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The Great Human Potential

Page 9

by Wendy Kennedy,Tom Kenyon

  Judgment Versus Forgiveness

  Elimination of judgment and forgiveness are two ways of letting go. But from what I understand, forgiveness is not quite the same thing as no judgment. When you forgive, you can still have judgment about a situation. It can help you get out of anger or deception and go forward, but it can still include judgment. Many times we hear people say, “I can forgive but I never forget.”

  — Is forgiveness the first step toward no judgment or is it a completely different energy?

  You are currently operating under the universal Laws of Attraction and Reflection. As part of the construct of the 3-D game, you knew that it would be difficult from the perception of limitation to see and recognize frequency within yourself, so the universal Laws of Attraction and Reflection were put into place. Your reality and all that you perceive in it is a reflection of your vibrational frequency.

  You are creating and generating 100% of your reality 100% of the time. Not just SOME times. At ALL times, at ALL levels, what you label as good and bad. Neither really exists as such. They are simply vibrational experiences.

  Any time you perceive yourself as a perpetrator or a victim, you are perceiving reality through the operating system of the mind. The mind was created as a construct that allows for the perception of limitation, separation and linear time; in other words, it is where you run your ego programs or filters that color your perception of reality. The heart is the operating system for the multidimensional self in which you run none of the ego programs or filters and can perceive and understand the true nature of reality as a universal being of light generating a human experience. At this level, you are aware that there is no time, you are connected to everyone and everything, and your experiences are co-created by you, another consciousness and source. This is the true nature of your holy trinity. All things in form hold consciousness so co-creation can occur with nature, animals or other beings. In a dualistic Universe of which you are a part, there must be a polar opposite to each experience. In other words, you must have a perpetrator for each victim. Ah, we already hear some of you asking, “If the Universe is dualistic, does that mean you have victims and perpetrators in 9-D? No, we choose to play our polarity out in other ways. Different dimensions have different constructs. From the fifth-dimensional level up, we do not perceive ourselves as being separate from anyone or anything, so we know we co-create and operate with that as our basic premise. We may not always agree, but we do know reality is of our own making.

  If you are still seeing yourself as a victim, then you are not taking responsibility for your part of co-creation. When you see the service of your co-creations, what it teaches or reminds you, then you are able to move beyond victimization and truly forgive and forget.

  If you have not forgotten, then you haven’t forgiven. We would say this is true about 99% of the time. You are still referencing a hurt. You perceive yourself as victimized in some way and you are still going back to that moment in time. If you have forgiven, then you will most likely not think about a scenario unless you encounter the same frequency again and recall past moments when you previously experienced it. And if it is being reflected back to you in your reality, then there is something in your field that you are holding and pulsing out that is creating and generating that reflection.

  We will also say this to you: any time you are not in the present moment, you are in the operating system of the mind, which again means you are perceiving things from a fear-based, limited perspective. If you are fully engaged with the present Now moment, it is impossible to reference the past. The moment you disengage from the Now, you move out of the operating system of the heart and are back in the operating system of the mind.

  We can see many of you don’t really like this answer, but it is the true nature of things. It feels more comfortable and safe to go back to the illusion of the mind where you take only partial or no responsibility.

  So yes, real forgiveness means no judgment. Period! If you are still judging it in any way, you haven’t truly forgiven.

  As with any fear, you may choose to process it in levels and layers. For most of you to bring up all the perceived pain with a fear would leave you in a heap on the floor, so you will only reveal to yourself as much as you are prepared to process. And how do you process? When you have the awareness you are still harboring ill feelings, check in with yourself and see what is going on at the physical, mental and emotional level. Does your body go into contraction? If so, what is the thought or emotion that signals the body to do so? What is going on at the mental level? What are your thoughts? Perhaps the mind says, “You fool, you can’t forgive. You are gullible and naïve if you do that!” How are you feeling emotionally? Insecure? Fearful? If you are feeling anything but total peace at all levels with an issue or experience, then there is more judgment to be released or integrated. You must move into the heart center to do this. It is impossible to release from the level of the mind. It is possible that you may have forgiven at the mental level, but you haven’t dealt with the emotional component of it or vice versa. Again, all levels must be addressed to fully release judgment.

  If you are having difficulty finding forgiveness, then we recommend you take a look at where you are playing out that very same frequency with another person or perhaps in another area of your life. We guarantee you are playing it out in multiple ways. It may look different on the surface, but the base thought, feeling or emotion is the same. As you integrate or release the judgment of a frequency in one area of your life, you release it in all areas.

