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The Boardroom Series – Complete Boxed Set (Boxes 1 – 6) : An office romance turned seductive submission

Page 28

by Annabel Lucas

Something inside her stopped her with a whisper. The sober Shane; The we’re-going-to-have-to-work-with-this-client Shane. The elevator chimed their arrival. It was just enough distraction to break Tess’s expectant gaze.

  Shane stepped out into the hallway beyond the elevator doors. The door to the penthouse stood at the end of the hallway. The space had an untouched feel, decadent and new. Shane wondered how often the hotel booked the penthouse for guests. They both stumbled towards the door.

  Tess fumbled with her purse for a moment before she found the penthouse keycard. She waved it clumsily, in front of what Shane guessed to be the scanner. The door eventually complied and opened inward.

  Shane followed Tess into the cool, dark room. The penthouse suite was a relief from the desert heat and the afternoon drink. Suddenly, her body felt too tired. The shopping bags slipped from her fingers, landing softly on the thick penthouse carpet.

  She felt the girl’s presence for only a moment before Tess made contact. Shane jumped and let out a nervous giggle. Definitely didn’t see that coming.

  In the cool dim room, the golden girl pressed into her. Her soft curves against Shane’s. There was a pause between them; a second that a question was asked and answered. They both knew what would come next.

  I kissed a girl and I liked it. The sentence began to play on a loop in Shane’s head.

  And then, it happened. The kiss was like no other. Tess tasted like strawberries and wine, and her breath carried the hint of chocolate. Shane let herself be kissed, her lips exploring the edge of desire.

  Tess’s fingers curled around the curve of Shane’s hips. Shane reached back, pulling her in as she wrapped her arms around Tess’s narrow waist. She accepted the gift of the kiss, unsure of the next step from this place in the dark.

  Tess broke the kiss for a moment, breathless. Shane could feel Tess’s heart beating against hers, their bodies entwined.

  “I’ve been wanting to do that since I saw you in that dress. Actually, I’ve been wanting to do that since I-”

  Shane didn’t hear how the sentence ended. She pressed her lips against Tess’s mouth again and this time, she felt Tess’s tongue slip between her lips, gentle and probing. Shane felt her desire rise because she could not stop liking to kiss this girl. It felt so good, so right. Her hands found their way up and into Tess’s hair and Shane deepened the kiss.

  More, more. She wanted more. Shane breathed into the kiss, acutely aware that they were melding into each other.

  Ohh goddd. She did not want to pull back, but she remembered bearing witness to Ryan’s kiss with this golden girl and wondered how he would feel about this kiss.

  “Tess,” Shane pulled back, breath coming quickly. Her heart pound too loud in her ears. Tess pulled her back in and it was harder to pull away this time.

  “Tess,” Shane broke the kiss again. “Tessa.”

  It was a nickname she’d only heard Ryan use. Shane said it now as her hands were roamed over the other girl’s body, her own body not wanting to listen to the words as they fell from her lips.

  “Tess.” Shane said more firmly. This time, her hands responded. It seemed that they finally could hear her. They landed low on Tess’s waist, pressing their bodies together gently, ever so gently.

  “Wait.” Shane kissed her again, wanting to make her understand. Tess’s lips settled on hers again, this kiss a desire to connect, to stay in the moment. Hmmmmm. Shane felt Tess breathe into her, soft and sweet. Tess pulled back then, honoring her new friends request.

  “Should we get ready?” she asked.

  Shane laughed. “Yes.”

  “Joey is going to be back in like an hour. Want to shower?” Her eyes had adjusted enough now to see Tess’s tawny eyes sparkle with the invitation.

  “Yes,” Shane said slowly, her head nodded approval. “but I think I should go back to my room and shower.”

  Tess nodded. “Of course. Here, let’s get your things for you.” Tess knelt before her, running her hands through bags, feeling her way through the new purchases. Shane was acutely aware when Tess found her bag, her hands would be all over the lacy corset, silk stockings and lovely sheer dress. Tess found the bag and knelt before her.

  “Here you go.” She was holding up the bag as she stood up. “And this one has your shoes.”

  Shane blushed, feeling awkward and embarrassed. “Ahh, shoes.”

  Tess laughed, “Armani, no less.”

