Book Read Free

No Limits

Page 28

by Nicki Bennett

  “Are you paying attention to your Dom?” Kit teased from behind Devon, fingering his arse to see how wet and open Jonathan had gotten it in the limited time he’d had. The snug heat was so enticing, Kit modified his plans slightly, reaching for the lube to coat his fingers so he could give Devon a thorough prostate massage before starting in with the dildo.

  “Always,” Devon groaned, more at the enticing touch of Kit’s fingers around the skin already sensitized by Jonathan’s tongue than by the swat. Twisting his head to try to see what Kit was doing behind him was too awkward in his current position, so he settled his head against Jonathan’s shoulder, trying to focus on the warmth beneath his cheek instead of the anticipation building in his groin at the thought of what Kit might do next.

  Devon’s new position meant Jonathan couldn’t kiss him again, but that didn’t mean Jonathan had to sit idle. He ran a palm over Devon’s hair, smoothing the golden strands, then slipped his hands between their bodies, roving blindly until his fingers found the nipple clamps. Tugging them gently away from Devon’s chest, he set the weighted chain swinging, anything to add to the sensations of whatever it was Kit was doing behind them.

  Kit took his time finding Devon’s prostate and pressing against it, then drawing his fingers away for a moment, only to plunge back inside and repeat the firm pressure. Devon caught the rhythm, rocking back to meet his fingers, hips following in protest at each withdrawal. Kit grinned and gave Devon’s arse another playful swat. “None of that, now. If I want to pull out, I will.”

  “Mmnnn,” Devon moaned in protest, though he tried to still his hips. “Feels too good.”

  “Maybe I can help,” Jonathan murmured, letting his hands slide lower to grip Devon’s hips. Of course that put them in much closer proximity to Devon’s cock, hard and leaking between his thigh and stomach. Giving in to temptation, Jonathan worked a hand between their bodies, caught the glimmer of fluid that welled at the tip, and raised it to his lips.

  “Just don’t make him come,” Kit warned Jonathan. “I’m not done with him yet.”

  Devon groaned at the promise in those words, making Kit suddenly eager to see how he would react to the dildo. He grabbed it from the bed and coated it with lube, then pressed it against Devon’s hole. Devon rocked back against it, already a satisfying response. With a grin, Kit hit the On button, starting the vibrations.

  “Bloody fuck!” Devon cursed as Jonathan’s hand wrapped around his cock at the same instant Kit hit the power on the dildo. The buzzing he vaguely remembered hearing when he and Jonathan were in the bathtub made sense now, not that Devon could spare the brain cells to focus on anything but the mind-blowing sensations of Jonathan’s palm caressing his cock and the blasted dildo vibrating in his arse. Kit was wielding it like a master, too, not allowing more than the most fleeting of buzzes against his gland before pulling it out, keeping him dancing on the knife’s edge of climax.

  Kit turned up the vibrator as he pressed the tip directly against Devon’s sweet spot, a thrill going through him at the howl that escaped Devon’s mouth. With his free hand, he plucked at the button on his trousers, getting it open and the zip lowered enough that he could pull his cock free of his boxers. He wouldn’t make it to naked, but at this point, he didn’t care. Tugging the vibrator free, he pressed the tip against Devon’s bollocks as he plunged his aching cock into Devon’s arse. “Take his ring off and make him come,” Kit told Jonathan, “but hold back if you can just a little longer.”

  It was probably a good thing their positions wouldn’t allow him to take Devon’s cock into his mouth, Jonathan thought. As much as he’d love to suck Devon off, he wouldn’t be able to keep from coming himself once the first spurt of hot, salty seed hit his palate. Promising them both that pleasure before Devon had to leave, he settled for giving Devon the best hand job he could, adding to the vibrations transmitting from the dildo against Devon’s balls with long, steady strokes of his hand, twisting as he reached the head and swiping his thumb over the oozing tip. “Come for us, babe,” he crooned into Devon’s ear, following the words with the moist rasp of his tongue over the outer shell. His other hand worked at the cock ring, finding it harder to unfasten with one hand and blind than he’d expected. At last the release popped free, and Devon’s cock surged in his palm. “That’s it. Come for us now, come on….”

