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Blood Moon

Page 11

by McKayla Schutt

  “Maria, your mother is ok. We just wanted to talk to her about why she left our coven.”

  “Why does it matter why she left?” Maria tried to move around Derrick but he kept cutting her off. She resisted the urge to shove him aside, a deep part of her knew it wouldn’t do much good. A witch against an alpha werewolf? Yes, she stood on the losing side of brute strength.

  “Maria, you must have realized our coven has direct ties to your friend Alia's coven.”

  “Can you explain all this madness better? You take my mom, give me a cryptic message and nothing else.” Maria’s voice rose in frustration. She wanted answers and Derrick stood in the way.

  “If the over-protective wolf will let me in, I’d be able to explain.” The woman raised an eyebrow as she regarded Derrick. She had an edgy youth and Maria liked it. She didn’t trust the woman completely, but her need for answers was over-powering.

  “Try to harm my mate and I'll rip you apart,” Derrick said. A small, shiny black cat followed the woman. It weaved around Derrick and stopped at Maria’s feet.

  “Quest, come here.” The woman clicked her tongue at the kitten. The small cat glanced up at Maria, its dark brown eyes locked on her.

  “Congratulations by the way.” Her voice twinkled with delight.

  “What?” Maria’s head snapped up to look at the female.

  “Oh, my name is Debra, and I’m your second cousin,” Debra smiled. “I’m also the coven’s doctor-in-training. I’m not great yet, but I can tell you’re pregnant. It’s an easy bit of magic to notice, but since it’s super early I think I’ll do well on my next round of exams.” Debra beamed.

  Maria realized she had been rubbing her stomach and her hand pulled away from her body.

  “How the hell?” Derrick lurched forward but Maria stopped him.

  “Debra, can you explain about my mother please?” Maria asked. Debra smiled and meandered to the bed. The black cat followed her.

  “So, what do you know about witches?” Debra settled on a pillow. Her light eyes sparkled with curiosity.

  “Nothing. My mother didn’t tell me anything.” Maria sat in a chair with Derrick standing next to her.

  “Wow! I didn’t think she’d gone so far. You see, her sister died during child birth. She was all your mother had for immediate family. My mom tried to help her but without success. She disappeared one day and never explained. It’s why she was brought here.”

  “She told me about her sister.” Maria rubbed her hands on her legs.

  “Still crazy,” Debra shook her head while she petted her cat.

  “Do you guys hate werewolves?” Maria thought about her mother and Alia’s aunt.

  “Oh, I love you guys.” Debra beamed at Derrick making him relax a little. “I wish I could meet a strong alpha to be my protector.” Debra winked at Maria’s mate. A laugh left Maria’s lips before she contained it. The woman was blunt with her flirting, but she acted like a teenager while doing it.

  “Maybe you’ll find one soon,” Derrick said, though his words were hollow to Maria’s ears. Debra didn’t seem fazed one bit.

  “So, why did my mom leave the coven?” Maria turned the topic back to magic. Debra looked down at her cat, and whispered something to her. Debra closed her eyes but when they opened her pupils took on a cat-like shape making Maria jump in her seat. Debra tilted her head to the side.

  “She is saying something about feeling hopeless and needing to find something fulfilling without magic.” Debra scrunched up her face then continued. “She didn’t teach her children magic for fear of being tracked down.” Debra blinked a few times and her eyes returned to normal. Maria stared at her for a moment before she found her damn words.

  “Thank you Debra.” Maria wasn’t sure exactly what she thanked her for, all she could hope for was the truth and from Debra’s body language it seemed legit. Maria shook her hands out trying to figure out what the hell had just happened to Debra’s eyes, but Debra started talking bringing Maria back to reality.

  “No problem. Hey, I heard through the witch-vine that you and Alia are starting your own coven. Can I join you guys?” Debra bounced on the bed.

  “How old are you?” Derrick asked before Maria had a chance to say anything.

  “Just turned eighteen.” She grinned.