  Tess stood before her. Shane was close enough to feel her breath. Her body flushed with desire. She knew now what kissing Tess tasted like and if she was being honest, she wanted another taste. Tess hovered for a moment, close enough to return to the kiss they had begun- an unspoken invitation.

  Shane’s body ached to lean in, to betray the instruction her mind kept repeating. Pick up the fucking bag and let’s go. Instead, she plunged ahead. She didn’t know what to say but wanted to express her desire without disregarding her feelings for Ryan.

  “Tess.” Jesus. I can’t stop saying her name.

  Shane felt Tess’s hand on hers, and Tess spoke, finding the words Shane couldn’t bring herself to say.

  “I had such a great time today.” She squeezed Shane’s hand. “I can’t wait for tonight. I don’t even care that Anthony isn’t coming. I guess,” She paused and took a deep breath. “I just needed to realize he wasn’t really what I wanted, anyway.”

  Shane blinked, taking in what she’d just heard.

  Tess was still talking. “So, I’ll see you and Ryan downstairs around 6?”

  “Yes,” She spoke and felt her body responding with relief and something else. Regret? “that’s perfect. I know he’s looking forward to it.”

  Shane could feel Tess smile in the darkness. “I’m looking forward to it too.”

  Shane stepped onto the elevator and descended to her floor before making her way to her hotel room. She showered and primped; scrunching her hair into curls. Shane pulled a chair up to the hotel mirror to create a makeshift vanity and spread her make-up out before her.

  She pushed aside all thoughts of the kiss. Getting ready was a ritual she loved and tonight held the promise of something completely new. Her hands went through the motions. She rubbed lotion on her shaved legs and moisturizer to her face before she carefully applied her makeup. She selected a shimmery shade of eyeshadow that would draw out the iridescent indigo of her eyes. Black always enhanced the hidden shade. Dark curls and the dark dress should do the trick. She wished more than once that she had Sophia’s agile fingers to help her into the corset and stockings. Finding her way into it the same way Sophia had earlier that day proved difficult.

  When Shane turned to see herself in the full-length mirror, she was not disappointed. The effort was worth it. She took in her silhouette in the cup-less corset. The lacy undergarment drew her waist in, emphasizing her hips and flat belly. The curve of her ass was lovely and the straps from the silk stockings clung to her thighs in a seductive manner.

  She slipped into the Armani pumps just to test the impact of the sexy undergarments and heels. She watched a slow smile slide across her face. Damn. She mouthed at the girl in the mirror. Never been so sexy.

  Shane retrieved the dress and slid it over her mane of hair. She let the dress slip down around her midriff. It gathered at her waist and then, with a little encouragement, slithered down the length of her body. The slit up to her thigh encouraged any onlooker to look. Shane slid her own hands into the top of the dress to adjust her breasts just as Sophia had done. When she finished, her nipples were erect from her own caresses and adjustment. It was pretty clear she wasn’t wearing a bra.

  From across the room, she heard her phone vibrate in her purse. It had to be a message.

  She hurried to retrieve it and found it was Ryan. “Coming?”

  She sent back a happy face. “Coming.”

  “Meet me in the lobby. Can’t wait.”

  “Me neither.” She replied.

  Shane glanced at the girl in the mirror and
smiled. Have fun tonight. She turned to go but turned right back, light dancing in her eyes. What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.



  N ight in the hotel was a lot different daytime. The amount twenty or thirty somethings out on the town increased drastically, while the people dressed in business attire has dwindled to almost nothing.

  Thank god. She was ready for a night in the city. Even if it was Monday, it certainly didn’t feel like it. It felt like a Saturday. This trip had been so off, and today was the first day she’d felt on.

  Shane felt his eyes on her before she saw him. Then Ryan was moving across the room to her like a predator to prey. His dark eyes intent on reaching her before she ventured into the crowd. He had always been sexy. Tonight, he was magnetic. She wanted to touch him as soon as she laid eyes him and she felt his need mirror her own.

  He was dressed in a black button-down shirt, black slacks and black shoes. The top two buttons of his shirt were open, revealing the hollow of collarbone and a delicious tan. He carried that casual I’m-not—even-trying aura that drew women in like flies. She knew his secrets. She was one of the women. Shane licked her suddenly dry lips. If she’d been wearing panties, they would’ve been damp.

