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Lovable Lawyer

Page 9

by Karen Deen

  Laying my head back against the back wall of the elevator, I think it all through. I don’t even know how I managed to get her upstairs to Paige’s apartment. I was surprised she took my hand when I offered it.

  Her hands are so tiny and soft. Not in a way where they’ve been pampered and had expensive creams rubbed into them all day. No, instead in a naturally soft way like she was born with them like that.

  Tender, yeah, that’s the word.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you?” I ask myself, walking into the foyer and out to my car. All the police cars are parked in front of the building with the lights flashing. Mason and Ashton told us it was chaos at the scene with Paige’s uncle arriving just after we left along with all the police.

  They’re just hands, you idiot. You’ve seen plenty of women’s hands. Held them, had then wrapped around your dick, and even tied a few of them up. Why are you obsessing about Mia’s hands?

  Climbing into the Audi, I get the lightbulb moment that it’s not her hands that have me spinning. It’s the feeling I had when I touched her. I can’t work it out, but something was different. Very different.

  Then watching her in those minutes after we got her to safety, I could read every thought she was having. Years of watching people in court have made my reading of body language spot on. She looked so lost, scared, and had no idea what was happening around her. Then her escalating panic had her soul reaching for her children which is understandable. As soon as she held her daughter, her shoulders relaxed slightly.

  Paige was dealing with so much that she’d forgotten about Mia. I have a feeling her whole life Mia’s been used to standing in the back corner, which is where she retreated to now. What’s that chick flick line? Something about not putting someone in a corner. Well, I’m saying it right now. Mia is not being pushed to the back anymore.

  Pulling up to the Target, I run through the list on my phone. I know I’m missing things. I’ll start with what I have, and I’m sure there will be other things I see.

  I’m standing in the aisle with all the baby things and it all may as well be written in another language. There are about ten different playpens. Fuck, I don’t even know what the hell they really do, except the baby sleeps in them. Okay, for once I’m being my mother. The most expensive one has to be the best, so I throw that one in the cart.

  Diapers next. Hmmm this is a problem. Do I just need them for Kayla or Jack too? Surely, he’s toilet-trained. Man, this is complicated. Right, there are boys’ and girls’ ones, so look at the pink boxes. Shit, different sizes, how the fuck do I know? Well, she’s not a newborn, or is she? Mason said she was nine months old. Read the box, idiot. Great, some of them overlap ages. Fuck it, I’m getting some of each, and I grab a boy’s box of the pants that are like diapers for Jack just in case. I mean, it’s not like he hasn’t had the fright of his life tonight. Who would blame him for wetting the bed?

  Clothes, I’m sure Mia can borrow some off Paige because I’m not sure she’ll want something I pick, but I better get some for both the kids. If Jack does wet the bed, he needs something to change into. Okay, kids’ clothes. Pushing the cart towards the clothes, my mind is racing. I have no idea what size clothes to get. How can I be a grown man, who I would like to think is intelligent, not have any idea what to get two little children? What world have I been hiding in? Yeah, a snobby, rich socialite world where nothing is real.

  I’m in the boys’ section getting frustrated when I hear a voice behind me.

  “I’ve been waiting for you,” an old lady’s voice mumbles to me.

  “Sorry, what did you say?” I turn to see the crazy old lady from the market, Martha.

  “Nothing. Now you look lost, young man. Do you need help?” I don’t know what she said to me initially, but she’s right, I need help and it’s all taking too long.

  “I need clothes for kids, and I don’t know what size. How do I work it out?”

  She starts laughing out loud at me. “What a ride this is going to be for you. Now tell me the ages and I’ll show you.” Why does she always talk in riddles?

  “Jack is four and Kayla is nine months old. I need sleeping clothes and something for the daytime. Not budget stuff. Something nice.”

  Smiling, she starts walking along the racks and just starts throwing things in my cart. This is good. She seems to know what I need. She might be crazy, but she’s helpful.

