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The Boardroom Series – Complete Boxed Set (Boxes 1 – 6) : An office romance turned seductive submission

Page 36

by Annabel Lucas

  Amazing. He reached down to grasp her hand in his. She reached back and he lifted her effortlessly. Without quite understanding how it had happened, she found herself sitting on Fawn's back behind him; thighs spread wide over the animal's back. Ali pressed firmly against her. Instinctively she wrapped her arms around him.

  “Whoa!” Shane laughed.

  “Hold on,” he said to her and clicked his tongue softly to the horse. Shane tightened her grip around his chest. He leaned forward, as he continued to speak to the little pony in Spanish.

  Then he turned his attention to Shane. “Don’t worry.” He said, patting Shane’s hand reassuringly. “She’s a good girl.”

  The animal shifted under them and began to move, following along the path where Midnight had disappeared into the trees moments ago. Shane belly tightened along with her already tight grip around his chest. She put her forehead down against Ali’s back and closed her eyes.

  Her legs were bare against his rough cargo shorts, and the stiff fabric rubbed at her tender skin. Her belly flat against his bare back. She wore only the light bikini top, and her breasts pressed against him as she held on.

  He felt her tension and echoed what Tess had told her earlier. “Relax.” She felt his warm hand on hers, as his work worn fingers moved over up and over her arm. “It’s okay.”

  As they rode through the trees, he stroked her hands or her arms, murmuring softly. As he had done to the horse, and Shane felt the tension begin to slip away. She felt his steady breathing against her chest and slowed her breath to mirror his. Deep breath in. Deep breath out, as his hand moved over her skin in gentle strokes.

  As Shane concentrated on her breathing she began to take in other details of the ride; now she could hear the pony’s little hooves plodding softly in the dirt. She felt her body sway with Fawn’s, sending an echo through the horse’s body up to hers.

  Shane felt better now and loosened her death grip on Ali’s chest. She let her hands slide down his body to his hips and adjusted her view. Her eyes were no longer closed, face buried in his back. Now, she rested her chin on his shoulder, overseeing the journey from behind. The little horse had carried them up the hill that lay between the vineyard valley and the ocean. Shane watched the trees as they parted, and soon they stood on top of the hillside, looking down the grassy hill to the sandy beach below.

  Shane could see Tessa well beyond where they stood, and the white shore beyond. Ali had been taking it slowly, for her sake. Tess not so much. At the peak of the hilltop, it seemed there was nowhere left to go but down. Ali settled his hand on Shane’s thigh and leaned back into her, as they began their descent.

  Shane's well-worked pussy shifted against the horses back and the rough, hard fabric of Ali’s shorts.

  The methodic sway of the horse’s gait rubbed just enough to irritate. Ali’s work-worn fingers continued to stroke her leg until the sheer fabric wrapped around her hips was no longer a barrier between his skin and hers.

  His hand moved higher on her leg, reaching the tender flesh that rubbed bare against his hip. As the horse reached the bottom of the hill, they rounded the bend and she could see Tess in the distance. Shane glanced down and saw the tall grasses below them shifting to the sandy beach. Fawn moved through the grass, and Shane felt Ali’s hand return once again to hers, still holding on firmly. He gave her two gentle pats, and then his hand was gone.

  The little horse moved through the grass, and once her hooves hit the sand, she set off into a full gallop. Shane heard Ali whoop and knew he was holding on to the reigns. Shane felt like she was flying as Fawn galloped across the beach spraying sand up onto her bare legs.

  Shane could barely breathe. It was all she could do to hold on to Ali. As Fawn slowed, Shane glanced up over Ali’s shoulder and watched as Midnight and Tess grew nearer. Tess’s blond hair had fallen from its messy bun and spilled over her shoulders. She was flushed, eyes bright. It was oblivious she’d loved the ride as much as Shane and Ali.

  “Now, you’ve ridden a horse,” he said. “How was it?”

  She laughed, breathless. "I loved it. Can we go again?”

  “I imagine so,” he said. “Tessa loves to ride.” He laughed again. A deep laugh that thundered from his chest; and Shane wondered if he was talking about the horses.