  “Hey sugar.” He said. And there he was, moving in to hold her. His hand was on her waist, feeling its way to the small of her back and down where his fingers felt the curve of her ass. He kissed the corner of her mouth, then placed another kiss on her temple. Wanting and waiting.

  He spoke into her tumble of curls. “You. Are. Breathtaking.”

  She smiled, pleased with the feedback.

  “Really?” She smiled as his breath tickled at her ear. “You too.” She whispered back.

  “Tess is already in the car. She flagged down the driver. What’s his name? Jude? Or something,”

  “Joey.” Shane supplied. “It’s Joey. She picked him up for a few days. Her own private Uber.”

  Ryan laughed. “Well, that’s Tessa. So, Anthony’s not joining us tonight.” He paused, waiting for her reaction to the news.

  Shane nodded. “She told me. He called earlier this afternoon. She was ahhh, less than pleased.”

  “I’m sure.” As he spoke, Ryan moved them toward the door. Now, she could see Joey, sexy and stoic, as he stood beside the Escalade. He was tall and lean, dressed very much like Ryan in an all-black ensemble. Ryan curled his hand around her waist and ushered her toward the SUV.

  “Come on. Let’s get out of here.” He said. They moved in tandem through the automatic doors. Joey waved enthusiastically when he spotted her.

  “Hey,” she teased, “you clean up good.”

  He laughed nervously, a blush rising in his cheeks. “I might say the same to you.”

  Ryan measured him with his eyes, taking in the younger man.

  “You might.” He said, his serious demeanor staying for a moment before he found a smile for their young driver. “Hi Joe, I’m Ryan.”

  Joey reached over taking Ryan’s hand. “Nice to meet you. Heard a lot of chatter with your name attached to it, today.”

  “Oh no.” Ryan said and rolled his eyes. “Not sure that I love that, but what can we do?”

  “Glad to put a face to the name, Sir.” Joey said.

  The sentence seemed to break the ice between both men. Ryan laughed, deep and rich.

  “Sir?” Ryan said as he shook his head. “Please, call me Ryan. Let’s get out of here.”

  Joe smiled and rushed to the driver’s side. His words carried over his shoulder and Shane could hear the smile in his voice. “You got it.”

  Ryan ushered Shane into the car and slid in beside her. Tess’s voice lilted back to them from the front seat. “Hey.”

  “Hey.” Shane answered as she scooted across the buttery-soft leather seats to her spot behind Joey. Tess reached back for Shane, her hand opening and closing in the air. Ryan slid into his spot beside Shane and clasped Tess’s hand in his for a moment. His gaze on Shane as he greeted Tess.

  “Hey Tess.”

  “Oh, hi Ryan.” His was not the hand she’d been seeking. Shane closed her eyes. Oh god. This is going to be interesting. Ryan let go of Tess’s searching hand and slid it between Shane’s back and the soft leather interior of the car. He pulled her closer until she was tucked tightly under his arm.

  Joey maneuvered the SUV out onto the strip. “I think I got the destination right, but just to double check, you’re all going to After Party,” he paused waiting for confirmation. “Right?”

  “Yes, that’s right.” Tess answered and turned in the passenger seat so she could see them. She leaned over the center console; her bare arm pressed into Joey’s shoulder. Shane caught his sideways glance and watched the way Joey’s eyes slid over Tess’s body. She wore the metallic copper dress Shane had seen her in at the Boutique today. It was exquisite. She was exquisite.

  The dress was cut just for her. It slipped over her shoulders, falling to a scooped neckline that revealed the swell of her perfect breasts. In the back, where Joey’s eyes lingered, it plunged to her lower back. Shane was pretty sure if Tess moved just the right way, he would see a whisper of her perfect ass just beneath the folds of fabric.

  “Okay.” He was struggling to draw his eyes away. “I just wanted to make sure.”

  “The After Party?” Shane repeated.

  “It’s a club. We can get some appetizers and drinks. They always have the best DJ’s. It’s fun to just go, “dance sometimes.”

  “You’ll like it.” Ryan said, nodding. “Really. It’s,” another pause. “exclusive. The kind of place you have to know or be someone to get into.” Shane laughed.

