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In Sickness & in Health (Vegas Vow)

Page 6

by K. L. Humphreys

  "Have you heard from Sadie?" Vi asks Cam once we begin to eat.

  Rhea woke up just before the dinner arrived and is now sitting between Mindy and Hamilton and the two of them are in heaven as they entertain their granddaughter. Hamilton is absolutely besotted with her, then again, anyone who comes into contact with Rhea instantly falls in love with her.

  "A few times, she's pissed. She thinks I've wasted her time." He rolls his eyes, "She's pissed and she's hurting but it's done. She never wants to see me again."

  Vi and Mindy are quiet which is never a good thing.

  "Jesus," he mutters, "you think she's right."

  Mindy nods, "Yeah, son, I do."

  Vi shrugs. "Sadie, as much as I think you're better off without her, has a point. I mean, you said it yourself that you couldn't see a future with her. When you realized that, you should have ended it."

  Cam stares at his sister in disbelief. "Seriously?"

  "Yeah," Vi says softly as she reaches for her drink. "Women are engineered differently than men, we can't have sex with someone repeatedly without feelings getting involved. I'm sorry, Cam, but you were with her since you were seventeen and that's a long time. You lead her on and that really wasn't fair to her." She takes a sip of her wine, she's not finished letting Cam know where he went wrong.

  "I'm not saying you're in the wrong, what happened in your relationship is between you and Sadie. I'm not telling you this so you feel bad. I'm letting you know so in the future when you find a woman, you'll understand the mistakes you made. When a woman's with a guy for a while, her mind instantly goes to the future and she can't help but imagine what life will be like... Will you have kids, will you be married, have a house? All that stuff. So I feel bad for her, she obviously thought you two were building a life together. When you ended things, you crushed all those dreams she had built."

  Mindy nods once again, "Don't take it to heart, son, that woman wasn't right for you; she was rotten to the core, just like her mom. But your sister is right, learn from this and make sure you don't do it again."

  He clenches his jaw, he's pissed that he's hurt Sadie. He may not have loved her but he never intentionally meant to hurt her. He never told me about their relationship until after they had broken up. I had assumed that he was happy with her. But I was wrong. I guess we only saw what they wanted us to. It makes sense as to why Sadie was so jealous of everyone in Cam's life. She was clinging to him in hopes of trying to keep him.

  It's Hamilton that speaks next and when he does, Cam sits a little straighter. Hamilton's usually laid back and doesn't really get involved in any arguments unless he has too and when he does get involved, everyone usually listens to him. The man is someone I highly respect. He's always treated me like a son and when I made my first million, he was the first call I made.

  "Listen to your mom and sister, you've made a mistake and you're now going to learn from it. You're not the only one to make mistakes, we all have. Some worse than others..." He glares at me when he makes that statement and I realize that he knows what happened between Vi and I five years ago. "But, you’ll realize that we have all made mistakes. We’ve all grown from them. Do the same. Learn the lesson and never make the same mistake again."

  He nods, obviously taking on all his family's words. They want the best for him and that was never Sadie. I just hope that when he finds a woman, she'll be better than that selfish bitch.

  "So where are we going?" Vi asks once we're in the car and on our way home.

  "Vegas," I answer her, with a smile on my face.

  She gasps softly, "Vegas? Really?"

  "Yeah, really. I know you've always wanted to go." She thinks she's Tom Dwan of the poker world. Just not at the high stakes. Cam refuses to play with her, she's that good. Cam hates to lose.

  “You’re spoiling me, Drew…” she grumbles and I wince, she’s still not over the fact that I bought her a new cell phone. Hers was a piece of shit and almost five years old. I told her that it was a perk of working for me and she just glared at me.

  “Vi, sweetheart,” I begin, “I love you and I want you to be happy and have everything you could ever want. I want to spoil you, so please don’t get upset with me, okay? I have more money than I know what to do with and spoiling you makes me happy.”

  She sighs, “Okay, fine. But not too much.”