  “Oh yes, this is a must.” She holds up a little pink one-piece suit that is covered in glittery stars. “She will love this one.”

  I look at it, and I mean, she’s nine months old so not sure how much Kayla will even care as long as it keeps her warm.

  “Yep, okay. What next?” I need to hurry along.

  “Food, have you got any?” Shit, that’s what I was missing on the list.

  “Nope, need that too. What do babies eat?”

  Slapping me on the arm, Martha laughs as she then links her arm in mine. “Baby food, of course, silly. You really have no idea, do you.” We start walking.

  “Not a damn clue, Martha, not a damn clue.”

  After grabbing some jars and spoons, a couple of bowls, some bottles, then the formula, the cart is getting full.

  “I need some toys for them. They need to have a reason to smile,” I tell her.

  “Oh, that reason started tonight. But yes, toys, that’s a good idea. Come on, let’s play Santa Claus.”

  I don’t think I’ve ever stood in the toy aisle of a store before. There are some super cool things here.

  “Not too much, rich boy. You will overwhelm them. Little steps.” Martha picks up some books and slips them into the cart.

  “Yes, you’re right.” What do boys like, a truck, a car… or look, a plane. Mason will like that. Yep, let’s get them all. A ball, every kid needs a ball. Dolls, yes, Kayla needs a doll and some soft fluffy teddies. Seeing one that is just perfect, I reach for it. Soft, pale brown, with a pink heart stitched on its chest where your heart should be. I put them on top of the cart that is almost full. Just before I turn away, I grab a teddy for Jack. One that is bigger than Kayla’s and is a dark brown color, dressed in a black shirt with a yellow star on it. He might need someone to cuddle up to tonight.

  “Bedding, you will need some for the playpen.” Martha continues steering me to that aisle. Thank god she’s here, otherwise I’d be screwed.

  “I think you’ve just bought the whole store, son.” I still think she’s crazy, but I have a fondness for Martha now. We both stand together, laughing at how much I have in the cart.

  “Thanks, Martha, I don’t know where you came from, but I really appreciate the help.” Holding out my hand to shake hers, I’m shocked when she leans in and kisses me on the cheek.

  “You are a good man, Lex. I’ve seen it in the stars.” Her face lights up with a smile, and before I can say anything, someone bumps into me from behind. Turning to see what they’re doing, I quickly apologize for blocking the aisle. By the time I turn back, Martha’s gone. Just like she appeared from nowhere, she has now disappeared just as quickly.

  There is something weird with that old lady. I need to talk to Bella about her when it’s just the two of us. No way I’m having that conversation around the boys.

  Now, how to get all this in the car and up to the penthouse. I have a feeling I went a little overboard, but who cares. What’s money for if you can’t spend it on people who need your help?

  Only just enough room in the elevator for me as well as the bags, I press the penthouse button after Mason messaged me the code. I was glad to see most of the police cars gone when I arrived back, which means Bent is now in custody, and I have messaged my detective friend to keep me updated with what happens tonight and when the bail hearing is set for. Paige’s uncle arrived at the apartment before Mason and Ashton came back up to us. So, he was the one with everything the police needed. I didn’t know, but he had already been working with them on the case for a few days. He will be helping represent her in the co
urt proceedings, and I’m sure Paige’s lawyer will be all over it for her and the business side of it, but I will be handling Mia’s case. I’m not letting anyone else near her.

  The doors open to a welcoming committee, everyone standing in front of me just staring.

  Paige’s eyes almost pop out of her head.

  “Lex, what the hell have you done?” she asks with a smile.

  “I just grabbed a few things that Mia and the kids will need. I figured new things would be better, you know, fresh start.” I feel like everyone is just looking at me and no one is saying anything. Which is not like the guys. I was expecting a whole lot of crap, especially from Tate.

  They make me feel nervous.

