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Forever Logan

Page 4

by Elena Matthews

  She throws me a glare over her shoulder, says something that sounds like, “Fuck my life,” and then continues to storm off.

  Even with her parents next to me, I can’t help but zone in on her curvy ass as her hips sway sexily from side to side.

  Hot damn, I think I’m in love.

  I hear Ally’s dad bust a gut.

  “Well, I haven’t seen her this moody since she was a teenager. That hatred you just saw there,” he begins to tell me, “is just a cover-up. She likes you. She just doesn’t want to.”

  Ally’s mom fondly looks up to her husband. “That sounds familiar, doesn’t it?”

  “It sure does.” He pulls her into his arms and smacks a kiss on her cheek. “When I first met Lydia here, she despised me. But it was actually a front because she secretly liked me.”

  “How did you know?” I find myself asking, intrigued.

  “Because I got her pregnant six months later, and then nine months after that, out popped Ally.” He chuckles, and I laugh along with him. “So, if you really like Ally, just be patient with her, but try and avoid the pregnancy part—at least until you’re married.”

  I know he’s not being serious, but for the first time in my life, the thought of marriage doesn’t scare me. In fact, it actually thrills me.

  Mrs. Ally Jensen. It has a nice ring to it.

  I keep my smile in place as I take a step back. “I do really like her, sir, so thanks for the tip.”

  “Have you met her boyfriend?”

  I nod, pursing my lips together with my obvious distaste. “Unfortunately, yes.”

  “So, you’ve seen what a pussy he is?”

  I almost choke on my laughter.

  Oh my God, Ally’s dad is the best.

  “Oh, yeah, he’s a pussy all right. He actually stood her up tonight because he fell asleep after a hard day at work.”

  “A hard day?” he bellows. “He teaches kindergarten kids freaking finger painting for six hours a day. How hard can that be?”

  “I know, right? She could do way better than that dipshit.”

  “She sure can,” Ally’s mom pipes up, dreamily gazing up at me like a love-struck puppy.

  I wink at her before returning my attention to Ally’s dad.

  “You know, I wouldn’t be sad if he just disappeared.” The way he says disappeared makes it sound like he’s trying to take a hit out on him.

  Of course, he’s joking. I think.

  Ally’s mom smacks him in the stomach, glaring at him the way Ally glares at me. “You can’t say that to a cop!”

  He roars out with laughter, pulling her tighter against him. “Relax, honey, I was kidding. I wouldn’t tell a cop I was planning on killing my daughter’s boyfriend and burying him in our back garden. Only crazy people do that.”

  He throws me a smirk, and I match his with my own. I really like him. Just as I’m about to speak, my radio goes off, alerting me to an emergency.

  “That’s me. I need to get going. It was nice to meet you both. And, sir, if you can, make sure Miss Sass in there”—I point to the house—“gets her brake light sorted. I don’t just like your daughter. I really like your daughter, and I’d hate for anything to happen to her,” I tell him wholeheartedly.

  “Will do, and enough of the sir. Call me Dave.”

  “Sure thing, Dave.”

  I hold my hand out, and he shakes it.

  “Thank you for looking out for my little girl. Your brother Nate told me you were the reason she got out of the second fire alive.”

  I shrug my shoulders. “Yeah. I mean, I didn’t carry her out, but I bargained with the asshole to let her go.”

  “Doesn’t matter how you did it. All that matters is that she’s alive. So, thank you.”

  Anything for her.

  “I like you, Logan,” Dave says a moment later. “Ally hasn’t been the same since those fires. She’s been struggling…but you bring the feisty side out of her, and I haven’t seen her like that for a while. Keep up with what you’re doing.”

  I let out a snort, scratching the day’s worth of stubble. “I don’t think I even have to try and piss her off; it just comes naturally.”

  “It’s what us men do best.”

  I tell them good-bye and begin to walk toward Joe in the awaiting car when the sound of Dave’s voice carries through the street and stops me in my stride.

  “Next time Remi and Nate come over for dinner, you should join us.”

  I turn to him and smile. “I might just do that.”

