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The Boardroom Series – Complete Boxed Set (Boxes 1 – 6) : An office romance turned seductive submission

Page 46

by Annabel Lucas

  “Well,” Tess paused, taking a deep breath. “Things turned into a sort of mess.” She explained as if Shane hadn’t been there.

  Shane laughed. It was a short sound that hurt her head. “I thought so.” She said.

  “Shane,” Tess said, her eyes filled with concern. “tell us what happened?

  Shane nodded. "Dan was creepy after what happened."

  Ryan’s eyes narrowed. “What happened?”

  Shane met Tess’s eyes, “You didn’t tell him?”

  “Everything happened so fast tonight, that didn’t even occur to me,” Tess explained, and Shane nodded and went on.

  "Ry, when I went in to get Tess this afternoon, we got a little friendly, and I gave her a kiss." He nodded unsurprised.

  Tess continued the story. “Dan followed Shane in and interrupted the kiss. He seemed to take great delight in witnessing our affection.”

  Shane picked up from Tess as Ryan turned his attention to her. "Tess wasn’t having it. She told him to leave, and then he ran his mouth a little, saying Tessa was protected, but I wasn't. "

  Ryan was confused. “Not protected?”

  Shane shook her head, “He was saying Tess was protected by the nondisclosure he had to sign, but that I wasn’t. Then he made some crack about me having an inappropriate work relationship which is true.”

  “Shane!” Tess scolded. “Your relationship with me is not inappropriate; it’s delightful and consensual. He’s an ass.”

  “He is an ass. He was a little creepy when I met him this afternoon, but as the day wore on, it got worse. He made some crack about me having to compete with Ali for my girlfriend’s attention. Honestly, I just couldn’t get back into that ATV and sit next to him. He kept pressing into me, making less room to breathe. So, I walked back to the house and laid down.”

  Ryan shook his head. “I didn’t even realize you’d made it back. We were in such a hurry to find Penny’s lens. She was frantic.”

  Shane nodded. "I'm sure. That thing has got to cost a fortune. I heard you outside searching and thought she might have left it out at the corral. I just headed down there."

  Tess shook her head. “Shane.”

  “I didn’t even think about it.”

  “What happened in the barn?” Ryan asked.

  "It was so dark, and I was kind of freaked out. I went searching for a flashlight in Ali's office. I found one in his drawer, but it was sort on the fritz. I got it to work and took it out to the corral. I did find her lens, and I was so excited...." Shane paused, remembering. In her memory, there was fear, not excitement. Shane shook her head, trying to clear it.

  Tess knelt before her, rubbing her leg. “What happened next?”

  "I heard something, and Ty started growling. I got scared and ran into the barn. Then Ty and Sammie disappeared into the rain. The storm was picking up, and I thought I closed the door to the barn. I wanted to go back to the house, but I was afraid of what was outside. Something spooked the horses." She fought through the foggy memory, and then it came rushing back. "I thought someone was there in the dark. I fell and hit my head." She lifted her hand to the back of her head, wincing at the bump she found there.

  Tess’s slim arms slid around her, and Ryan’s eyes blazed.

  “And then Ali was there. I don’t know what would have happened if you hadn’t come.” She said, looking up into his eyes. He’d joined them in the makeshift darkroom.

  Tess turned to him, “Ali? What happened?”

  He nodded. "I went down to the barn. While everyone was looking for the camera lens, I was looking for Shane. I felt like something was wrong when she wanted to walk back to the house. We hadn't seen her, and everyone was distracted, so I went to find her." Tess nodded.

  He went on, "The storm was starting to pick up, and I heard the dogs growling. I followed their distress, and the horses were responding the same way. By the time I reached Shane, she was pretty out of it. She'd hit her head. The barn door was open, just swinging in the wind."

  “So, what now?” Shane asked.

  Ryan took a deep breath. This was his show, and he was left to clean up the mess. "Well, Penny quit last night to appease Dan's anger at the damaged equipment. She left apologizing, trying to make it better. She left the film as an attempt at a peace offering. Dan is threatening to sue due to damaged property."

  Tess shook her head. “It’s ridiculous.”

