Book Read Free

No Limits

Page 26

by Nicki Bennett

  “I don’t know,” Jonathan countered. “He might give his seatmate quite an eyeful. He’d have to keep a blanket over his lap the whole flight.”

  “And those airplane loos are too cramped for a proper wank,” Devon agreed. “Those Viagra commercials warn about an erection lasting four hours—I don’t even want to think about having to deal with one for eleven.”

  “There is that,” Kit said with a laugh. “Well, you’re not gone yet, so we can take care of your erection a few more times before you leave. When is your flight?”

  “Friday morning. I wasn’t sure how long it would take Niall to get the scenes he wanted.”

  “Then you have another full day before you have to leave.” Jonathan wrapped his arms around Devon from behind, offering his silent support. His own divorce had been amicable, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t understand what Devon was going through. “And two more nights for us to take care of you before then.”

  “And we promise to take very, very good care of you,” Kit said, moving in front of Devon so that he and Jonathan caught him between them. He matched his lips with Devon’s, taking his time brushing their mouths together in a slow, sensual rhythm. They had all night and all of tomorrow night, and a day off tomorrow. They didn’t need to rush.

  “Since you always take such good care of us,” Jonathan added, sliding his hands up Devon’s chest to tweak his nipples, lips nuzzling at the back of Devon’s neck. He could feel the tightness of the muscles beneath his fingers and mouth. Most nights, between Kit and himself, their combined attentions would have Devon melting between them—or taking command of the situation, to their unanimous pleasure. That he did neither, still carrying the stress-induced tension in his muscles as he leaned into the embrace and returned Kit’s gentle kisses, told Jonathan that the upcoming trip had Devon tied up in knots even more strongly than he’d admitted to them. Devon’s claustrophobia made him a poor flyer at the best of times—which these definitely weren’t. There was no way Jonathan was letting Devon step on a plane in this condition. Raising his head, he caught Kit’s eyes over Devon’s shoulder. As sensitive as Kit was to his lovers’ moods, he had to be sensing the same thing Jonathan was.

  When Devon made no move to take control of his kiss, indeed barely responded to it at all, Kit pulled back, studying his face. He could see the lines of tension around Devon’s mouth that usually faded as they left the set and went home together. Devon could joke all he wanted about the trip to LA giving him something to do while Lancelot was banished; he was taking it far more seriously than that. Glancing over Devon’s shoulder, he saw a matching concern on Jonathan’s face. “You all right there, luv?”

  Devon forced his mind from the rut it seemed to be stuck in back to where it belonged—with his lovers. He’d deal with the divorce when he got to LA—he couldn’t let it steal the time he had with Kit and Jonathan now, especially when it might be weeks before he could return. “Just not sure I can take care of m’self at the moment, let alone the two of you,” he admitted wryly.

  Kit grinned. “We already told you we were going to take care of you, remember?” He glanced at Jonathan with a raised eyebrow, offering him the opportunity to take charge if he wanted to.

  Jonathan grinned back at the devilish sparkle in Kit’s eyes but shook his head. As much as he loved giving in to either or both of his lovers, he seldom felt the desire to take control himself. Maybe it was selfish of him, but he relished being able to lose himself in their lovemaking without being responsible for anything more than pleasing Devon and Kit in return.

  Kit had expected Jonathan’s response, but now that he had it, he felt the weight of the responsibility for their evening fall heavily on him. Taking a deep breath and reminding himself that he didn’t have to impress either of his lovers by being a perfect Dom, he nudged Devon toward the stairs. “Jonathan, take Devon upstairs to the bathroom and get him undressed. We’ll help him relax a little, and then we’ll see how wild we can make him before we let him come.” He caught Devon’s chin in his hand. “You’re ours for tonight.”

  “Only tonight?” Trying for a humorous tone, Devon hoped the comment didn’t sound as needy to the others as it did to him.

  “Always,” Jonathan assured him, turning Devon’s head to press his own kiss to the sculpted lips before slapping his lover on his equally sculpted ass. He remembered how vulnerable he’d felt after splitting from Jean, wondering if he’d ever make a relationship work again, but he wasn’t going to let Devon wallow in that same insecurity. “And knowing Kit, I suspect he’s planning to prove it to you in ways you’ll feel longer than just tonight. Now get a move on upstairs before I have to sling you over my shoulder and carry you there.”

