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No Limits

Page 12

by Nicki Bennett

  “Jonathan.” Devon’s voice sounded thick in his own ears. “Touch him. Touch the clamps.”

  Kit moaned into Jonathan’s mouth at Devon’s words, his passion surging to the fore again at the mere thought of what any contact with the clamps would do to him. Devon really did know him well.

  Lifting his head from the kiss, Jonathan smiled at Kit’s moan, equal parts protest and plea. Leaning forward onto his elbows, he swung a leg over Kit’s prone body, straddling the slim hips. The move set the plug rocking deeper inside him as he scooted backward, sitting on his haunches. For just a moment he gazed down in appreciation at the elegant silver clips adorning each wide, dusky nipple; then he bent forward and lapped around them, wetting them, worshipping them, soothing the abused flesh even as he stimulated it.

  “Oh God, Jonathan!” Kit gasped as even the soft touch of his lover’s tongue set his flesh to throbbing again. Not painfully, but powerfully, his whole body jerking in reaction, pulling at the suede that held him in place.

  Encouraged by Kit’s response, Jonathan drew one of the clamps into his mouth, suckling it gently as his fingers toyed with the other, spreading his saliva over it, tracing the contours of the clasp gently enough to set it quivering. His cock leaked at the sounds Kit was making, at Kit undulating beneath him, bumping the plug’s handle, arousing him even more.

  Devon could see Jonathan’s buttocks twitch as he clenched around the plug, and it was getting damned hard not to give in to the urge to pull it out of him and sink into that tight heat. “Soon,” he promised Jonathan. “You want it, don’t you? Want to feel me filling you? Kit wants it too, I warrant. Touch him there, Jon—rest your thumb on his hole. Don’t put it in—just let him think about what you’re feeling, what you’re going to feel once you bring him off.”

  Jonathan couldn’t hold back his own moan of anticipation at Devon’s sultry promise. Lifting his head, he raised the thumb that had been teasing the second clamp to his mouth, wetting it before reaching behind himself and between Kit’s legs. Taking the other nipple into his mouth, he traced the crease between Kit’s cheeks blindly, spreading his fingers until he could press his saliva-damp thumb against the puckered opening.

  Kit squirmed wildly within the extent of his bonds, curses falling volubly from his lips as Jonathan teased him at Devon’s direction, touching but not penetrating, arousing without delivering, even as his mouth stimulated the other pinched nipple. “Please,” he begged, trying to lift his hips just a little more, to gain a little more pressure. “Please, I need you inside me, need you to touch me.”

  As much as he could sympathize with Kit’s need, there was no way Devon could let his vocalization go on unchecked. Mindful of the near-disaster that could have resulted from pushing Kit beyond his limits at the beginning of their relationship, he considered his next step, smiling when he hit on a solution that could give them all what they wanted. Pushing to his feet, he retrieved the toy he’d contemplated earlier and moved to the head of the table, looking down at the erotic tableau as Jonathan straddled Kit’s hips, his mouth still closed over one of the clamps, his fingers buried between the cheeks of Kit’s arse. He touched the back of Jonathan’s head gently, his fingers sliding into the tawny hair.

  Jonathan stiffened at Devon’s touch, wondering if he’d done something wrong while at the same time longing to push up into his hand, to plead for more attention for himself. Raising his head, he looked up at Devon towering over them, up the long legs encased in skintight leather, the engorged head of his cock pushing through the open placket, up the toned planes of his abdomen and the muscled chest to meet glittering green eyes.

  Seeing the trepidation in Jonathan’s gaze, Devon tipped his chin upward with his other hand, the backs of his fingers ruffling the stubbled jaw. “You’re doing fine, Jon,” he reassured his lover, glancing down at Kit still writhing beneath him. “Take the clamps off now.”

  “No, leave them, please,” Kit protested before he could think about how Devon might react to his comments. He didn’t want the incredible pressure to go away, didn’t want a lessening of the tension that held him in its grip. “I’m so close.” If Jonathan stopped now, he’d lose that edge.

  His free hand hovering above Kit’s chest, Jonathan hesitated, waiting for Devon’s response. His other hand stroked the damp length of Kit’s crease, his thumb still pressing over the entrance as Devon had directed, hoping that might be enough to drive Kit over the top.