  Fawn stopped near Midnight, and Ali slid on to the ground. He turned hands upstretched, reaching for Shane. She reached back and let him lift her down like a child.

  “Shanie!” Tess said, still a bit breathless, her eyes bright. “How was the ride?”

  Shane laughed, and embraced her friend. "I loved it." She giggled. “Loved it.” Shane slipped from Tess’s arms and took in their surroundings.

  They stood in a cove, protected by jutting black rocks in the distance where the waves crashed hard. Here, the water looked as smooth as glass, still and deep. When Shane stepped closer, she could see the white sands below the surface almost as clearly as she saw her own feet. Ali tied Fawn to a post near Midnight, and Tess had rolled out the beach towels.

  “Ali, want to join us for a bite before you go?”

  He nodded and smiled.

  The picnic consisted of grapes and cheeses, two bottles of sweet wine, and the oranges Shane brought. Shane popped a grape in her mouth as Tess poured the wine. Flavor burst in her mouth, and it must’ve shown on her face. So good.

  Tess laughed. “Where do you think the wine comes from?”

  Delicious. She took another. They ate and watched the waves crash against the shore, relaxing in the easy quiet as the horses grazed on tall grasses. When they’d finished eating, Shane had a light buzz.

  “Ali,” Tess said. “Would you take the picnic things back to the house with the horses?”

  “Of course.” He nodded. “What time should I come back for you?”

  “Umm,” Tess thought, surveying the empty beach and sky. "Midafternoon. It looks like it's going to be a beautiful day. That will give us a beautiful day at the beach.”

  He nodded. “Want me to move the towels?” He nodded to a grove of trees down the beach. “You may get burned if you stay here.”

  “Oh no, we can do that,” Tess replied, rubbing suntan lotion on her slender legs. “But would you mind?” She asked, holding out a bottle of suntan lotion up, then turning her back to him. Tess winked at Shane and then cast a wicked smile at him.

  He glanced down at the sand and back up at her. Shaking his head,

  “Not at all.” He retrieved the bottle of suntan lotion from her outstretched hand. Then Shane watched as he poured the white liquid into his hands. She’d put her hair back up into a messy bun. Ali began by stroking the liquid into the delicate nape of her neck. He untied the bikini and let his hands glide over her skin. When he reached the clasp in the middle of her back, he unclasped it without hesitation. It fell away into the open space between her legs. Shane watched, hoping he would apply lotion to her as well. As his hands reached Tess’s bikini bottom, his fingers dipped ever so slightly under the edges, ensuring that not an inch of her exposed skin would be sunburned.

  Shane wanted him to ensure she would not be burned. As he finished with Tess’s back, she looked up at him, shielding her eyes from the sun with her hand, and smiled, her eyes set intently on his. “Would you do my front as well?”

  He nodded, “As you wish.”

  The phrase echoed in Shane’s mind, resurfacing in the memory of their driver in Vegas. The one who had looked on hungrily as they disappeared into the club. Ali knelt in front of Tess. He pooled more lotion in his hands, and Shane caught the hint of coconut on the breeze. She watched as his hands moved over her throat and collarbones. Tess sat before him, her legs crossed, face raised to the sun. He worked his hands down her arms, over her biceps, and forearms, until he reached her hands. Then, he rubbed the lotion into each hand, his movement precise and intentional. Massaging her arms from her delicate wrists back up each arm until he reached her shoulder. Rinse and repeat. As soon as he was done with her r
ight side, he began the left, leaving her arms thoroughly protected from the sun. He rubbed more suntan lotion into his palms and began again at her collar bones, moving his thumbs down her chest, until he cupped her breasts.

  Ali rubbed the lotion into the curves of her breasts and over her perky pink nipples. She murmured under his touch and stretched backward to lie on the towel. He continued the massage downward, rubbing the suntan oil into her belly, his fingers again slipping under the edges of her suit.

  Shane had abandoned watching the waves; now, she wanted to watch Ali and Tess. She was content under the movement of his hands, her legs raised, feet flat on the sand, and knees bent as he continued on with his rub down. He worked the lotion into her thighs, starting on the outer edges and working his way inwards until his thumbs worked the tender skin in the hollow of her thighs, just before that juncture Shane remembered so well, covered with a soft layer of blond curls.