  “I need to talk to Alia and then I can call you.” Maria smiled back. She didn’t want to turn her down because she wanted to know more about her and the coven she would've grown up in if her mother hadn't run away.

  “Sounds good. Living in Nevada sounds awesome.” Debra bounced. Derrick’s body turned ridged and then he marched toward the door. A light tap sounded just as Derrick reached it. Maria turned around to see her mother in the door way.

  “Thank you for coming for me.” Maria’s mother glided into the room and pulled her into a tight hug.

  “I’m so sorry, Maria. I should have been honest with you. I will tell you everything and help you and your brothers.”

  “Thank you.” Maria leaned into her mother’s hug.

  “Let’s go home.” She kissed Maria’s face then looked over at Debra. She jumped off the bed and wrote something on the notepad on the night stand.

  “Here’s my number, there may be a few other witches who’d follow me there.” Debra sauntered out the room.

  “What is she talking about?” Maria’s mother asked.

  “I’ll explain on the way home.” Maria hugged her mother again. She was just so happy to see her mother safe and sound. She wasn’t quite ready to explain about Walter’s betrayal just yet. She also kept her mouth shut about the baby in light of her aunt dying during delivery. With everything falling into place, she was glad to have her mother by her side. There was only one thing left to do. Derrick had to change her into a werewolf. I wonder if it will hurt?



  MARIA WATCHED DERRICK as they both stood naked in their back yard. A shiver ran down her spine from the cold February air. She noticed him stalling when he rubbed his warm hands up and down her arms. Derrick shoved his hands through his hair and took a deep breath.

  “It’s ok, Derrick. I have the wolf gene. I will survive the change.”

  “I can’t lose you, Maria.”

  “I'll be with you until we are old and senile.” She placed her hand on his chest. “Before you do this, I want you to know something.”

  “What?” Derrick played with her soft black hair.

  “I’m not going to run for mayor. I’m happy being the alpha female. That's enough power. I’m strong like you and I think this will be for the best.”

  “Are you serious?” Derrick pulled her into a crushing kiss, making her body melt against his.

  “I’m serious. Now you need to hold up your part and change me. I can’t do this on my own.” She paused and looked at him. “Well, maybe I can get Aiden to change me. Maybe he’s...” Derrick grabbed her arm to stop her from walking toward the house where Aiden watched TV. He was there just in case something happened when Maria learned to shift.

  “All right, stand back.” Derrick kissed her quickly before Maria walked back to give him room to shift. She loved seeing him in his brown wolf coat. This may only have been the second time she had seen him this way, but she loved it. She shoved her hand into his soft fur and rubbed the spot between his ears.

  “I’m ready.” Maria took in a deep breath. He licked her arm but didn’t bite her. She dropped to her knees and pulled his face down so he met her gaze. “Damn it, Derrick.”

  She sighed and closed her eyes. His tongue licked her shoulder and before the saliva dried, teeth pressed against her skin. Maria gasped from the sudden pain, he released her shoulder after a minute or so. She couldn’t tell that he'd released her as the pain pulsed down her body, hitting her heart then spreading throughout her limbs.

  “Holy fuck, it burns.” Maria swallowed, but her mouth had gone dry. Derrick shifted out of his wolf form and held her close.

/>   “It will be over soon, Maria.”

  “What’s happening?” Another wave of pain rocked through her making her whimper.

  “Your body is accepting the change. Soon it will move into the shift. Just try to breathe.”

  “Easier said than...” She gasped for air and her body vibrated in her mate’s arms. He gently placed her on the ground. The cold grass sent zips of pain through her, then heat consumed her body. Hair started to sprout out of her skin, then more pain coursed through her bones while they adjusted and grew longer.

  Maria took in another sharp breath. Slowly the sound of her breathing grew louder, giving her a mild headache. When she opened her eyes, not only were things brighter, but she could see farther and in more detail. She blinked a few times, then found Derrick standing a foot or so away.

  “You’re beautiful my little mate.” Derrick took a step closer and Maria licked his arm without even thinking about it. Her nose caught new scents. She sniffed a few times and pushed her nose against his stomach. He chuckled and she looked up.

