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Lovable Lawyer

Page 44

by Karen Deen

  “What the hell, Scott. I warned you not to go out and party too hard yesterday. Have you even been to bed yet? What the hell are you thinking, or have the drugs just stopped that peanut brain from even working?! You were already on your last warning. Find someone who will put up with your crap. Your job here is terminated, effective immediately.” Fleur’s office phone bangs down on her desk loud enough I can hear her from across the hall.

  “Well, you told him, didn’t you? Now who the hell is going to run the waiters tonight?” I ask, walking in to find her sitting at her desk, leaning back in her chair, eyes closed and hands behind her head.

  “I know, I know. I should have made him get his sorry ass in and work tonight and then fired him. My bad. I’ll fix it, don’t worry. Maybe it’s time to promote TJ. He’s been doing a great job, and I’m sure he’s been pretty much doing Scott’s job for him anyway.”

  To be honest, I think she’s right. We’ve suspected for a while that Scott, one of our managers, has been partying harder than just a few drinks with friends. He’s become unreliable which is unlike him. Even when he’s at work, he’s not himself. I tried to talk to him about it and was shut down. Unfortunately, our reputation is too important to risk him screwing up a job because he’s high. He’s had enough warnings. His loss.

  “You fix that, and I’ll find a new speaker. Oh, and 900 stupid mint-green napkins. Seriously. Let’s hope the morning improves.” I turn to walk out of her office and call over my shoulder, “By the way, good morning. Let today be awesome.” I smile, waiting for her response.

  “As awesome as we are. I see your Good Morning and I raise you a peaceful day and a drama-free evening. Your turn for coffee, woman.” And so, our average workday swings into action.

  By eleven-thirty, our day is still sliding towards the shit end of the scale. We have had two staff call in sick with the stupid vomiting bug. Lucia has called me a total of thirty-seven times with stupid questions. While I talk through my teeth trying to be polite, I wonder why she’s hired event planners when she wants to micro-manage everything.

  My phone pressed to my ear, Fleur comes in and puts her hand up to high-five me. Thank god, that means she has solved her issues and we are staffed ready to go tonight. It’s just my speaker problem, and then we will have jumped the shit pile and be back on our way to the flowers and sunshine.

  “Fleurtilly, you are speaking with Matilda.” I pause momentarily. “Hello, Mr. Drummond, how are you this morning?” I have my sweet business voice on, looking at Fleur holding her breath for my answer.

  “That’s great, yes, I’m having a good day too.” I roll my eyes at my partner standing in front of me making stupid faces. “Thank you for calling me back. I was just wondering how you went with finding another speaker for this evening’s event.” I pause while he responds. I try not to show any reaction to keep Fleur guessing what he’s saying. “Okay, thank you for looking into it for me. I hope you enjoy tonight. Goodbye.” Slowly I put the phone down.

  “Tilly, for god’s sake, tell me!” She is yelling at me as I slowly stand up and then start the happy dance and high-five her back.

  “We have ourselves a pilot who mentors the boys and girls in the program. He was happy to step in last-minute. Mr. Drummond is going to confirm with him now that he has let us know.” We both reach out for a hug, still carrying on when Deven interrupts with his normal gusto.

  “Is he single, how old, height, and which team is he batting for?” He stands leaning against the doorway, waiting for us to settle down and pay him any attention.

  “I already called dibs, Dev. If he is hot, single, and in his thirties then back off, pretty boy. Even if he bats for your team, I bet I can persuade him to change sides.” Fleur walks towards him and wraps him in a hug. “Morning, sunshine. How was last night?”

  “Let’s just say there won’t be a second date. He turned up late, kept looking at his phone the whole time, and doesn’t drink. Like, not at all. No alcohol. Who even does that? That’s a no from me!” We’re all laughing now while I start shutting down my computer and pack my briefcase, ready to head over to the function at McCormick Place.

  “While I’d love to stay and chat with you girls,” I say, making Deven roll his eyes at me, “I have to get moving. Things to do, a function to get finished, so I can go home and put my feet up.” I pick up my phone and bag, giving them both a peck on the cheek. “See you both over there later. On my phone if needed.” I start hurrying down the corridor to the elevator. I debated calling a car but figured a taxi will be quicker at this time of the day. Just before the lunchtime rush, the doorman should be able to flag one down for me.

