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Ex Factor

Page 2

by Varsha Dixit

  Gina sat back, a lump in her throat. She glanced at Doyal who was still on the call. “Gosh, I should have checked the messages.” She slumped. Her voice was thick. “I should have known that you guys wouldn’t think badly of me.”

  Kyra put her feet down and stared at Gina. “Is that why you stayed away from us? You thought we would blame you?”

  “You thought we would hate you?” Meher asked, matching Kyra’s expression of surprise.

  Gina shrugged. “Why shouldn’t you guys hate or deride me? Everyone else did.”

  “Damn!” Meher uttered. She nudged Kyra. “You can smack Gina better. My hand won’t get to her.”

  Kyra did stretch out her hand but to squeeze Gina’s leg. “Friends don’t shame each other. We love and accept. Would you have turned your back on any of us, however bad our shit was?”

  “We are freaking Wallflowers. We never turn our backs on each other. Except if it’s Ky,” Meher teased.

  Kyra winked and sat back. “Oh, I still hate the name Wallflowers. Why couldn’t you pick something cool like Nirvana or 420 or nymphos?”

  Meher rolled her eyes. “What’s 420?”

  Kyra flicked Meher’s nose. “Weed, doofus!”

  “You are so well-read, Ky!” Gina teased.

  Meher adjusted her rearview mirror so she could see Gina better. “You ladies, last year I bumped into one of our juniors. She told me that when she got married, Doyal sent her a gift. So, if Doy still cares for people she wasn’t close to, can you imagine how much she cares for us three? Ginny, you should talk to her if you still have doubts. Right, Ky?”

  “Abso-fucking-lutely!” Kyra agreed.

  Gina cleared her throat and brushed something imaginary off her jeans. “Listen guys, Ritesh is a little different…so don’t be quick to judge him.” She had a hard time meeting Meher and Kyra’s eyes. “Just saying!”

  “Does he have big mole on his nose?” Kyra said. “With a strand of thick black hair coming out of it?”

  Gina smiled. “No, nothing like that. He is a little old school, old fashioned…whatever you may call. So please bear with him,” she leaned forward, her expression pleading, “Please, for my sake.”

  Meher rolled her tongue against her cheek. “Now I’m very curious to meet Ritesh.”

  “Actually, your Ritesh is safe from me. He is not the one I plan to mess with; I’m going to screw Ojas’s happiness. He is a jerk and I shall deal with him right.” Kyra scowled heavily. “High time someone did!”

  Gina started to say something but stopped herself. Was I going to defend Ojas? She sat back.

  The car door opened and Doyal got in. “Let’s go! Listen, I won’t be able to stay for the whole circus to unfold. Something has come up at work. I have a flight in the next few hours.”

  “Oh c’mon, Doy, you have to stay. Gina needs us all there.” Meher protested.

  Doyal flicked a glance at Gina. It wasn’t warm. “She has managed just fine without any of us for the last five years. I’m sure Gina will be just super. I will stay to eat anyhow.”

  Gina met Kyra’s eyes. Gina’s expression was like, ‘I told you so!’

  Kyra shook her head as if saying ‘it’s nothing.’ “Also, Doy, we have to be nice to G-spot’s fiancée. He is a bit old school but a nice guy.”

  Doy snorted but it was a delicate sound, just like the rest of her. “It’s Gina’s business. The three of us should get out of there as soon as possible.”

  Even while driving, Meher cast an incredulous glance at Doyal. “What, leave Gina alone there? No way, I’m staying.”

  “Me too! I plan to be there as long as Gina needs, and longer.” Kyra said.

  “Thanks.” Gina said and then turned to Doyal. “It would be nice if you too can stay.”

  Doyal nodded in profile. “For some time, I will. There is someone in that house I’m very keen to meet. He will regret inviting us.” She flicked Gina a quick glance to see if Gina had something to say about it.

  Gina hid her consternation and averted her face. They can screw Ojas’s happiness. It is of no importance to me! Damn, it shouldn’t bother me. It shouldn’t!

  Kyra extended her hand back and high-fived Doyal.

  Meher met Gina’s eyes in the rearview mirror and mouthed at her ‘Chin Up!’

  Gina settled in her seat and her fingers reached for the many bracelets that jiggled on her wrists. Uncaring of the pain in her finger, Gina tugged at them. With none of her friends observing her, Gina’s smile drooped at the sides. I should not worry about Ojas! My friends are back with me. Life is getting better.

