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No Limits

Page 9

by Nicki Bennett

  “Don’t wear yourselves out too much,” Colm teased as Kit rose as well. “We’re fighting King Lot’s army again tomorrow, and we need our knights at the top of their game.”

  “What’s a small castle to the Knights of the Round Table?” Kit asked haughtily, staring down his nose at Colm.

  “The doom of us all if Arthur can’t defeat Lot,” Colm retorted cheekily.

  Kit shook his head. “Okay, you win. I promise, no exhausted king or knights tomorrow. Can we leave now?”

  “Oh, very well,” Colm agreed grudgingly, the expression spoiled by his twinkling eyes. “Have a good night, gentlemen.”

  “We will,” Devon promised, his eyes softening as he smiled at the two men at his side.

  Kit started toward the door, turning back to smirk at Colm over his shoulder as they left. It wasn’t nice, but he couldn’t help gloating silently that he was going to get laid tonight—spectacularly laid—and Colm would be going home alone. Unless he could persuade one of the local girls to go home with him. Even then, it couldn’t possibly compare to Kit’s own good luck.

  GLANCING AT the alarm as he slipped under the cool sheets, Jonathan couldn’t believe it had only been a few hours since they’d left Devon’s bedroom. So much had happened in the interim, so many emotional swings that their loving interlude might have been a week ago for as much as he needed to reconnect with his lovers. He slid to one side of the bed, folding back the covers and leaning on an elbow as he watched his fair- and dark-haired companions undressing, offering a silent thanksgiving to any power that might be listening for bringing these men into his life.

  Kit finished stripping off, folding his clothes, and setting them aside. His eyes flitted back and forth between Devon and Jonathan, his conversation with Anwyn echoing in his mind. He wanted to say something, wanted to tell them, but he couldn’t seem to find the words. Seeing his own desire reflected back to him in their eyes, he let the concern go. He would say something later, after they’d made love and affirmed their relationship in that most primal of ways.

  Despite both his lovers waiting for him, Devon undressed slowly, remembering Blythe’s words. Jonathan was already in bed with the covers pulled back to reveal his bare chest, the small pink nipples that always seemed to be hard tempting Devon to take them between his teeth; Kit was leaning over to set his clothes on the dresser, providing a tantalizing view of smooth, tawny buttocks. He hungered for them both, not only for their obvious physical appeal, but for their unconditional support as he’d worked through the shock of Robert’s reappearance. They hadn’t been turned away by his past, and they’d stood by his side when he needed them, and even more, they’d sensed that he needed to face down his former Dom himself to extinguish the last of Robert’s influence on his life. Devon knew intuitively that the nightmares were over—those caused by memories of his time with Robert, at least. Whether he would be able to leave these two when his part in the filming was over without spawning a new set of nightmares was a different question. Blythe was right; he couldn’t let any more of the time they had left pass without taking action.

  “Come to bed, Devon,” Jonathan urged, holding out his free arm in welcome, knowing without having to look at Kit that they both wanted the blond between them. “I am so fucking proud of you, babe. You showed that bastard more class than I would have in your place.”

  Kit chuckled, having trouble imagining Jonathan not acting with class, but he didn’t contradict him, moving instead to stand behind Devon and urge him toward the bed. Tonight wasn’t about Jonathan anyway, but about celebrating Devon’s newfound freedom. “Let us love you,” he said instead. “Let us show you how proud of you we are.”

  Kit’s words were the opening Devon needed, but before he could speak, Kit nudged him from behind, gently pushing him to his knees on the bed. Jonathan reached up to draw him closer, and Devon slid under the covers, tangling his legs with Jonathan’s as Kit curled against his back and wrapped an arm around him to rest on Jonathan’s hip.

  The connection Jonathan felt with both his lovers at this moment was so strong that any lingering fears melted away in the warm glow of simply being with them. “I realized something tonight,” he admitted, his knuckles tracing the curve of Devon’s cheek while he interlaced the fingers of his other hand with Kit’s. “Watching you stand up to Robert made me see that there was something I need to tell both of you, something I can’t take the chance of waiting to say until filming is ready to end.” He drew a breath, the strength of his emotion making it difficult for him to speak. “I love you,” he said simply, knowing that no words he could find would give the declaration any more meaning. “Both of you. I don’t know where we go from here, but I need you to know how very much you both mean to me.”