  Ryan nodded. “True. It’s ridiculous.”

  Ali nodded in agreement.

  “Without her, we don’t have much to put together for the campaign and the deadline for this lady here,” Ryan gestured to Tess, “is Friday.”

  Tess laughed and shook her head. “Come on, don’t worry.”

  “You say that, but our company will never understand if we fall short on the job you’ve commissioned us to do,” Ryan said.

  The smile faded from her face, and she raised her eyebrows “Hence, the darkroom.” She said to Shane.

  "Oh, the darkroom," Shane said. Remembering a drunken night of playing "I never" with Ryan. She'd discovered one of his secret skills was developing film. It was something he'd picked up in college. Boy, it did serve him now.

  Shane rose on wobbly legs to review Penny’s work. The images were amazing. It included Tess and Ali, the horses. She’d captured the vineyard and Tess with utter perfection.

  "Ryan, these are beautiful," Shane said in admiration

  “They are.” He said.

  “So, you have the product. Can you put together the proposal Tess is paying us for, to satisfy the company and our lovely client?” Shane asked. While she spoke, Tess stroked her head gently.

  “I think so.” He said nodding. “I think I can just about pull that off.”

  “Okay,” Tess said nodding. “Then, we need to get this girl back to her bed.”

  Shane looked up at Tess; her eyes were suddenly very heavy.

  Ali could see the pain. “I’ll help.” He said, and before Shane could protest, he’d lifted her into his arms and started up the stairs.

  She heard Tess behind him. “I think he’s feeling a little protective of that one.”

  Ryan was quiet for a moment. “I think he is too, and I’m grateful beyond words.”

  “Me too,” said Tess.

  Shane closed her eyes and let her head fall against Ali’s chest.


  Next Phase

  W hen she opened her eyes again, sunlight streamed past the edges of her closed blinds. Her headache was gone. She reached up and felt the knot at the back of her head. It was much reduced. She tested her balance, first by sitting then standing on wobbly legs. Shane made her way to the shower. By the time she emerged, she was feeling better. Tess must have heard the shower because a fresh outfit lay on the bed. Shane slipped into leggings and oversized sweatshirt before she padded out to the kitchen.

  The heavenly smells that reached her told her Marie was hard at work. The house seemed to foster good conversation, so the murmur of voices did not surprise Shane, but the guests did. Penny sat at the table, her face somber, eyes red-rimmed and Jessica sat beside her.

  “Oh Shane, I am so sorry,” Penny said as she rose to greet her. “I had no idea. God and Jessica.” Penny moved back to her assistant and put her arm around the girl.

  Shane looked to Tess, then to Ryan. “I think I need a little help to catch up.”

  Penny nodded. "Last night after we left, Dan was in such a rage. He was furious, beyond furious about a broken lens. I couldn't understand it." She shook her head. "He's always had his own way. He's quiet, and not the best people person."

  Jessica raised her eyebrows, her bright blue eyes wide in question.

  Penny’s words came out in a rush. "I didn't' know how bad it had gotten." She said looking to Jessica. "I'm so glad you told me." Penny turned to the others with an explanation. "Jessica witnessed Dan's questionable behavior as he was interacting with Shane. She came to tell me about it once we were settled back at the In

  Jessica spoke up, "The thing is, he's been kind of awful to me for months now. He's a bully, and he seems to like to make other people uncomfortable. At least he likes to make me uncomfortable. I told Penny about what happened with you, and then what had been happening with me."

  Penny shook her head, but let Jessica go on. “She confronted him, and he copped to the whole thing. He apologized and asked Penny to forgive him.” Jessica shook her head. “He’s such a jackass.”

  Penny nodded. “He is a jackass.” Then she turned to Shane. “How are you feeling?”

  “Much better today,” Shane said and meant it.

  Ryan had taken the seat next to her and held her hand. He didn't seem to care any longer about how things looked between them. She let her fingers intertwine with his fingers, grateful for his touch.

  “You said he copped to the whole thing. What did he say?” Shane asked.

