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Lost Memories And New Beginnings (The Men 0f Fire Beach Book 2)

Page 12

by Lorana Hoopes

  Brody turned off the ignition and walked around to Tia’s side to help her out. He handed her the crutches from the back seat and followed her up the overgrown pathway to the front door. She paused, took another deep breath, and then knocked on the door.

  A moment later, the door swung open, and a woman who looked like a much older version of Tia opened the door. Her blonde hair was streaked with gray, and from the wrinkles and age spots dotting her face, it appeared life had not been easy on her. Beside him, Tia sniffed and covered her mouth with her hand.

  But the woman’s face transformed as recognition dawned in her eyes, and a smile lit her face. “Tia?”

  “Hi, Momma. I know I’m a little late, but I came to fulfill my promise.”

  Tears filled the woman’s eyes and she pulled Tia in for a hug. “I never gave up hope, Tia. Even when you stopped calling and coming by, I prayed God would send you home one day, and He has.” She pulled back, holding Tia by the upper arms, and then her eyes flicked to the side. “And you’ve brought a friend. Who is this?”

  “Dr. Brody Cavanaugh, ma’am. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He held out his hand and the woman smiled as she shook it.

  “A doctor? Well, I have missed a lot. How about you come inside and we can catch up?” She stepped back and held the door open, and Brody followed Tia into the home she had grown up in.

  The inside, though sparse, was neat and tidy. Her mother led them to the living room and a well-worn couch where they sat and stared at one another for an uncomfortable moment. “Can I get you something to drink?” the woman asked.

  “No Momma, we aren’t staying long.”

  The woman’s face fell. “Oh, well, I’m glad you stopped by for as long as you could.”

  “Momma, I want you to come back to Fire Beach with me.”

  The woman blinked at her. “I don’t… what do you mean?”

  Tia leaned forward and took her mother’s hands. “I’ve missed too much the last few years, Mom. I don’t want to miss any more time with you. I’ve sold my home in California, and I’m moving to Fire Beach to start over. I’d like you to come with me.”

  “But…but I have a job here.”

  “And you can have one there if you want. I know a great restaurant that’s going to need a hostess when I return to writing, but you’ve worked your entire life for me, so I could have a better life. Now, I’d like to give back to you. I’ve already found the perfect place. All it’s missing is you.”

  Brody held his breath as he watched emotions flutter across Tia’s mother’s face. If she said no, Tia would be crushed, but she had prepared herself for the possibility as they drove here. However, he hoped she said yes. Family was important, and he knew being able to provide for her mother would be the final block in Tia’s healing process.

  “What do I need to bring?” her mother finally said as she smiled widely at Tia.

  “Nothing, Momma, just you.” Forgetting her crutches, Tia launched herself out of the couch and into her mother’s arms. Brody smiled at the touching scene. Somehow, he felt that no matter what life threw at her now, Tia would be all right.

  The Epilogue

  Two Months Later

  Tia smiled at the group of people around the table. She’d met so many wonderful friends over the last few weeks. Cassidy, Jordan’s girlfriend, had quickly become one of her closest friends along with Cara, and because of that she’d met many of the other firemen sitting around the table – Bubba, Luca, Deacon, and Ivy, the paramedic.

  There was also her mother, Brody and his friend Nick, Jordan’s brother Graham, and some of the other police officers on Jordan’s unit. She’d never had such a great group of friends in her life, and she couldn’t believe they had all wanted to celebrate her book release. She had decided not to pursue another publisher but to self-publish this book because she hadn’t wanted a company to demand changes. This was her story, and it needed to be told exactly the way she had written it.

  “Thank you all for coming,” Jordan said as he banged his water glass with a spoon to quiet the chatter. “As you all know, we have a resident celebrity in our midst.”

  Tia ducked her eyes as heat flared up her cheeks. This was way too much.

  “And she has finally finished her masterpiece. Tia get up here and show off your beautiful book.”

  Tia shook her head as she pushed back her chair. She loved that they cared enough about her to want to celebrate her accomplishment, but she would have been just as happy to do a small get together instead of this large party Jordan had thrown for her. However, he was still her boss, and it appeared to make him happy, so she had agreed.

  She grabbed the bag which held her book and walked to the front of the table. Her cast was gone, and her injuries had healed except for the scar that still ran across her forehead, but Tia didn’t mind. She now considered it a badge of honor – her second chance at life.

  “Thank you all for wanting to celebrate this with me. This wasn’t an easy book to write, but your support helped me get past all the hard parts, and while I’ve loved a lot of books I’ve written, I think this might be my best.”

  “Hear hear,” Brody said lifting his glass and flashing her a large smile. “What?” he asked as he looked around the table. “I already read it, so I know that it’s good. She got the doctor spot on.”

  She shook her head and smiled at him. “Anyway, I think it is because of all of you that it turned out so well, and that’s why I’m pleased to present to you…” she paused for dramatic effect as she pulled the book out of the bag, “The Key to Remember.”

  Cheers and clapping sounded as Tia passed the book around the table.

  “Hey, this might even be a book you could read, Luca,” Bubba teased as he flipped through the pages.