  Devon’s heart felt as if it were going to swell right out of his chest. “Jon,” he rasped, reaching up to cup his face, blinking away a sudden moistness as his gaze met a pair of equally swimming blue eyes. He rolled onto his back enough to touch Kit’s face with the same gesture, seeing a matching glow in the ocher depths. “Kit… I never expected this to happen, but I love you both so much, so damn much.”

  “I know,” Kit murmured, tightening his hand on Jonathan’s fingers as he lifted his other hand to clasp Devon’s. “I was going to tell you both tonight, after… both of you.” He took a deep breath, not because he was afraid to say the words, not after his two lovers had already made their declarations, but because he had never said the words to anyone besides family. “I love you,” he declared firmly.

  “Who the fuck would have believed it?” Devon marveled, his voice thick with emotion. Kit’s grip contracted around his hand, and Jonathan leaned forward until their foreheads touched, the back of his fingers still brushing over the light stubble of Devon’s jawline. Devon squeezed his eyes shut, fighting a lifetime of conditioning that insisted men don’t cry. “I don’t want to leave you,” he admitted, a tear slipping from beneath his tightly closed lid to trickle down a chiseled cheek. “Think Niall would notice if Lancelot hung around after he’s banished?” he asked, trying for a lighter tone without much success.

  “He might notice, but he wouldn’t kick you off the set,” Kit insisted, his embrace tightening at the thought of Devon leaving. The strength of their threesome had already carried him through some difficult moments in filming, but the most demanding shoots were still to come. Having to face that without both his lovers there was daunting. A part of him wanted to beg Devon to stay, but he understood that Devon had to settle his business with his ex-wife once and for all so he would be free to move forward with his life. With their life.

  “We’ll work it out somehow,” Jonathan insisted, wishing he felt more confident than he sounded. “It’s only temporary—Lancelot has to come back to rescue Guinevere.” He didn’t mention the separation they’d all face when filming ended, though his words applied to that as well. “Somehow, some way, we’ll make it work.” His lips met Devon’s, pressing against them gently as his thumb brushed the moisture from his cheek. “We didn’t let your past break us apart. We won’t let distance beat us, either.”

  “Let us love you, Devon,” Kit reiterated, propping up on one elbow to kiss Devon tenderly. “Let us show you how we feel.”

  Gently freeing his hand from Devon’s clasp, Jonathan threaded his fingers into Kit’s curls, pushing up enough to reach his lips. Their eyes meeting in wordless accord, Jonathan thought again how Kit always managed to sense just what he or Devon needed. “Love you, kitten,” he whispered before easing back to claim Devon’s lips, spreading his legs to welcome him between them. “Want you, Devon,” he murmured when the kiss broke at last. “Want to feel you love me, the way you did the first time.”

  “Won’t be like the first time,” Devon answered, cupping Jonathan’s buttocks to draw him even closer, moaning when their cocks throbbed against each other hotly. “Back then, I only wanted you. I’m going to make it so much better for you now.” His palms roamed Jonathan’s chest,
rubbing his thumbs over the hardened nipples, catching them between his forefingers to roll and tug on them the way Jonathan liked best.

  “We’ll make it perfect for each other,” Kit declared, curling along Devon’s back, sliding his hands over hard muscle and bare skin. He spared an amused thought for Robert’s mistaken belief that he was the bottom in the relationship, but only for a moment. He had far better things to occupy his thoughts, like driving his lovers absolutely out of their minds with pleasure. Knowing Devon’s preferences now nearly as well as he knew his own, he nipped lightly at the curve of his shoulder before biting down hard, harder than he had ever dared before.

  Devon groaned as Kit’s teeth cut into his deltoid, making his cock jolt against Jonathan’s where they were trapped between their bodies, winning an answering moan. “Fuck, Devon,” Jonathan panted, grinding his hips hard against Devon’s pelvis. He pulled Devon’s head to his, kissing him fiercely, rocking in short, hard thrusts that dragged their cocks against each other, the motion growing smoother as they slickened with each other’s precome. Jonathan skated his other hand down the curve of Devon’s waist to where his own thighs wrapped around both Devon and Kit, then back up Kit’s body where it molded to Devon’s.