  Tess’s chest rose and fell with his touch. He was methodical. He did not hesitate, and he did not hurry. His hands moved over her legs, over her knees, down her shins and ankles, to her beautiful feet. When he reached her feet, he rubbed the suntan lotion into each precious toe, every leaving each crevice attended to. By the time he turned his attention to Shane, she was primed for him to touch, wherever the touch took him.

  Shane’s hair mirrored Tess’s messy bun, tendrils that would not be tamed coiled down around her face. She felt his hands slick with warm lotion on her neck, traveling over her shoulders and down her back in the same way that they had moved over Tess. Ali rubbed the lotion in and worked the tension out. She was lost to his touch. His hands began on her neck. Shane felt the clasp of her top let loose and breathed into it. She anticipated Alejandro’s touch, satisfied her would take care of her as he had done Tess.

  His big hands had a gentle way as they moved over her ribcage and down her waist. She leaned into his touch and was rewarded with fingers that slipped under the edge of her bikini bottom. Her bottoms were much lower than Tess’s, and she felt his fingers caress the top of her ass and the span of her hips before he moved to her front side. This man.

  She closed her eyes and tipped her face up into the sun, taking in the sensations. His body cast a shadow over her, an extra layer of protection from the sun. Shane felt his hands on her face, as he rubbed the suntan lotion, over her forehead, and cheekbones. So intimate. As his fingers trailed down her throat, and she felt him squeeze ever so slightly and her panties dampened. Jesus.

  His hands moved over her shoulders, across her collarbones, and down her chest, stopping right before contact with her breasts to return to her arms. Working tension out and applying lotion down to each perfectly manicured finger. She was so glad she’d taken time to get her nails and toes done before she’d left home. When he returned to her collarbones, she knew what was coming. Shane sucked in breath, sudden and cold, when his hands found her breasts. He took her right breast in both hands and massaged away, squeezing, his hands slick with lotion as he covered her pale skin. His thumbs worked their way outward until he reached her nipple. When he was finished with her right breast, he applied suntan lotion to her left until she didn't know if she could take his methodical touching.

  Then his hands shifted, underneath her breasts, down her ribs, and to her belly. His fingers moved over her waist and when he reached the edge of her swimsuit, his fingers slipping just under the edges. He worked his hands down her legs, over her knees to her ankles and feet; her nerves heightened to his every touch. The buzz in her head heightened by the warmth and the sun. She opened her eyes to watch Ali as he reapplied lotion to his hands, she knew he intended to cover the tender skin of her inner thighs. When Tess spoke.

  “Ali, she’s a little extra vulnerable.” Tess lowered her voice “she’s recently waxed.” Shane closed her eyes, color rising in her cheeks.

  “As you wish." He said, and this time, it was as she wished. She felt his fingers slide under her bikini bottoms and pull them away. Shane spread her legs, a silent request for Ali to tend to her, and just like with Tess he did not hesitate. His fingers returned to her legs, rubbing the suntan oil into her tender skin as she spread her legs.

  His hands moved over the skin of her lower belly that had a been covered by her suit a moment ago. When his thumb grazed her pussy lips, she gasped. He covered her, but no more, coating the whitest white of her flesh with suntan lotion, preventing a burn of any kind. Just as Tess had requested.

  Shane was wet and warm by the time he was done.

  "Thank you, Ali,” Tess said dismissing him.

  Shane felt him shift, and then his shadow was gone. She turned to Tess shielding her own eyes from the sun.

  “Ummm, thank you for, that.” She said softly.

  Tess laughed. “Ali? Oh, well he’s the best. I love a good rub down, I figured you would as too.”

  Shane burst out laughing. “How does he do it? He must be hard, like, all the time.”

  Tess flashed a wicked smile. “I take care of Ali; you don’t have to worry about him.”

  Shane felt Tess’s eyes on her, before she spoke. “Shanie, you look a little warm, want to take a dip?”

  “Absolutely.” Shane laughed.