  “In your dreams,” Devon countered, twisting to swat Jonathan in return. Before he could make contact, Jonathan let out a whoop and caught Devon around the knees, bent and lifted, and the next thing Devon knew, he was dangling upside down over Jonathan’s back as his lover bounded up the stairs with more energy than any man should have after a full day of filming. Jonathan worked in another good grope of Devon’s backside before dumping him on the bed with enough force that he bounced before settling onto the mattress.

  Kit shook his head even as he marveled at the perfect ploy on Jonathan’s part to break the somewhat somber mood. Yes, Devon was leaving, but only for a short time, and he’d be back completely free of his ex-wife. They should be celebrating. “Bathroom,” he reminded them as he walked into the bedroom behind them and found Jonathan pinning Devon to the bed.

  “Can’t I undress him here?” Jonathan countered, working his hands under the back of Devon’s shirt. He shifted his hips to rub his erection more firmly against Devon’s, the two layers of denim between them no barrier to the heat sparking at the contact. “He’s much easier to keep in line this way.”

  Devon growled and tried to break free of the press of Jonathan’s body against his, but though he might outweigh Jonathan, he wasn’t going to get out from under him without a fight. Not that Devon was really interested in getting free—Jonathan felt too good moving against him for that—but a man had his pride, after all. Jonathan tugged the shirt over his head without bothering to open any of the buttons, sending at least one of them dancing across the carpet. “Oi! I plan to wear this shirt again someday, you lunatic.”

  “Then stop fighting him and do what your Dom tells you,” Kit retorted, joining them on the bed and tweaking Devon’s nipple roughly, the way Devon liked. “I promise it’ll be worth it.”

  Jonathan bent forward, closed his teeth around the other nipple, and tugged until his busy hands had unfastened Devon’s belt. “I wouldn’t piss off your Dom if I were you,” he agreed, sliding the waistband past Devon’s hips once he’d loosened the buttons. His palms lingered over the strong globes of Devon’s ass, one fingertip teasing into the crevice between them. He might have hesitated once to say anything that could remind Devon of his time with Robert, if Devon hadn’t made it clear he’d put those memories firmly behind him. “I’ve heard he can be a right bastard if you cross him.”

  “You’d better believe it,” Kit agreed. “Now, I think I said something about getting Devon in the bathtub. Can you two handle that on your own, or do I need to pull out the big guns?” He wriggled his fingers suggestively.

  “Is that a Magnum in your pocket, or are you just anticipating getting at Devon’s ass?” Jonathan countered, pinching a cheek before sliding down Devon’s legs, dragging the jeans with him as he went. He tossed them to the floor and stripped off Devon’s socks, then leaned back on his heels, admiring the thick cock that curved up from the golden curls at Devon’s groin, grown back since he’d shaved them for Kit’s “dinner party.” He was tempted to forget about the bathtub and just take that delicious erection in his mouth, but that wouldn’t set a very good example for Devon on proper submissive behavior. “You going to come along to the bathroom peacefully, or do I need to get physical again?”

  “I’m counti
ng on it,” Devon answered with a grin.

  “Getting physical or coming?” Jonathan retorted. “Because it’s Kit’s call either way.”

  “Bathroom!” Kit exclaimed, his exasperation clear in his voice. “Now! Or neither of you will be coming tonight.” Kit knew that was an empty threat—he’d never be able to resist either of them long enough to carry it out—but he hoped it would at least get their attention.

  “That’s it!” Jonathan exclaimed, pulling Devon back into a fireman’s carry before crossing the floor to the bathroom. He set him down on the lip of the tub and then settled onto his knees in the submissive posture Devon himself had taught him. “I don’t know about you, but I don’t plan to be left wearing my cock ring all night long.”

  Devon snorted, but since Kit hadn’t given them any other directions, he sank to his knees as well. “It was only the once, and you deserved it,” he muttered, clasping his hands behind him as Kit strode into the room.