  I smile, she owns me hook line and sinker. I’ll spend all my money on her if I thought she needed or wanted something.

  Not only will Vi be spoiled, but Rhea will be too and I have the perfect idea for what I’ll be purchasing for Rhea for her birthday.

  “What are you smiling about?” Vi asks, her voice filled with skepticism.

  “Just thinking how fucking perfect you are.”

  “You’re full of shit,” she fires back. “But, I love you.” She grabs my hand and holds it tightly.

  Next week I have her for an entire day to myself. I’m going to worship every inch of her body, she’ll know without a shadow of a doubt just how much she means to me.



  I stare at the pink lines. Dread fills my stomach. How the hell did I end up here again? Pregnant and unwed. Damn.

  I'm scared. Beyond that. I'm out of my mind terrified. Things between Drew and I have been doing better than amazing and these two pink lines can change that in a heartbeat. I should be happy, elated, and overjoyed. Having a baby is a good thing, a joyous occasion. I've always wanted to have a big family, to have siblings for Rhea. I want her to have what Cam and I have, the everlasting bond that you can only get by having a sibling. But right now, I'm frightened. I can't bear for another man to reject their child.

  There's no way that I'm going to have an abortion, that's just not me. I admire the women that have the strength to have one. I want this baby, it may not be the right time, hell I'm not even in the right state of mind, nor do I have the financial backing to have one. But then again, I was in the same situation with Rhea and she's the best thing that ever happened to me.

  Right now, I need to wrap my head around this and figure out a way to tell Drew. We're going to Vegas today and I really should tell him before we leave, but that fear that has my entire body shaking makes me not want to say a word and wait until we're back and then tell him.

  I'm so confused as to what to do.

  I don't want to lose him. I've finally managed to overcome the pain and fall head over heels in love with him. This could change everything.

  A high pitched squeal makes me smile. Rhea's doing amazing since her surgery, she's bounced back better than I could have ever envisioned. My baby is resilient and I love that she'll be able to get to live a relatively normal life. I throw the pregnancy test into the trash and quickly wash my hands. Sighing as I glance back at the trash, knowing that there's absolutely nothing I can do about this situation I open the bathroom door and go in search of my daughter and brother.

  I'm surprised to see that Rhea's squealing at Drew as he blows raspberries against her neck. My daughter's eyes are bright with happiness and Drew's got a huge smile on his face. This is what I want, a proper family.

  "Hey, sweetheart, are you all packed?" Drew asks when he sees me standing in the doorway. His eyes soft as he looks at me, I love that, he only has that soft look for me and Rhea.

  "Yeah." I try and give him a smile but I know that it falls flat. "I'm all packed. Where's Cam?" He was here when I went into the bathroom.

  He frowns, putting Rhea down onto the floor where she quickly moves toward her toys that are in the corner of the room. Drew moves toward me. "He had to run to the store. Are you okay, sweetheart?" he asks once he reaches me.

  I nod, unable to speak knowing that if I do, I'll spill everything and right now I can't.

  He doesn't believe me and I can't blame him. I need to get myself together.

  The front door opens and relief washes through me as Cam strolls in. "Are you two ready to spend some alone time together?"

  I nod. "Y
eah," I say honestly, we've yet to have a night to ourselves.

  That seems to ease Drew, he pulls me into his body and kisses my cheek. "Where's your luggage, sweetheart?"

  I lean against him, loving the support he's giving me. Maybe he won't walk away? Maybe the love we have is enough for him to stay. He's amazing with Rhea, he's told me more than once that Rhea is his just as I am.

  "In the bedroom, are you packed?"

  He grins at me, "Yeah, all ready to go." He brings his lips to my ear, "I can't wait to get you to the hotel, I'm going to strip you naked and fuck you until you're writhing in pleasure."

  I squirm against his hold. "Drew..." I murmur on a moan.

  "Right, enough you two," Cam says as he picks Rhea up. "I have her room ready in my house, but I'm wondering if it would be better for us to stay here?"