  “Your nose tickles. You'd better not tell anyone.” Derrick raised an eyebrow before she rubbed her nose against him again.

  “Let’s get you moving.” Derrick took a few steps back then shifted seamlessly into his wolf. He motioned for her to move away from the house. She took a few tentative steps and when she didn’t fall over, she pushed her body a bit more. At first moving on four legs seemed strange, but this new part of her quickly took over. Looks like my wolf wants to play. Once the thought filled her mind, she nodded her head without really thinking about it.

  Maria dashed toward the fence line with Derrick hot on her tail. She jumped over the wooden fence, her fur barely grazing the top. Her wolf took control as it took in everything around her, judging how high to jump before Maria had time to overthink it. This sense of freedom both frightened Maria and sent a wave of exhilaration through her body. Derrick nipped on her hind leg and she slowed to a stop right before a big dip in the sand. She turned her head around to find Derrick motioning toward the house.

  “I’ll race you.” He shifted to his human form for a moment to speak. Maria nodded and took a head start, she had a strong wolf, but he was the alpha. He was strong and swift in his own movements, catching up to her in a few heartbeats. They ran next to each other in the soft sand before it turned to grass surrounded the fence line. She jumped again, but this time she over thought it and tumbled into the ground. She cursed as she rolled in the grass before stumbling to her legs.

  “Fuck, that hurt.” Maria yelled and realized she had shifted back into her human form. She took a few steps toward Derrick and her body shifted back into her wolf form. Derrick tilted his head and shifted.

  “Do you want to be in your wolf form more?” Derrick stepped forward. Maria and her wolf had different answers to his question, Maria was done but her wolf wasn’t ready to give up her control.

  Maria surged forward and shifted into her human form and dropped to her knees. “My wolf doesn’t want to let go.” She gasped in the cold air. Her slightly warmer body still shivered when the cold air hit her. Before Maria managed to stand, she shifted again making her curse. Her wolf took another few steps, but Maria was getting pissed off.

  I want my body back and I will stay in my human form Maria yelled in her mind. Her wolf didn’t seem to care, she just wagged her tail. There were a few more shifts back and forth before exhaustion consumed her body. She dropped down to the ground, sparks flying from her hands in her human form, then shifted into her wolf form. Maria vaguely recalled Derrick yelling but she couldn’t help him calm down. With each shift or spark of magic, her limited energy was draining until she couldn’t lift her head up. Another shift back into her wolf form, but this time her eyes wouldn’t open for, her no matter how hard she tried. Darkness consumed her senses. She had no choice but to let it take over her body.

  Maria struggled against the weight of the darkness after what seemed like a few moments, but with no success. Derrick’s voice came into her consciousness but the words didn’t stick. Each time she pushed against the sleep, the easier it became. With one more shove back to reality she opened her eyes. She was glad to see she was in her human form this time.

  “She is fine, Derrick. With her magic being suppressed for so long I think it is affecting her shift. She will have the next nine months to practice before the baby gets here.” Alia rubbed Maria’s arms, a soft blanket covering her body.

  “I’m sorry about that.” Maria’s mom whispered. Everyone turned toward Derrick but he stared into her eyes.

  “Are you ok?” Derrick inched closer to her.

  “I’m fine, just tired. What happened?”

  “You kept shifting back and forth before you passed out.”

  “That must have been wonderful to watch.” Maria clicked her tongue at herself and her sarcastic comment.

  “Well we can always practice later. Thank you for your help Alia and Elene.” Derrick nodded toward Maria’s mom and Alia.

  “Get some rest baby girl. Tomorrow, if you’re feeling up to it, we will start your lessons.” Elene kissed Maria on her head.

  “Thanks, mom.” Maria smiled but betrayal filled her belly. On their way home from rescuing Elene, Maria had told her about Walter’s duplicity and the images filled Maria while she rested on the couch trying to recover from shifting so many times. Everyone cleared out of the house leaving Derrick and Maria alone.