  Penny nodded, understanding the need for an explanation. "Dan said he’d witnessed a private moment yesterday and then teased you and gave you a hard time about it. He said he knew it made you uncomfortable. He said he followed you out to the barn; I'm not sure what he thought he was going to do. More of the same, I suppose, but then he'd scared you, and he heard Ali coming. He knew he was in trouble when you dropped the lens, and it was entirely his fault. He ran off, hoping things didn't come crashing down on him. Listen, he's my brother, but…"

  A murmur of understanding ran through the group. Clarity. He was her brother. This was why Penny, delightful, talented Penny put up with this man. He was her family.

  "Last night was his wake-up call. He's done with this behavior. He's done working for me. I can't apologize enough. I promise he will not cause any more trouble for you.” She nodded at Shane. “or you." She said turning to Jessica.

  Shane nodded. “Thank you.”

  “Can I see the photos?” Penny asked.

  Ryan looked to Tess. Ultimately, they belonged to her. “Of course.” She said. “Let me get them.”

  The images had been drying all night. Tess slipped away to retrieve them and returned with the black and white photos. Penny sifted through the images; her eyes bright and curious.

  “Amazing. Tess, I’m so pleased they turned out so well. Who did you get to develop them without notice?”

  "Ryan did," Tess confessed.

  "Ryan?" She asked, smiling. "They're beautiful. You did a great job."

  “Thanks, Penny. I’ll follow up with you later this week to wrap up any loose ends.” He looked down and checked his watch; realizing their time together was growing short. “Listen,” he said to Penny and Jessica, “we better let you two get going. That flight of yours won’t wait.”

  Penny met his gaze. “No, I don’t suppose it will.”

  "Thank you for allowing us to work with you, all things with my brother aside, I had a wonderful time." Penny turned to Tess. "You and Ali are amazing models, and your home speaks for itself."

  Color flooded Tess's cheeks, and for once, she seemed lost for words. "Thank you."

  The two women exchanged hugs before they made their way to the front door. Ryan and Ali followed them out and Tess sank into the chair beside Shane. “I need to talk to you…” she said, but lost the moment, as Marie fluttered around the table with breakfast.

  “Let her eat, Mija. She needs some food.”

  Tess nodded. "Okay, later. I need to talk to you sooner than later."

  “Okay,” Shane said. But later, she was tired, and her head throbbed like a sore tooth. Later was still too early to digest more information.

  “I’m okay, I just need to lie down for a little while,” She said to Tess as she excused herself. Shane made her way back to the bedroom; slipped between the sheets and slept.

  When she woke up, it was dark outside. Ryan was lying beside her, snoring softly. She'd slept the day away. When she climbed out of bed, it was on solid legs. Her headache was gone. She searched for the bump on the back of her head and found none. Shane slipped out of the bedroom and followed the light coming from the kitchen.

  "Tess?" She said softly. Tess was sitting at the table working, nose buried in her laptop. Photos from the photoshoot lay strewn across the table. When she saw Shane in the doorway, she smiled.

  “Hi sleeping beauty.” Tess said, rising to meet her.

  “Hi.” Shane said as embraced her friend. Taking in the moment, her slender body strong against Shane’s.

  Tess pulled slightly so she could meet her eyes, “how are you feeling?” She asked.

  Shane smiled, “So much better.”

  Tess’s wary eyes narrowed, “are you sure?”

  “Absolutely,” Shane reassured her.

  The relief her words brought Tess was visible. She hugged Shane again. “I’m so glad. I was concerned when you slept so long, but I just kept telling myself you needed the rest.”

  Shane laughed. “I must have. Here,” She said and brought Tess’s hand up to the back of her head, to show her. “The bump is gone.”

  Tess's fingers moved over the back of Shane’s head tenderly, searching for signs of damage. She found none. "Wonderful. You're a quick healer."

  “I am.” Shane nodded. “So, tell me,” She said turning her attention to the table. “What are you doing?”

  "I'm getting ready for the Pairing campaign." Tess said. “Ryan and I have been talking, and he feels my visibility during the campaign is important. The festival is a couple of weeks away. It will be the initial launch into our target market. I'll be travelling for a while."

