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King’s Chosen

Page 6

by I. T. Lucas

  His training hadn't included domestic chores. That was what servants were for.

  Sleep eluded him for hours as he made plans for the hastiest wedding possible. The longer he mulled over it, though, the more apparent it became to him that there was no way to make a royal wedding happen in under a week. It would take months to prepare an event his mother would approve of, and probably Annabel too.

  As much as she claimed disliking being the center of attention, he had no doubt her own wedding was the one exception.

  Besides, he was the future King of Algenia, and it would be undignified for him to have a half-assed wedding ball.

  The problem was that he couldn't wait that long, and yet he still wanted Annabel to be a virgin on their wedding night.

  Hell, he didn't think she could wait that long either.

  It was no longer about making sure she’d agree to wed him. Because he knew she would say yes. It was about doing things right so no one could ever claim there was a blemish on their marriage. If he were a commoner, Thorsten could have not cared less, but as a ruler, he had to live under different standards.

  Luckily, it seemed that he’d managed to dodge the biggest sacrifice required of his station. He wasn’t going to marry some heartless, cold princess like Rowenia, and spend his life wondering when she’d knife him in the back.

  Thorsten smiled and palmed his erection again. He'd wanted a passionate wife, and as always he'd gotten what he wanted. Hell, he’d gotten way more than that. Annabel was lustful, incredibly responsive, and eager. Having her as his wife would make him the happiest man in all the known monarchies and beyond.

  As he saw it, he had two problems to solve. The first was how to marry Annabel as soon as possible. The second was how to placate Rowenia and her father and avoid war.

  Thorsten was still trying to solve the two puzzles as the first sun rays painted the horizon dark pink. Except, his eyes refused to remain open and he drifted off into sleep and into the oddest dream.

  Walking into a tall, box-shaped building that looked like it was covered in mirrors, he proceeded to enter a rectangular carriage that took him and other passengers up, stopping at each of the many floors to let some out and some in.

  For some reason, he expected Annabel to walk in. But the carriage kept going up and up, and floor after floor people got in and got out, but not his Annabel.

  So how come he could smell her perfume in there?

  Or feel her hand on his chest?

  As Thorsten's eyes popped open, he clasped the delicate hand resting over his heart. Annabel was curled next to him, sleeping.

  She'd come to him. His sweet Annabel had missed him.

  As a wave of tenderness swept through Thorsten, he wrapped his arm around her, bringing her closer against his body, and leaned to kiss her forehead. That's how he should sleep from now on, with her by his side. Which left him with only one option. They were going to get married the same morning. The official ceremony and the big ball could come later.


  The moment Annabel woke up, she knew Thorsten wasn't there. Her bed, her room, everything felt empty and cold with him gone.

  Without giving it a second thought, she pulled on her nightgown and her robe and then tiptoed to his room. She found him sleeping on his back, his face relaxed in his repose, his big body nude from the waist up.

  Her man.

  Thorsten, Crown Prince of Algenia, belonged to her—to keep and to hold for as long as they both shall live.

  There was no point in keeping pretenses. From now on, she would always share his bed. Share his life.

  Letting her robe flutter to the floor, she joined him. It felt so good and so right that she sighed and closed her eyes, putting her hand on his chest so he'd know who he belonged to even in his sleep.

  Soft lips on her mouth woke her up.

  "Good morning, my love," Thorsten whispered.

  His love? He'd called her his love last night too, but that had been in the throes of passion.

  Was it a figure of speech? A meaningless endearment?

  The thing was, she could answer the same way and mean it. "Good morning to you too, my love."

  Thorsten's grin was so broad that it split his face. In one swift move, he grabbed her by her waist and hoisted her on top of him.

  She was looking down at the face of the man she loved, when he said it loud and clear, "I love you, my Annabel."

  "As crazy as it sounds, I love you too, my Thorsten."

  He frowned. "Why crazy?"

  "Because we hardly know each other."

  "We've known each other since we were kids. I loved you even then. And you loved me too. "

  She rolled her eyes. "I was ten. I was infatuated with an older boy.”

  "I've been waiting for you to grow up."

  She rested her cheek on his chest and sighed. "Yes, me too. But when you never came, and then the rumors about you started, I forced myself to stop fantasizing about you. It worked. I convinced myself that I didn't want you. "

  He chuckled, the sound reverberating through his ribcage. "I'm glad that you changed your mind back."

  "Me too. But we are not the same people we were then. And we don’t know the new us.”

  “I disagree. Who we are on the inside didn’t change much. We are older, and we have responsibilities that force us to act differently, but we are still the same. Besides, we have the rest of our lives to learn all there is to know about each other.” He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed the inside of her palm. "I want us to get married today."

  Annabel lifted her head. "I wish we could, but we can't. Our families will be furious. Especially yours. They need a big wedding with all the fanfare."

  Thorsten's smile was conceited. "Didn't I tell you already that I can do whatever I want? We grab a priest, two witnesses, and get married. Then we will get married again in a big ceremony to make everyone else happy."

  Playing with the sparse hair on his chest, Annabel blushed as she said, "You don't need to marry me to bed me. I'm yours, Thorsten."