  Despite all the craziness, she knew deep down that she belonged with Derrick. Tomorrow she’d announce her choice not to run for mayor of Austin. The choice was made and nothing would change her mind.

  “Are you sure you’re ok?” Derrick’s concern touched her, making her body warm up. He sat on the couch and she wiggled onto his lap to face him. Then she leaned in so their lips met. “I don’t...”

  Maria shook her head and kissed him again. “I need you, Derrick.” Her naked body hummed with the need. A low growl left his chest, sending a shiver down her body.

  “I love you, Maria.”

  “I love you, Derrick.” She gasped when his mouth sucked in her nipple.

  Soon she would get her magic and her wolf under control, but for now she would enjoy these moments as much as she could before the little one came into this world. A moan left her lips and she surrendered herself to the pleasure. This wasn’t the way I wanted to find love, but damn, it feels good. She met Derrick’s gaze.

  My plan for mayor be damned, Derrick’s worth it.



  “MARIA!” DERRICK YELLED for his mate while she used magic to play with water in the upstairs bathroom. Derrick was thankful that she was learning to control her magic but sometimes she made a huge mess trying new spells.

  “Be right down.” Maria cursed a few times then appeared at the top of the steps. Her swollen stomach lifted the tight shirt up, allowing some of the skin to show at the bottom. Alia walked behind Derrick and sighed.

  “You reached your last month of pregnancy and you’re smaller than I was.” Alia huffed at his side.

  “This is small?” Maria turned to the side showing off a nice round belly where her son kicked away at her insides.

  “Yep.” Alia popped her lips together and walked over to the table where Olsen and Aiden were sorting chips for poker night. Every other week they all hung out socially, with no talk about pack problems. Maria had been the one to suggest it to help Derrick relax more. Aura rested on the couch with the TV playing some kid show Derrick had never heard of.

  “Can you carry me down? I don’t trust my balance right now.” Maria leaned against the wall. Derrick ascended the stairs and lifted her with ease.

  Memories of changing into her wolf for the first time were both horrifying and amazing in the span of a few minutes. After a month of practice, she could finally shift out of her wolf form with ease and not pass out after the fact. A part of him had feared the worst after a full minute passed without her changin
g, but the second minute, hair covered her body. Once she shifted completely the wave of relief hit him quickly. Any time she shifted into her soft brown wolf, she created a little piece of priceless art for Derrick. She was his and completely beautiful.

  “Are you ok?” Derrick asked as he walked back down the stairs.

  “Yes, those damn pre-labor contractions are making my back tight.” Maria wiggled in his arms like she couldn’t get comfortable.

  “Would you like a back massage?” Derrick offered. When his little mate started to pop out, she complained about her back often enough for Derrick to get the hint. After two tries he found the right amount of pressure to relieve some of the pain.

  “Oh, yes please. But we can wait until after the game.” Maria smiled. He set her down and she waddled toward the dinner table.

  “All right who’s ready to get their ass kicked?” Maria rubbed her hands together. Olsen laughed.

  “You really need to work on your poker face Maria, then you can start kicking ass.” Aiden chuckled.

  “Oh whatever.” Maria sat in an office chair while the rest sat on regular wooden seats. The banter continued while Alia grabbed the pizzas out of the oven and set them on the table. Olsen hissed into Alia’s ear before she perked up and turned toward Aiden.

  “Hey Aiden, I have a bet for you.” Alia leaned forward to catch Aiden’s attention.

  “What’s that?” Aiden raised an eyebrow. His clean-shaven head caught the light and bounced it across the room. How the hell does he keep it so freaking shiny?

  “Grow out your hair until you find your mate. Then and only then can you go back to being the lone bald werewolf.” Alia grabbed more food for her plate and kept her gaze on Aiden. Derrick wondered where this bet came from, but part of him wondered what his buddy would look like with some hair on the top of his head.

  “What happens if I agree, but shave before I imprint?” Aiden rubbed the top of his head and then scratched his trimmed beard.


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