Book Read Free

No Limits

Page 34

by Nicki Bennett

  “If you’re not comfortable, we’ll call it off, Jon,” Devon assured him. “I’ll tell Glynn we were just taking the piss with him.” And deal with any fallout the other man might direct his way for going back on his word, but that was his issue to resolve, not Jonathan’s.

  “No, I agreed and I’ll go through with it. I just wish they’d get here already.” Jonathan rose and lifted the curtain to look outside, but the street was still empty.

  “Would it help you feel better if we talk about what we want to do ahead of time so that doesn’t cause any awkwardness?” Kit suggested. “And to answer your question, we do exactly what makes you feel most comfortable. If that’s already naked and in the middle of the action, then we do that. If you’d rather ease into it, then we do that. There isn’t a right or a wrong way for this any more than there is to any other way we make love.”

  “We have to use the chair,” Devon reminded them. “Beyond that, it’s up to us. We can use a position we’ve already tried if that will make things easier, or go for something new.” He crossed to the computer, pulling up the bookmarked link to positions they’d found so inspiring thus far. “What do you say, Jon, Kit? Anything take your fancy?”

  “That one,” Jonathan decided when Devon had clicked through a few screens. “One of us lying at the bottom, another sitting on the floor sucking him off. And the other could lie facedown over the top and let the one in the middle suck him or rim him.”

  “Works for me,” Devon agreed readily, happy to go along with anything that would ease Jonathan’s discomfort.

  “The guy on the floor isn’t getting any,” Kit pointed out immediately.

  “That can be Devon, then, for getting us into this in the first place.” Jonathan softened the dictate with a kiss for Devon at the computer. “I promise we’ll take care of you later, babe.”

  “I have no fears on that score.” Devon pulled Jonathan’s head down for a deeper kiss, his cock already stirring with interest. If Glynn and Éamon didn’t get here soon, he wasn’t sure how long he’d be willing to wait. “So which of you want the other two places?”

  “If Jonathan doesn’t mind, he can have the middle and I’ll take the top,” Kit replied immediately. “That way he’ll be distracted on both ends and I can work the crowd, so to speak.”

  “When have I ever protested being in the middle of you two?” Jonathan answered, breaking into his first grin of the evening. “Putting yourself on display, hmm?” His lips twitched as he imagined Kit sprawled over the upper arch of the chair, watching their guests watching them. At least, between Kit and Devon, Jonathan would be kept busy enough to drive their audience’s presence from his thoughts. He hoped.

  “Then let’s get you there,” Kit proposed, pulling Jonathan into his arms and kissing him thoroughly. “Come on,” he urged when he realized Devon was still sitting at the computer. “Jonathan needs distracting.”

  Devon powered off the monitor, then rose and wrapped himself around Jonathan from behind, coasting his hands over as many of his erogenous zones as he could reach. “Fuck Glynn, if he doesn’t get his sodding arse here soon, it won’t be my fault if he misses the show.”

  Jonathan returned Kit’s kiss with interest, pressing back against Devon’s hard cock prodding his crease and snaking an arm behind him to pull Devon even closer. He couldn’t agree more.

  A knock at the door interrupted the kiss. “You invited them. You get the door,” Kit muttered, pulling away from Jonathan’s mouth long enough to speak. Not bothering to see if Devon listened, he dove back into the kiss, sliding his hands beneath the hem of Jonathan’s T-shirt to work it up his back and chest.

  With a final nip to the side of Jonathan’s throat, Devon pulled away, hitching his track pants over his erection as he walked to the door. It would be too much to expect Glynn or Éamon not to notice, but then that’s what they were there for, after all. “Thought maybe you’d changed your mind,” he grumbled as the two came inside.

  “Not a chance,” Éamon drawled. “We’ve been watching you three from afar since we got here. We’re not about to miss the chance to see you up close. Although it looks like we’ve missed the beginning of the action if that tent in your pants is any indication.”

  “It’s more of a permanent condition around these two.” Devon led the way into the living room, where Jonathan and Kit were still wrapped around each other, Jonathan’s T-shirt half off and caught on one arm, his hands cupped around Kit’s arse as they did their best to wedge their tongues down each other’s throats.

