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Forever Logan

Page 9

by Elena Matthews

  “You’ve had sex in bathrooms before?” she asks with a cock of the brow.

  “Would you judge me if I had?”

  “Oh, hell yeah, but I’d be a total hypocrite though.”

  I pull away slightly, a big-ass grin on my face. “You dirty girl. When did you have sex in a restroom?”

  She shoves at my chest, and I step back a few inches as she stands to her feet.

  “That’s for me to know and you to find out.”

  “So, I’ll get to find out, huh?”

  “Maybe.” The sweet smile she throws my way sends an arrow straight to my heart. “Come on. We’d better head back out.”

  She slips past me, but I latch on to her wrist before she can, spinning her to face me.

  “What are you doing after this?”

  She shrugs her shoulders. “Nothing. Why?”

  “Let’s go out. Let’s do something. Just the two of us.”

  “Like what?” Ally asks, intrigued.

  “Let’s re-create that shitty date you were supposed to have with Freddie.”

  Her brows rise as she stares at me pointedly. “You want to take me on a shitty date?”

  I chuckle, shaking my head. “No. I want to re-create the date that you should have had.”

  “You’re really trying your best to prove yourself to me, aren’t you?”

  “No. I’m trying to prove your worth by showing you what a real date should look like with someone who likes you as much as I do. And also, maybe I can get you to stop hating me.”

  She rolls her eyes. “I don’t hate you…”

  “But you like to pretend you do.”

  She just smiles as she removes herself from my hold and steps toward the door, unclicking the lock. As she goes to open the door, she turns to me. “Come to my place after we’re done here. Oh, and we don’t want to tip the bride and groom off, so wait here for a minute before coming out.”

  “What if a woman walks in?”

  “You’re a cop. I’m sure you’ll figure something out.”

  And then she walks out, leaving me standing idle in the women’s restroom. Not wanting to look like a Peeping Tom, I slip out and enter the men’s instead, deciding to take a quick piss.

  When I return to the restaurant a couple minutes later, I take the seat beside Ally and affectionately press my leg against hers.

  “Dude, where’ve you been?” Nate demands, just as Ally’s hand grazes along my thigh.

  Quick on my feet, I say with a pat on my stomach, “Trust me, it’s better you don’t know.”

  “Gotcha,” Nate replies with a knowing nod while Remi throws me a horrified glance.

  Ally, however, looks ready to burst out laughing, but luckily, a waiter approaches and sets a few dishes down for the menu tasting. I don’t realize my mistake with my lie until I go to put a fork in a piece of salmon, and Ally pulls the plate away from my reach.

  “Raw fish probably isn’t a good idea for that stomach of yours,” she says, her mouth twisted, amused.

  Staring at her with a playful gaze, I set my fork back down and grab my glass of water. “Yeah, you’re probably right. I’ll wait until later tonight when I can feast on something else.”

  Luckily, Nate and Remi don’t hear me, and they especially don’t see the wink I throw Ally’s way either.

  Just a little after six, I’m outside Ally’s parents’ place, and the instant Ally opens the door to me, I struggle to catch my breath at how goddamn beautiful she is. She’s wearing the same outfit she wore for her date with Freddie, the one I told her to wear—the sparkly gold-beige miniskirt, a thin cream knit sweater that shows just enough tits to tease me, and over-the-knee gray boots. However, instead of her long brunette locks falling down in waves, she wears her hair in a messy bun with strands of hair falling down her face—and damn, if that doesn’t add to her hotness.

  Unable to resist, I take a long sweep of her before coming to a stop at her face. “You look smoking,” I tell her.

  She smiles, looking me up and down in my neatly pressed jeans and tight-fitted sweater.

  “You look pretty smoking, too,” she compliments, her eyes twinkling with lust.

  “You ready?”

  “Actually…I had another idea.”

  “And what’s that?” I ask, taking a step forward.

  “Well, my mom and dad are out for the evening. So, I have the house to myself…”

  I let out a breath, scrubbing a hand along my five o’clock shadow. “That sounds so amazing, but I really need food because someone wouldn’t let me eat earlier.”