  I throw him a salute before turning back around and getting into the passenger seat. Joe wastes no time and puts his foot on the gas while switching on the siren to get to our next emergency.

  “Took your time, didn’t you?” he gibes while I click my seat belt into place.

  “Sorry, man. I got caught up.”

  Without looking away from the road in front of us as he speeds through the city, he asks, “Does she like you yet?”

  I bark out a laugh. “No, but her mom and dad do. In fact, her dad was trying to marry us off; he liked me that much.”

  He lets out a humored breath. “Wow, it’s usually the other way around—the girl likes you, but her parents don’t.”

  “What can I say? I have the ability to charm the socks off a nun.”

  “So, you’re not giving up on her then?”

  “Hell no. I’ll wear her down. It’s only a matter of time.”

  “It finally happened, huh?” he says.

  “What did?”

  “You grew the fuck up, man. Congrats. I never thought I’d see the day when Officer Logan Jensen was pussy-whipped over one chick. And not just pussy-whipped. In fucking love.”

  Yep, neither did I.

  As I step through the entrance of the Mexican restaurant, I don’t even have to see Ally to know she’s already here. I can sense her and those beautiful rolling eyes. She’s probably rolling them right now, knowing she has to survive an evening with me while planning a wedding. Good. I hope I piss her off the entire night just so I get to feel her wrath. I love that wrath. And according to Ally’s dad, he hasn’t seen her feisty side for a while, and he told me to keep it up. He literally gave me permission to keep pissing her off. He’s like my spirit person. He’s fucking awesome.

  When my gaze moves to the left, I finally spot her in a booth, looking down at a menu. The mere sight of her, seeing how gorgeous she is, makes my heart constrict almost painfully. Instantly, I can tell she hasn’t made an effort. Her hair is piled on top of her head, she has zero makeup on, and she’s wearing ripped jeans and an old and very faded Sesame Street T-shirt. It’s clearly for my benefit. She must think if she dresses like a slob, I’ll find her less desirable. But what she fails to understand is that no matter what she wears or how she looks, she is still the prettiest chick I’ve ever laid eyes on. I know some girls look hideous without makeup on, but she’s as beautiful without makeup as she is with it on. She has a complexion most women would die for.

  I make my way over to her, and she startles as I drop into the seat beside her.

  “If it isn’t the apple of my eye,” I tell her, grinning like a five-year-old.

  She glances over to me, grinning back. “And if it isn’t the pain in my ass,” she greets back as I shrug off my jacket.

  I briefly glance down at my watch to see it’s a few minutes after seven. Huh, where are Nate and Remi?

  They said to meet them at seven, and there’s no sign of them.

  “Where’s the soon-to-be wedded couple?”

  She sighs, looking back down at the menu, studying it hard. “They’re running late. It seems Nate couldn’t shower alone, and one thing led to the other. They’ll be here soon.”

  “That’s my boy,” I praise. “Though, I have to say, you keep crappy company. You either get stood up or they can’t be bothered with being on time. You should get some new friends.”

  She tips her head to the side, eyeballing me. “Yeah, some new friends w
ithout annoying twin brothers.”

  I tap her cute little button nose. “You love me really.”

  “Yeah, like a friggin’ hole in the head.”

  She turns back to the menu just as a waitress approaches.

  “Hi there. I’m Lacey, and I’ll be your server tonight. Can I get you a drink?”

  Since we’re eating Mexican food tonight, I ask for a Corona. She turns her attention to Ally, who just asks for water.

  “You sure you don’t want a drink? I hear they have the best margaritas here.”

  The waitress pipes up, her voice light, “He’s right. They really are the best. If they didn’t get me drunk, I’d be drinking them while on shift all night long.”

  She giggles, and I chuckle with her while Ally just stares at us.

  “Water is just fine. Thank you.” Then, she adds, “I would love some chips and salsa though, please, while we wait for our two other guests.”

  “Sure thing, pretty lady. Coming right up.”

  Once the waitress is gone, I focus my attention back on Ally. “You know, if you want to drink tonight, I’ll drive you home. I’m just having the one tonight,” I offer.