  A stifled moan that didn’t come from him or Kit caught Jonathan’s ear. He broke out of the kiss, drawing a heaving breath before glancing over his shoulder at Glynn and Éamon. “Make yourself at home. Beer in the fridge—” His words cut off as Kit yanked him back down and reclaimed his mouth.

  Glynn and Éamon looked at each other, back at Jonathan and Kit, and then at Devon. “We’ll just sit over there on the couch, shall we?” Glynn said. “We wouldn’t want to miss anything, since they don’t look to be slowing down anytime soon.”

  “No, I don’t expect they are,” Devon admitted with a grin. “And if you don’t mind, I’m going to rejoin them.” Not waiting for an answer, he crossed back to his lovers, stripping his shirt over his head and dropping it on the floor along the way.

  “Look at that,” Éamon murmured to Glynn. “How long have you wanted to see that chest in person?”

  “Since I saw Perfect Lover,” Glynn replied honestly. “And I’m hoping we’ll get to see more than his chest, gorgeous as it is.”

  Devon flipped them both the bird without turning his head, focusing his attention instead on insinuating himself back into the tangle of his two lovers’ limbs. Once he’d freed the remaining arm of Jonathan’s T-shirt, he tossed it aside and half turned Jonathan until he could latch on to one of his rosy nipples. Jonathan arched back beautifully, letting Devon work a hand between them to fondle Kit intimately.

  Kit released Jonathan’s lips in favor of the curve of his neck as he leaned back, a moan escaping him when Devon’s hand found his cock. Feeling the two sets of eyes on him, he angled his hips a little so Glynn and Éamon could get a better look at the big hand stroking him so perfectly. He glanced at them quickly, making sure he had their full attention before he lowered his head and licked lasciviously up Jonathan’s chest to his other nipple, tonguing it repeatedly until Jonathan let out a long moan, echoed by one across the room.

  “Fuck!” Éamon muttered. “He’s good with that tongue.”

  Kit smirked at the comment and went back to proving exactly how talented his tongue was.

  Having both his lovers lick and bite at his nipples soon had Jonathan’s knees trembling and his cock aching for more. Weaving his hands into dark and light hair, he tugged until they both looked up at him. “Glynn wanted the chair,” he murmured, twisting to press a kiss to each set of lips. “Let’s give him what he wants.” Glynn was just damn lucky their desires coincided with his.

  “You need to get naked first.” Dropping to one knee, Devon made short work of stripping Jonathan’s jeans down his legs, wondering if their audience would notice the lack of anything underneath. “Your throne awaits, my king,” he proclaimed, dropping his own pants as Jonathan sat at the foot of the wave-shaped chair.

  Not wanting to be left behind, Kit stripped as well, bending to remove his track shoes and give Glynn and Éamon a good view of his arse, grinning at the twin moans that escaped at the sight of three naked, aroused men.

  “This is even better than I’d imagined it could be,” Glynn groaned. “Their movies didn’t do them justice.”

  “They weren’t hard in their movies,” Éamon replied.

  “Bet they were, though,” Devon murmured quietly enough for only Jonathan to hear. Returning Jonathan’s grin, he nudged him back, tweaking his tightened nipples, until Jonathan was reclining on the curved surface. Devon arranged himself at the chair’s foot, lifting Jonathan’s legs over his shoulde
rs, opening him to his touch, his mouth.

  Just the feel of Devon’s fingers parting his thighs, draping his legs over his strong torso, sent Jonathan’s arousal spiraling. The only thing missing was— “Kit.” He stretched out a hand, fingertips brushing up his shin. “C’mon. Thought you were the one who wanted them to watch.”

  “I’m here,” Kit promised, straddling Jonathan’s chest and kissing him softly. “But there’s no reason not to give them a show at the same time. Now, what’s your pleasure, lover? My cock in your mouth or your tongue up my arse?”

  The moans from across the room made Kit grin. He winked at Jonathan as he stroked his cock with one hand, reaching the other behind him to part the cheeks of his arse.

  “I have to choose?” Jonathan stretched to pinch the offered cheek, his tongue sating itself on the last it would taste of Kit’s mouth for the moment. The nip of Devon’s lips, and occasionally teeth, moving up the inside of his thigh pulled him out of the kiss. “Scoot up and I’ll bet I can reach them both.”