  As an example, perhaps you have had a difficult time throughout your life forgiving a parent for their poor child-rearing skills. You felt abandoned. Now as an adult, you are experiencing that same frequency of abandonment but from another perspective. In the current moment, you are not receiving as much attention and support as you would hope for from your boss. Your abandonment is once again triggered. This time, because the scenario is slightly different, you are able to perceive it from another perspective. You are able to see your boss is not there to hold your hand, so you decide to stand in your power, make a few key decisions on your own, and proceed forward with your project. Doing so allows you to see that you are capable of more than you gave yourself credit for initially and you no longer align with the belief that you were abandoned but that it was an opportunity for you to stretch your wings. By clearing the sense of abandonment with the boss, you automatically apply the same integration to the issue with the parent. You may now find when you reflect on your parent, you no longer hold the anger or resentment or, at the very least, not to the same degree that you once did.

  — When we change our timelines, there is a completely different set of circumstances. But we are, at one point or the other, sharing the same dot or general consciousness with a version of humanity, but we are also, each of us, on individual timelines having different experiences. So If I understand correctly, we all decided to play, for a while, the same game and be on the same dots but experiencing different circumstances?

  When we talk about time, it is important that you move out of the head and into the heart. Typically when the topic comes up about the multidimensional perspective of time, it puts you all first in your heads and then second out of your bodies because it makes you very uncomfortable. The information does not compute with the logical mind and your current perception of reality. You will never find the answer for the multidimensional perspective in the mind. The mind was designed to throw out the multidimensional perspective. That was the whole purpose of it, so that you could have a unique experience of separation and linear time. You have to be in your heart center to process this. So as we talk about it, as we give you the information, see it as an orb of light dropping from the mind down into your heart and try processing it there. When you are in the heart center, things will make more sense. If you’re in the head, forget about it. You’re going to go crazy like a hamster on a wheel going around and around and around.

  The illus
ion of time is probably one of the most important concepts for you all to grasp moving forward. Remember what we give to you as an explanation is not the whole truth, but it is the version of the truth that you can comprehend in this moment as you are playing still in the illusion of time. How you move out of the illusion and into the reality of multidimensional existence is an amazing adventure and one that we are excited to see you take.

  You experience a series of Now moments and string them together to give you the illusion of linear time. Each Now moment is built on an agreed-upon set of circumstances at the collective level as well as the individual level. This set of circumstances is what you call your past. They are actually the stories that you choose to tell yourself upon which you base your current version of reality. So, for instance, collectively on this Now moment you all may agree that World War II happened. Each agreed upon set of circumstances has a unique vibrational signature, and you choose the version you wish to align with in order to set yourself up to have particular vibrational experiences.

  Take a nice deep breath.

  As we mentioned, when we start to talk about these concepts, out of your body you go! Your breath helps to connect you again and assimilate the information.

  So while you are agreeing that certain events may have taken place or are currently taking place at the collective level, your unique set of individual circumstances will color your perception of those agreed upon happenings. To put it another way, you may have five people who witnessed the same event and all five people will have a different recollection. The unique set of circumstances they hold at the individual level, or you could also refer to it as their ego programming or filters, is what colors and shapes their perception of the event to best reflect back to them a matching vibrational equivalent. Remember, the Laws of Attraction and Reflection are constantly shaping your experience.

  Take another breath.

  Remember, you are never really on a singular timeline. You are on Now moments. There are infinite Now moments with which to align yourself, but typically you will choose another Now moment that is very similar in frequency to the last. We hear you all say, “Yes, but why can’t I go to a nice version of the Now where it is peaceful?” Frankly, you choose to move to a Now moment with a similar frequency to maintain the illusion of the game. To jump to something drastically different would pull you out of the illusion, and what would be the fun in that? Ha, we chuckle as we hear so many of you at the ego level say, “I’m ready!” But the ego is not real. It is simply programming superimposed on your true self, your Higher Self. The ego is not in the driver’s seat. Your Higher Self is and it has a complete awareness of the game you have immersed yourself in and what you are being served by your current alignment to the Now moment you are on. Simply put, you are hiding the truth from yourself for the sake of vibrational exploration and the creation of unique experiences. This too was part of the setup for the 3-D game. As a multidimensional being, you have the ability to see all possibilities if you so choose. But as 3-D game players, that is limited and it affects your perception of current events and the choices you make. This is the part of the game you all get so excited about experiencing before you incarnate. Can you recall that? Are you having fun? Your uncertainty about the outcome of an event requires you to trust. Trusting isn’t such a big issue if you know the outcome, but it is completely altered when the ability to see all possibilities is restricted. It really is a game changer. Think of a roller coaster. The dips and turns you don’t see coming are often the most thrilling, and so it is with the game of life you are creating.