  She throws me a glare. “Oh, so we can have a repeat of that bullshit the other night? News flash, asshat: I don’t like you.”

  Two minutes in, and she’s already insulted me twice. It seems my ability to irritate her is working like a charm. It’s effortless really.

  “What bullshit? I escorted you home. In my book, that’s called being a Southern gentleman and an excellent cop.”

  “No, it’s called being a douche bag who abused his power just to piss me off.”

  “I did no such thing. You’re just annoyed that I’m not really a douche bag. That I’m actually a hero who saved your life not once, but twice.”

  She laughingly scoffs. “How did you save my life from a broken brake light?”

  “It could have caused a pileup, and you could have seriously injured yourself or other people on the road.”

  “Wow, melodramatic much? One light out of three was out.”

  “But the law states, you must have three working brake lights, and I take the law seriously.”

  “Yeah, a little too seriously if you ask me.”

  “Did you get it fixed?”

  She lets out a long sigh, rolling her eyes. “Yes, I got it fixed. Happy now?”

  I shrug my shoulders. “I’m not unhappy, but do you want to know what would make me really happy?”

  “What’s that?” she says impassively, as if she really couldn’t give a shit.

  “A blow job.”

  I burst out laughing when she smacks me in the chest.

  “You are disgusting. God, I can’t imagine the things I’d catch if I put my mouth around your dick.”

  Just as she says this, the waitress returns with our drinks, and Ally’s makeup-free skin turns a deep shade of red as she gapes at the waitress, horrified. The waitress looks at us with an amused twinkle in her eyes.

  “Just so you know,” the waitress begins as she sets our drinks down in front of us, followed by chips and salsa, “this is a family-friendly establishment. Maybe keep the dick talk to a minimum. Just saying.”

  She winks before walking off, and I almost fall off my seat with laughter.

  When a minute passes and I can still barely catch my breath, Ally smacks me a second time in the chest. “I hate you,” she declares, her cheeks still a flaming red.

  I breathe through my laughter a few times until I can get a sentence out. “I’m sorry, but you couldn’t have timed that any worse if you tried.”

  “Do you see what you caused?”

  “Wait, what I caused? How is your potty mouth my fault?” I argue, small bouts of laughter still vibrating from my lungs.

  “If you didn’t say stupid, offensive shit, then I wouldn’t flip my lid around you. God,” she growls, “you’re just so…”

  I pick up my bottle of beer, tilting my head to the side with humor. “I’m just so…” I ask, really wanting her to finish her sentence.

  Her chest heaves as she stares at me. Her glare is so intense, so fucking hot, that I don’t know if she wants to slap me or kiss me. I wouldn’t mind the slapping if it meant she was still going to kiss me.

  “I’m just so…” I prompt again when she still hasn’t said a thing.

  She shakes her head, and just as I’m about to take a leisurely sip of my beer, she snatches it from my grasp and brings it to her lips, chugging back at least half the bottle.

  “I thought you weren’t drinking.”

  She gasps when she pulls the bottle away. “Yeah, but then I remembered that I have to survive the rest of the evening with you, and I can’t do that sober; that’s for damn sure.”

  “Do you even like beer?”

  “Nope,” is all she says before she downs the rest of the bottle.

  I waste no time as I flag the waitress down.

  “Another beer, please, and you’d better get this one”—I point to Ally with my thumb—“a margarita. Stat.”

  The waitress gives me a nod of the head before walking toward the bar. I turn back toward Ally, admiring her beautiful scowl. I just watch her, and after a few seconds, her eyes begin to twitch.

  “Why are you looking at me like that?” she snaps.

  I shake my head and ask her a question of my own, “So, did Freddie make good on his word the other night?”

  Cue her next eye roll.

  And…what do you know? She rolls those pretty blues at me.

  “Firstly, he’s called Eddie, and secondly, yes…” She pauses for a moment, as if contemplating. Then, she adds, “Well…kind of.” She began with sheer confidence, but then she ends with disappointment.

