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The Great Human Potential

Page 6

by Wendy Kennedy,Tom Kenyon

  This is why it is so important for you to know where you are vibrating. It allows you to be in the driver’s seat and not on automatic pilot. Being conscious of your vibration not only means that you can manoeuvre through reality with more grace and ease, but also you can dramatically change it by altering your frequency. Experiencing higher frequencies means more potential.

  Many of you wish to know the details of your past lives so that you can integrate them. You don’t have to look at past lives to do this. You simply have to look at what is going on in this lifetime. You are not recalling another lifetime to change it. Direct change can only occur in this Now moment. Sometimes when you recall a past life, what it will do is give you another perspective about the very same issues or situations that are currently being played out in this life. You might say, “Ah, I tried it that way, and that’s how it worked out. And now I am repeating the same pattern.”

  Also know there will be many things that you will not recall, for a variety of reasons. Sometimes it is too traumatic; sometimes there are just too many details. That can create more confusion for you, so the Higher Self says, “No, never mind that. Let’s focus on the Now.”

  In fact, a “past” life is not really past. It is going on concurrently, as remember, time does not exist. Your mastery of integration can help that lifetime. For example, in that other life you may be experiencing guilt, shame or blame. So as you learn to integrate those issues, you holographically share the process of how that integration of those issues was done with that other lifetime. This other lifetime has free will, just as you do, and can then choose to download and apply those lessons allowing for deeper healing and integration.

  And here is a small bit of additional information for you: when you learn how to integrate a fear, a guilt or a blame, you send out this information to all your genetic line! How about that? They can choose to receive it and download it for learning purposes, or they can just simply file it away.

  Take a deep breath…

  Here is your string theory — let’s take a harp. Each string has its own vibration to it, and you are constantly moving back and forth between these “strings”. What you are actually doing is aligning yourself with a version of the truth that feels the best and matches your current frequency. So every fork in the road, every choice you make, can throw you onto a different string.

  We give you the example of strings on a harp, but in reality, every moment you experience is a single point of focus. You link these moments together to give you the illusion of a timeline or string. All moments are Now moments. They are never past or future and are all going on concurrently. As you experience the Now, it is based on an agreed upon a set of circumstances at the personal level as well as at the collective level. You choose a point of focus, the version of the Now that you want to experience, and you project yourself into that moment. There are others who are sharing your Now moment as they are aligning with the same agreed upon set of collective circumstances.

  Some of the shared information will be highlighted in your experience, and some of it will not. Let us give you an example. Many on your planet will experience wars and other highly traumatic events directly in their lives. You have agreed to be in the Now moment where the collective agreed these events would transpire, but in your personal life you are choosing to hold another resonance. That is why you are not experiencing it directly as part of your day-to-day reality. You still choose to be in this Now moment as it serves you. Your personal experience does not need to reflect all collective choices in highly dramatic ways.

  Why are you creating traumatic events on the collective level? Because not enough have awakened to change it. When enough of you at the individual level choose a higher frequency, you create a template from which the collective can more readily access the information and make adjustments in their own lives.

  We know, it is a bit hard for the mind to get, but that is the whole point of the mind. It is supposed to filter things out. The more you increase your vibration, the more you will begin to understand this. You don’t really have to know that you are moving from focus point to focus point or Now moment to Now moment. Just know that you are moving forward and that you are choosing your potential as you advance. And know this: the past is just as flexible as the future. You can shift your experience.

  Take a deep breath…

  Now, we know that some of you are thinking right now, “Hmmm, if this is all an illusion and it doesn’t really exist, maybe I can just deny a situation and it will eventually be released.” Sorry to say, but it doesn’t quite work that way. That is a thought of exclusion, which at its base is fearful. Focusing on the positive aspect of something because you want to avoid the negative will actually generate more of the negative quality because it is what you judge. That is what requires integration. Not experiencing the vibration of what you would like to deny doesn’t mean that it’s not there. It simply means that your focus isn’t on it. You just have your back turned to it, but the judgment about it still exists. You have to include and accept it. The whole purpose of the experience is to integrate.

  As multidimensional beings, you incarnate into many different dimensions at the same time. Remember, time is an illusion. Past, present and future are one. Right now, you may choose to focus your awareness on lives in one particular dimension, such as 3-D, but there are aspects of you having, say, sixth — or eighth-dimensional experiences as well. You are not relegated to the bottom of the dimensional hierarchy to work your way up. Again, you are part of source energy, and there are aspects of you having every possible experience.

  Now, could this lifetime be enough to integrate all aspects of yourself? You will not get to all of them, but you will get to many of them, enough to increase your frequency to cross the dimensional barrier. Remember, it is not over because you shift. There is still more to explore and integrate in the higher realms.