  Jonathan’s sinful voice exhorting him was the last straw to send Devon over the edge. Crying out hoarsely, he came hard, spattering Jonathan’s hand and clenching around Kit’s pumping cock, instinct taking over as he rocked between the two stimuli mindlessly, intent on extending the ecstasy as long as he could.

  Once Devon came, Kit gave in as well, knowing he wouldn’t be able to hold back without a cock ring, as much as he might wish he could fuck Jonathan too. There would be time for him and Jonathan to be together while Devon was in LA. Dropping the vibrator, he grabbed Devon’s hips with both hands, holding him steady as he pounded into the upturned arse, drawing out their climaxes as long as possible. When his cock had nothing left to give, he released his grip and reached for Jonathan, stroking his cheek tenderly. “Help me get Devon free and on the bed, and then I promise I’ll take care of you too.”

  Before Jonathan could answer, Devon shook his head. “Want to… make him come,” he managed between heaving breaths.

  “Oh hell, yeah.” Jonathan already had his free hand squeezing the base of his cock to hold back his orgasm; he wasn’t about to argue with Devon over that. He’d love to feel Devon fuck him to climax, but the cock in question was already softening in his other hand, and he didn’t want to wait for Devon to recover enough to get hard again. “Kit?” he asked, remembering Kit was nominally in charge of the session.

  Whatever nebulous plans Kit might have had went right out the window with Devon’s request. The whole point of the evening’s activities had been to show Devon how much they loved and would miss him. Kit wasn’t about to deny a perfectly reasonable request. “He can’t very well get you off trussed up like a Christmas goose. Help me get him loose and on the bed so we can take care of you.” He started unfastening one of Devon’s wrists as he spoke.

  “Yes, I can,” Devon insisted, not questioning why he was loath for the scene to end. He knew the answer—it would mean he was that much closer to having to board the plane that would take him away from these two incredible men. “Just undo m’hands. Jon, love, stand up.” With his hands free, Devon didn’t feel he was fighting for balance, and he could give Jonathan’s neglected cock the attention it deserved. Bracing a hand on the floor, the other around Jonathan’s hips, Devon took him in, drawing his teeth down the straining shaft until Jonathan’s pubic hair tickled his nose.

  Jonathan grabbed Devon’s shoulders and held on for dear life. He was so close already, two strokes in and out of Devon’s mouth and he was coming like a teenager getting his first blowjob. Devon didn’t seem to care, swallowing every drop and lapping at Jonathan’s balls as if asking for more. His knees buckling, Jonathan slid to the floor and took Devon’s mouth in a hungry kiss, needing that contact, that reassurance of the love between them as much as he’d needed to come. When he finally had to break the kiss to draw a breath, he glanced over at Kit, extending a hand to pull him close. “Now we can go to bed and start this all over again.”

  Kit released the buckles on the spreader bar, freeing Devon completely, and moved into his lovers’ embrace. “I can’t wait.”

  Chapter 20: To Kink or Not to Kink

  KIT SAT at the table in the kitchen of his house and stared at the riding crop in his hand. Devon had used it on him to devastating effect. Kit could feel his backside tingling just from the memories of the thorough spanking followed by the bite of the crop, the combination of sensations enough to have sent Kit flying, the one time he had truly found the headspace of a sub. Kit knew Jonathan had been curious about the feeling of the soft leather slapper. He just wished he felt a little more confident about using it.

  Jonathan let hi
mself in the back door of Kit’s house, finding him sitting at the kitchen table, a forlorn expression on his face. He was about to ask what was wrong when he saw what Kit held in his hand. “Were you planning to use that on me, or are you going riding when we’re finished?”

  Kit looked up, flushing in surprise since he hadn’t heard Jonathan come in. “I went to get it because I was missing Devon and thinking we hadn’t done any kinky stuff since he’s been gone, but I don’t know…. It just doesn’t feel right without him here.”

  Jonathan pulled out a chair to straddle and sat facing Kit. “It’s not just you, Kit-Kat. If you’d really wanted to use that on me, I’m not sure I would have gone along.” Concerned that Kit might misunderstand, he was quick to assure him. “It’s not because I don’t trust you as a Dom. It’s just that….” Jonathan shrugged. “I miss Devon enough as it is. Doing D/s without him here… having the memories of him without having him with us would be ten times worse.”