  Kit squirmed beneath Jonathan, biting his lip as he caught sight of Devon’s face. The thumb was driving him wild, almost as wild as the clamps on his nipples. Just a little bit more….

  Trying to maintain a stern visage, Devon nodded at Jonathan, knowing better than either of his lovers what would happen as soon as the pressure of the clips was released. Behind his back, he gripped the smooth silicone toy as he waited for the inevitable. “Now, Jon.”

  Reluctantly, Jonathan reached for the clamp he’d been suckling, moving as gently as he could to slide the restraining bead upward enough to ease the clip from the reddened nipple. Greatly daring, he pressed a fraction harder against Kit’s puckered entrance, not quite penetrating, but pushing the opening just a little wider with the pad of his thumb as the clip slid loose.

  Kit had expected the clamp’s removal to lessen the sensation assailing him. The opposite was true. The sudden cessation of pressure allowed his blood to rush back into the previously constricted flesh, a feeling not unlike having his cock ring removed. Combined with the increased thrust of Jonathan’s thumb against his hole, it pushed Kit into the throes of a powerful orgasm, his cock twitching as if disgorging the contents of his painfully full sac, though only a dribble escaped the confines of the ring.

  Jonathan’s own cock throbbed against the leather strap of his ring as Kit thrashed below him, hitting the handle of the plug and pushing it hard against his prostate. Heat flared through him so fiercely that he bit his lip to keep from groaning, his fingers trembling as he fumbled to remove the second clip as quickly as he could.

  The release of the second clamp, the renewed surge of desire, tore through Kit, a wordless shout issuing from his throat as he thrashed wildly on the table before collapsing back against it, replete and exhausted as he would never have believed possible only from having his nipples pinched and his entrance toyed with. Looking up at Devon again with hazy eyes, he murmured, “I didn’t know.”

  “Just expanding your horizons, lad.” Devon let the corners of his lips twitch for a moment before stretching out his hand to Jonathan to reclaim the silver clamps. “You’ve earned your reward,” he assured him, knowing the effect that watching—and feeling—Kit climax below him must have had on Jonathan. “There’s just one thing I have to care for first.” Looking down at Kit, he brought his other hand forward, letting them both see the ball gag dangling from his fingers. “Since you can’t seem to keep your mouth shut, Kit, we’ll have to find another way to keep you quiet.”

  Chapter 9: Gag Order

  “YOU DIDN’T keep my mouth busy,” Kit retorted, knowing the gag was going in his mouth whether he spoke or was silent. “What was I supposed—”

  With an indulgent smile, Devon bent forward and took Kit’s mouth with his, silencing him by the most expeditious means possible. He let his tongue probe deeply, savoring the flavors of tea and clove and Kit, and even the hint of Jonathan he imagined he could taste from their earlier kisses. Kit met him with enthusiasm, as he did everything, sucking Devon’s tongue deeper into his mouth and worrying it gently with his teeth. Devon let the kiss last a little longer than he should, knowing it would be some while before he could enjoy the pleasure again, but finally he pulled back, the gag still dangling from his fingers. “I much prefer my method of keeping you quiet,” he admitted, “but I have other plans that involve my mouth, so I’m afraid it will have to be this for now.” He eyed Kit from beneath a raised brow, wondering if he was going to fight him.

  Kit considered protesting, but he really h
ad no grounds for it. Devon had made it clear, the first time they had played like this, that he expected his subs only to speak when spoken to, and while Kit had only a passing idea of what other forms of discipline Devon might choose, a gag was surely the least of them. Nodding, he lifted his head and opened his mouth.

  Somewhat surprised at Kit’s immediate obedience, Devon ran a finger around the parted lips before popping the ball inside. He waited for Kit’s attempts at positioning it to stop before adjusting the strap to a comfortable pressure. He could feel Jonathan’s gaze from behind them as he bent to the toy box at the side of the table, straightening with nothing more threatening in his hand than a soft length of scarf. He trailed the ends over Kit’s chest, earning a shiver before he placed it in the lad’s right hand.