  We said it before — ENJOY where you are. The main premise of this game was that you were to forget. You honored that premise. Now, you are working through the heart instead of the mind. The mind kept you separate and the heart allows you to experience connection. So as you change your vibrational range to a higher frequency and you start spending more time in the operating system of the heart, the veil simply lifts. You cannot run both systems at the same time, but you can go back and forth.

  We would say that this lifetime is the one that will benefit the most from integration because this is the life that is attempting to shift into the higher realms. This requires you to release all of your judgments. As we mentioned earlier, you are at the end of a grand cycle and are moving through a dense band of photonic energy. As you end one cycle and begin the next, this photonic band supports you with waves of fresh energy. These high frequency light particles support your quest to attain higher frequencies. As a result, your lower ones will get triggered. It is all part of the process.

  Rewriting contracts and vows

  So now, we would like to give you a simple affirmation to rewrite some of those contracts or vows that no longer serve your higher purpose. Repeat several times out loud:

  I, (your name), renounce, revoke, and recall any vows, promises and contracts that are no longer in alignment with my highest good. I now revoke, renounce, recall any promises and contracts that keep me from connecting to source energy and expressing my divine self. And so it is.

  This is something that you can continue to reaffirm from time to time because you do establish a few new contracts as you go. You are only dissolving the contracts that are no longer in alignment with your highest good. Don’t worry, those that you have put into place and want to keep will not be altered. Besides, your Higher Self knows what to do with it all.

  Healing the body

  Your body is nothing more than a vibrational signature that is being pulsed out and reflected back in physical reality. Your body is created from an energetic template in your auric field. As you learn to consciously adjust your vibration, or to re
calibrate, you can alter your physical state as well. Any adjustments made to the template will be reflected in the physical body.

  All health issues are always, 100% of the time, created at the energetic level. Even if you have ingested something toxic or find yourself in a toxic environment, this happens because you are in resonance at the vibrational level with this frequency. If you weren’t, one of two things would happen. You wouldn’t encounter the toxin or it wouldn’t affect your body.

  Do you all get that?

  Since 2010, you have been creating a new layer, or template, in your energetic field. This is the template for your higher dimensional, physical body. As you begin operating in a higher frequency range or dimension, you also run higher vibrational energy through the physical vehicle. This requires a new energetic template to hold and run the energy as well as alterations to the physical body to handle the new energy load.

  We call 2011 The Year of Activation. During this time period, you began to activate more of this new energy layer. You have many labels for this new template. Some call it the Diamond Light Body or the Crystalline Body. It’s all the same.

  The diamond is an octahedron, two four-sided pyramids base to base. This is the shape of your new energetic vehicle and why it is called the diamond light body. A diamond is considered to be the perfect crystal, and it allows you to have a more permanent connection to source energy. When you have this light body activated, you are in tune with perfection.

  Take a deep breath…

  Suffice it to say that as you go through your life and increase your frequencies, you will activate this diamond light body.

  Also, we encourage you to talk to your body. It loves that! The majority of you don’t address your body in a positive way. Instead you say things like, “I’m fat, I’m ugly, I’m too short, too tall, too sick, etc.” These are old programs that no longer serve you. When you give your body new instructions, it loves it. Think of it this way: each of your cells has a unique consciousness. They are part of the whole that is you. Don’t you like to be acknowledged and appreciated? Try striking up a conversation. Just follow your own inner guidance. It will lead the way.

  While we are giving you information to assist you on this journey, you are the ones going through this ascension process. You know what is best for yourselves if you quiet the mind and go within. You are teaching us about the process, as it is experience from your perspective. The experiment you agreed to undertake is one that has never been done before in such a way! We appreciate and honor that which you do.

  What Kind of Diet Should I Be Following?

  We are very happy and excited to talk to you about diet, health and well-being because right now you are being bombarded with so many notions of what you should be consuming. And the answer to that is there isn’t one specific diet to be followed and this must be considered on an individual basis. It is, at the end of the day, about energy levels and frequency.

  What’s important to understand is that you are pure energy, a being of light and frequency. When we talk about diet, health and well-being, there are two levels from which to view the issue. First, you can look at it from a very physical point of view, but that’s only going to take you so far. The second is from an energetic standpoint. So, let us start with the physical and then move on to our perspective of the energetic.

  When considering the type and quality of food to consume (organic, conventional, raw, cooked, animal products), requirements are based upon the individual. Ideally, you should be eating fresh, organically grown produce and animals that have been treated with love and respect. Some of you, however, have viewed the slaughter of animals on your planet and decided that no animal product should be consumed in any manner, under any circumstance. Well, we will tell you this belief is most often fueled by judgment. We know that some of you are not going to agree; that is fine, too. We are simply offering another perspective on this subject.

  At a purely physical level, there is sometimes still the need for you to consume animal meat from time to time. You need the minerals and the protein as well as some of the complex strands of molecules that come only from animal sources as you are recalibrating and upgrading your cellular structures.