  "I don't want us to skulk around like a couple of thieves. I want you in my bed every night, and every morning I want to wake up with you by my side." He wrapped his arms around her. "This is too good to let even one day go by without."

  "You're right. Let's do it."


  “What would your poor mother say, my lady?” The cook wrung her hands together. “It will break her poor heart. And what about your reputation? You can’t elope like some village girl.”

  Annabel clasped the older woman’s hands. “In a couple of months, Prince Thorsten and I will have a big wedding. But we are too much in love to wait for so long, so we are going to have a small private ceremony first. I’m sure you can understand what it’s like to be in love. I cannot bear the thought of being without him even for a day.”

  Thorsten didn’t see the need to explain himself to the cook, of all people, but she seemed important to Annabel. The woman was the first person she told about their upcoming nuptials, not the chief advisor.

  He wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “And I feel the same about the princess. Now, tell me where I can find a priest.”

  The cook cast him a reproachful glance but then sighed. “I still remember what it’s like to be so young and eager for each other. There is a priest in the village of course. Someone will have to go get him.” She looked at Annabel. “Maybe a small donation to the church will persuade him to keep his silence about your private wedding until the big one?”

  Fear of retribution should be enough of a deterrent, but Thorsten had no problem with making a contribution. “I will take care of that. I’ll send one of my soldiers to get him.”

  Annabel put a hand on his arm. “That’s not a good idea if we want to keep this a secret. People would wonder why you’re fetching the priest and rumors would start.”

  “Perhaps we shouldn’t keep it a secret, then.”

  She arched a brow. “Or we can wa
it the two months, and in the meantime, you can court me officially.”

  The cook nodded enthusiastically.

  Thorsten turned Annabel to face him. “We will get married today, and let it be known. I intend on taking you with me to the palace when I leave, and I prefer people gossiping about our impromptu wedding than about our improper conduct.”

  For a long moment, she just looked into his eyes, and his gut clenched with unease. What if she changed her mind? Propriety was important to a princess, much more so than to a prince. It wasn’t fair, but the world was not a fair place.

  “I agree.”

  He let out a relieved breath. “I love you.”

  She smiled. “I love you too, and I want us to be married today, but I can’t leave with you before my parents return.”

  “Not a problem. I’ll send one of my men with a message, informing them of our marriage and requesting their prompt return.”

  Annabel lifted her hand and cupped his cheek. “Maybe we can wait with the ceremony until they are back? If you send a courier now, they can be back here this evening.”

  As long as he got to spend the night with Annabel as his wife, Thorsten didn’t mind waiting a few more hours. “My mother and sister won’t be happy about being left out while your family attend.”

  “Then send a courier to them as well.”

  “My mother is not in good health, and she needs a large entourage to travel. I doubt she can make it by tonight.”

  “Nevertheless, you should invite her and let her decide whether she can come or not. She’ll be mad at you if you don’t.”

  “That is true.”

  The cook looked like a heavy weight was lifted off her shoulders. “I need to start preparing for the celebration, my lady.” She gathered her skirts and curtsied. “There is much work to do and not enough time.”

  “Thank you.” Annabel turned to the woman and hugged her.

  As they left the kitchen, they could hear the cook yelling at her maids to get moving.

  “We have letters to write.” Annabel smoothed her hand over her hair. “And I need to inform the chief adviser.” She sounded as if it was going to be a tough chore.

  He pulled her into his arms. “You have nothing to worry about. You parents and everyone else in your court are going to be overjoyed. You marrying the future King of Algenia is the best news they could have hoped for.”


  Dressed in her mother’s wedding gown, and in front of her family, Thorsten’s sister, and the rest of the palace staff, Annabel pledged her life to Thorsten and accepted his pledge to her.

  Thorsten’s mother couldn’t make the journey on such short notice, but she’d sent her congratulations, wishing them a happy and fruitful marriage. Evidently, she was too overjoyed that Thorsten had chosen a wife to care about much else.

  "You may kiss the bride," the priest said.

  To loud applause and cheering, Thorsten did more than that. He lifted her into his arms and climbed the stairs to the second floor. "Your room or mine?"

  "Mine. But it's yours now."

  As he entered her bedchamber, he kicked the door closed and then lowered her to her feet. "Turn around."

  As soon as she did, he started on the row of small buttons at her back.

  "I can call a maid to do that."

  "From now on, I'll be the only one undressing you."

  "What about when you're gone on official business?"

  "You'll come with me."

  She laughed. "I’m fine with that."

  At some point, children would arrive, and she would have to stay behind. But that was a discussion for another day.

  With only her chemise covering her body, Thorsten lifted her up and put her on the bed. When she made a move to remove that last piece of clothing, he stopped her. "Let me close the curtains first. Your nude body is a feast for my eyes only."

  After plunging the room into near darkness, Thorsten started on the buttons of his own shirt, and Annabel held her breath. Leaning against a stack of pillows, she watched him with hungry eyes. Finally, she was going to see her husband fully naked.

  Except, Thorsten turned around as he pushed his pants down, presenting her with his sculpted, muscular buttocks.