  Kit nodded, relieved Jonathan understood. “Exactly! I was sitting here remembering him using this on me and how incredible it felt to be held in your arms the whole time and then to have him fuck me right into you.” Kit shivered. “I’m hard just thinking about it, but if I tried to use it on you, I’d spend the entire time worrying I wasn’t doing it right or that I’d hurt you accidentally or… or I don’t know what. Just that it wouldn’t be right without him here. Will it always be like this if he isn’t with us? Not that sex with you in any form is anything less than incredible, but… well, I like the kinky stuff we get up to with Devon.”

  “Honestly, I’m not sure,” Jonathan said. “I’ve tried to avoid dwelling on it, but filming is going to end in a few more months. We’re going to have to start thinking about what will happen when we’re not all together every day.” His heart ached just at the thought, but it was a reality they were going to have to deal with eventually. “The likelihood is that it will be easier for two of us to get together than all three of us, most of the time. I know you and Devon did okay when you were trapped together by the mudslides—”

  “We made love plenty of times, but we didn’t do anything kinky,” Kit said. “We didn’t have any toys or anything with us. They were all in your suitcase. I didn’t miss it then because I was so worried I wouldn’t be enough for Devon by myself, and it was only a couple of days. Devon’s been gone nearly three weeks.”

  “Not that Devon needs his toy box to get kinky,” Jonathan interjected with a grin. “I swear he could do a MacGyver and turn kitchen gadgets and rubber bands into sex toys if he put his mind to it.”

  “I’m sure he could, but they weren’t his kitchen gadgets and rubber bands,” Kit reminded Jonathan. “We felt bad enough about breaking into the house to begin with. We weren’t going to abuse their belongings any more than necessary.” He didn’t mention Devon rimming him until he came on the kitchen table. They’d cleaned up after themselves and left a note for the owners offering to compensate them for the unexpected use of their cabin. “It’s more than that, though. When the three of us are together, it’s so easy, so natural to slip into that mode, but it didn’t happen then without you, and it hasn’t happened between us since Devon’s been gone. It makes me worry about how things will be after filming ends. Our games have been such a part of our relationship. What’s going to happen, with me, anyway, since you and Devon seemed to have no problem when I went to London for the weekend, if we can’t have that when we aren’t all together?”

  There was no criticism in Kit’s voice, but the reminder of the weekend when he’d walked in on Jonathan and Devon engaged in a kink they knew was outside Kit’s comfort zone still made Jonathan feel guilty for the inadvertent pain he’d caused Kit. He reached out to cover Kit’s hands with his. “First of all, I’m not going to stop wanting you because Devon’s not around—these last few weeks should be proof enough of that.” There certainly hadn’t been any reduction in the number of times they made love, even if the sex was pure vanilla by BDSM standards. “I think the key is what you said, though—it has to be natural. Right now, we’re both worried about Devon, so doing something we associate so closely with him is going to feel wrong if he’s not a part of it. After filming ends….” Jonathan swallowed, hoping it would get easier to contemplate, let alone deal with. “It’s hard to imagine, but we’ll have to get used to being apart. I think by then, anytime we can be together, in any combination, will be special enough, whether we bring kink into it or not. If it feels right, we can, and if it doesn’t, that’s fine too.” He frowned, a distinction forming in his thoughts. “Besides, I think there’s a difference between kink and D/s,” he said slowly, thinking it through out loud. “I don’t know that I’d ever feel comfortable trying to Dom you or Devon, but that doesn’t mean I might not want to play with some toys. That dildo you bought the first time we went toy shopping, for example—I could see myself using that on you.” He could see it so clearly in his mind’s eye, in fact, that he was getting hard at the mental image of sliding the purple latex into Kit’s tight ass.

  “It’s in my bedroom,” Kit offered with a flirtatious grin. “I think you’re right, though. The problem is that I went to get this because I felt like I should, not because I particularly wanted to or because something you said or did made me think you wanted me to.” He tossed the crop toward his backpack so he’d remember to take it back to Devon’s later. He turned his palms upward so his fingers entwined with Jonathan’s and squeezed gently, leaning forward and kissing his lover. “I do, however, want to do this, and I have reason to suspect you might want me to as well.”