  Cam moved out three days ago and I adore his house. It's perfect for him, some of the rooms need a little work done to them, but he's going to love doing that and when he has the money and time, he can put it all into it. It's huge, a lot bigger than I thought it would be. But we all love it and we're happy for him.

  "Whichever you're most comfortable with," I reply. "You know that you're always welcome to stay here, whenever you want."

  He nods, "We'll play it by ear and see if she's comfortable at my place."

  "Who wouldn't be. Hell I'd live at your place if I could." I laugh, I love his house that much.

  I rent my house and it would be the ultimate dream to own a house and if I could, it would be to own something as amazing as Cameron's.

  "Sweetheart, we've got to get going," Drew says softly, his hand pressing on my hip.

  My heart constricts as I turn my attention to my daughter who is in Cam's arms. I hate that I'm leaving her.

  "If she needs us, we'll be on the first flight home," Drew promises me and relief washes through me. "I'll have the jet fueled up and waiting, just to be on the safe side."

  God, I love him. He's so thoughtful.

  I say my goodbyes to Cam and Rhea, barely managing to stop the tears from falling, but Drew was there the entire time, his hand on my back offering me silent support.

  We arrive at the hotel and I'm still scared, but I know that I'm going to have to tell him. There's no way I'll be able to go through the entire day and night without saying something.

  As soon as we're into the hotel room, Drew's pulling me toward him. "What was it that I promised?" he asks, his voice thick with lust.

  I gasp as his lips go to my neck, shivers run through my body as he sucks on the skin just above my collar bone. Damn him. I had hoped to tell him about the baby right away but as soon as he begins to suck on that sweet spot, all thoughts leave my mind.

  I move, needing to have my lips on his and I do. My hands roam his body. He always knows how to make me lose my mind and forget everything but him. He consumes me with just being close.

  "Drew." His name comes out as a whispered moan when his hands go to my ass.

  "Mine," he growls. “You're mine, Vi." He starts to press soft, wet kisses along my jawline and I throw my head back and let him worship me.

  We move toward the bed, I need him in me.

  We start to undress each other. I kick off my shoes, not once has he stopped kissing or touching me. The connection we have is just as always: hot, steamy, and electric.

  "Vi." His voice thick with need. I twist in his arms and I start backing him up until he hits the edge of the bed. I fall to my knees and take him into my mouth; I love the way he hisses as my mouth wraps around his thick cock. My eyes are on his and I'm unable to pull my gaze away, it's as though I'm hypnotized. His eyes dark and filled with so much emotion that I find it hard to breathe.

  "Enough," he tells me, his breathing ragged, he never lets me finish him off with my mouth. He always tells me that he wants to come in me, that I always come first.

  "Drew," I whisper, I'm still on my knees on the floor. I'm soaked, my juices are coating my thighs.

  He reaches for me and throws me onto the bed effortlessly. I scramble up to my knees. I need him in me from behind. He gets so deep this way. I can feel the heat of him behind me just before he enters me. I moan as he thrusts into me. I push back against him needing more.

  His hands roaming my ass are driving me crazy, his touch sending shivers up my spine. "Baby," I whisper. "So good, please, Drew, I need more. I'm so close," I whine, my body wound tightly. I'm about to explode at any second.

  "Me too, sweetheart." He continues to thrust into me, it's painful and beautiful all rolled into one. I'm so fucking close. His fingers dig into the skin of my hips as he pounds into me like a man possessed.

  "Harder," I moan, and buck up against him, trying to reach my breaking point.

  He doesn't even hesitate, he pistons in and out of me. The only sound in the room is our bodies slapping together as he fucks me relentlessly, our moans mixing together, none of our words intelligible.

  His teeth clamp on my shoulder and I detonate, screaming as I come harder than I ever have in my life.

  "Christ, Vi. God, sweetheart." He grunts as he thrusts into me, his hands at my waist are the only thing keeping me upright, but Drew hasn't yet found his release.

  He pulls out of me and flips me over so that I'm lying on my back. "I'm so fucking close, Vi," he tells me as he thrusts back into me, I cry out as he does.