  “Okay,” she said, her eyes darting between them. “I feel like there’s something you’re all not telling me. Especially after my shopping today.” Shane’s eyes settled on Tess.

  Tess laughed. “Listen, they are very attentive at the Boutique. Steven has trained all his girls to provide personalized attention to their patrons. Honestly, I do almost all my shopping there.”

  Shane was laughing now, “I bet.”

  “You took her to see Steven? Jesus, Tess.” Ryan said, as he shook his head in disbelief.

  “What?” Tess’s eyes were wide, incredulous. “She loved it. By the way. I’d like to clear the air a little with one of my oldest and dearest friends,” Her tawny eyes fell on Ryan. “and my very new and dear friend?” Her voice turned up as she questioned Shane’s title.

  “Tess.” Ryan’s voice held a warning. His eyes had not lingered on her for one moment longer than necessary after he acknowledged her presence in the car. Now, the warning simmered in the heated gaze between them.

  “Ryan. You’re going to have to trust me on this.” She said.

  Shane shifted, dreading what was about to spill from Tess’s lips.

  “Listen, I know things.” Tess laughed. “You know, like Tyrion Lannister knows. I drink and I know things too.”

  Ryan laughed. “Well, I think you are full of the drink tonight.”

  She laughed. “I am.”

  “Ryan, I know you like this girl,” She nodded at Shane. “It was obvious long before I watched the two of you cuddle up in the back seat of this car. It became painfully obvious when you turned me down two nights ago in the hotel lobby.” She closed her eyes, feeling insulted. “I suspected it when I watched the two of you together that first night, but you have done a very, very good job of hiding it. Quite professional, really.” Tess mused, proud of her detective skills.

  Shane closed her eyes and shook her head.

  Tess went on, as her gaze moved to Shane. “I wouldn’t have kissed him if I understood what you meant to him.” Her eyes were wide and soft. “I don’t know if I’ve ever been turned down like that before. Certainly not by him.” She rolled her eyes in his direction. “I’m sorry, Shane.”

  Ryan’s arm tightened around her, holding her close as he spoke. “She saw us Tess. She watched you kiss me.”

/>   “Shane, I’m so sorry.” She said. The heartfelt apology strengthened by the distress in Tess’s eyes.

  “Tessa, I told her about us.” Ryan confessed. “She knows enough to understand.” A spark flashed in Tess’s eyes as she held Shane’s gaze.

  “She does, does she?” She paused for a moment before she went on. “Ryan, the part of our shopping story that I need to tell you is…” Shane’s eyes closed as Tess’s bore into her, “…that I was so curious about your girl that I kissed her too.” Ryan stiffened behind Shane but did not loosen his grip on her waist. Shane opened her eyes and looked into his to find his gaze curious. No judgement. No jealousy. Joey’s eyes that had barely left Tess’s backside, were now locked with hers as she looked up.

  Ryan was not the only one taking in the information and picturing the afternoon kiss between the golden beauty and the girl with the indigo eyes. All at once, the headlights of the oncoming traffic were upon them. Shane closed her eyes and pressed into Ryan preparing for impact.

  Bright white lights of an oncoming car accompanied the blare of a horn blazed by. Joey jerked the wheel hard to the right to pull them back into their own lane. As the car passed, the horn grew more distant but still sounded angry and attention seeking. Everyone was jerked off balance as Joey righted the escalade.

  Joey was mortified. “Sorry. Sorry. Oh god. I’m sorry.”

  “Joey.” She drew his name out with a pout that matched her lips as she met his eyes. “Keep your eyes on the road.” She scolded before she turned her gaze back to Shane and Ryan. “Are you guys okay?”

  Shane nodded. “I’m okay. Are you okay?” The question was directed at Ryan. He had not let go of her. And when she looked properly at him, she saw no hint of anger. Thank god I was good to him about his kiss with Tess. Thank god I was curious and not angry. The thought turned over in her mind. She had been curious and not angry. She looked at him now, trying to read him, wondering if he was also curious.

  His lips found hers and he kissed her. He touched his forehead to hers for a moment before turning his attention back to Tess and Shane understood nothing Tessa had said would damage what they had going.


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