  “Yeah, move it.” Devon added a nip of his own to a smooth olive globe before turning his attention to Jonathan’s other thigh. “Some of us are working down here.”

  “Work, is it?” Jonathan’s chuckle turned into a gasp when Devon’s mouth ghosted over his sac. “Lucky for me you’re so damn good at your job.”

  “Doesn’t look like work from where I’m sitting,” Glynn commented.

  Kit glanced over at him, grinning at the sight of Glynn’s hand inside his shorts. Arching deliberately to push his arse out more, he brushed his cock across Jonathan’s lips, offering himself to his recumbent lover. “It isn’t,” he replied. “Jonathan tastes too good for it to be work. Devon just likes to complain.”

  That comment elicited more moans from their audience, much to Kit’s delight.

  “That’s just mean,” Glynn grumbled, “since you won’t share him with us.”

  “Sorry, boys.” Kit shrugged, his breath rushing out as Jonathan’s mouth opened around his cock. “You only get to watch tonight.”

  “So what else are we going to get to see?” Éamon asked, practically drooling as he watched Devon go down on Jonathan.

  “Yeah, maybe some real sex,” Glynn added, voice husky with desire.

  The constant comments starting to distract him, Jonathan let Kit’s cock slide from his lips. “Define sex,” he challenged, turning to stare at Glynn and Éamon. “If a blowjob is sex enough to impeach Clinton, it’s enough for you. It’s all you’re going to see, anyway, so keep it down. It’s like trying to make love on MST 3000.” Turning back to Kit, he resolved to ignore any further remarks in favor of driving Kit wild instead. To that end, he raised a hand to part the smooth cheeks and lap up the crease between them, moaning at the smoky flavor tantalizing his palate.

  He succeeded. Kit writhed and moaned beneath the lash of his tongue, perhaps a bit more theatrically than usual, but unlike Jonathan, he didn’t want to forget their audience was there. He wanted their audience so wound up they couldn’t contain themselves, so he wriggled and groaned a little harder than usual, trying to stay just this side of ridiculous.

  A quick glance at Glynn and Éamon proved he was managing. Their eyes were glazed, both their hands in their pants now, stroking in time with Devon’s bobbing head and Jonathan’s talented tongue. Kit smirked at them, silently goading them with the fact that he was getting rimmed while they could only watch.

  Devon had briefly considered adding his own retort to Jonathan’s, but that would have meant letting Jonathan’s cock out of his mouth, and berating Glynn and Éamon just wasn’t worth it. Not when he could win more of the delicious full-body moans that had to be tickling Kit’s arse. Devon glanced up the quivering planes of Jonathan’s torso, past the shaggy head buried between a pair of wide-flung legs, over Kit’s heaving torso. Kit’s head was flung back, his back arched in passion, his eyes fixed on Éamon and Glynn before glancing over his shoulder to meet Devon’s gaze. In that moment, Devon felt the connection between them as surely as if it were Kit’s cock straining against the back of his throat.

  Jonathan had forgotten Glynn and Éamon were there the moment Devon’s mouth moved from his balls up the length of his shaft to envelop him. He’d never known anyone who could give head as well as Devon, except maybe Kit, who might not have Devon’s skills but made up for it in enthusiasm. Devon swallowed around the head of Jonathan’s cock, and Jonathan spread the love by working his tongue as far as he could up Kit’s hot, tight channel. The currents of pleasure surged along his nerves from both ends, meeting in a molten charge deep in his gut. He clutched at Devon’s shoulder with one hand and gripped Kit’s thigh with the other, forging a conduit of pure sensation that fused the three of them together.

  “Damn,” Glynn muttered, making sure he didn’t speak loudly enough for Jonathan to hear. “I don’t think I could watch them fuck. I’m about to go off just from this.”

  Éamon leaned closer and blew lightly in Glynn’s ear. “So come,” he said. “Let yourself go when they do.”

  Devon couldn’t hear what Éamon and Glynn were saying to each other, but they were obviously getting off on what they saw. Not that there was any surprise there. Hell, Devon was damn close to popping himself, just from watching Jonathan and Kit. Jonathan’s fingers were digging into his shoulder hard enough to leave bruises, his hips undulating in an effort to work just a little deeper into Devon’s throat. The chair really did put him at a perfect angle. Sliding a hand under one hip, he shifted Jonathan just a fraction, then slipped two fingers from his other hand into his mouth beneath Jonathan’s cock. Jonathan’s legs slid off his shoulders, spreading himself even wider when Devon worked the two wet digits up the crease of Jonathan’s arse. Two heels dug into the small of his back, a rumbling groan urging him to press inside.