  Was he suddenly shy?

  Impossible. Her Thorsten didn't have any insecurities. He was the most confident man she'd ever met.

  Perhaps he didn't want to frighten her?

  Annabel had never seen that part of a man’s anatomy, not with her eyes, but she’d had her hand on Thorsten’s and that gave her a good impression of what his manhood looked like.

  When he was done removing everything and turned around, the sight of his proud erection didn't evoke apprehension, only excitement. Imagining Thorsten thrusting that hard length into her, Annabel’s inner muscles contracted almost painfully, and she felt herself grow moist between her legs.

  "I want to touch you," she said.

  He came closer, standing by the side of the bed, his manhood an offering she eagerly accepted.

  Flipping to her stomach, she reached for his shaft. Smooth and hot, it was mouthwatering…

  Out of nowhere came an impulse to take him into her mouth. To lick him all around like he'd done to her. Not because she wanted to return the favor, but because she craved it. Experimentally, she extended her tongue and licked the mushroom-shaped top.

  Yum. A little salty, a little sweet, all Thorsten.

  He groaned, his hips surging forward. "You're killing me, woman."

  With her palm stroking him up and down, she cupped his testicles with her other hand and closed her mouth over the mushroom head. It was a mystery where the knowledge of what to do came from. She just knew what would bring him pleasure.

  Letting his head fall back on his neck, Thorsten thrust into her stroking hand, but only for a few moments.

  Touching her cheek with his fingertips, he gritted, "I'm not going to last like this. I need to pleasure you first."

  Reluctantly, she let him pull out of her mouth.

  Flipping her around with ease, Thorsten positioned her so she was lying on her back with her legs dangling over the side. He knelt on the floor and lifted them over his shoulders.

  "And now I feast." He smacked his lips and dove in.

  Annabel tensed for a moment, but apparently, Thorsten was either a quick learner or extremely attuned to her and her body’s responses. He remembered exactly how she liked it. His thumbs spreading her labia, his tongue penetrated her entrance, scooping up her juices and then thrusting in and out. When he had his fill, he moved to pay attention to her clit, rimming it but avoiding direct contact.

  Pure bliss.

  Relaxed, Annabel stretched her arms over her head and surrendered to her husband's expert tonguing. One thick finger breached her tight entrance, slowly, gently, sliding in and out a few times before a second one joined it. The friction was delicious, and combined with what his tongue was doing she was getting close, the tight feeling in her womb increasing with each passing moment. But then a third finger joined, and it was too much. She was too tight down there and the stretching burned.

  It was worrisome. Thorsten's three fingers weren't nearly as thick as his manhood. It was going to hurt. But if she wanted to consummate their marriage tonight, she had to let him stretch her in preparation.

  He lifted his head. "Okay?"

  Annabel nodded, but he was too attuned to her to buy it. "I'm rushing you. I'll slow down." He pulled his fingers out, replacing them once more with his tongue.

  As the burning sensation immediately subsided, Annabel sighed in relief.

  His fingers dug into her buttocks as he lifted her to his mouth. Ravenous, he alternated between spearing her with his tongue and licking the side walls of her clit. Faster and faster he went, his hungry growls providing the additional vibration that pushed her over the cliff.

  As Annabel erupted, Thorsten kept licking and penetrating her with that talented tongue of his, bringing her to yet
another climax.

  "I want you inside me," she said when the last of the shudders subsided.

  "You're not ready."

  "Please, Thorsten. I want you. I don't care if it hurts a little. I want us to consummate our marriage and complete our bond.”

  After a moment of hesitation, he climbed on the bed and pulled her into his arms. Kissing her softly and caressing her everywhere, he murmured, "I'll be as gentle as I can."

  "I know you will. And I will not break. What's a little pain in exchange for a lifetime of pleasure?"

  She must've been very convincing because he had her under him in a blink of an eye, his thick erection nudging her opening. But he didn't push in. Instead, he kissed her mouth, then trailed kisses down the side of her neck, and then paid attention to her breasts until he got her panting with impatience.

  "Please, Thorsten, now."

  Rearing to his haunches, he looked at her. "Pull your knees up and spread your thighs for me," he commanded.

  Gone was the gentle lover, replaced by the dominant prince. She loved both sides of him, but at that moment she needed the commanding prince, and Thorsten had somehow known that, even though it went against common sense. Normally, a virgin needed to be handled with care, just not this virgin.

  To Annabel, Thorsten’s dominance was an aphrodisiac.

  Just as he'd instructed her yesterday up on that hill, she obeyed immediately, and the look of satisfaction on his face was her reward.

  "That's my girl." He ran a finger along her slit. "So wet and ready for me."

  Oh, God, she loved it when he talked to her like that. "I am, my prince."

  Thorsten leaned over her, bracing his weight on one outstretched arm, and fisted his manhood. Rubbing it against her core, up and down without breaching her entrance, he coated his shaft with her slickness.

  When he pushed in, it was only with an inch or two of his length, and then he waited for her to adjust. Oddly, the large shaft lodged inside her stretched her more comfortably than his three fingers had. There was no pain, only fullness and a hunger for more.


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