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The Sheik's Pregnant Paramour (The Sheiks of the Arabian Coast Series Book 3)

Page 8

by Erin Snihur

  “I came to see you. I’ve missed you, Teresa, don’t tell me you haven’t missed me, too?” Gerry asked, his pale face growing with his sickly-sweet smile that made her stomach revolt.

  Shuddering to keep the nausea at bay, Teresa shook her head and made eye contact with a passing nurse, but the woman only rushed off in the opposite direction.

  “You can’t be here, Gerry. If you don’t leave, I’m going to call the police. They’ll throw you in jail for breaking the restraining order,” Teresa said, trying to reason with him. He’d been a smart man once, why hadn’t he realized she was serious about the divorce.

  Shaking his head, Gerry stared at her wildly. “I can’t just leave you to deal with your mother alone. I mean, where the heck is your sister, anyway? I told you she didn’t have the consideration to help you deal with all of this.”

  Running her hands through her greasy hair, Teresa grimaced. It had been a few days since she’d showered and left the hospital. She’d slept in a chair by her mother’s bed on the off chance the injured woman woke and needed anything. Now she was regretting it. Everything was happening too fast. First her mother, then Gerry and now the baby.

  The baby! In her mind, she saw him or her. Lightly tanned, a mix of Amoz and Teresa. Perfect green eyes or maybe pale eyes like Amoz with dark reddish hair. A perfect bundle of joy. A bundle she had to protect.

  Clenching her fists, Teresa leveled Gerry with a glare. “Leave, Gerry. Now, I won’t tell you again. This is a restricted floor and you aren’t on my mother’s list of allowed visitors. If you don’t leave, I’ll call the cops and tell them to arrest you for harassment.”

  Sputtering, Gerry moved forward trying to reach out and touch her, but Teresa jumped back from his grasp as he hissed, “We are married, Teresa. You wouldn’t do that.”

  Sighing, Teresa pinched the bridge of her nose before pulling her hands away and staring at Gerry, seeing the deranged man he’d become. “Not anymore. I signed the papers this morning. In a few weeks, our divorce will be official.”

  Mouth gaping open, Gerry’s face turned bright red as he began yelling and screaming. When security arrived and they asked if Teresa wanted them to call the police, she nodded, on autopilot. She told them he was in violation of a restraining order and that she wanted to charge him with further harassment.

  It wasn’t until Gerry was being dragged away by a cop and report given that Teresa breathed a sigh of relief. Hand lightly pressed to her stomach, Teresa smiled slightly as a feeling of happy warmth grew there.

  It’s just you and me now, little one.


  Six months later...

  “Darling, shouldn’t you be resting?” Teresa’s mother, Linda Monet, called out from her seat in the wheelchair sitting in the middle of Teresa’s living room.

  Rolling her eyes, Teresa flitted about the kitchen, intent on finishing their simple lunch. She hoped she could finish before the nausea that had followed Teresa for the past six months forced its way back and she’d be unable to eat.

  “I’m fine, mom. I can make a simple sandwich with chips,” Teresa chuckled.

  “I just worry. My pregnancies were never easy,” her mother murmured before turning her eyes back onto the TV, where her favorite soap opera was playing.

  Teresa paused in reaching for the bag of potato chips to place on their sandwich plates. Running her free hand over her small bump, Teresa warmed at the flutters of movement her baby gave back at the touch of its mother's hand.

  “I know, Mom. The doctor said everything was fine, other than the nausea, I should be able to gain some weight back on after the seven-month mark,” Teresa murmured.

  As if Teresa hadn’t said anything at all, her mother continued, “I had your father to lean on when I was pregnant with you and your sister. He was a good husband and father. Shouldn’t you have Gerry beside you? A child should know his father.”

  Sighing to herself, Teresa opened the bag of chips and brought out their plates. Setting them on the small table trays, Teresa forced a cheerful smile on her face for her mother’s benefit.

  “Gerry and I are divorced. Remember, mom?” Teresa said hopeful as her mother stared up at her daughter with those familiar green eyes so like her own, but she saw no recognition of the facts stated.

