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Tomorrow's Shadow - Part III - Full Circle

Page 17

by Marcus Kruger

  ~ Resolution ~

  Stefano returned from visiting the Lestora camp with a smile on his face. In the fortnight following his depression, the Lord of the Keep had found a new zest for life. Viktor looked up and caught the smile.

  “You look pleased, Master Stefano.”

  “I am, Viktor. It was a most productive visit. And it’s been a long time since I was in a true camp. It brought back fond memories.” He sat at the bar. “Brandy, please.”

  Viktor prepared the kindred’s drink and handed the glass to him. “Then the emergency was not a true emergency? If I remember correctly, their runner was quite adamant about you being needed immediately.”

  “You remember correctly, and, I suppose in their eyes yes, it was an emergency. At least for the bride’s family, since it was the groom who walked away moments before the service was to begin.”

  “Is he not bound by law at that stage?”

  “Tradition. Although my sire would call it law, nothing has ever been decreed, and it certainly wasn’t something Cain the First requested. But a centuries-old tradition often feels like law for those who have lived with it for generations.”

  “Then what was your decision?”

  “I met with the lad. Rather cute, though quite young. Name of ‘Atruis’. Very appealing young man... I did what anyone might do in that situation, I suppose. I seduced him.”

  Viktor dropped the bottle he was replacing under the bar. Fortunately he was able to catch it with his powers before it smashed on the floor. “Ye did what? I would expect complete breakdown of all relationships at that point.”

  “There would have been, but I met with the bride separately shortly thereafter.”

  “Please say ye did not seduce her as well.”

  “I did not. But I did tell her that he had been with me.” Stefano smirked. “I also said she would be better off with her fingers than with what he had to offer. She decided to accept his abandonment without incident.”

  Viktor chuckled. “Ye are crafty indeed, Master Stefano. And what of the young man? Was he angry at ye revealing his … shortcomings?”

  Stefano almost choked on his drink. “Actually, I lied to the bride. I realize a Prince is meant to be honest at all times, which is precisely why the lie worked. I had warned him ahead of time what would transpire when I met with her. He was in full accord with me.” He set his empty glass in front of Viktor. “Besides, there were no ‘shortcomings’ with this lad.”

  Viktor shook his head in mock dismay. “Shall I refresh your drink, m’Lord?”

  “Hold on that for a moment, my friend. I wish to freshen up after my journey. I have many layers of dust over my skin I would like to remove.”

  “Of course, Master Stefano. I shall be here when ye are ready.”

  Stefano hummed in the shower. Of late his disposition had continued to improve as he busied himself with the responsibility of being a prince. Viktor was still trying to convince him it was time to hold another gathering for the mainland nobles, yet Stefano had managed to side step it to date. He did realize he would eventually have to succumb to the duties of being ‘Lord of the Keep’, but as long as he stayed busy, Viktor left the subject matter drop.

  After his shower Stefano padded barefoot down the stairs in tight trousers and crimson peasant shirt, unlaced, of course. Viktor held a glass of brandy out for him. “Someone on the balcony wishes to speak with the Lord of the Keep.”

  “I barely have returned… alright. Who is it?”

  “Ye would not believe me if I told ye. This one must be experienced.” With that, Viktor exited into the kitchens.

  Stefano arched a brow and headed for the balcony, drink in hand. When he stepped through the doors he stopped – there was no one there. He glanced back inside then had a thought. He moved to the rail and lifted himself up slightly to look towards the beach. There was someone walking along the short shoreline, male by appearance but difficult to see from this distance, even with his sight. The kindred took a sip of his drink and headed to the steps, walking down them slowly, his mind still curious about this mystery guest.

  At the base of the stairs he stopped and watched the individual who stood near the water's edge, looking towards the horizon. A smile slowly appeared on Stefano's face and he stepped forward.

  "Nikolos. This is a pleasant surprise. Is your wife … Vayona … is she with you?"

  The wolven turned around and whistled, light dancing in his eyes. “You look … tantalizing. As for Vayona, we did not marry.”

  “Indeed? I had assumed from the voice of your missive that you loved her intensely and she returned it. What went wrong?”

  “I did.” Nikolos walked over to Stefano and tenderly touched his cheek. “I could not think of marrying after hearing of your loss. I am sorry about Gerik, I know you loved him.”

  Stefano turned his head and kissed the inside of his friend’s palm. “Thank you, beloved friend. But what of Vayona? Did you postpone until some later time then?”

  “No. We spoke at lengths about me, about her, about us. We decided it was best if we walked away from it before our relationship soured, as it would have. There was just not enough devotion to make it work." Nikolos stepped closer, wrapping his arms around the kindred. "We had not discussed a date or gone to the justice to formally file our intentions, so there wasn’t a lot of planning to undo.” 

  “That is regrettable…” Stefano paused as realization crossed his features then pulled back. “Wait. How did you know of Gerik? Granted I had considered writing but shortly after your marriage announcement was not the proper time, not to mention I did not know where you were.”

  “Is it of significance?” The wolven grinned. “But, since you ask – I received word from a certain Lady Odessa Stalway Petrescu; she sent word back with the runner that had carried my missive to you. Was she the one with your sire the night … well, that night?”

  “Yes, she is my sire’s wife. I must remember to thank her … later.” He leaned down and kissed Nikolos gently. “I have missed you. Tell me of your luck with the mage. Did you find her? Was she able to remove your beast?”

  “Yes, I located her. She could not completely remove my beast of course, but she did indeed walk me along the path to taming it. I now am subject to it only during wolfmoon, yet its power is much greater in that period than I had anticipated. I am told it may subside a trifle, but to expect it to control me almost entirely for those three nights.” Nikolos looked deeply into the kindred’s dark eyes. “Do we dare suppose the Fates truly intend to allow us to be together?”

  Stefano laughed. “I no longer try to fathom the Fates. Their will is certainly their own, trying to understand them is trying to understand why grass is green or the sky blue. Certain things are what they are; it is not ours to question them.”

  The wolven put his hand against the kindred’s forehead. “Is this my Stefano being philosophical? Are you ill, dear one?”

  Stefano laughed. “Such comes with age. Or have you not found it so?”

  “I do not think of myself as aged.”

  “Or mature?”

  Nikolos winked. “Most definitely not mature. Or mayhaps mature enough. And now that I have you with me, I fully intend to recover all our lost ‘play time’.” He paused and his voice took a serious note. “Stefano, we must discuss the nights of wolfmoon, how we shall handle them. We need address what will happen when our clans discover a kindred and a wolven as lovers. What will your sire say about such a decision from a prince?”

  Stefano placed two fingers tenderly against the wolven’s lips. “Shhh, be still my love. We are together again, finally, and that is all that has any importance. Anything else, indeed everything else, can wait for tomorrow’s shadow.”

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