  “Only if it’s on audiobook,” Luca shot back. “I can’t sit still long enough to read a paper book. Sorry, Tia.”

  She laughed and shook her head as the teasing comments continued to flow around the table. Brody caught her eye and flashed her a wink, and Tia didn’t think she’d ever felt more loved than she did right now.

  “Excuse me?”

  The conversation stilled at the unfamiliar voice, and they all turned to see a petite woman in the doorway.

  “I’m sorry to interrupt, but do any of you know where I can find Matt Parker?”

  Confused glances shot around the room, and Jordan stood to address her. “I’m sorry, ma’am, there’s no Matt Parker here.”

  “Actually, there is.”

  Time seemed to freeze as every eye turned to Bubba as he pushed back his chair and stood. “I’m Matt Parker.”

  If you want to know what Bubba’s story is, be sure to order your copy of Never Forget the Past today!

  Part I

  When Questions Abound

  Here is a special sneak peek at the companion short story, “When Questions Abound.” Remember you can get this for free if you send me a copy of your receipt or the first word of chapter 10 to

  Chapter 1

  “Help! Is there a doctor in here?”

  Detective Jordan Graves pulled his attention from his girlfriend Cassidy to see who needed assistance. A man stood in the doorway of the restaurant, a frantic look on his face. “There was an accident. A woman’s been injured, but the guy who hit her took off. She looks bad though. Are any of you doctors?”

  “I am.” Dr. Brody Cavanaugh fought his way through the crowd followed by two or three other people Jordan recognized from the hospital.

  “We better go too,” Jordan said to Cassidy. He flashed an apologetic look at Graham, his brother and co-owner of Fire Dreams before hurrying outside with the rest of the crowd. The sun had set, but the streetlights illuminated the area and down the street Jordan could see the car – a red sports car – folded in a “C” shape.

  “Get the Jaws of Life,” Bubba, one of the firemen, ordered as he sprinted towards the car. Around him, the rest of the firemen spread out. Some r
an toward the firehouse a block away to get the truck and ambulance, and others followed Bubba including Cassidy.

  Jordan glanced around for the man who had entered the restaurant. He stood a few feet away wringing his hands together. “You.” Jordan hurried over to the man. “I’m Detective Graves. Did you see the accident happen?” He pulled out his notepad to write down the details.

  “It happened so fast. I heard the crash and then it sounded like he gunned it. Why would he gun it if he knew he’d hurt someone?” The man was rambling, clearly in shock.

  “Can you tell me what the vehicle looked like that hit her?” The man turned to face Jordan and for a moment his eyes were clear. “It was a truck. A black Ford truck.”

  “Did you see anything else? A license number by chance?” Jordan asked.

  “It just drove off. Why would anyone do that?” Clearly this man wasn’t going to be of any more help. His state of shock was simply too great. At least for now.

  “Can I get your name?” Jordan asked. Perhaps the man would remember more when the shock wore off.

  “It’s Ethan. Ethan Bower.”

  Jordan took down the name and number of the man though he doubted they would contact him again. He appeared to have supplied as much as he could.

  Having finished his interview of the witness, Jordan walked over to the wrecked car. The firemen had succeeded in getting the woman out and the ambulance had driven off a few minutes ago. That left the car as his domain. His and Al’s, his female partner.

  “Find anything yet?”

  Al was already poking around inside the car. She popped her head out and held up a mangled phone. “Found this, but there’s no purse, no wallet. I haven’t checked the trunk yet, but I can’t find anything to let us know who this woman was. Did you get anything from the witness?”

  “Not much. He said he heard the wreck while he was closing shop. When he looked, the black truck was speeding off. He didn’t get a license plate number.”

  Al sighed and crossed her arms. “We better hope the driver makes it then because all I have right now is a lot of questions.”

  Jordan agreed. “Can you pop the trunk?”

  Al leaned back inside but though he could see her tugging on the lever, nothing was happening. “Is it working?”

  “No, it must have gotten damaged in the accident.” He scanned the area. Bubba and Luca were just putting the Jaws of Life back on the truck. “Bubba, can you guys use that on the trunk? We can’t get it to open.”

  “Wish you’d said something earlier,” Bubba said with a teasing smile. “This thing isn’t exactly light, but Luca could use the extra workout.”

  “Speak for yourself,” Luca retorted.

  Jordan stepped back as the two large men approached. The hum of machinery filled the air again until they were able to cut a hole allowing access to the trunk. Jordan joined Al at the back as Bubba and Luca headed back to the truck. With her flashlight, they examined the trunk, but there was nothing there either.

  “Guess that’s it,” Al said.

  “Yeah, I’ll write down the license plate number and we can run it tomorrow. Perhaps that will give us something to go on.”

  “Sounds good. Sorry the opening of your restaurant was interrupted, but it looks like it will be a great place.”

  Jordan looked back at the restaurant he and Graham had worked so hard to open. It certainly wasn’t the opening night they had planned for, but he hoped this night wouldn’t keep people from coming back. “Thanks, Al. I hope so. Guess I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Continue reading When Questions Abound!

  It’s not quite the end!