  Stormy Dusk

  S hane was up and, on her feet, sprinting down the beach behind Tess before she remembered she was naked. If she hadn’t been trying to catch Tess, she might have gone back, but her lack of clothing made this chase more fun. Shane raced after Tess as the waves grew to foamy bursts, rising higher and higher, up her legs. Then, without warning Tess broke her stride and dove into the ocean. Shane laughed, and followed, easing into the warm salty water. The water lapped at her knees, and then her thighs. She scanned the water for Tess and saw her surface ten yards out.

  “Come on!” Tess called. “The water’s great!”

  Shane laughed and eased farther into the water. It was up to her hips, now tickling at her naked sex. The salty water kissing her with each lapping wave. Shane moved into the water, now it was up to her hips, and belly, the bottom of her ribs, the sand beneath her feet no longer visible under the sea foam. Shane scanned the surface for Tess but did not see her.

  “Tess!” Shane called, panicking for a moment, but then Tess was there, close as the waves ebbed and flowed around them. Shane laughed and hugged the taller girl.

  “You scared me. I didn’t know where you were.”

  “Here, I’m here.” Tess said breathless from the run and her swim in the waves. “Let me show you something.”

  “Okay." Shane said, as Tess lead her into deeper waters. Then Tess turned to face the expanse of the ocean. Shane mirrored her friend as she faced the horizon.

  “Do you see the wave coming?” Tess asked.

  Shane looked out to see the swell of the wave as it approached. Tess squeezed her hand, instructing. “Get ready to jump… NOW!”

  Shane did as she was told and jumped with the wave. Her stomach flip-flopped, as their bodies were caught in the current and carried back toward shore. Shane was giggled, gripping Tess’s hand and heard the instruction again.

  "Jump!" And she did. The wave carried them back once again. They did this several times, rushing into the water and riding the waves to shore. Again, and again, Tess would pull her back out, so they could jump into the oncoming waves. Their bare breasts browning in the afternoon sun. It was exhilarating.

  Laughing as she waited for the next wave, Shane felt Tess’s hand slide away, for a moment. Shane turned to find her, and Tess slipped behind her, wrapping her arms around her. Shane leaned into her, laying her head on Tess’s shoulder. Shane felt the pull of the current and looked up just in time to see the next wave.

  Tess instructed “jump,” softly in her ear.

  Shane obeyed, and the wave carried them back as it had before. Tess moved them forward again, into the foamy water, and Shane tried to find the point in the horizon where the sky met the water. She squinted into the distance as she felt
Tess’s fingers part her.

  "Ohhhh," she exhaled and stopped seeing the distance. Tess’s finger slipped through her folds. Shane felt her desire rise, and before she could even fully enter the feeling, she heard Tess’s voice again, “Jump.” Tess's fingers circling Shane’s bundle of nerves as the wave carried them up and backward. Shane gasped and felt Tess move her forward, into the waves. The next one was coming, and Tess’s free hand now squeezed her right breast, rolling her nipple between her fingers.

  “Ohhhh,” Shane pressed her hands over Tess’s and did her best to obey. The next wave came, and Shane knew the drill by now.

  “Jump,” Tess instructed. And Shane jumped on trembling legs, Tess’s fingers moving faster and faster. Shane felt the climax rise in her thighs. Tess carried her into the orgasm as the waves moved them back toward the beach. Carried by the current, at the mercy of the sea, Tess slipped her fingers inside her, and Shane came and came. At the mercy of the climax and the ocean. And she could not stop trembling.

  When they emerged from the water, Shane clung to Tess. They both walked up the beach to their towels. The tree’s shadows had lengthened while they played; and now the towels lay warmed by the sun, in the shade. Tess sat down and pulled Shane beside her.

  The water here by the cove was as still as glass. Waves crashed in the distance, over black rocks that protected the little cove. She sat mesmerized and realized Tess had curled up beside her and fallen asleep.

  Shane found her swimsuit and slipped into it, then wound her hair into a messy knot. She’d deal with her wet sea-soaked hair later. Shane lay down beside Tess. Tess surfaced from sleep long enough to curl around her. Then lulled by the sound of breaking waves they slept.

  When Shane opened her eyes, the endless blue sky had shifted from clear blue and cloudless to a menacing gray. The beach towel covered her legs, keeping the cold away. The air had shifted to match the gray sky. Shane shivered, moving closer to her Tessa’s warmth.


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