  “If you need us to stop for any reason, drop the scarf,” Devon instructed. He didn’t plan anything that should come close to causing Kit to need to safeword, but he wasn’t going to make any assumptions or take any chances at pushing Kit too far ever again, and trussed up as he was, Kit’s back could spasm and he’d have no other way of telling them. He brushed Kit’s cheek, trusting that he, and Jonathan too, would understand the gesture was a safeguard and not a threat.

  Kit’s eyebrows raised in surprise as he closed his fist around the scarf. Yes, they had talked about safewords, back when they first started out, but he had never even considered using his. Even so, the thought that Devon cared enough, as his lover and his Dom, to make sure he had a way out if he needed it, made him smile as best he could around the gag. He nodded to show his understanding, hoping Devon could read his gratitude and his love in his eyes.

  Relieved at Kit’s smile, Devon glanced back at Jonathan. He still straddled Kit at the lower end of the table, his erection standing stiff against his stomach, his eyes warm as they watched Kit. Seeing Devon’s gaze shift to him, Jonathan dropped his eyes, waiting for the next command, hoping Devon would remember the bargain he’d made. Kit wouldn’t have hesitated to remind their Dom already, Jonathan knew, but he was content to wait, certain anything Devon ordered him to do would lead to their mutual pleasure in the end.

  Rising from the table, Devon stepped back, once more taking in the image of Kit’s firm body spread open for their taking and of Jonathan straddling Kit’s hips, his posture tight with anticipation and arousal. It was time he gave something to Jonathan, he knew, but something that kept Kit included as well. “Move to the end of the table, Jonathan,” Devon ordered, dropping his hand to pop open another button on his leathers, easing some of the pressure on his engorged cock. “Kneel up, with your hips in the air.”

  Jonathan’s shaft swelled at the sultry note in Devon’s voice. The deep, thick accent became stronger during their games, the sound of Devon’s commands arousing him as much as the actions Devon ordered him to perform. He positioned himself on his knees between Kit’s spread legs at the edge of the table, grasping the sides with his hands, raising his hips to present himself to his Dom, his lover, hoping Devon was ready to take what he wanted so much to offer. He wished he could turn his head to look at Devon, to try to read his intentions in his eyes, but he kept his gaze focused downward at the almost as enticing view of Kit’s groin, the circlet of his cock ring blending with the dark curls that framed his still-hard shaft.

  Kit squirmed on the table, the pressure on his cock keeping his desire from fading despite his earlier orgasm. With the gag in his mouth, he couldn’t keep his lovers’ attention on him by speaking, so he lifted his hips as best he could, trying to remind the two men not to forget him in their quest for their own release.

  “Insatiable,” Devon grumbled to Jonathan, stifling a smile. He noticed Jonathan moistening his lips and added in a slow drawl, “What should we do with him, Jon?”

  “Suck him,” Jonathan whispered, raising his eyes just enough to meet Kit’s, hungry for the taste Devon had denied him earlier. “Let me suck him this time, please, Sir.”

  The low rasp of Jonathan’s voice fired an answering hunger in Devon’s blood, but there was no reason to deny Jonathan what he asked for while Devon took his own pleasure. “Go ahead.” He nodded his permission, using the moment when Jonathan’s head dropped to gather another necessity from the quickly depleting toy box.

  Lowering his head to nuzzle at Kit’s abdomen, Jonathan breathed in the heady scent of his lover’s musk. He teased at the dark nest of curls for a moment while the rosy column stiffened beneath his regard. When it stood at attention before him, he let his tongue trace its length, following the vein that pulsed beneath the silken skin down and back up again, swirling around the enrobed head before finally lapping the bead of fluid that was all the ring allowed to escape.

  Kit’s head tossed back and forth as Jonathan’s tongue lavished attention on his rapidly reawakening cock. Were the gag not in the way, he would have already begun to beg. As it was, he had to settle for moaning low in his throat and pushing his hips up toward Jonathan’s mouth. He kept his hand clenched tightly around the scrap of silk, determined not to let it slip accidentally from his fingers, ending the sensual torture Jonathan so lovingly imposed on him.