  “Not tonight,” Kit insisted, rocking firmly against Devon’s arse. “Tonight we’re making love.”

  “Always,” Jonathan agreed when he could finally tear himself away from the intoxication of Devon’s mouth. “Any way, every way we’re together, it’s love. We may not have really said the words before tonight, but that’s always what it’s been.” He worked a hand between their bodies to circle Devon’s cock, running up and down its length, gently easing back the foreskin to coax more fluid from its tip. “Please, babe,” he entreated, inching himself upward until he could guide the shaft between his legs. “Need to feel you inside me.”

  Unable to resist the plea in Jonathan’s voice, Devon thrust into the cleft between his buttocks, his precome lubricating the already sweat-damp crease, but that alone wasn’t enough to let him continue. He knew Jonathan wouldn’t protest, but tonight of all nights he refused to inflict any pain on either of his lovers. Scrabbling under the pillows, he found the tube of gel they’d left there earlier in the evening and squeezed a dollop onto his fingers, then reached over Jonathan’s hips to work his way past the clenching entrance, determined to prep him completely. Jonathan’s gasp as the first finger slid inside sent Devon’s own need skyrocketing. “So good,” he crooned, twisting the digit deeper until he could scrape the pad against Jonathan’s sweet spot. “So hot, so tight. Open up for me, Jon. Gonna make it so good, so good for us both.”

  Kit pushed up on one elbow to watch as Devon prepared Jonathan. The sight of those strong fingers disappearing in Jonathan’s firm arse made his own cock swell painfully. He looked around for the lube, snagged the tube, and covered his fingers with the slippery gel. Sliding them between the cheeks of Devon’s backside, he probed gently, mirroring the caresses Devon was bestowing on Jonathan. “And you open for me,” he husked.

  “Always.” Devon echoed Jonathan’s response as he reacted to his wordless appeal for more. Working a second finger into the muscle that stretched and squeezed to draw him in deeper, he felt himself reacting the same way to Kit’s touch. “Either of you—both of you.” He gasped, the layered sensations of Jonathan stroking his cock as Kit scissored his fingers inside him stealing his breath. “Want you both—love you both—so much.”

  “Now, Devon,” Jonathan insisted, feeling the heavy shaft swell with each curl of Kit’s fingers. He needed that thickness filling him, uniting him with Devon and with Kit through him, an unbroken circle of desire and love. Hitching his hips until he could throw his top leg over Kit’s thighs, he guided Devon’s cock to his entrance, working it between the fingers that still filled him, wanting to take as much of Devon inside him as he could. “Love you so much—want all of you—always.” A cry of pleasure broke from his throat as the slick head of Devon’s erection entered him, the long fingers still surrounding it. “Oh God, babe,” he panted, his hips lifting to seek even more of Devon’s length. “More, want more, want you inside me forever.”

  “You have me,” Devon promised, the burn of Kit’s fingers making him jump inside Jonathan’s hot sheath. “Always—no matter where we are—always—” His lips closed over Jonathan’s, uniting them in yet another way, his emotions stronger than any words could describe.

  Deciding Devon was stretched enough and wanting desperately to be a part of the joining already taking place on the bed, Kit slid his fingers out and slicked his shaft quickly, lined up and pressed inside, letting Devon’s movements draw him in deeper with each stroke.

  This moment was more than anything Devon had ever dreamed of—loving and knowing himself to be loved in return, not once but twice, without jealousy or weakness—strength building on strength, love building on love. Sheltered between his two lovers, giving and receiving pleasure in equal measure, a wellspring of joy overflowed inside him. His free hand caressed Jonathan’s cock as Kit filled him, each thrust driving him deeper inside Jonathan. The sensations spiraled through him, as though he were feeling both his lovers’ pleasure on top of his own. With a wordless shout of pure adoration, Devon spasmed inside Jonathan, Kit’s urgent pulses driving the intensity higher with each pump of his hips.

