The Great Human Potential
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Furthermore, all dimensions are a part of a unified consciousness or a unified collective field. There was no merging that needed to happen. It is your perception of the field and your awareness that it exists that has shifted. This is, in essence, moving beyond the veiled illusion that you are separate from all that is. It is this illusion that allows you to experience the beauty of the third dimension. 3-D is quite remarkable and unlike any other dimension in this regard, which makes it quite unique and a challenging game to play.
— What about those who do not wish to change, or wish to continue warring? Will our path simply separate completely because of frequency?
There are infinite versions of reality upon which you can place yourself. You are never damned to experience a reality because others are choosing warring tactics. That is victim consciousness. You are on exactly the version of reality you wish to be on. The more you come to understand this statement, the more you are able to release issues of control and safety. You will find that the question then becomes moot.
As you understand that you can vibrate and experience peace, joy and love no matter what anyone else is doing, two things occur. One, under the Laws of Attraction and Reflection, you will find that as you are pulsing these higher frequencies, your reality will reflect those very frequencies. You will not experience the warring as part of your personal reality. You may know that is being experienced by others on the planet, but it need not be your day-to-day reality. What we do say, though, is that if you find yourself watching the news and that is the story being reflected back to you, take note of how you are feeling at the physical, mental and emotional levels. If you are charged by what you see or hear, then there is more in your field for you to integrate. Where in your life do you play out those issues of competition or lack? Use the collective consciousness to identify lower frequencies in your own field.
Second, as you reach this elevated level of awareness, you will find that you may observe others’ behavior as being of a lower vibrational nature, but you are unaffected by it and simply observe it. You do not judge it as being right or wrong, but rather see it as an interesting vibrational selection and hold compassion for them as they move along their path.
The Last Word
— In our successful version of reality, what is the greatest human potential available to each one of us?
There are two things we see that will create the greatest change on your planet. The first is your awareness of the illusion of time, and the second is your ability to see that all is of your own creation. We could site some external potentials, meaning the creation of free energy devices or shifts in your monetary system, but these are simply reflections of the changes each of you creates within. There are infinite forms these new internal changes can take in your physical reality. If you remain open to the frequency rather than narrowing your awareness to a particular form, you are able to accelerate the rate at which you can create change and in even more exciting ways than ever imagined.
We are truly excited for you as you embark on this journey. This window in time is rife with amazing potential that is only limited by your imagination. The greatest challenge for you all will be to release the constraints of your past beliefs and know that all things are possible. So often you all go back to the past, citing examples of perceived failures or impossibilities. Let us say this to you: You have been there and done that. It is impossible for you to create exactly the same thing, as you yourself are different by having had the original experience. So if things are going to be different anyway, why not make them dramatically different? Dream BIG!
The next several years may feel from time to time a challenge for many of you as you are learning to shift gears and implement the “theory” you have been gathering for the last several decades and apply it to practical reality. In other words, you are learning to walk the talk. But rest assured, you will have your successes, and these will propel you forward, giving you the confidence and reflection you require to know the theory is correct. It will seem so much easier to create in this new way, you will wonder why you ever waited so long to make the shift in the first place.
Most importantly, dear ones, have fun! Do not take yourselves too seriously. Your purpose in this life was to experience more joy and to be of service. If you keep your focus and intention there, you will always be headed in the “right” direction.
— Exiting the game, is that possible?
Yes, you can “exit” the game. When you have an expanded sense of awareness, there is no need for a game. You wouldn’t want to stay in the game if you knew how the illusion is created. There is no more fun in playing in it.
Many of you didn’t have the big shift in awareness that you thought was coming on December 21, 2012. Many of you are asking yourselves, “Why is everything the same?” Simply because you are not ready to step out of the game just yet! But what you had in December 2012 and what is continuing to happen more and more are great moments of awareness, one after the other. That is the unveiling of information. It all depends on what you allow for yourself.
Once you get above the veil of the third dimension, shifting between the dimensions isn’t so dramatic or difficult. Above the third-dimensional range, you understand that you are part of a collective but remain an individual. And we tell you, when you get to the “other” side, it is not a utopia. We want to make sure that you understand this. It would be quite boring for everyone to create the same thing. The game is about diversity. So you will continue to create some challenges. Nobody does it to you. But you also create the solutions. That is what source asked us to do — to go forth, expand, and have experiences.
So it doesn’t really matter what is going on with the negative aspects, the game or the manipulation because when you recognize that you are a creator being, you can change your version of reality. When enough of you decide that you want a different version of reality, then a brand new timeline is created followed by a change in the current events leading to a brand new world.