  Whether you choose to eat plants or meat, we do recommend that you do so with a respect for nature and value the life you are consuming, giving thanks for its existence. You are absorbing the life force energy of another consciousness. But we will speak a bit more to that as we get into the energy aspects of it, all right.

  When you eat too much of anything, even healthy foods, they are no longer healthy. It’s all about balance and moderation across the board. So that’s what we would like you to focus on.

  Currently, there are many foods that have been introduced into the mainstream that have been genetically modified. When food is genetically altered, you lose not only some of the energetic qualities of the foods, but also the nutritional value. You can alter the harmonics of the energetic resonance, but you can’t really add the nutrients back in. It is best to consume a variety of natural, non-modified foods that have been grown in rich soil without toxic chemicals, allowing for a more balanced intake. Taking packaged vitamins and minerals is not quite the same thing as eating high-quality foods that contain those vitamins and minerals because of this energetic resonance. Due to extraction methods and packaging, most vitamins and minerals out there will lose their energetic component. While you are getting some energy on the physical level, the vibrational quality of your food is never quite the same as when it is grown with love from non-modified seeds.

  Should you be eating all carbs or all protein? Of course not. Rather, it’s a little bit of everything. You’ve got to listen to your own body. Intuitively you will know what nutrients you need, and you will be drawn to foods that contain them. Animals do this as well. When they are ill, they know they need to eat certain foods, and the same goes for you. But the whole notion of diet and the connotation that word has these days is that of restriction for weight management rather than a regimen for health and vitality. And when we are talking about the issue of weight, we are talking about something vastly different than health.

  Cells can retain fluids and other biological matter for a number of reasons. It can be for protection. It can also be caused by an imbalance in the cells. If this is the case, the cells are unable to release because they are missing the chemical components they need to function properly. Besides overeating, there are many other factors that can contribute to weight gain, which brings us to the emotional or energetic component. From our point of view, it is far more important and has a greater impact on your diet and health than anything else.

  Holding onto weight, keeping your body from purifying itself or consuming foods that are not of the highest vibration, sometimes serves you. You may have a belief or emotion in place that draws you to these scenarios. For example, you may have a belief or an emotional issue around safety. By eating pure foods, the body can release toxins and weight that numb you and keep you from feeling these unsafe feelings. By detoxing, you become more sensitive to frequency. Unless you are ready to deal with the belief or emotion, you will continue to be drawn to foods and habits that suppress them.

  That’s why sometimes it’s very difficult, although you’ve set the intention, for you to get on a healthy regimen where you are consuming high-quality foods; emotionally you are not prepared to let go of issues. By being lighter, you are going to be more in tune with your body and your emotional states. If you are not prepared to deal with those emotions, chances are you are not going to allow the physical to lighten up. You don’t want to deal with it! So in those cases, you’ve got to go and look at what’s going on emotionally. And we are not talking about issues that are necessarily tied to food and diet. We are talking about everything across the board; in your relationships, in your perceptions of yourself and what you are doing in life. You can’t separate the two. Again, this is a very important notion we want to get across to you. />
  If we have lost you here, let us back up and see if we can make sure that this is crystal clear because this is very important for you to understand. You attract to yourself exactly what you need. It is the Law of Attraction. When you are ready to move forward and release an emotional issue, you will start eating healthier foods intuitively/subconsciously. You begin eating healthy foods because of a change in mind set and/or an emotional pattern. Your body will begin to release what it was previously told to hold onto, allowing you to raise the frequency of the cells. If you are doing this on an unconscious level, there is part of you that says, “You know what? I am ready to move forward.” You start to eat smaller meals. You start to eat healthier food. And guess what? Emotions start to come up so you can deal with them.

  You, too, vibrate at specific frequency ranges. When you are happy and healthy, you are at the top of the range. When you are holding negative emotions in your energetic field or your body is processing a heavy toxic load, you are vibrating at a much lower rate.

  One of the many special attributes of this planet is the vast range of diversity in all aspects of life — food being one of the most diverse due to the wide range of plant life here. It is, in fact, quite rare among planets. Each plant holds a unique frequency, thus you are able to ascertain the medicinal properties of them. You’ve got a wide variety, which makes your culinary experiments, your cuisines, something very, very special. We hear some can be quite wonderful, like ice cream and cookies, for example.

  When you put those things into your body, it takes a certain amount of energy to process them out. So you are lowering your frequency. But if you have such an emotional attachment to those foods and you really want to have that pleasure but you continually deny yourself, the negative emotion that builds up is far more detrimental to your body and overall frequency than if you had had the cookie or ice cream and processed the toxins out. So you’ve got to find a balance there. Denying yourself, or simply the constant perception of denial, can do more damage than actually having the food. This is also important for you to know and understand.


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