  “Jonathan, run a hot bath for us. Devon, find the waterproof lube. I haven’t decided exactly what I’m going to do to you two yet, but I want to be ready for anything. When you’ve found it, get in the tub, both of you, but don’t start without me. Don’t start anything without me,” Kit ordered, turning back toward the bedroom. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  Inching over to the tub, Jonathan turned the taps, feeling the water until it reached the perfect temperature. “Front or back?” he asked when Devon returned from the medicine cabinet with the lube Kit had requested.

  Devon pretended to think about it, but Jonathan had gotten his own way too often already this evening. In the mood Jonathan was in, there was no way to tell if his current obedience to Kit’s commands would last, and Devon wasn’t about to open himself to more of whatever devilry Jonathan had in mind by sitting in front of him. “Back,” he answered firmly, stepping into the tub and sighing as he stretched his legs into the warm water.

  “Killjoy,” Jonathan murmured without rancor as he eased into the tub in front of Devon. Judging by the way the water lapped the edge of the porcelain, there was imminent danger of it splashing onto the floor, so he leaned forward to close the taps and then wriggled backward until Devon’s cock nestled against his ass. Devon slid his arms around him, whether to hold him in place or to keep him from squirming further, Jonathan wasn’t sure, but in either case they felt so good that he leaned back and twisted his head until he could reach Devon’s lips in a welcoming kiss.

  Devon supposed he could have given Jonathan back some of his own again, but just as his arms had closed around his lover in an instinctive embrace when Jonathan leaned against him, his mouth opened just as readily to the touch of Jonathan’s lips.

  Keeping an ear out for any suspicious noises, Kit pulled Devon’s toy box out from under the nightstand where it had taken up permanent residence. He had been the willing recipient of a good number of the items inside, but tonight he was thinking about wielding them, a different question entirely. He immediately set aside the paddle and flogger, knowing he wouldn’t be able to use them properly even if he dared. The nipple clamps, on the other hand, required little to no expertise and offered a lovely sensation. Kit’s nipples tingled at the mere thought of the times Devon had used them on him.

  Digging a little deeper, he found the spreader bar Devon had used on Jonathan when they’d gone to the beach. Kit smiled. That would be perfect. He didn’t have a rail to bend Devon over, but the spreader bar and a little creativity would leave Devon equally as helpless. He pulled out a dildo, starting to set it aside until he realized the end contained a carefully concealed battery pack. Turning it on, he listened to the buzzing sound and grinned. Oh hell, yes. Devon wouldn’t know what hit him. Setting that on the bed next to the spreader bar and nipple clamps, Kit added a pair of supple suede cuffs before putting everything else back inside the toy box, and then walked back into the bathroom to enjoy his lovers’ company—only to find them snogging with a single-minded dedication that left them oblivious to anything else.

  Not even the sudden burst of humming from the next room, quickly cut off, had been able to distract Devon while Jonathan’s tongue was busy tangling with his. Only when Kit announced his return by loudly clearing his throat did Devon pull back guiltily, though Jonathan merely smiled with a smugness uncharacteristic of his usual sub behavior.

  “What did I tell you two about starting without me?” Kit scolded, reaching for the washcloth and tossing it at Devon. “Get cleaned up. I was going to linger in the tub with you, but since you can’t listen, we’ll move on to other things.”

  “Would have been a tight fit,” Devon muttered, reaching over Jonathan for the soap.

  “Just the way you like it,” Jonathan returned under his breath, arching his back so that Devon’s cock slid more firmly between his cheeks.

  “Smart-arses, both of you,” Kit said with a roll of his eyes. “Do I need to get a ball gag or two? I saw them in the toy box.” He had other plans for their mouths, but they didn’t need to know that. Not yet, anyway.

  “No, Sir,” Jonathan answered demurely, folding his hands between his knees and sitting quietly, the picture of innocence. Devon “accidentally” elbowed him as he finished his quick cleaning and passed the washcloth to his tubmate, then rose at a nod from Kit.

  Kit shook his head at their antics and grabbed a towel to run over Devon cursorily. He had assumed Devon had initiated their kiss, being unused to following directions, but now he wondered if Jonathan had been the one responsible. It didn’t actually matter. Devon was the one in need of their attention tonight. “Go in the bedroom and stand by the bed. Jon, finish up and join us as quickly as you can.”