  Gasping in delight, Teresa watched as her mother motioned to Teresa’s small but obvious stomach, “You’re finally starting to show! Oh, how exciting! When were you going to tell me you and Gerry were expecting?”

  Inwardly cringing, Teresa collapsed into her seat and dragged her own tray closer. Her energy was waning. It would only be a few more hours before Samantha returned from work, then her sister would relieve Teresa so that she could get some rest and resume getting the nursery ready for the new baby.

  “Oh, Teresa, don’t slouch, have you remembered nothing from your lessons as a child? How are you ever going to find a husband with a crooked back?” Teresa’s mother crooned before her eyes shifted to her sandwich and the TV, “Oh, good lunch is served and my favorite program is on!”

  Forcing a smile on her face, Teresa sat up straighter, wincing as her sore back muscles twinge. She hadn’t been sleeping well, so it was no wonder why her mother commented on her appearance. The dark circles under her eyes and her pale skin were no doubt obvious.

  As she tried to eat, Teresa kept her gaze darting back to her mother as she watched the woman take bites of her food and mumble to herself every so often as she watched the TV with avid interest.

  Teresa recalled the moment she and Samantha had received the doctor’s verdict. According to the medical reports, her mother had been in the grocery store and taken a tumble. Claiming to be alright, her mother had gotten into her car and from there had an accident a few blocks away. Thankfully, no one else had been harmed.

  Unfortunately, when she’d miraculously woken from the medically induced coma the doctors had put upon her to reduce the swelling on her brain, Linda Monet had been confused and blathering about missing Teresa’s wedding to Gerry as if it had just happened. Then she’d demanded to see her husband and he would get this mess sorted out.

  It had been a difficult time trying to explain everything to their mother. She’d never recovered. The doctor had claimed with everyday her mind would drop further into confusion until she couldn’t remember anything of her past correctly. Teresa watched as her mother hesitated to put a potato chip in her mouth.

  “Mom? You okay?” Teresa asked as her mother stared at the chip.

  Her mother moved her dull gaze from the food to Teresa and instantly brightened, “Teresa! Oh, darling, I’m so glad you’re here. Your father went out to pick up dessert. I shouldn’t ruin my appetite with these chips!”

  Glancing at her mother's half-eaten sandwich and barely touched chips, Teresa forced a smile on her face and stood. “Of course, mom. You’re right. I’ll ask Samantha to pick up a cake. You deserve it.”

  As she stood, her mother's gaze once again grew dull before focusing on Teresa’s protruding stomach. “You’re pregnant! Oh, darling, I’m so happy! When were you going to tell me?”

  Teresa smiled and knelt down as best she could to kiss her mother's cheek. “Surprise, Grandma.”

  “Marvelous! Who is the father? It isn’t that silly boy next door, is it? You know, he was always more interested in your sister, so be careful. I don’t want my girls fighting,” her mother smiled and patted Teresa’s hand.

  Teresa smiled back recalling her sister’s whirlwind romance with their childhood next-door-neighbor. She couldn’t recall his name, but she’d known her sister had loved that boy, even after he’d gone off and joined the army. It had crushed Samantha. Something she never spoke about.

  “You don’t know the baby's father. He’s not from around here,” Teresa murmured softly as she stroked aside her mother's once vibrant black hair which had now dulled into a silvery grey.

  “Well, tell me about him then? Is he a good husband to you?” her mother asked curi

  Blushing, Teresa shook her head. “We aren’t together. We weren’t even a real couple.”

  Without stopping them, Teresa’s eyes filled with tears and they trailed down her cheeks. Her mother's aging hands came up and brushed them aside. Teresa hadn’t been able to think about Amoz without crying lately. Samantha claimed it was hormones, but Teresa was certain it was something more.

  “Hush, dear. Do you love him?” her mother asked.

  “I think I was starting to, but it can’t happen. He doesn’t belong in this life,” Teresa stood to full height and ran a hand lovingly over her stomach. “He gave me a great parting gift though.”

  Her mother sighed and sat back in her wheelchair. “What was his name?”

  “Amoz. He was a great man, Mom, you would have liked him,” Teresa murmured and, before she could break out in heartbreaking sobs, Teresa pushed all thoughts of the man of her dreams from her mind and forced a smile on her face.