  Paige reaches in and starts grabbing bags to help me. I’m trying to pick up as many bags as I can so everyone else can use the elevator to leave. Mason starts taking things from my hands and we finally empty the space, so everyone starts piling in. Still no words from any of them, which freaks me out more.

  Mia’s timid voice gets my attention.

  “Lex, I can’t pay for this.” Her face is one of sheer panic, and she’s gone a little pale.

  “What? No, I don’t expect anything. This is a gift for you and the kids. You needed them tonight and I got them. It’s that simple.” Black and white, you needed it, I can provide it.

  She looks down towards the ground, but I see her eyes peeking up just enough to see me.

  “You’re very kind, I don’t know how I can repay you for all this.”

  “Just seeing you smile once tonight will be payment enough. Now let’s get this set up so you can get these little ones to sleep, and you and Paige can finally talk. I’m guessing it’ll go long into the night,” I say, trying to make her feel more comfortable. I just want to get this all settled, and it won’t look so in-your-face with all the bags.

  Mason gives me a chin lift to let me know I did good.

  “Let’s go, Lex, I’ll show you the guest room where we can set them up. They can sleep in there with Mia. I doubt she wants her kids too far away at the moment.”

  “Thank you, for everything, all of you. It means more than you know,” Mia says in her soft voice. Tears brimming in her eyes.

  “This is just the beginning, Mia. Welcome to the family,” Paige says and wraps an arm around her shoulder and steers her towards the room she will be staying in downstairs.

  The main priority is to get the playpen set up so Mia can get Kayla settled in for the night. Mason and I pull it out of the box and start to put it up. He’s a pilot and I’m a lawyer. Surely it shouldn’t be this frigging hard.

  “Where’s the instructions, Mason?” I ask, getting frustrated.

  “Real men don’t need instructions. Come on, man, I can fly a plane, surely we can put this up without a piece of paper.” He steps in to try to take over.

  “Alright then, Mr. Pilot. Show me how it’s done.” I roll my eyes at him.

  Paige and Mia are behind us changing Kayla’s diaper and putting those pull-up diaper things on Jack. Lucky I grabbed those. It’s alright, little buddy, I’ve got your back.

  I can hear Paige having a little giggle watching us.

  “What are you laughing at?” Mason glares at her, and I can see he is just as frustrated as I was.

  Mia is still dealing with Kayla, but Jack is all done.

  “Jack, honey, can you help Mason and Lex please?” Mia asks.

  “Sure, Mommy. It’s easy, you just push this button and this button and then pull this bit and push that bit. See?” He turns proudly to us with the playpen all assembled before our eyes.

  Mia lets out a little giggle at the shocked looks on our faces. We just got shown up by a four-year-old. But I’ll take that any day, to hear that laugh again. It’s that first moment of a tiny amount of free spirit coming from Mia since I met her. It’s only small but so beautiful.

  “Well, Jack, you are a superstar. High five, buddy.” Mason puts out his hand for him. Jack slaps it nice and hard with a big smile. I grab the bedding, and Paige starts putting it in the playpen and then arranging the bed for Jack to get into.

  I start going through the bags when Paige calls my name.

  “Lex, leave them, we can sort the rest in the morning.” I just ignore her until I find what I’m after. There they are.

  “I just needed these. I thought, you know…maybe the kids…um, you know, might need them tonight.” Why do I feel stupid all of a sudden? They probably have their own and these will just be thrown to the side and not help.

  “Lex,” Mia says quietly standing with Kayla in her arms, all ready for bed. “They’re beautiful. You’re very sweet.” Sweet, that’s not a word that has ever been used with my name before.

  “It’s nothing, just thought it might help.”

  “Is that for me?” Jack asks so softly, I can feel his hesitation to ask.

  I walk over to him where he has climbed up onto the bed and is looking so tiny on such a big bed.

  “He sure is. He even has a star on him, because I think you’re a big star because of how brave you were tonight. What do you think you’ll call him?”

  “I’ve never had a teddy bear before, do I really get to keep him?”