  Ally bites down on her bottom lip to stop herself from laughing. “Well, it’s not my fault you had the shits.”

  The laughter she was trying to contain bursts from her lips, and I narrow my eyes at her.

  “Hey, what else was I supposed to say?” I argue.

  She shrugs, amusement curving her lips. “Anything but diarrhea.”

  I smirk. “Well, they didn’t suspect anything, so it was worth it. But now, my stomach thinks my throat’s been cut.”

  “We’ll order in.”

  “Or we can go out.”

  “Or we can order in.”

  Considering I’d happily go to the ends of the earth for this woman, our argument ends as quickly as it started, and I let her win.

  “Fine, let’s order in.”

  She beams, and I know I’ve been played, but for some reason, I don’t care. Just being with her is all I need, and well, being in public with her would have made it harder to do all the things—dirty things—I’ve been dreaming of doing to her all day.

  Ally lets me inside, and I follow her swaying ass all the way to the kitchen.

  “Do you want a beer, or will it be too much for your stomach?” she asks with a snicker.

  “Just because you’re a chick doesn’t mean I won’t flip you off.”

  She giggles as she heads to the refrigerator and grabs a beer and a bottle of red wine.

  “Okay, I’ll stop,” she says as she hands me my beer, and she begins to pour the wine into a fairly large wineglass.

  I unscrew the top of my beer and take a small sip as she sets the bottle of wine back in the fridge.

  She rummages inside a drawer before slapping a few takeout menus down on the countertop. “Let’s get you fed, huh?”

  At that question, my belly lets out an almighty growl, and we both laugh. For a few minutes, we decide what we want. After Ally orders a Chinese banquet fit for an army, she guides me into the living room, and we both take a seat on the sofa.

  “Can I confess something?” she asks a few moments later as I set my beer on the coffee table.

  “Yeah, sure.”

  “I feel a little guilty, forcing you to stay in when you obviously had plans for us.”

  “Why did you want to stay in?”

  “Honestly? Fewer people…more comfort. Plus, I’ve been horny as all hell since the restroom earlier.”

  I let out a roar of laughter. I love how up-front she is. “You’re not the only one, but I need to eat before I think about ripping those sexy-ass clothes from your body.”

  “Hey, I’m not an animal. I can control myself.”

  I can’t help the Cheshire cat smile I throw her way.

  “You said you were going to re-create the date I should have had with Eddie. What did you have planned?”

  “You really want to know?”


  I sit back into the couch and pivot my body, so I’m facing her. “Well, my plan was to pick you up, and like a gentleman, I’d knock on your door. You would answer, and I’d be blown away with how beautiful you looked. I’d compliment you…which I did. If your parents were home, I would stick around to say hello to them before whisking you away. Taking your hand, I’d guide you to my car and open the door for you. I’d wait until you were fully seated before closing the door behind you. Once I was in the car, I’d let you pick the music. Then, we’d go to the restaurant—an intim
ate Italian restaurant that had just the right amount of ambience to make it romantic, but not too much that you could mistake it for a strip club or a brothel.”

  She lets out a snort, almost choking back on her wine, and I throw her a cheeky grin before continuing, “We’d order. For a joke, I’d suggest the spaghetti and meatballs, like in Lady and the Tramp, but you’d tell me to fuck off and order a steak to spite my romantic gesture.”

  She gives a nod of the head, smiling, as if agreeing with me.

  “We’d eat, talk, and definitely play a little footsie under the table. Even though part of me would be wondering what color underwear you were wearing, I’d still be listening to every word you said.”

  Her eyes light up at that.

  “We’d skip dessert in favor of a few scoops of gelato at the place next door, where we would just sit on the bench outside and talk about our childhoods. I’d tell you about the time I broke my arm while chasing the dog in the backyard, and you’d tell me something that would probably include punching some kid in the nose.”

  She throws a dirty glare, almost insulted that I suggested it.