And that is what ascension is all about.
The Hathors
You are standing collectively and individually
at a cosmic crossroads.
The alignment on December 21, 2012
was a passage into a new vibratory reality.
The Hathors Preface
by Judi Sion
I thought I might explain a bit about how Tom works and how these “words” unfolded.
Tom’s work with the Hathors is principally sound codes. The Hathors are masters of sound and love from another Universe, invited here by Sanat Kumara because of their balanced nature and Earth’s need for balance.
These codes are delivered through Tom’s amazing almost four-octave voice specifically for the people in each workshop and for the land where the workshop is being held.
All sound code sessions are very different; no two sound meditations have ever been the same.
For example, I am writing this in Istanbul, which straddles Asia, Europe and the Middle East. The Bosphorus, also known as the Istanbul Strait, is the boundary between Europe and Asia, so it is a critical pivot for the entire world. We came here to place these “sound codes” personally for the people attending and also for the Earth.
Some 15 years ago the Hathors asked Tom to please sing, “The Song of the New Earth,” explaining that would require him traveling around the world. We have now circumnavigated the globe six times, laying sound codes, from Russia, to the Ukraine, to Tibet, to Burma, Bali, Austria, Germany, France, Egypt and many other countries.
These Sound Codes go into the Earth and spread out in all directions. Additionally, the “sound temples” we have built under the direction of the Hathors in New Mexico, Nepal and Costa Rica triangulate between themselves and ricochet these codes around the world.
Tom doesn’t usually channel words; it’s usually sound, and he never channels words publically. So when you read words from Tom, that process has oc
curred in private with Tom speaking and me taking down exactly what is said.
Tom is a conscious channel, so he’s aware of what’s being said, but it is not him speaking. It’s not his voice when the information comes through.
Through the years I have come to recognize the voice and energy of several of the beings we work with. For example, I recognize Enom, the speaker for the Hathors, and I always recognize Magdalen. (Sanat Kumara has a particularly distinctive voice. After all, he’s 100 million years old in our counting.)
The Hathors always make me read back what they have given to make sure I have every word correct and to make sure their intention is fulfilled. It is very exacting.
Once, when we were in Germany, a woman came up to me at lunch, after Tom had been toning all morning. She asked me when Tom was going to channel. She didn’t understand that the sounds are the channeling. She expected him to sit in a chair and bring in a spirit voice.
Pure sound, which is sound with no words, brings the right brain online, allowing for huge transformations, so that’s the nature of the work he does with sound, principally with the Hathors and other Deities from various lineages.
The Hathors have been giving us Planetary Messages since 2003. These messages are an update on the status of the Earth and her inhabitants. They also include suggestions for how to navigate through the changes. Survival is one thing. “Thrival” (my word) is another.
As a civilization, the Hathors say their lowest state of emotion is what we would call bliss. We don’t have a word that approximates that what might be like — to live continually beyond bliss.
Their entire civilization ascended en masse, something I can’t imagine Earth doing, with our divided factions and consciousness. But they say it is possible.
They also say a positive outcome for Earth and her inhabitants is possible, even up until the very last second.
Danger and opportunity
by Tom Kenyon
One thing is clear — the old guard is nervous. The old ways of doing things aren’t working the ways they used to. Just talk to any corporate CEO and they will tell you this. Hell, just talk to any mom and dad trying to raise a family and they’ll tell you the same thing.
I think our culture is like a big old 50’s Chevy rolling down the road out of control. Parts of the car are falling off onto the concrete, and there is a fight in the front seat for who is going to hold the wheel. The old drivers have been taking us dangerously close to a precipice and some of the people in the back seat are waking up. This isn’t to the liking of the current chauffeur, mind you. He’s used to being in control. But as Bob Dylan used to sing” the times they are a changing.” Too many people are waking up around the world in spite of their TV’s.
This brings me to the question: what are we waking up to? I suppose it depends on the consciousness of the one waking up, for as the Vedas of ancient India say– knowledge is structured in consciousness. In other words, our level of development limits what we can be aware of. Some of us are waking up to the dangers of capitalistic fascism and its mind-boggling array of hypnotic advertising encouraging us to buy more things we don’t need. Some of us are waking up to the anguished cries of an ecosystem in crisis and nearing collapse. Some are waking up, further, to the earth as a conscious living being, not just some inert hunk of rock to be exploited. Others are waking up to the understanding that it is all consciousness, and that we are, each of us, somehow intimately connected to what transpires in the world.