  My steel heart almost breaks in two. “He’s your bear forever. So, think up a really cool name for your new friend. I know. How about you call him Lex, I’m pretty cool.” Before I can say anything else, he jumps up, standing on the bed, and throws his arms around my neck.

  “Thank you, Lex. I will love him forever and ever. He will be my best friend.” I slowly put my arms around him because I don’t want to overstep the boundaries with his mother.

  He’s gone out of my arms and the hug is over as quickly as he jumped into them.

  “I’m going to call him Ted. You know, because that’s his name, Teddy Bear.” He looks to us all for validation that the name is okay.

  “Perfect,” I tell him and ruffle his hair. Something I remember Charles doing to me when I was younger and running around in the yard getting up to mischief, when I should have been inside sitting quietly. It was always done with a smile, and it made me feel happy.

  Looking over at Mia, I see she has tears again. Shit, I’ve made a mistake.

  “Sorry, Mia, did I do the wrong thing?”

  “No, Lex. It couldn’t be more perfect if you tried.” She swipes the tears from her cheeks.

  “I have this one for Kayla with the little heart, so she knows she’s loved too.” Handing it to Mia, I know I need to get out of here. There’s too much going on so that I have no idea what to say or do. The more I open my mouth, the more I’m saying things that she doesn’t need to hear from a stranger.

  “Umm I’ll go and make some coffee or drinks or something.” Turning and leaving, I hear Mason talking then following me out.

  Walking beside me he puts his arm around my shoulders. “Thank you, man, you went above and beyond tonight. Paige and Mia won’t forget it.”

  I just nod as we keep walking. Once we reach the living room he stops and lets me go.

  “But you need to tell me what the hell was that in there. I don’t even know that Lex, and I’ve known you a very long time.”

  Shrugging my shoulders at him I just blurt it out, which is totally out of character for me. I’m normally so calculated with everything I say. “To be honest, I don’t know, Mas. That Lex is new to me too. Tonight, something just switched the moment she ran from that room. I wanted to wrap her in my arms and protect her with my life. I don’t even know her and never laid eyes on her before, yet she is pulling feelings out of me I don’t even understand. It must be the craziness of the whole night.” I walk away from him towards the window to collect my thoughts. I can feel him now standing next to me.

  “You’re right to an extent. Tonight, has probably been like no other night you’ve experienced before, and the same for Mia. The adrenaline rush does funny things to you. I can tell you from years of experience. But I’m going to say this. The
sparks that are flying between you two are lighting up the room. Now, that might just be like you said, the craziness of everything, but if it’s not, you need to be careful and give her time to breathe. That woman in there has been to hell and back and then was heading straight to hell again. The last thing she needs is another man in her life that will want to dominate her. She needs to learn to trust first. We’re expecting so much of her with so many new people around her, that she should just accept we’re good people. Trusting a friend will be a challenge, but trusting a man will be a huge mountain for her to climb.”

  “Fuck off, Mason. I know I could never be the man for her. She needs soft and gentle, someone to treat her like a princess. Not an arrogant prick like me who’s a grumpy asshole most days, or so you all keep telling me.” I can’t tell him that my emotions are already scrambled from the week I’ve just had, because we haven’t had that conversation yet. I’m sure tomorrow she’ll just be another client that needs my help.

  “You can think what you like, Lex, but that man who bought half of Target and just stood in that bedroom, is no arrogant prick. I think he might be the best part of you that you haven’t discovered yet. Take it from me. The right woman brings out the absolute best in you. It’s like you’ve been saving it all for them.”

  I don’t say a word because I can’t.

  Black and white.

  I have no idea about the grey or any other color in between.

  “All I’m saying, man, is take it slow. She’s going to need time to heal. Then if you still feel that insane pull that I know you have tonight, make your move. Until then, just enjoy the blue balls, man, because your life is about to become hell.” He slaps me on the shoulder and starts to walk away.


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