  * * *

  Thank you so much for reading Lost Memories. This book was inspired by one of my readers who reached out to me after reading The Producer’s Unlikely Bride and told me Tia needed her own story. I had never planned a story for Tia, but I was so touched by her connection to the character that I had to do it. As I’ve always wanted to attempt an amnesia book, I figured Tia’s story was the perfect opportunity, but boy was it harder than I thought.

  I hope you enjoyed the story as I really enjoyed writing it. If you did, would you do me a favor? If you did, please leave a review. It really helps. It doesn’t have to be long - just a few words to help other readers know what they’re getting.

  I’d love to hear from you, not only about this story, but about the characters or stories you’d like read in the future. I’m always looking for new ideas and if I use one of your characters or stories, I’ll send you a free ebook and paperback of the book with a special dedication. Write to me at And if you’d like to see what’s coming next, be sure to stop by

  I also have a weekly newsletter that contains many wonderful things like pictures of my adorable children, chances to win awesome prizes, new releases and sales I might be holding, great books from other authors, and anything else that strikes my fancy and that I think you would enjoy. I’ll even send you the first chapter of my newest (maybe not even released yet) book if you’d like to sign up.

  Even better, I solemnly swear to only send out one newsletter a week (usually on Tuesday unless life gets in the way which with three kids it usually does). I will not spam you, sell your email address to solicitors or anyone else, or any of those other terrible things.

  God Bless,


  Not ready to say Goodbye yet?

  * * *

  Cassidy, Jordan, Brody, and Tia will appear in future books, but I had so many readers reach out to me wanting Bubba’s story that I had to do it next!

  Never Forget the Past

  He’s a fireman with a past different from what he claims…

  She’s a part of that past…

  Will he be dragged back into the past he’s tried so hard to get away from?

  Never Forget the Past Preview

  Bubba glanced up at Detective Jordan Graves as he banged his water glass with a spoon. Though he would never have opted for the title, Jordan had become their representative and their glue. A detective on the local force, he had begun dating Cassidy Marcel, a firefighter, a few months back, and their union had brought the firehouse, hospital, and police department together. Tonight, the table was filled with friends from each of the departments.

  The conversation quieted, allowing him to speak. “Thank you all for coming. As you all know, we have a resident celebrity in our midst.” He smiled at Tia, and she dropped her eyes as a soft pink color crawled up her cheeks. “And she has finally finished her masterpiece. Tia get up here and show off your beautiful book.”

  Tia shook her head as she pushed back her chair. Bubba didn’t know all of Tia’s story, but he’d heard a little through the grapevine and he’d been there when she had first been rescued with the jaws of life. It would be hard to tell she had ever been in a serious accident except for the large red scar that still arced across her forehead.

  She grabbed a bag and walked to the front of the table. “Thank you all for wanting to celebrate this with me. This wasn’t an easy book to write, but your support helped me get past all the hard parts, and while I’ve loved a lot of books I’ve written, I think this might be my best.”

  “Hear hear,” Brody, her boyfriend and ICU doctor, said lifting his glass and flashing her a large smile. “What?” he asked as he looked around the table. “I already read it, so I know that it’s good. She got the doctor spot on.”

  Tia shook her head and smiled at him. “Anyway, I think it is because of all of you that it turned out so well, and that’s why I’m pleased to present to you…” she paused before pulling the book out of the bag, “The Key to Remember.”

  Bubba joined in the cheers and clapping as Tia passed the book around the table. He hadn’t read it yet, but if it chronicled her narrow escape from the men who had been after her when she lost her memory, he had no doubt it would be interesting. When the book reached his hands, he flipped through the pages before tur
ning to his friend and fellow firefighter, Luca Sanders. “Hey, this might even be a book you could read, Luca.”

  “Only if it’s on audiobook,” Luca shot back. “I can’t sit still long enough to read a paper book. Sorry, Tia.”

  “You probably couldn’t focus long enough to listen to an audiobook either,” Bubba said. “Unless maybe it was a Dr. Seuss book.”

  “Hey, there is nothing wrong with Dr. Seuss. I still remember Green Eggs and Ham. Of course, maybe that’s because our teacher actually made us eat green eggs.” A grimace contorted his face and Bubba laughed out loud.

  “Excuse me?”

  The conversation stilled at the unfamiliar voice, and Bubba’s blood ran cold. It couldn’t be. He turned toward the doorway where a petite woman stood. She was thinner and her hair held a few more silver strands, but Bubba was sure it was Makenna.

  “I’m sorry to interrupt, but do any of you know where I can find Matt Parker?” Her eyes scanned the room, and Bubba knew when they reached him, she would recognize him. He hadn’t changed that much in five years.

  Confused glances shot around the room and Jordan stood to address her. “I’m sorry, ma’am, there’s no Matt Parker here.”

  “Actually, there is.” Bubba took a deep breath and let it out in a sigh. Time seemed to freeze as every eye turned turned his direction, and he pushed back his chair and stood. “I’m Matt Parker.”

  “What? What are you talking about Bubba? Who is this woman?” The questions fired at him from all across the table and Bubba held up his hands to quiet them down.


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