  Shane nodded. "That makes sense. Who is going to man the fort while you're gone? I thought Drew was going to stay with Micah for a while." Tess's initial plan had been to stay at the vineyard house while Drew was with Micah in Italy. The last time they'd spoken, he had no plans to return to the states.

  A smile tickled at the corner of Tess’s mouth. “That’s the thing. He’s not coming home, but I have an idea.”

  Tess’s energy was contagious, and Shane mirrored her excitement naturally. “What is it?” She asked.

  “How would you feel about staying at the vineyard house?”

  Shane laughed. “Tess, I am staying at the vineyard house. Did you hit your head?”

  "No," Tess said. She laughed, but her eyes were serious. "Stay here, Shane. Live here." She waited for the proposal to sink in. "I'm thinking, for the next year?" She said. The smile reflected in her eyes.

  "Oh, Tess. I couldn't. What about my job, and Ryan? Besides, where would you live?"

  "Well, that's the thing. Ryan's been encouraging me to be mobile. We've had serious interest in Pairings. This is an opportunity to grow in a new direction. It means I'll need the ability to travel and meet new business partners. It's a new phase in our family business, and I've been chosen to spearhead it. Drew is staying with Micah and Michael is taking care of the Vegas vineyard.

  “What about this vineyard?” Shane asked, confused. They were a little short on key players. Her mind was spinning.

  "That's where I come in." a familiar voice answered. Shane turned her head and met Ryan's steady gaze as he leaned against the doorway. "Tess has been working on me for a while. It's just that I haven't been listening. Being here with you, brings things into a new light. The Vino Pairing," he went on, "is the new face of the company. After I saw the pictures, it made perfect sense to me. We thought Tess and Anthony were the faces of the pairing project, but that was wrong. The face of the company is Tess and Ali. He's been here all along working this land. His place in the campaign photos just helped me see it."

  “Have you talked to Ali?” Shane asked.

  "She has," Ali said as he joined them.

  Ryan continued. "Tess and Ali are going to head to a little early Aspen and get settled. They'll stay for the festival and then start calling on local chefs and restaurateurs. They'll be travelling, making offers to the top choices."

  “And you want me to stay here?” Shane said. “Listen as much as I’d love
to stay on vacation...” She laughed protesting.

  Tess laughed with her, shaking her head. "No, honey. Not on vacation. I want you to come work for me. To live here, to take care of the vineyard house. Don't worry. I'll give you a budget. You'll need some help since I'm taking Ali with me." She squeezed Shane's hand. "I'd like you to be my assistant; to work from the house, make all our travel arrangements, help with the presentations. I want you to take care of all the details. I can’t think of anyone more perfect for the job.”

  The idea brought a smile to her face, so flattering. So impractical. "I don't know, Tess; it's just…"

  "Just what?" She interrupted her tawny eyes wide with the questions. "Is it money? Don't worry about the money. I'll double your salary. Please. I know you love the house."

  Shane swallowed, trying to digest the offer. She looked to Ryan for the answers.

  "Shanie,” He began. “You don't have all the information yet. She’s asked me to oversee the Vineyard operations. I’ve been talking to Amanda.”

  Shane interrupted, “Ryan, I know all about the partnership.”

  Tess looked surprised. "You do?" She asked.

  Ryan’s eyes darted to Tess, then back to Shane’s. “You do?”

  “Yes,” she said. “Amanda talked to me about it. I’ve already made the arrangements for your interview next week with the Senior Partners.”

  Ryan broke into a grin, and Tess laughed. Now it was Shane's turn to be confused.

  "Shane." He slipped into the seat beside her and took her hands in his. "The partnership is with Tess, and Michael and Drew. They've asked me to work with them at Vino; to join the family business as a partner." His eyes were bright with the possibility. "The meetings that you're helping Amanda with are for me to discuss an exit strategy with the Senior Partners. I don't want to leave the company in a tight spot. We are going to work out the best way for me to transition to Vino, a way that's good for both companies. I wanted to talk to you first, but Tess beat me to it. She wants you to come to California for the job.” He looked down at her hands. “I want you to come to California with me.”

  Tears burned her eyes as the words sunk in. “With you?” She asked, smiling. He wanted her to move to California with him, to the vineyard house.


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