  “I’ve never done such a thing…” She pauses and then snickers. “But, in eighth grade, I did whack a guy with a badminton racket and break his nose because he’d touched my boob.”

  The thought of some snotty-ass thirteen-year-old sexually assaulting her makes every muscle in my body freeze. “Whoa, that’s not cool.”

  “I know, and it was at the stage where they weren’t even properly developed, just these tiny Madonna cones.”

  I can’t help but chuckle a little at that. “Madonna cones?”

  “Yeah, like this…” She does a pyramid shape with her hands, showing the cone boobs. “I mean, touching any woman’s breasts without her permission is unacceptable, but when it’s a teenager still going through puberty and all the insecurities that come with that, especially when they don’t look like normal boobs, it’s so much worse.”

  “Well, I’m glad you broke the fucker’s nose. I mean, that must have taken some talent to break a nose with a badminton racket.”

  She tilts her head to the side with a cocky grin. “I caught him with the edge of it. You should have seen all the blood. I got sent to the principal’s office, but as soon as I explained that he’d touched me inappropriately, the principal told me I should have hit him harder,” she says with a giggle.

  “Did the kid get in trouble?”

  “Oh yeah, he got suspended for the day and then detention for an entire month.”

  Somehow, during the past five minutes, Ally has been unknowingly shifting closer to me, and I can’t help but close the distance, my thigh resting against the bare skin of hers.

  “What would come next?”

  “Huh?” is the response I give her when I find myself losing myself in her perfection.

  “The date, after the gelato…what would come next?”

  I shake my head before resuming, “I would drive you home before walking you to the door. Then we’d share a good-night kiss.”

  “What, you wouldn’t even try to grope me?”

  “Nope, I kind of like to leave a chick in suspense.”

  I’m guessing I said the right thing, as she seems to smile at that.

  “Let’s go back to that kiss. What kind of kiss? Are we talking a peck on the lips or a little tongue action?”

  Now, it’s my time to smile, and I inch closer to her. “I know I’m quite the storyteller, but I think actions might speak louder than words.”

  Her lips part open. She leans in to initiate the kiss, but I back away slightly and offer her my hand.

  “If I’m going to do this right, we need to be standing up.”

  She settles her drink on the coffee table before she takes my hand, and I pull her up to her full height and guide her away from the sofa, so we’re standing in front of the window. Dropping her hand from mine, I settle it on her waist, and I bring her a little closer to me. Then, I reenact exactly what I had planned but make it a little cliché.

  “I had an amazing night. If you had to compare this date with me or the date with Freddie, which one was better?”

  “This date for sure, but I already knew that,” she says, playing along.

  The sexual tension between us thickens, and I pull her even closer to me until our chests are touching.

  “So amazing that you’d want to go out with me again?”

  Ally cocks her head to the side, and a wicked twinkle appears in her eyes, making her pretty blues sparkle. “Hmm, I’m not sure. I might know once you’ve kissed me—you know, to see if we’re compatible.”

  The surrounding air becomes silent, and I wait a few seconds before making my next move, allowing the anticipation of the kiss to swirl around us, to tease her a little. Then, ever so slowly, I bring both hands up to her face. I rest my palm around her cheek while my other hand brushes back a piece of stray hair behind her ear. Her eyes flutter closed at that, her body trembling against me. I lean in and gently press my lips to hers. I start off gradually before grazing my tongue along hers. A moan vibrates against my mouth, and she shifts closer to me until there isn’t an inch between us. Our kiss deepens, but before we can get too carried away, I pull back and lock eyes with hers, my palm still on her cheek. Her breaths are a little uneven, her open eyes are glazed, and her tongue darts out to her lips, as if needing a second taste of me.

  “So, are we compatible?” I tease. I know we’re compatible. I’ve known it since the instant I set eyes on her.

  “I don’t know…I think we need to kiss again.”

  Before I can utter a single word, she hungrily slams her lips back onto mine, causing me to stumble back a little. This time, I’m the one to moan into her mouth as her tongue sweeps along mine. Just as quickly, she pulls away.