  Rushing out of the elevator, I see a taxi pulled up to the curb letting someone off. I want to grab it before it takes off again. Cecil the doorman sees me in full high-heeled jog and opens the door knowing what I’m trying to do. He’s calling out to the taxi to wait as I come past him, focused on the open door the previous passenger is closing.

  “Wait, please…” I call as I run straight into a solid wall of chest. Arms grab me as I’m stumbling sideways. Shit. Please don’t let this hurt.

  Just as my world is tilting sideways, I’m coming back upright to a white tank top, tight and wet with sweat. So close to my face I can smell the male pheromones and feel the heat on my cheeks radiating from his body.

  “Christ, I’m so sorry. Are you okay, gorgeous?” That voice, low, breathy, and a little startled. I’m not game to look up and see the face of this wall of solid abs. “You just came out that door like there’s someone chasing you. I couldn’t stop in time.” His hands start to push me backwards a little so he can see more of me.

  “Talk to me, please. Are you okay? I’m so sorry I frightened you. Luckily I stopped you from hitting the deck.”

  Taking a big breath to pull myself back in control, I slowly follow up his sweaty chest to look at the man the voice is coming from. The sun is behind him so I can’t make his face out from the glare. I want to step back to take a better look when I hear the taxi driver yelling at me.

  “Are you getting in, lady, or not?” he barks out of the driver’s seat.

  Damn, I need to get moving.

  “Thank you. I’m sorry I ran in front of you. Sorry, I have to go.” I start to turn to move to the taxi, yet he hasn’t let me go.

  “I’m the one who’s sorry. Just glad you’re okay. Have a good day, gorgeous.” He guides me to the back seat of the taxi and closes the door for me after I slide in, then taps the roof to let the driver know he’s good to go. As we pull away from the curb, I see his smile of beautiful white teeth as he turns and keeps jogging down the sidewalk. My heart is still pounding, my head is still trying to process what the hell just happened. Can today get any crazier?


  ‘I’m just a hunk, a hunk of burning love

  Just a hunk, a hunk of burning love’


  What the hell!

  I reach out to grab her before I bowl her over and smash her to the ground. Stopping my feet dead in the middle of running takes all the strength I have in my legs. We sway slightly, but I manage to pull her back towards me to stand her back up. Where did this woman come from? Looking down at the top of her head, I can’t tell if she’s okay or not.

  She’s not moving or saying anything. It’s like she’s frozen still. I think I’ve scared her so much she’s in shock.

  She’s not answering me, so I try to pull her out a little more so I can see her face.

  Well, hello my little gorgeous one.

  The sun is shining brightly on her face that lights her up with a glow. She’s squinting, having trouble seeing me. She opens her mouth to finally talk. I’m ready for her to rip into me for running into her. Yet all I get is sorry and she’s trying to escape my grasp. The taxi driver gives her the hurry along. I’d love to make sure she’s really okay, but I seem to be holding her up. I help her to the taxi and within seconds she’s pulling away from me, turning an
d watching me from the back window of the cab.

  Well, that gave today a new interesting twist.

  One gorgeous woman almost falling at my feet. Before I could even settle my breathing from running, I blink, and she’s gone. Almost like a little figment of my imagination.

  One part I certainly didn’t imagine is how freaking beautiful she looked.

  I take off running towards Dunbar Park and the basketball court where the guys are waiting for me. Elvis is pumping out more rock in my earbuds and my feet pound the pavement in time with his hip thrusts. I’m a huge Elvis fan, my music tastes stuck in the sixties. There is nothing like the smooth melodic tones of the King. My mom listened to him on her old vinyl records, and we would dance around the kitchen while Dad was at work. I think she was brainwashing me. It totally worked. Although I love all sorts of music, Elvis will always be at the top of my playlist.

  “Oh, here’s Doctor Dreamy. What, some damsel in distress you couldn’t walk away from?” The basketball lands with a thud in the center of my chest from Tate.

