right now is to know, did you or did you not go to my father’s house before you came home from Arvis?”

  Stefano’s tone began to register his own rising anger. “Yes. You have been so distraught and I was seeking a peaceful end to the troubles over our relationship. And in truth, it was barely past moon rise when I got there, not some unreasonable late hour as he would have you believe.”

  Viktor slipped out through the kitchen door, deciding this was not the time for a third opinion.

  Gerik stepped in front of Stefano, mere inches from his face. “Speaking of truth, when did you plan on telling me of this little escapade?”

  “From your actions right now, I would say it was smarter to keep it from you.” Stefano lowered his voice, though the thunder of authority rumbled in his tone. “Now, I am going for a swim, chylde. When I return I expect you to have gathered control over yourself and calmed down. If you cannot speak to me with the respect due your sire, you will give me the honor due your Prince.”

  “And if I do not?”

  Lightning flashed in Stefano’s dark eyes. “You do not want to know.” He turned on his heel and strode across the room, out the open balcony doors, and down the stone steps.

  Gerik watched his sire walk out in a state of shock. It was the first time Stefano had ever used the authority of being a prince against him. He just stood in the center of the great hall, staring at toward the balcony for what felt like an eternity until his trance-like state was broken by Viktor walking back into the hall.

  “Lord Gerik, where is Master Stefano?”

  “What? Oh. I do not know.” Gerik shook his head. “And honestly, I do not care.” With that, he turned and walked out the front door of the Keep then moved to shadow, disappearing into the night.


  Stefano lay on his back, the mossy surface beneath him offering little comfort. He ignored the crash of the surf around him; his mind was filled with chaos and his heart was breaking. It is not enough to fight with him. No, I have to pull authority and act the Prince. How do I ever make this right? Should I even try? And where is Vargon? Why do I alienate all who love me?


  In the confines of his room, Viktor sat on the floor in deep concentration. Sweat beaded at his brow as his mind reached to its limits. Enough, Vargon. It is time for ye to climb down from your pride and return to the home ye built for your first chylde. Angst tears at his being and burns his soul. Ye tore him apart by denying him solace and rest within his own room, then ye built him up, praised him, and made him Prince. Now ye hide from him. The once mighty Vargon Petrescu cowers? It is time for ye to grow up, my friend. Accept what is, acknowledge truth, and come aid the one who once brought you more joy than I had seen in you for centuries. Ye know he will never ask it of you. His pride is too much like that of his sire. Ye shall not hear from me again. I am required to be present here to salvage what I can.


  The wind ripped at Gerik’s cloak as he rode Shadow at a full run. The horse leapt over boulders and fallen trees as he move across the island. When they neared the far side, Gerik finally began to slow his mount until he gradually came to a full stop. He gazed at the waters of the sea, an inky black under ominous skies. The storm will be here soon. As much as I am not ready to return, I cannot keep Shadow in such weather. He sighed and turned his horse back, nudging him into a gentle walk. He stopped again at a copse of oak and fir and listened. Something is amiss. I can sense …

  His thoughts were cut short as a shadowy figure jumped into him, knocking him from the saddle. As he fell to the ground he heard the feral growl of the wolven that landed over him. Claws dug into his flesh as the creature spoke.

  “You belong to me, given to me by Master. I shall enjoy the taste of your flesh.”

  “Your master is dead, hound. And you shall join him soon.”

  “I think not, kindred.” Pozzt leaned in, saliva dripping from heavy fangs onto Gerik’s exposed throat. “Tonight I eat good.”


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