  Encouraged by Kit’s reaction, Jonathan opened his lips around the head of his cock, teasing his tongue around the shroud of foreskin, flicking over the veiled ridge, so intent on winning another groan of pleasure that it caught him by surprise when he felt Devon’s hands grasping his ass, parting his cheeks. His own mouth as blocked as Kit’s, he growled deeply when slick fingers wandered down his crease, teasing around his hole, skimming over the skin stretched so tightly around the plug that filled him. His muscle flexing involuntarily, Jonathan pushed backward, arching his hips, trying to follow the maddeningly elusive touch while taking Kit even deeper into his mouth.

  Devon knew Jonathan probably couldn’t help his body’s reaction, but it was time he started to learn the discipline Devon expected from his subs. Drawing his hand back, he slapped the tightened globes firmly, surprising a muffled grunt from the kneeling man. “I didn’t give you permission to move,” he said sternly, watching as Jonathan immediately dropped his hips. “Your pleasure is my responsibility to administer, not yours to seek.”

  Shamed at needing to be admonished, Jonathan shrank back, trying to focus on what he was doing to Kit rather than what Devon was doing to him. Whatever it was, it would be good. He could trust Devon to see to that. Breathing in deeply, he slid his lips farther down Kit’s shaft, exhaling slowly as the silken hardness filled him, emptying his mind of any concern but that of pleasuring his lover. A sense of freedom grew in him, letting him focus fully on just this moment, knowing that Devon would take care of him, would give him whatever he needed.

  Another moan escaped around the gag in Kit’s mouth as the smack Devon delivered forced Jonathan forward onto his cock. He tried to keep his hips from bucking up even more into the wet cavern, shivering in delight at the suction as Jonathan swallowed to keep from choking. He heard their Dom’s words of warning to Jonathan, knew they should apply to him as well, but he was too far gone in pleasure to process them completely. Later, when he could think straight again, he’d think about them, try to make them apply to himself. For now, all he knew was how close he was to coming again, held back only by the constriction of the cock ring. He gripped the scarf until his knuckles turned white. Whatever happened, he did not want to drop it.

  Watching Jonathan deep-throat Kit—hard to believe a few short months ago Jonathan had never had a cock in his mouth before!—and listening to Kit’s increasingly frantic noises were undeniably arousing, and Devon was ready to do more than just watch his lovers. Popping open the final button on his leathers, the placket gaping to free his hardened shaft, he returned to the pleasant task of teasing up and down Jonathan’s crease with lube-slicked fingers, sliding around the circumference of the thick plug just enough to stir it minutely in his sub’s channel. He was pleased to see that despite the provocation, Jonathan held himself still, only a slight quiver of his thighs hint
ing at the effect Devon’s actions were having on him.

  Devon’s callused but surprisingly gentle fingers circled the handle of the plug, each touch setting the thick silicone knob vibrating in Jonathan’s channel. He tried to keep his muscles from clenching around it, tried to ignore the tendrils of pleasure Devon’s touch sent spiraling through him. Every time Devon nudged the plug, Jonathan’s cock twitched against his belly; he could feel it rubbing damply against him, knowing he was leaking and that without the cock ring to constrain him, he’d probably already have come. Focusing on the steadiness of his breathing, he sucked harder on Kit’s shaft, wishing he had permission to touch so he could take Kit’s balls in hand and push fingers into his hole the way Devon was driving the plug into him.

  Kit wanted to beg, to plead, to do anything to move them closer to release, but the gag in his mouth silenced his words, the bonds around his limbs stilled his movements. He had only the scarf in his hand, and dropping that would end the scene entirely rather than speeding it up. Jonathan teased him with his tongue, trying to suck out Kit’s orgasm through the cock ring, or at least that was how it felt. It wouldn’t take much for Kit to come again despite the constriction, but he tried to hold back, wanting to come with his lovers this time.

  Impressed that Jonathan was able to control his reactions even under increased provocation, Devon decided the lesson had gone far enough for this scene. The fact that his cock was throbbing against his leathers, demanding its own relief, might have played into the decision just a little. Tightening his grip on the handle of the plug, winning a smothered gasp from Jonathan as it twisted, he pulled it out quickly and positioned the head of his cock in its place. Knowing Jonathan was already well-stretched and well-lubed, he didn’t hesitate to thrust in his full length with a single plunge, hissing in pleasure as the muscle contracted around him, wrapping him in a tight, hot cocoon.


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