  “What do you mean, kind of?”

  “Nothing. It’s fine.”

  She pulls her focus to the bowl of tortilla chips and dips one into the salsa. I watch her intently as she brings it to her mouth and devours the chip.

  “You know, I am a guy. Although I’m a nice guy now, I was a douche in the past, and having that experience gave me this special power to sense other douches from a mile off. And the radar points straight to your boyfriend. So, if you don’t tell me, I’ll just guess, and you know I give pretty good readings.”

  She ignores me and goes back to eating her chips. So, like I did with her in the car the other day, I let my imagination run wild.

  “Okay, let me guess. He promised you he’d make up for standing you up. He doesn’t tell you what he has planned but tells you to dress nice. However, with the previous night a little fresh in your mind, you’re still pissed with him, so you decide against wearing your sexiest outfit because you wore that last night, but he missed it, and your self-worth knows he doesn’t deserve to see it. That ship has sailed. Instead, you wear your least skimpy dress, one that doesn’t show much skin but it’s pretty. You probably told him your car was out of commission, so out of obligation, he has to pick you up. He picks you up, but instead of knocking on the door like a gentleman, he just honks his horn because he wants to avoid any interaction with your folks—which I think is shitty, considering your parents are fucking awesome. He takes you to another restaurant, but it isn’t as nice as the night before because it was a last-minute reservation, and, well, the nice places get booked up really quickly.

  “You don’t care because you’re hungry, but when the food comes, you actually do care because it’s terrible. However, you eat it without complaint, but he sends his back because it’s cold. Unbeknownst to him, they just send the same food back out, which just had a minute in a microwave. He spends the night complaining about the food, about how tired he is, and he’s not once asked how your day was or if you’re enjoying the food. When the bill comes, he suggests you pay half, and he doesn’t even bother with a tip even though the waitress probably earns less than minimum wage. Although she didn’t cook the food, she’s had to deal with his bitching, which should warrant a decent tip. Wh
en you both leave, she really wishes she’d spit in his food.

  “And when you think the night can be salvaged with hot, messy sex…he tells you he’s too tired and he needs to be up early. So, he drops you off at home, horny and pissed off. And as payback for such a shitty date, you masturbate, thinking about another guy, and you don’t feel an ounce of guilt once you come. Am I right?”

  At first, she’s silent, as if taking in all the information. Then, she laughs. A roaring belly laugh. “Wow, you really did used to be a douche bag, didn’t you?”

  “So, I was right?” I ask, knowing I am.

  She nods, still laughing. “Unfortunately, yes. Except the masturbating bit, you perv! You watch too much porn.”

  I shift myself closer to her until all I can feel is her warmth and smell her sweet scent. She gulps hard at the unexpected, near contact, and I watch as her eyes dilate. Her breath hitches as my fingers find a hole in her jeans, gently caressing her knee.

  So soft.

  “But you returned home horny and unsatisfied, didn’t you?” I whisper in her ear, causing a shiver to erupt down her body and her legs to open ever so slightly at my touch.

  The sweetest humming sound escapes her lips, and it drives me insane. Her reaction to me is all the answer I need. I inch forward, causing my lips to touch her ear, and she shivers again at my mere contact.

  I speak again, my voice low, “Just so you know, I would never leave you horny and unsatisfied after a date.”

  She turns her head to me, and the surrounding restaurant suddenly disappears. All I can see, feel, and smell is Ally, and it’s addictive. She’s addictive, and she has been to me since the moment I locked eyes on her that Saturday morning all those months ago when Nate and I helped her and Remi move into their new place. I’ve never been so grateful for Nate dragging me out of bed at the ass crack of dawn. Best six a.m. wake-up call ever.

  I don’t know how long we stay in this trance, and just when I think she might graze her lips along mine, we both jolt from our senses when Remi and Nate appear out of nowhere and climb into the opposite side of the booth.

  “We’re so sorry we’re late. We just…got caught up.” Remi giggles, gazing up at her fiancé, my brother, like some love-struck teenager. Talk about the honeymoon period.


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