  “Do what?” Jonathan asked, his eyes sparkling. “Kiss me? You can do that anytime, kitten.”

  “Anytime?” Kit teased. “I’m not sure you’re ready for me to walk up to you on the red carpet and lay one on you.”

  “Don’t be too sure,” Jonathan retorted. “I may never be happy about strangers speculating over my private life, but I’m not ashamed of being with you and Devon. And even if we try to be discreet, people will be bound to notice if we keep turning up in the same places together.”

  “I guess it depends on how high profile we become in our careers. I know you and Devon keep saying you’re not big Hollywood names, but you’re certainly not unknowns,” Kit said. “Before this, nobody cared what I did or who I was seen with because I wasn’t that big. If we keep getting the attention we have so far, though, that could change, for all of us.” He sighed. “Can we just pretend filming won’t ever end and we can all stay here in our little corner of Glastonbury and go on exactly as we are now? Well, not quite exactly, since Devon’s stuck in LA, but you know what I meant.”

  “That’s what I’ve been doing ever since we got together, but we can’t pretend forever,” Jonathan said softly. “We’re going to have to start talking about this, Kit. We can’t make any decisions until Devon’s back, but we have to start thinking about how we want things to be when we’re apart.”

  “Speaking of Devon, he hasn’t called yet today,” Kit said, glancing at the clock. “I know it’s only noon there, but he usually calls earlier than this so he doesn’t keep us up late, with the eight-hour time difference and all. Do you think we should call him and make sure everything is all right?”

  “Eventually,” Jonathan agreed, leaning forward to brush his lips over Kit’s. Not that he didn’t want to talk with Devon, but their conversation had strengthened his need for the lover he could still feel and touch. His mouth brushed Kit’s again and again, each pass lingering a bit longer, pressing a bit harder, desire swelling as Kit’s lips parted beneath his, welcoming him in. “Need you now, Kit.”

  “I’m yours,” Kit replied immediately, “and the bedroom’s just through that door. Or there’s lube in the drawer beneath the phone if you can’t wait that long.”

  “Bedroom,” Jonathan declared, rising to his feet and tugging Kit with him. “Bring the lube along—and while you’re at it, find that purple dildo.”

  Kit didn’
t bother getting the lube out of the kitchen drawer; he had a tube in the bedroom as well. The purple dildo required a little more thought. He hadn’t needed it in so long that he had to remember where he’d put it. He found it, after a minimum of searching, in the back of his underwear drawer. He offered it to Jonathan with a sly grin. “Unless, of course, you wanted me to use it on you.”

  “Oh no,” Jonathan growled, pulling his shirt over his head and stalking forward, unfastening his jeans as he went. “Your ass is mine tonight.” He kicked off the denim and eyed Kit’s clothes, his gaze darkening. “You going to take those off, or do you want me to do it for you?”

  “Oh, I definitely want you to do it for me,” Kit drawled, eyes fixed on Jonathan’s now bare skin. If Jonathan was in the mood to take charge, Kit was going to give in for all he was worth!

  “Your choice.” Jonathan lunged forward, tackling Kit onto the bed. His cock, already hard, stiffened even more at the rasp of Kit’s jeans against the sensitive skin. Hitching his hips to keep Kit pinned—not that Kit was making any move to get away, but Jonathan wasn’t about to give him a chance—he slid his hands under Kit’s sweater, palms gliding up and back down the warm, smooth flesh before grasping the hem and tugging the garment over Kit’s head. As soon as the tousled curls popped free of the sweater’s neckline, Jonathan leaned down to reclaim Kit’s lips in a kiss that was no longer tentative, imbued with all the passion driven by the thought that their time together was drawing toward its end.

  Kit returned the kiss eagerly, forcing his hands to remain passive on the bed next to him. He knew his control wouldn’t last, but for as long as he could, he would give Jonathan complete control. He shifted as much as he could, enjoying the sensation of Jonathan’s light mat of chest hair brushing against his nipples.


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