  Gina rubbed her collarbone waiting to feel some relief. There was none coming. Confused, Gina went back to fiddling with her bracelets as she gazed out of the window. The devil in her prompted Gina to conduct a small experiment. Gina closed her eyes and tried recalling Ojas’s face. Her brain processed and presented an image in a fraction of a second.

  Carelessly brushed, thick black hair that ended a few inches under the ears, hooded lids that covered piercing onyx eyes, a Greek nose, a perfectly shaped mouth, a narrow chin, a strong jaw line, and the jagged scar that ran from under his left ear to the jaw. Even in Gina’s imagination, Ojas’s piercing eyes flustered her.


  Gina’s eyes few open. She clasped her mouth with her hand.

  All I had to do was think his name and every nook, every cranny of Ojas’s face appeared before my eyes, like I was actually looking at him.

  Kyra happened to glance at Gina. “Okay G-spot, that constipated look is back on your face. You need to eat more fiber, girl.”

  Chapter 4

  The Farmhouse


  Gina, you have already made one mistake with me. Are you about to make another?

  The thought was playing repeatedly in Ojas Purohit’s mind as he sat at the head of the long dining table, listening to the incessant chatter of Gina’s fiancée, Ritesh Chug. Ritesh was a petty character. He was being subservient to Ojas because of the latter’s wealth and was very condescending toward Gina. It was torture for Ojas to sit in a chair and not call out Ritesh for being a jackass.

  Ojas, since his accident, was known for his lack of patience and vitriolic temper. However, if someone was to mention this to Ritesh right now, Ritesh would only question that person’s sanity. For since his surprise arrival a few hours earlier, ‘Mr. Purohit’ had been nothing but very kind and generous toward him. Sure, Mr. Purohit’s gaze was steely, he nodded more than he spoke, and clenched and unclenched his right hand often, but he was as charming as he was rich.

  Ritesh had never hobnobbed with anyone so monied or so posh. Even though he was sitting down, Ritesh felt taller than usual. Tact was not his strong point and Ritesh often glanced at the walking stick that stood alone and forbidding in its compact metal stand next to the dining table.

  Ojas was using a lot of effort in tamping angry words that came to his lips several times as Ritesh waxed eloquent about his miniscule achievements. A diploma certificate here, a trophy in singing competition there, and even a blender won in a tambola prize.

  Ojas’s hearing was sharp. He heard the car pull into the driveway. He sat up straight and placed his forearms on the table, trying to appear somber yet casual. His heart thundered in his chest. He was nervous! Nervous at seeing Gina after weeks. Nervous because the fake bubble he had been living in the last five years had burst and his true feelings for his recently-divorced wife had come to the fore. Ojas loved Gina as deeply and as completely as the first time he had fallen in love with her. His feelings for Gina scared the crap out of an ex-army man who wasn’t scared to face bullets or bombs. And even harder than looking in her face was having to step back and watch another man, a shallow and obsequious man, be the one to call Gina his.

  And whose fault is that? Who is the bastard who threw her out of his life unceremoniously? Who shamed her so deplorably in front of her family, not caring, not thinking of how bad it could get for her? Who took a young w
oman’s love and turned it ugly with betrayal and cruelty? Cruelty that cost Gina her happiness, her sanity. You gave her happiness for a few weeks and suffering for years!

  “Enough!” Ojas snarled, more at his thoughts.

  Ritesh jerked, startled, and that was the moment the guests were led in by Ojas’s loyal and always serious PA Vinay.

  Gina, who was reluctantly following behind her friends, froze on hearing Ojas’s loud voice. “Shit!” She muttered under her breath.

  Gina moved quickly, nudging Meher to the side and came up to the front of the group. Instead of Ritesh, Gina’s eyes snagged with the man sitting at the head of the table. The man who gazed up at her with such intensity that Gina had to blink to dissipate the heat of Ojas’s penetrating gaze. Nervously, she tucked her hair behind her ear.

  “Gina, how are you?”

  Gina had to drag her eyes from Ojas to turn toward Ritesh, who was walking jauntily toward her. She could not help but focus on his nose. It was unremarkable and regular. Gina hid her disappointment at that discovery as she took steps forward. She knew she had an audience. Her friends on one side and Ojas on another!