  Now we will say this. One of the main reasons for the illusion of time was to allow you all the opportunity to alter frequency before creating it in density. With density, you have the expression of lower thoughts, feelings and emotions. If you created all of that instantly, you would be going through the death cycle and incarnations rapidly. By having a lag in manifestation, you have the ability to alter your frequency so you are not in alignment with those lower thought forms or beliefs, thus allowing you to remain in the game longer.

  Take a nice deep breath.

  — What determines a changing of timeline? For example, I was a publisher for 18 years, for a long time. I thought that I would be doing publishing for the rest of my life because I loved it so much, then some events happened and a change in perspective made me want to dedicate my life to more global issues.

  Concerning your own life and changing careers, it was simply the ego’s limited perception that you would be at your job for a lifetime. It is not the form of a job that you are drawn to but rather the frequency of a job. Again, remember that your reality is a reflection of your frequency. There are infinite forms those frequencies can take. In practical terms, there are many jobs that have the frequency of what you find exciting, but on the surface they may look drastically different. If you look back over the course of your life, you will most likely find that most of what you have done has a similar frequency at the core of it all.

  As you go through the process of integration, releasing judgments, you are altering and elevating your overall frequency. As your frequency changes, what you will be “drawn to” will also change. Perhaps a more accurate way to say that is what is reflected back to you that meets your new vibrational state will change. The higher self recognizes the new frequency and is attracted to it, steps out to greet it, and experiences it at the physical level.

  You can experience infinite Now moments that you string together to get infinite timelines. So every decision, in essence, creates another timeline. But the most important one, and the one for you to focus on, is the one in which you currently find yourself. The 3-D perspective requires singular focus (see next image). So any time you focus on the past or future, you are draining your energy, sending it to a Now moment that you are not physically experiencing. Think of it this way. Your soul’s essence is like a spotlight, tightly focused on a singular point. Now as you drift off thinking or worrying about the past or future, your tightly focused light is now diffused with beams shooting off in different directions. This is in part why it is so important for you all to be present. It requires you to be heart centered and allows you the ability to run more of your full power and energy.

  Once you reach a 5-D level of awareness, you can actually split your focus to multiple Now moments without draining yourself energetically, but you aren’t there just yet. Remember what we told you earlier. You are actually residing in 4-D. You can run either a 3-D or a 5-D perspective, but you are for the most part clinging to the illusion of linear time. Again, time is simply a marker for an event, somewhat like a record locator. You can play with exploring the multi-focused reality now. It may feel a bit strange the first time you succeed, but it will actually feel quite familiar to you as it is how all other aspects of you, 5-D and up, experience reality. It is the universal “normal”, if you will. Linear perception is unique to 3-D.

  — Where does compassion fit into the new version of reality?

  Compassion is what you bring forward as your gift to the Universe. Because you are also experiencing reality in the densest dimension, 3-D, on the planet with the broadest range of emotions, it affords you the opportunity to understand many of the universal dualities in a way that few beings can. Your expression of and ability to feel the entire range of emotions to such extremes creates the possibility for compassion. You understand what it is like to feel separate, alone, afraid, sad, guilty, angry and the challenges of letting go of that illusion. Because of that, you experience compassion. Emotions are unique to 3-D. There are vibrational equivalents in other dimensions, but they are not identical.

  In the higher realms, we understand that we create our reality and if another isn’t so keen on their creation, we don’t respond in what you would consider to be an emotional way. It would seem more logical and detached.

  While you can experience some of the lower emotions with intensity, you also have the ability to access the other extreme, emotio
ns such as joy, love and gratitude, with that same matching intensity. This awareness of both extremes is what generates compassion and is indeed what you will share.

  Health and Judgments

  Are health issues always about a program that we have, especially about cancer? Cancer seems to be more rampant than ever; even though there has been so much money put into cancer research, the problem is bigger than ever.

  — How can we better deal with health issues in this new reality?

  Any time we talk about health and well-being, it is always a vibrational issue. It is never about the food, the environment or germs. It always has to do with the frequency you are pulsing out and creating as your physical reality. Oftentimes, illness is the only way you can get your own attention. It forces you to stop in your tracks and assess your creation. Your vibrational state is being reflected back to you in the condition of your physical body.

  If you are holding a lower frequency in your field, you will be drawn to physical items and environments that match that frequency. So let us use the example of cancer. By pulsing out the frequencies of anger and self-denial, you will be drawn to consume foods that do not support the body, but rather create a physical response that reinforces your belief. It is possible in this scenario that you may find yourself in an environment with more toxins as they slow the body’s ability to function at an optimal level. You could, with the old 3-D perception, say the toxic landfill created my cancer, but that again is victim mentality. You are aligning with that as a means to an end, shall we say — the end being your ability to see you have a particular frequency in your field.


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