  “How about a game of cards, mom?” Teresa asked and watched as her mother's face shifted from solemn to a beaming smile.

  “Yes, of course! Grab the cards, Samantha!” her mother called as she tried to shift herself in the wheelchair, only to give up when it wouldn’t budge.

  Laughing to herself, Teresa flicked the brakes off the chair and motioned to the small table in the corner of their small three-bedroom apartment. “Start shuffling and I’ll put our plates aside.”

  As she made her way into the kitchen, Teresa’s eyes strayed to her reflection in the mirror in their hallway. All she saw were her pale, sickly skin and purple smudges under her eyes. Teresa sighed and pressed another hand to her stomach where she felt the flutters of her baby's movement.

  “It’s just you and me, little one. I love you so much.”

  “You’d think she’s never even seen snow before,” Tariq murmured to Amoz from the side of the rural highway. Around them, security guards stood silently as Tariq, Amoz and Malik watched Malik’s wife, Samara, frolic in the Colorado snow with Malik’s dog, Ayo.

  Chuckling when Samara threw up a pile of snow into the air, only for the playful dog to jump in the air trying to catch it, Amoz finally turned away from the scene.

  “Leave her alone. They didn’t have a lot of snow in England, mostly rain,” Malik murmured and ignored his friends as he strode past his security team and moved in his wife's direction.

  Amoz couldn’t watch the sickening scene any longer when Malik picked up Samara and spun her around. Hearing her squeals of delight and the barks of the dog only reminded Amoz of her. How could it be that after six months, everything reminded him of her. Teresa Evans. Damn her and the spell she’d placed on me.

  “Why exactly did they invite us on this trip if they were only going to maul each other?” Amoz grunted and pulled his winter jacket closer around him. With every breath, the air turned around him as if he’d been smoking. Fascinating.

  “Leave them be,” Tariq murmured, turning back to Amoz who stared across the valley on the other side of the highway. “You know, it is interesting that we find ourselves in Colorado. Do you think she…”

  “If you finish that sentence, I will throw you in the river. The guards won’t be able to stop me,” Amoz growled and pushed away from the waiting car to stomp down the empty highway. He needed to get away from Tariq, from Malik and hell, even Samara, Malik’s sweet wife, who’d treated Amoz as if he were her own brother.

  Tariq’s easygoing laughter followed him, much to Amoz’ displeasure. Grasping Amoz by the shoulders, Tariq turned his friend around and raised an eyebrow at the man.

  “I didn’t mean any offense, old friend. I know they live here. Samantha told me,” Tariq murmured. “I was merely making an observation to see how you’d react and you reacted like a man being forced into a cage. Like you were ready for battle.”

  “I don’t want to talk about her,” Amoz ordered and shook off his friend’s hands.

  “You never told me what she did to hurt you this badly,” Tariq murmured back.

  “It matters not,” Amoz growled and turned back to watch Malik as he dragged Samara back toward the car, shivering and dripping in wet snow.

  Samara’s bright, brown eyes twinkled at him and Amoz felt his glare loosen, only for a moment. “Tariq, are you upsetting Amoz? This is a vacation!”

  “I apologize, your Highness, it is so easy, I could not resist,” Tariq teased back.

  Rolling her eyes at Tariq’s formal manner, Samara turned her happy gaze on Amoz. “Denver has a beautiful botanical garden, Amoz, would you like to join us?”

  “In the winter?” Amoz commented bitterly and one warning look from Malik had him straightening. Samara didn’t seem to notice, too happy in her life.

  “I know, amazing isn’t it? The gardens are inside a large dome. We will have to come see the outdoor gardens again in the spring when everything is in bloom,” Samara giggled back and tugged Malik toward their waiting SUV. “Let’s go! It will be an adventure.”


  Teresa walked slowly behind her sister and mother as they meandered through the botanical gardens. Thankful the business remained open in the winter, Teresa listened as her mother talked about their day with her sister.

  “Your father didn’t even buy the right type of juice I wanted,” her mother crooned and flailed her arms about. “I set him straight, don’t you worry.”

  “Yes, Mother,” Samantha murmured softly before turning to look over her shoulder at Teresa.