  “Like you can talk, oh godly one. The surgeon that every nurse in the hospital is either dreaming about fucking, or how she can stab needles in you after she’s been fucked over by you.” Smacking him on the back as I join the boys on the court, Lex and Mason burst out laughing.

  “Welcome to the game, doctors. Sucks you’re on the same team today, doesn’t it? Less bitching and more bouncing. Let’s get this game started. I’m due in court at three and the judge already hates me, so being late won’t go well,” Lex yelled as he started backing down the court ready to mark and stop us scoring a basket.

  “Let me guess, she hates you because you slept with her,” I yell back.

  “Nope, but I may have spent a night with her daughter, who I had no idea lives with her mother the judge.”

  “Holy shit, that’s the funniest thing I’ve heard today.” Mason throws his head back, laughing out loud. “That story is status-worthy.”

  “You put one word of that on social media and I won’t be the one in court trying to get you out on bail, I’ll be there defending why I beat you to a pulp, gossip boy. Now get over here and help me whip the asses off these glamour boys.” Lex glares at Mason.

  “Like they even have a chance. Bring it, boys.” He waves at me to come at him.

  Game on, gentlemen.

  My watch starts buzzing to tell us time’s up in the game. We’re all on such tight work schedules that we squeeze in this basketball game together once a week. These guys are my family, well, the kind of family you love one minute and want to kill the next. We’ve been friends since meeting at Brother Rice High School for Boys, where we all ended up in the same class on the first day. Not sure what the teachers were thinking after the first week when we had bonded and were already making pains of ourselves. Not sure how many times our parents were requested for a ‘talk’ with the headmaster, but it was more often than is normal, I’m sure. It didn’t matter we all went to separate universities or worked in different professions. We had already formed that lifelong friendship that won’t ever break.

  Sweat dripping off all of us, I’m gulping down water from the water fountain. Not too much, otherwise I’ll end up with a muscle cramp by the time I run back to the hospital.

  “Right, who’s free tonight?” Mason is reading his phone with a blank look on his face.

  “I’m up for a drink, I’m off-shift tonight,” Tate pipes up as I grin and second him that I’m off too. It doesn’t happen often that we all have a night off together. The joys of being a doctor in a hospital.

  “I can’t, I’m attending a charity dinner. It’s for that charity you mentor for, Mason,” Lex replies.

  “Well, that’s perfect. Gray, you are my plus one, and Tate, your date is Lex. I’m now the guest speaker for the night. So, you can all come and listen to the best talk you have witnessed all year. Prepare to be amazed.” He brushes each of his shoulders with his hands, trying to show us how impressive he is.

  We all moan simultaneously at him.

  “Thanks for the support, cock suckers. My memory is long.” He huffs a little as he types away a reply on his phone.

  Mason is a pilot who spent four years in the military, before he was discharged, struggling with the things he saw. He started to work in the commercial sector but then was picked up by a private charter company. He’s perfect for that sort of role. He has the smoothness, wit, and intelligence to mingle with anyone, no matter who they are. He’s had great stories of different passengers over the years and places he’s flown.

  “Why in god’s name would anyone think you were interesting enough to talk for more than five minutes. You can’t even make that time limit for sex,” I say, waiting for the reaction.

  “Oh, you are all so fucking funny, aren’t you. I’m talking about my role in mentoring kids to reach for their dream jobs no matter how big that dream is.” The look on his face tells me he takes this seriously.

  “Jokes aside, man, that’s a great thing you do. If you can dream it, you can reach it. If you make a difference in one kid’s life, then it’s worth it.” We all stop with the ribbing and start to work out tonight’s details. We agree to meet at a bar first for a drink and head to the dinner together. My second alarm on my watch starts up. We all know what that means.

  Parting ways, Mason yells over his shoulder to us all, “By the way, it’s black tie.”

  I inwardly groan as I pick up my pace into a steady jog again. I hate wearing a tie. It reminds me of high school wearing one every day. If I can avoid it now, I do. Unfortunately, most of these charity dinners you need to dress to impress. You also need to have your wallet full to hand over a donation. I’m lucky, I’ve never lived without the luxury of money, so I’m happy to help others where I can.