  “Out of curiosity,” she begins, breathlessly, “after our kiss, would you wish me a good night, or would you be hoping to be invited in for, say, coffee?” she asks while she caresses her hands down my chest.

  I tilt my head to the side. “Oh, I would definitely hope to be invited in but not for coffee.”

  She fists my sweater in her hands. “Good answer,” she says before kissing me again.

  Heat begins to swirl around us, and I lift her into my arms, pressing her up against the living room door.

  Tearing my lips from hers—which quite frankly is one of the hardest things to do—I manage to say, “How long do you think we have until the food comes?”

  Her hands travel down to the button of my jeans and tugs impatiently. “Oh, long enough for you to fuck me up against this door.”

  Jesus. Christ. This. Woman.

  One part of me wants to take this slow and really savor the moment, but the other part is way too desperate. I need her. Now.

  Our lips lock again, and we devour each other while Ally wastes no time in unzipping my jeans and pulling them along with my boxers down enough for my cock to spring free. I grunt into her mouth when she grasps me in her fist for a brief second before letting go.

  Since the skirt she is wearing is already gathered around at her waist, it makes slipping her panties to the side easy as pie. As I line my dick against her wet pussy, I’m about to sink inside her when I remember the condom.

  Pausing our kiss, I mumble, “Condom,” while holding her steady with one arm as I dig for my wallet in the front pocket of my jeans. Just as I pull my wallet out, a condom miraculously appears in front of me. I blink, confused.

  Ally smiles. “Oh, I came prepared. I slipped one in my bra.”

  I think I love you. I don’t say this though. Instead, I just discard my wallet over my head.

  Taking the condom from her, I rip it open with my bare teeth before hurriedly sliding it over my cock.

  Bracing her thighs in both hands, I lift her a little until my cock presses up against her pussy. Needing to see the moment I enter her, I focus my stare on her eyes while I sink inside her. She hums a moan, her long nails tr
ailing along my shoulders while I let out a breath at how amazing she feels.

  “Fuck,” I growl, thrusting in and out of her.


  Just the sound of my name leaving her lips is all it takes, and I unleash the beast. My hips gain speed, and I fuck her in quick thrusts, making the door rattle against Ally’s back.

  “Logan…God…omigod…yes…” she whimpers while I wreak havoc on her pussy.

  Widening my stance, I glance down, and seeing my cock sliding in and out of her is unlike anything I’ve ever seen. Biting my lip, I return my gaze to her flushed face, her hooded eyes focusing only on me, and I’m so in love with this moment, so in love with her. Bending my knees a little and gripping her ass even tighter, I thrust my hips harder against her, my cock going in even deeper.

  Her head smacks against the door behind her as her cries grow louder. “Logan, yes!”

  “That’s it, baby. Take me. Fucking take me.” I don’t even know what I’m saying. My mind becomes cloudier by the second as heat and sex swirl around us, taking over every one of my senses.

  “Uh, God…hmm,” she gasps sweetly.

  Her eyes flicker closed as I lean in, my mouth traveling into the crook of her neck, sucking against her salty skin, while I continue ramming my cock inside her wet pussy. Her nails claw over my shoulders and neck, the slight pain turning me on more than I could ever imagine.

  “Logan…Jesus…I’m gonna come.” The words come out in little incoherent murmurs as her pussy squeezes against my cock.

  Tilting my head, I latch onto her lips while driving into her harder. She whimpers into my mouth, her tongue making desperate circles around mine. I grunt with every thrust, my fingers on her hips sure enough to bruise at the brutality of my hold on her. I pull my lips away just in time to watch her eyes slam closed, and the most beautiful scream leaves her lungs as she comes all around my cock.

  “Logan, fuck…ah!”

  Her pussy squeezes me so hard that I follow suit instantly, and I grit my teeth as I explode inside her, continuing to pump my hips until there isn’t a drop left. Pulling back, I smile like a complete idiot as she tries to catch her breath.

  She opens her mouth, as if to speak, but the ringing of the doorbell sounding throughout the house halts her.


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