  Hummingbirds did not use as much effort to flap their wings at fifty-five beats per second as Gina did to bring a welcoming smile to her lips. It was off-center and lopsided.

  Ritesh did something uncharacteristic—he put his arms around Gina and hugged her. He held her close. Gina froze; Ritesh and she had never embraced, they hadn’t even held hands. Ritesh’s body was soft and round and he smelled of travel. Gina’s eyes widened and she was about to pull back but then her eyes clashed with Ojas. His gaze was narrowed, and his full lips twisted to one side, revulsion writ large on his expression.

  Gina forced herself to stay in Ritesh’s arm. She raised a hand and tried to hug him back. It ended up being a pat. Gina closed her eyes as if she was savoring his touch, but in her head, she was slowly counting to when Ritesh would let her go. Gina bit her mouth and lowered her chin. It hit Gina that Ritesh would expect intimacy and sex once they were married. Dread filled her at the thought. She could stay still no longer. Gina moved back. Her head bumped into Ritesh’s nose just as she stepped on whoever was standing behind her.

  It was Kyra. “Watch it, lovebirds!”

  Ritesh dropped his hands. Gina glanced at Ojas. He was staring at a spot on the floor.

  “It is lovely too see you, Gina.” Ritesh made a play for her hand and grabbed it.

  Gina made a non-committal sound and nodded. Ritesh’s hands were clammy. Ritesh pressed her hand. Gina tugged her hand but Ritesh’s grip tightened. Gina clamped down on the irritation taking shape inside of her. “It’s good to see you too.” She hid her face behind her loose hair.

  Ritesh gave her a broad smile. The expression in his eyes made Gina uncomfortable. There was a strange light, a new bravado, and sense of ownership as he looked at Gina.

  Gina gave a strong yank and freed her hand as she rushed into speech. “Did you have a good flight?” Much to her relief, Ritesh kept his hands to himself.

  “Yes, it was very good and Mr. Purohit has been so caring. Taking such good care of me.” Ritesh gestured toward Ojas.

  Gina looked at Ojas as he looked back at her. Her soon-to-be-ex-husband sat unmoving and quiet, his expression hard to read. “Thank you,” Gina said, her shoulders sagging with relief. Ojas did not hurt him, she thought.

  “It was hard not to.” A side of Ojas’s mouth lifted even though his gaze was steady. He seemed to be reading Gina’s thoughts.

  Gina’s eyes widened briefly as she felt a responding twitch on her lips. She quickly looked away to find her friends watching her. Meher’s face was amused and Doyal and Kyra seemed flummoxed.

  Gina flinched as Ritesh grabbed her injured hand. “Oh, what happened to you?”

  Ojas’s hand curled over his knee and his nostrils flared. Is he fucking blind? Can’t he see that she is in pain?

  “Yeah, what happened to her hand?” Kyra stared, tightlipped, at Ojas, her brows meeting suspiciously above her eyes.

  Ojas did not shy from looking at Kyra even though his expression grew pinched. “Did Gina not tell you—”

  “My hand came in the door. The heavy office door.” Gina was quick to interrupt Ojas.

  Ojas jerked his head back as he stared at Gina for several seconds. Did she not tell them what happened? Ojas caught the look in Gina’s eyes. She was silently pleading. Why did she not tell them what happened? Ojas gave Gina a quick perplexed glanced and then said to everyone else in his dining room, “Please have a seat.”

  “Does it hurt a lot?” Ritesh moved his hand to Gina’s arm.

  Gina shook her head. “It’s much better now.”

  A manicured delicate hand thrust between Gina and Ritesh. “Hi, I’m Doyal. Ritesh right?”

  Ritesh was forced to step away from Gina as he turned to face Doyal.

  Gina moved to the side and made the introductions. Doyal was quick to dismiss Ritesh as she moved ahead. She did roll her eyes at Gina when Ritesh wasn’t looking.

  Ojas saw that and felt pleased. Seeing Ritesh hold Gina had burned him. He felt he was scarred for life.

  “Ritesh, please join me with your fiancé.” Ojas leaned forward and pushed back a chair on his left.

  “Of course, of course.” Ritesh reached out to grab Gina’s hand.

  “Not that one; it’s hurt.” Ojas said quickly.

  “Oh yes, yes!” Ritesh tried switching side to take Gina’s other hand.

  “Let’s go!” Biting her exasperation, Kyra nudged Ritesh in the back. “Ginny will follow you.”