  Running down Michigan Avenue, I can see Mercy Hospital in the distance standing tall and proud. It’s my home away from home. This is the place I spend the majority of my waking hours, working, along with some of my sleeping hours too. My heart beats happily in this place. Looking after people and saving lives is the highest rush you can experience in life. With that comes rough days, but you just hope the good outweighs the bad most of the time.

  That’s why I run and try not to miss the workouts with the boys. You need to clear the head to stay focused. The patients need the best of us every single time. Tate works with me at Mercy which makes for fun days and nights when we’re on shift together. He didn’t run with me today as he’s in his consult rooms and not on shift at the hospital.

  I love summer in Chicago, except, just not this heat in the middle of the day when I’m running and sweating my ass off. It also means the hospital struggles with all the extra caseload we get. Heat stroke in the elderly is an issue, especially if they can’t afford the cool air at home. The hospital is the best thing they have for relief. My smart watch tells me it’s eighty-six degrees Fahrenheit, but it feels hotter with the humidity.

  I don’t get the extra caseload, since I don’t work in emergency. That’s Tate’s problem. He’s a neurosurgeon who takes on the emergency cases as they arrive in the ER. Super intense, high-pressure work. Not my idea of fun. I had my years of that role, and I’m happy where I am now.

  Coming through the front doors of the hospital, I feel the cool air hit me, while the eyes of the nursing staff at the check-in desk follow me to the elevator. The single ones are ready to pounce as soon as you give them any indication you might be interested. Tate takes full advantage of that. Me, not so much. When you’re an intern, it seems like a candy shop of all these women who want to claim the fresh meat. The men are just as bad with the new female nurses.

  We work in a high-pressure environment, working long hours and not seeing much daylight at times. You need to find a release. That’s how I justified it, when I was the intern. I remember walking into a storeroom in my first year as an intern, finding my boss at the time, Leanne, and she was naked from the waist down being fucked against th
e wall by one of the male nurses. Now I am a qualified doctor who should hold an upstanding position in society, so I rarely get involved in the hospital dating scene anymore.

  Fuck, who am I kidding? That’s not the reason. It’s the fact I got burnt a few years ago by a clinger who tried to get me fired when I tried to move on. Not going down that path again. Don’t mix work and play, they say—well, I say. Tate hasn’t quite learned that lesson yet. Especially the new batch of interns he gets on rotation every six months. He is a regular man-whore.

  Am I a little jealous? Maybe just a tad. Both me and my little friend, who’s firming up just thinking about getting ready for some action. It’s been a bit of a dry spell. I think it’s time to fix that.

  Pity my date for tonight, Mason, is not even close to what I’m thinking about.

  My cock totally loses interest now in the conversation again.

  Can’t say I blame him.

  Just then the enchanting woman from today comes to mind and my cock is back in the game. I wish I knew who she was.

  Now this afternoon’s rounds could be interesting if my scrubs are tenting with a hard-on.

  The joys of being a large man, if you get my drift.

  There’s no place to hide him.

  Love’s Wall


  Heading across the bedroom, steam still swirling around from the shower, I paused. The view of the mountains brought a smile to my face as I stood naked at the window, enjoying the morning in all its glory. The breeze carried the bird’s morning song and the sounds of the cattle in the paddocks through the open window. Nature was busy getting ready for the day. I pulled my clothes on for the office. Part of me wished that I could just jump back into my farm jeans, shirt and boots and head out to the barn to saddle up for a ride. I could use one more day to relax in this tranquil place like I had been for the last two days.

  Thinking back on the weekend I could see that, although I loved my life, it was missing something. Or perhaps someone. My life was full. I had an amazing family and a business that made me happy to get up and go to work every morning. My home was my safe-haven, it gave me a place to just be myself with no expectations. It also gave me a place to hide. With all of the things that were right in my life, there was still a part of me that was empty. After letting my mind drift, I knew I needed to get my head around the start of a new week. Jumping in the car, I placed the same call that I made every Monday morning as I drove out of the gate.


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