  With no reason to linger once Devon stepped out of the tub, Jonathan made short work of washing up, opening the stopper to let the water drain, and hanging their towels to dry. When he returned to the bedroom, Devon was standing at the foot of the bed, eyes downcast, feet spread the perfect distance apart to square with his shoulders. Even from across the room, Jonathan could see that the tension had eased from Devon’s stance. Whether it was his teasing or the prospect of Kit’s mastery, their actions were working. Jonathan hoped Kit wouldn’t be too hard on him for acting out, because if it helped Devon relax, he’d be happy to demonstrate how far from a perfect sub he could be.

  Devon was a little surprised at how easily he slipped into a sub’s posture, a sub’s mind-set. Settling into that headspace had never been easy for him after leaving Robert, but he felt none of the anxiety or guilt that had stopped him from truly giving control to anyone else in the years since. The frisson of awareness that prickled along his nerves was anticipation, not fear. His lovers had shown without question that they accepted him with all his flaws. Whatever Kit had in store for him and Jonathan, Devon had no doubt that while it might have him begging for release, that release would ultimately be granted. More than granted—it would be shattering, and when his world came back into clarity again, Kit and Jonathan would be there to hold him together.

  Kit had no real idea what he was doing, but he wanted Devon to understand that, no matter what else happened, this was about them being together, them being in love. He picked up the spreader bar and showed it to Devon. “I want you as much at our disposal as you had Jonathan at yours when we were at the beach,” he said. “I want you to be the center of our world for the next few hours.”

  The spreader bar was a surprise, but Devon inclined his head in acceptance, tightening the grip of his clasped hands to mask his reaction. “As you wish,” he answered. Kit had taken control of scenes before this, but they usually involved role-play and had been more playful than intense. He’d never rummaged through Devon’s toy chest beforehand, never set as formal a tone as this. Devon wasn’t sure if Kit wanted to be addressed as “Sir” or even if he expected Devon to remain silent unless he asked a direct question. Deciding a basic protocol was best, he didn’t add anything more, waiting to see if Kit would give him clearer instructions.
/>   At the sight of the spreader bar, Jonathan’s memory flashed back to the afternoon at the beach house and the first time Devon had shown him how high he could soar when he let himself go in complete trust. Even knowing the constraint was intended for Devon, not him, it set a roil of arousal curling in his belly. His cock stiffened as he fell into a posture mirroring Devon’s, but he couldn’t force his eyes to the ground, drawn by the change in roles between his lovers.

  Kit fastened the spreader bar carefully around Devon’s ankles, fiddling with the restraints for several moments, trying to get them positioned for maximum effect. Devon had slapped them on Jonathan like finding the right placement was a piece of cake, but Kit wasn’t satisfied. He glanced at Jonathan for help, even knowing he had no more experience with employing the kinky restraints than he did. “The damn things fit you right. Why don’t they fit Devon?”

  God, Devon looks beautiful like that, Jonathan thought, imagining sliding his hands up those long, strong legs, feeling them quiver at his touch. Taking Kit’s question as permission, he sank to his knees before Devon, running his palms over the fine golden hairs that limned his lover’s calves. “Maybe bind him higher,” he suggested, his touch lingering at Devon’s knees before boldly gliding upward, stopping just short of the crease where thighs merged into torso. “If you move the bar here”—his touch returned to Devon’s knees—“it will give us better access here.” Running his thumbs up the inside of Devon’s legs, Jonathan spread his fingers when they met beneath Devon’s balls, framing his erection.

  “Aye,” Devon rasped, already aching for more of Jonathan’s touch. His gaze lifted to Kit’s face as he fought the urge to unclasp his hands and grab Jonathan’s head to guide it to his cock. “Fasten them at m’knees.”

  Kit saw no reason to ignore his lovers’ advice and affixed the restraints directly above Devon’s knees, forcing his legs far enough apart that his arse opened for their attention and his bollocks hung free of any impediment. “Perfect,” he said with a smile of thanks. He ran his hand up Devon’s widespread thighs, stopping to tousle Jonathan’s hair in passing, before closing his fingers around Devon’s cock, stroking it twice. “Jon, he needs his cock ring. Can you find that?”


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