  Smiling reassuringly, Teresa ran her hands over her stomach and around to the small of her back, trying to release the stress of the day from her aching back. Walking always seemed to help her and she prayed the nausea would ebb.

  “Oh my, he’s so dark! He reminds me of those sinful men I used to read about in romance books as a young girl,” her mother exclaimed a few minutes later and Teresa looked around her sister and mother who had frozen in place.

  Teresa’s eyes widened at the sight of Tariq, Amoz’ best friend. He was here in Colorado. He was reading a plaque in front of a bush of beautiful roses, completely oblivious to their stares.

  If Tariq was here, he might see her! Teresa inwardly thought.

  Her hands instantly went to her stomach. Turning away from her sister before she could say something, Teresa waddled away, hiding behind a bush that covered a path that wove through the gardens.

  Teresa watched as her sister turned to say something to her, but when Samantha saw Teresa was nowhere to be seen she let out a soft curse.

  “Samantha Monet! I didn’t raise you to use such foul language! Has that neighbor boy been teaching you those awful words?” Teresa’s mother exclaimed loudly, gaining Tariq’s attention.

  The man seemed to stare at Samantha for only a moment before recognition exploded all over his face and he scanned the area. Teresa groaned in frustration as she delved deeper into the bush, praying he couldn’t see her.

  “Sam? Samantha Monet?” Tariq called out and her mother stopped her chastising as the man approached.

  Teresa leaned in close, carefully listening in the hopes of hearing something about him. Amoz, the father of her child and the love of her life. Cringing at how low she’d fallen, Teresa’s stomach rolled with fresh nausea.

  Please, stay down, Teresa inwardly pleaded with her stomach contents.

  “Tariq! What a surprise. How are you?” Teresa heard her sister, Samantha, exclaim nervously.

  “Very well,” Tariq murmured and then slid his gaze to their mother, before a grin broke out and he knelt before the older woman, his hand outstretched in welcome. “I had no idea you had another younger sister.”

  “Oh you, flirt you,” Teresa’s mother giggled and swatted at Tariq before taking his hand. “I am Linda Monet, Samantha’s mother. And you are?”

  Bowing slightly, Tariq grinned at her mother, “Tariq Abadi, Mrs. Monet. A pleasure it is to finally meet you. Your daughters have told me so much about you.”

  “Have they?
Well, they haven’t told me anything about you,” Teresa’s mother murmured before turning to look at her daughter. Samantha was white as a sheet as she stared at Tariq.

  “Samantha? Why haven’t you or Teresa told me about your new friend? Did you meet in school?” her mother asked.

  Shrugging briefly, Samantha cleared her throat before patting her mother's shoulder. “It didn’t seem worth mentioning, mom. We met before your accident.”

  Linda Monet seemed to hesitate for a moment before her eyes shifted back to Tariq, “Are you him?”

  “I’m sorry?” Tariq asked.

  “The father?” her mother asked back and, before Samantha could stop her mother, a feminine voice called out Tariq’s name from behind him.

  “Tariq? We thought we lost you! Malik was about to send out a search party!”

  The beautiful, dark haired woman wearing a feminine blouse and long skirt appeared and stopped at the sight of Tariq speaking with Samantha and Teresa’s mother.

  The long-haired woman smiled at Samantha and Teresa’s mother before poking Tariq in the side with her elbow. “Aren’t you going to introduce me?”

  Teresa couldn’t focus as Tariq made introductions. It was all too much. Two more men appeared behind the beautiful woman. But it was only one of them that had Teresa’s heart both stopping and thudding to life all over again. Even the child in her stomach saw fit to move about the instant her eyes landed on him.

  Impossible! What is he doing here? Teresa exclaimed inwardly and pushed herself further into the bush. She needed to get away. He can’t see her like this. It would crush her to see the look of disgust fall on Amoz’ face at the sight of her.

  Amoz had never felt so sick before than at the sight of Samantha Monet. Teresa’s sister. Samantha, in turn stared back at him, her eyes full of fear as if Amoz was there to harm her or something. Shouldn’t she be looking to her own sister’s husband as the monster and not Amoz?


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