  The moment Devon’s fingers breached him, Jonathan lost it, his entire body spasming as wave after wave of ecstasy surged through him. His grip tightened on both his lovers, grounding himself in their union, their oneness.

  “Hey, no fair,” Glynn protested as Jonathan came down Devon’s throat. “We didn’t get a come shot!”

  Swallowing the flood of seed before easing Jonathan’s cock from his mouth, Devon glared at Glynn with all the strength of his own unsatisfied arousal. “You want a bloody come shot? How’s this?” he growled. Kneeling up, he moved his hand quickly over his throbbing shaft. It didn’t take more than a few strokes before he was painting Jonathan’s belly with ropes of thick white semen.

  Kit reared back as well, his cock spurting energetically all over the leather as he stroked himself to climax. He collapsed back onto his heels, his arse connecting with Jonathan’s chest as he panted harshly, trying to keep his wits about him. Two low moans drew his attention back to their audience in time to watch tremors shake both bodies. He grinned to himself. Mission accomplished.

  Chapter 24: Manflesh

  “LANCELOT IS the greatest knight the Round Table has ever seen,” Percival said hotly, defending his Grail companion against Bors’s slurs. “With him at our side, we will defeat Mordred easily. Without him, I fear for our chances.”

  “He betrayed Arthur once before,” Bors insisted. “We cannot trust that he will stand at the king’s side now.”

  If Kit hadn’t been worried about blowing another take—they were on their fourth already—he’d have made a comment about Arthur and Lancelot not being lovers then. As it was, he forced himself to stick to the script. “He departed on the quest for the Holy Grail to prove his repentance. He deserves our forgiveness.”

  “Cut,” Niall called, and Kit let Percival slip away for a moment, catching his breath and admiring the sight of Glynn in character. He’d thought Glynn was a good-looking man from the moment he first saw the other actor, but he hadn’t been prepared for the power of Glynn as Bors. Out of character, he was charming, sexy in a boy-next-door kind of way. In character, he was compelling, easily a match for Arthur or Lancelot. Easily a match
for Devon and Jonathan, and committed to his lovers or not, Kit felt his body responding to the presence of an alpha male. He tamped down on the reaction and turned his thoughts to improving his performance for the next take. Maybe he could channel his reaction into Percival’s anger. And hope Devon and Jonathan didn’t notice.

  Leaning against an off-camera outcrop of rock, Devon watched the interplay with bemused interest. Niall had played up the sensual tension between Percival and Lancelot during the Grail quest, even if the sacredness of their mission had prevented them from acting on it. At least on camera. Niall might have been intending Percival’s reaction to Bors’s words as protective anger, but Devon hadn’t missed the spark in Kit’s eyes. He’d seen that glance directed at himself and Jonathan often enough to recognize that Kit was feeling randy.

  Apparently satisfied with the take, Niall called for the next scene, and Jonathan strode toward the two men, Arthur’s attention having been captured by the raised voices of the two knights. Judging by the way Arthur’s arm moved to Percival’s in a silent show of possessiveness, even as he spoke the scripted words to calm Bors, Devon suspected Kit’s arousal hadn’t been lost on Jonathan either.

  “Damn,” Éamon murmured, coming up beside Devon. “Glynn looks even better in costume than he does normally. So do Kit and Jonathan, for that matter. You’re one lucky bastard, Devon. Unless, of course, you’d be interested in sharing? Just think about all that manflesh rolling around in one bed.”

  “Are you including Niall in that invitation?” Devon cocked an eyebrow at Éamon, grateful that the jeans he wore since he wasn’t filming hid the stirrings of his own reaction to the image of Glynn, Jonathan, and Kit together. Not that Éamon was any hardship to look at either. The redhead’s slender build might suggest he was the bottom of the twosome, but his blunt speech and the glitter in his eyes as he turned them back toward Glynn made Devon doubt he was as dutifully submissive as the character he portrayed on screen.


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