We are not islands unto ourselves, but rather the world is an on-going co-creation between all of us. What looks like outside us, is really both inside and outside. Our beliefs and attitudes about ourselves, and what we deem to be real, get acted out in the vast sea of human interactions. Where there is hostility and hatred around us, perhaps we need to look inside ourselves. As surely as the sun rises and sets, the tap roots of events around us often lie inside the fertile soil of our own psyches.
For some, ideas like this seem alien and strange. For others it is simply obvious. Once again we are faced with the relativity of perception. Knowledge is structured in consciousness. But as we travel through the twenty-first century, many of our perceptions, as a culture, are undergoing radical change. There is a global transformation taking place, and the accelerated events of our time indicate that the transformation is a fast one. Where it will take us, no one really knows.
But interestingly enough, the word transformation is composed of two ideograms in Chinese, one of them meaning danger and the other opportunity. We are in the midst of both, no question.
As we look at the national and international arenas, it is easy to point to another person or group and call them the bad guys, the evil ones. Duality has, after all, a long formidable history. But for those who sense the inner workings of consciousness, these times are an opportunity to see past the illusions of separation between us and the world. It is an opportunity to see how we hold both ourselves and others mental/emotional hostages. The outer stage of world events is mirrored, or perhaps even created, within us. By the choices we make internally and externally, we create our future destinies.
May all of us find gracious passage through the Great Shift that is upon us.
May we witness in ourselves, and those around us, the arising of courage to live life in new ways. May we be enriched by the mystery of serendipity, where unexpected miracles abound.
May we never lose our sense of humor, for sometimes this will be our greatest ally.
And may we be blessed by the realization that we are who we have been waiting for, put out the welcome mat and set a place for ourselves at the table of the Great Mystery.
From The Hathors
The Council…
We are ten individuals[1] out of a civilization of several million. Our background includes what you would call a physician, a scientist, several teachers and historians. There is one of us who is also what you might term a mystic or philosopher, although by nature we are all mystical and philosophical. So, in our group, we have very different and varying perspectives.
We cherish and love our human brothers and sisters. We sense and we see a tremendous change unfolding on this planet. You are in the midst of a birthing process into a new dimension of consciousness. Our civilization has been through this process, as well. We know intimately the birthing pains of passing through the portal of time and space into a greater reality. Therefore, out of our love and compassion and our joy to be with humans, we have chosen to bring forth this material in hopes that it will assist you.
We are bringing forward practical tools and an understanding that will serve you as keys of remembrances. Our words also carry energy-signatures that will activate many who will read these words.
Your Greatest Potential
Your greatest human potential is to merge your thinking and feeling natures and to sense the world, not just through your mind, but also through your heart. Your heart/mind has an innate wisdom that supports the higher destiny of life because it is connected to all life through the capacity for empathic-wisdom.
Furthermore this union of your heart and mind can lead to more benevolent outcomes, because their union connects you to the higher dimensional aspects of human intelligence. However, your human capacity to fully develop your heart/mind has been effectively blocked, for millennia, by lies that have been perpetrated by many of your religions and “spiritual” traditions.
The lies that confine the human spirit through shame, guilt and regret are some of the greatest obstacles to your greater potential, as we view it. The denial of intergalactic reality and the existence of alien intelligences as well as non-corporeal beings limits the scope of your understanding of the cosmos.
The manipulation of the human spirit by a growing number of international corporate agendas and their pursuit of monetary profits over the consideration of human beings, and the planet, itself, is another obstacle to the unfoldment of humanity’s higher destin
y. Fortunately the agendas behind many of your institutions and the partial-truths of many cultural presuppositions are being exposed. That is the nature of this self-liberating time you are entering.
Some would rather sleep and pretend that everything is fine. For them the electronically enhanced Maya (illusions) of your world will only increase. For those of you who wish to awaken from the collective dream that sometimes verges on being a nightmare, courage must be your constant companion.
This type of courage empowers you to see through cultural and social distortions to sense your true identity as a multidimensional creator.
The Hathor channels
We have interacted with human beings from the times of Atlantis and Lemuria. But the greatest flowering of our interaction with humanity occurred during the Golden Period of ancient Egypt. This was when we worked through the Initiates, the Priestesses and Priests of the Hator fertility temples.
The knowledge we imparted regarding the elevation of life force is still symbolically encoded, to this day, through art at the Hator temple of Dendara.
We have continued to interact with human beings from these ancient times until the present. This channel’s task is highly specific, and he is in a direct line from the Initiates of the ancient Hator Temple at Dendera.