  Kit bit his lip hard to stop himself from coming the minute Devon’s climax started, squeezing his cock repeatedly, tightly. He wasn’t ready to let go of this moment of communion, this instant of infinity. He knew, rationally, that they would find it again each time they made love, each time they whispered their love or shouted it to the heavens, but this was the first time, the moment they first made love openly, knowingly, intentionally rather than hiding their emotions behind the mask of physical sensation, and he was loath to have it end. He reached for Jonathan’s hip, wanting the physical connection to both men that would mirror the emotional and spiritual one they had finally acknowledged.

  Devon’s hand on Jonathan’s cock, his heat spilling inside him, were nearly enough to push Jonathan over the edge. Only one thing was missing, and as Devon’s head fell to his chest in ecstatic release, Jonathan reached out for Kit, pulling his head down over Devon’s shoulder to join their lips as his orgasm flared inside him like a thousand shooting stars.

  Though their lips barely brushed as they met over Devon’s body, Jonathan’s kiss broke Kit’s resolve, sending love and lust welling through his heart and body. His release sent him flying, higher than any plane, than any mountain, yet he felt only exhilaration, knowing his lovers were there with him, ready to catch him, to support him, comfort him, help him, love him. With them by his side, he could do anything. “I love you,” he shouted hoarsely.

  By the time the spasms of pleasure slowed, Devon was too drained to do more than collapse against Jonathan’s chest, his breathing still rough and shaky. The warmth radiating from Jonathan beneath him and Kit behind him grounded him, imbuing him with a sense of peace and rightness. He could still feel Kit inside him, though not as deeply, as tightly, as when Kit had stretched to kiss Jonathan. He wasn’t sure he’d ever felt a lover as deeply inside him as Kit had been in that moment. “Love you,” he murmured, clasping each of his lovers’ hands and raising them to his chest. “Love you both.”

  Jonathan squeezed Devon’s hand, stretching his fingers until they could brush the back of Kit’s, his other hand combing through Devon’s rumpled hair. Maybe later he’d find the words to convey how much the two men beside him had come to fill his heart and his life; for now, lying joined with his lovers like this was enough, and everything he needed.

  Coming down from the sensual high, Kit chuckled softly. “You know,” he murmured, “I could almost be grateful to that bastard. His interference finally got us to admit our feelings.”

  Jonathan privately wasn’t sure he could ever forgive that twisted piece of shit for abusing Devon’s trust, but he wasn’t going to let even the thought o
f him spoil this moment. “I owe Addison for convincing me to tell you,” he mused, humming in contentment as Devon settled into a more comfortable position against his side. “He’s right—I’d be lucky to have found only one of you. Loving you both is a gift beyond price.”

  “Blythe told me I was a coward,” Devon admitted, curling around Jonathan as Kit’s warmth pressed against his back. “Said I was using my failed marriages and the fact I was leaving as excuses to keep from facing what I really felt for you both.” A yawn escaped as he spoke, making Jonathan chuckle when it ruffled the hair on his chest. “Dunno ’bout you, but I can’t argue with Guinevere.” His voice trailed off into a muffled murmur.

  “Any more than I can argue with Morgause,” Kit agreed. “Anwyn said pretty much the same thing to me, said I’d been mooning over you both and that it was time to stop being a kid and admit that I had found an adult relationship worth keeping.” Stifling a yawn of his own, he shifted more comfortably against Devon’s back.

  “Sleep,” Jonathan whispered as his lovers’ breathing softened, letting his own eyes drift closed.

  Following Jonathan’s direction, Kit’s eyes fell shut, his last thought before sleep claimed him that they would make the most of every day they had left together, free of Robert’s taint and secure in one another’s love, so that when filming ended, they would have such a wealth of shared loving between them that they would be able to endure even that.

  Chapter 7: Start Me Up

  “IS IT just me?” Kit asked Jonathan when they entered their trailer at the end of the day. “Or is Devon avoiding anything more than vanilla sex?”

  Jonathan arched his back, vertebrae cracking as he worked out the tension of the day’s filming before dropping into his makeup chair. “You noticed it too?” He stretched one arm, then the other before starting to unfasten the layers of chain mail and leather armor. “Not that I’d ever complain about any sex with either of you, but I haven’t seen the toy box in weeks. Not since—”


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