  It doesn’t take long. "Fuck, fuck, fuck." He groans, shoving his head into my neck as he releases inside of me.

  He holds his weight off me as we both come down from the best love making we've ever had. I've never come so hard in my life. I'm tired, utterly spent, and more in love with this man that I ever thought possible.

  He lies down beside me and pulls me into his arms, so that we're face to face. "Talk to me, sweetheart, what happened?"

  I lick my lips, I guess there's no time like the present. I take a steadying breath and let the words tumble out of my mouth.

  "I'm pregnant..."



  She's pregnant.


  Pride and happiness swarm through me. Everything I've ever wanted is finally coming to fruition.

  Before I'm able to show her just how fucking happy I am that she's pregnant, I take in her tight body, furrowed brows, and pursed lips.

  "Sweetheart, talk to me?" I ask brushing her blonde hair from her face.

  Gone is the after sex glow, she's tense and her eyes filled with fear.

  Her body starts to tremble and I pull her closer to me, I'm fucking worried now. "Vi, what's going on?"

  "Are you going to leave now?" The words are barely whispered, but I still hear them.

  "Fuck no." It comes out harsher than I had intended. It was a swift and easy answer to make.

  She moves in my arms, lifting her head so that I see those big, wide, brown eyes of hers so full of confusion. "You're not?"

  I shake my head, "No, sweetheart, I'm not."

  She stares at me in disbelief.

  "Do you think that once I finally got you back that I'd let you go? This is the best news you could have ever given me."

  Her mouth falls open and she just gapes at me.

  "You know what I felt when I saw Rhea for the very first time when she was a baby?"

  Her beautiful eyes are filled with unshed tears, her long blonde hair falls around her face as she shakes her head. "No," she whispers softly.

  "I was jealous. All I wanted was for Rhea to be mine. Mine and yours. I've loved you for so fucking long and finding out that you were pregnant, and knowing the baby wasn’t mine, was like a knife to the gut. Fucking painful."

  She bucks against me as her sobs, her tears fall thick and fast soaking my skin.

  "Please don't cry." God, she's killing me here.

  "These are happy tears," she tells me as she presses her face closer into my chest. "I was so scared that you'd walk away. I didn't want to lose you."

  "Not happening, Vi. I thought
you realized that. You're mine, Rhea's mine, and any children we have are mine. I waited a long time to get you back, I'm not letting you go again."

  She leans back and I'm relieved that she's no longer crying, her eyes bright and wet, but it's the beautiful smile that she has that eases the tenseness from my shoulders. "Thank you," she tells me. "Thank you for being the man I knew you were."

  Fuck, she's absolutely gutting me here.

  "I love you, Drew."

  "I love you, Vi. So fucking much. You have made me so fucking happy."

  She nods, "I don't think I could be any happier than I am now. What about you?"

  Fuck yeah, I could be happier. "Marry me..." I tell her, having her be my wife would be everything.

  Her mouth once again opens in shock, but there's no fear in her eyes. "Really?"

  I nod, "Yes, I love you, you love me, we're going to have a baby, there's nothing more I want than to be married to you."

  She's silent for a beat, "This baby may have the same defect that Rhea had..." She’s still talking softly.

  “In sickness and in health, sweetheart, you’re all mine. I don’t give a fuck. I’d prefer healthy but I’ll take you all anyway I can have you.”

  “Okay,” she whispers.

  I blink, did she just say what I think she just did? "Okay?" I repeat unsure if I'm hearing things.

  She smiles, "Yes, okay."

  I grin, fuck yes. I climb off the bed and reach for her, pulling her to her feet and lifting her into my arms. "Shower time..." I tell her as I walk toward the bathroom. "Then I'll organize it and while I'm doing that you go get yourself a dress."

  "What?" she screeches. But I don't give her a chance to complain, I crash my lips against hers.

  “Jacobs.” The pissed off tone from Jameson greets me when he answers the phone. “You do realize that it’s Valentine’s Day, right?”


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