  Ritesh blinked rapidly but did as Kyra suggested, Kyra’s look to Gina was questioning.

  “Remember, little old-school, old-fashioned.” Keeping her voice low, Gina said to Kyra.

  “You looked like you met your executioner.” Kyra pushed Gina in the direction of the table.

  Gina’s smile did not quite reach her eyes as she took a seat next to Ritesh. Her eyes snagged with Ojas.

  “Has the pain and swelling reduced?” Ojas looked at her hand.

  “It has.” Gina nodded. “Thank you for all—” she cleared her throat. “For all the help you provided.” She saw the censuring looks from Doyal and Kyra.

  “Especially the food.” Meher said, taking a seat on the right of Ojas. “I can vouch it was delicious.”

  Ojas’s eyes softened as he glanced at Meher. “Glad you liked it. Is Gina’s hand healing as expected?”

  “Better than expected,” Meher was quick to reassure.

  “You seem concerned,” Doyal said, seated next to Meher.

  “Concerned indeed,” Kyra mocked, her gaze fixed on Ojas. “Gina, you could sue him you know. It was his door after all.” Kyra waved her hand around. “He seems to have plenty to give.”

  Ojas did not blink. “Gina need not waste her time on legalities. I can sign a blank check and give it to her. It would be faster.”

  “You can?” Ritesh gasped. His eyes gleamed.

  Meher, Doyal, and Kyra turned to look at Ritesh. Their expressions boggled.

  “No one is suing anyone,” Gina was quick to add. “We’re good. We will have a quick breakfast and then be on our way. Right, Ritesh?” She turned to her fiancé.

  Ritesh nodded humbly in Ojas’s direction. “We all are Mr. Purohit’s guests. Let us do as he wishes.”

  Kyra reached out, picked up an apple from the fruit basket kept in the center of the table. She took a rather large bite.

  Squinting harshly, Doyal looked at Ritesh then at Gina and then back at Ritesh.

  Meher looked down and simply smiled.

  Gina glanced at Ojas, expecting him to be smirking or mocking. She was wrong. His expression was sympathetic. “Let’s get the food.” Ojas reached out and rang a little bell kept on his side.

  “Oh, what happened to the art on the wall?” Meher asked turning her head to look behind her. The art she was referring to was a huge painting showing explicit orgy w
ith couples engaged in sexual positions.

  Gina looked up and saw the large rectangular bare patch on the wall behind the dining table. She remembered that Meher had been to Ojas’s house. Meher had seen the sexually explicit art that had earlier adorned nearly every wall of the house. “Meher!” Gina hissed as a warning. She sneaked a glance around and noticed that all the sexual art was gone from the walls. Bare cream patches lighter than their surrounding areas were visible in the large dining room. Gina winged a glance at Ojas. He was watching her even as the tips of his ears grew red. He shrugged and said, “Time for some new art.”

  “Cool!” Gina said, giving Ojas a quick smile. Then she looked away. She missed the pleased expression in Ojas’s eyes. He appeared gratified at her approval.

  “What art was it?” Ritesh asked, glancing at Gina and then Ojas.

  “Just some pictures,” Gina evaded the question.

  “Bummer, I liked the old ones,” Meher said, her eyes twinkling. She gave Gina and Ojas a mischievous look.

  Ojas gave her a conspiratorial smile just as the house help rolled in with trolleys laden with food.

  There was silence as the food was laid on the table. Omelets, glasses of freshly squeezed orange juice, oatmeal, Idlis, various kinds of breads and a big bowl of fresh fruit.

  Gina and Ojas kept exchanging glances. It did not go unnoticed by anyone on the table except Ritesh, who was busy ‘oooh-ing’ and ‘aah-ing’ over the food. Gina tried not to cringe at Ritesh’s chattiness and not reach across her table to throttle Kyra and Meher.

  Every time a dish was placed, either Kyra or Meher would ask Ritesh what he thought about it.

  Doyal picked up her cell and started texting.

  Gina heard a beep on her cell. Doyal was texting her. Gina looked at Doyal. She was regarding her, mouth pinched.

  Gina read Doyal’s text and flushed. It read, ‘Why are you and Ojas exchanging such hot glances? You know he’s your ex, right?’

  Gina was quick to type. “No, nothing like that! It’s just weird being here with both R and O together!”


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