Book Read Free

Just Like the Movies

Page 31

by Natasha Preston

  “Your eyes look wild.” She doesn’t smile, but I hear it in her voice.

  “Underwear off, Indie.”

  She stands, bent over with her hands resting on the top of my seat. “I’m going to need some assistance.”

  “It would be my pleasure, Miss Croft.” Damn, I can’t wait until I get to say Mrs Lowe. Arnold is right; I have to make that happen soon.

  It takes every ounce of self-control, but I manage to slide my hands up her legs slowly. She breathes in my ear.

  “Stop teasing,” she says as I hook my hands over the top of the lace. My fingertips graze her skin when I pull her underwear down. I place a kiss on her stomach as I bend to push the material down to her feet. Indie kicks one leg out, and she pushes me back in the seat rather aggressively.

  My eyebrows shoot up as she stares down at me with one hand on my chest. Oh, hell yeah.

  I grip her thighs and arch my hips into her. My cock rubs along her wet heat, and we both groan.

  It’s been too long.

  “Nothing will ever beat this,” I tell her. “You feel so good already. Slide onto me.”

  Her mouth parts. “Yes, sir.”

  Lust courses through my veins, and my cock jumps at her words.

  She fists my length, squeezing enough to make me see stars. My teeth snap together. “Damn it.”

  Rising up, she moves her hand and lowers herself onto my cock.

  I groan as she places her hands on my shoulders and takes all of me. I lean forward and take her nipple in my mouth as she starts to rock on top of me.

  “Yes,” I moan, driving into her with a desperate need to come, while also holding onto a desire not to. I want this to last forever.

  No way that’s happening with the way she’s moaning and writhing on my dick.

  My stomach clenches when her hands find my hair. Her soft, smooth skin against mine sets my body on fire.

  “I love it when you do that,” she pants, picking up speed every time I tug at her nipple with my teeth.

  I roll my tongue and suck her into my mouth. Gripping her arse, I yank her into me, and she scratches my shoulders.

  “Do that again,” she demands on a gasp.

  I lean back, gripping her harder. She goes wild, eyes closed, head tilted, body thrashing on top of me as I pull her hips to me.

  “I feel you everywhere, Spence. I love this. I love you.”

  Gritting my teeth, I grind, my dick swelling, and toes curling into my shoes.

  “I’m so close,” she pants.

  So am I. Fuck.

  I pump harder, and sweat beads on my forehead. “Indie, I love you. Fuck, I love you.”

  My mouth finds hers. She kisses me hard, our lips in some sort of fucking war.

  I’m about to explode.

  My balls tighten. I pull her down hard, and she lets go.

  “Spencer!” she cries, stiffening as she comes apart.

  Her orgasm is my undoing. I shoot inside her, teeth snapping together as I turn inside out. Her tight pussy contracts around me until she falls on my chest.

  I pump until the last waves pass, and Indie collapses onto me.

  “I love you, too,” she finally says against my neck. I feel her lips curl. “So much.”

  I wrap my hands around her back and breathe her in. Yeah, she left me hanging. “You could have called after that interview.”

  “Mila sent me a clip. It killed me. I wanted to drive to London but I was still solid in my thinking that I wasn’t right for you.”

  I run my fingers through her curls. “You were made for me. I’ve told you that. There’s no one else I want.”

  She sits up, and her post orgasm glow makes my heart leap. “I realise that now. You’ve given up so much for me. It was just with my dad, everything in the press, and then my mum… it was overload. I’ve had a lot to deal with growing up. I reached my limit. I’m sorry it was you who had to give. That was literally the stupidest choice. You’re the best thing in my life.”

  “I understand, babe. Now you’ve broken up with me twice.”

  “Ah, yes. I was only allowed to do that once.”


  “You should take me home and spank me.”

  My eyes almost fucking pop out.

  Indie leans back and laughs, and I drool over the view of her perfect body stretched out in front of me.

  “You’re cute, Spence. Can we go now? I’m going to need to freshen up before we do that again.”

  “And again, and again,” I add.

  She stands up and my dick slides out of her. That’s never a happy moment. I watch with amusement as she climbs awkwardly over the seats, trying to keep her legs together. I’d tell her not to worry, I’ll clean any mess, but it’s too funny.

  Indie slumps down and pulls her clothes back on.

  “All right?” I ask.

  She flashes me a look that basically tells me to fuck off. I bite my lip as I watch her flatten the hair I just messed up. I tug my jeans up and start the engine.

  When she’s dressed and buckled, I pull back onto the road and continue towards home as if nothing has happened.

  “Are you okay?” I ask her.

  “Mmhmm.” She smiles again, and it does crazy shit to my insides.

  I’m so done. This girl owns me.

  “I want to sell my house. When it officially becomes mine, that is.”

  I quickly glance at her. “Okay…”

  “There’s too much… both my parents died there.”

  “We’ll start looking for a place of our own.”

  “I’m not rich.”

  “As soon as I get a ring on that finger, you will be.”

  “Spencer, be serious.”

  “Indie, whatever we have, we share, okay? Let me worry about our house. You focus on uni and setting up a practice.”

  We’re minutes from home now.

  “What are you thinking?” I ask. It makes me nervous when she goes quiet. She can convince herself the stupidest shit is for the best when she overthinks.

  “I’m thinking that I could help so many people with my own practice.”

  “You’ll be graduated and fully qualified by autumn. Find premises you like and start your business.”

  “Simple as that?”

  I shrug. “It can be if you let it. Do what you’re good at. Stop looking at money separately. If we’re going to be together, everything is equal. I don’t care who brought more in. We’re a team.”

  “Still feels like you’re a bigger team player.”

  “Well, the sooner you get the practice set up, the sooner you will make more money. Besides, if you’re that worried, use the money from the sale of the house and what’s in their bank to set up the business. Keep me financially out if it, if that’s what you need to do. But I want you to know that you can have anything I’ve got. Take it all if you want to. None of it means a thing without you.”

  “Spence.” She says my name like a prayer. “Where will we live?” she asks as we pull up outside my parents’ house. “I want to stay close to your parents.”

  “I figured that much. You’ve always liked that massive house on the edge of town.”

  “People live in it.”

  “Old people.”

  She tilts her head up. “Spencer!”

  “I didn’t mean it like that. They’re not on death’s door yet.”

  At least I hope not. I’m going to feel awful if they die soon.

  She rolls her eyes. “You’re going to offer them a lot of money for it, aren’t you?”

  I nod. “Shitloads, yeah.”

  “That’s something I’m going to have to get used to.”

  “Surprising how fast that happens. Let’s get inside.”

  “We’re having sex again, right?” she asks.

  “Absolutely. In the shower first. I want to watch water dripping down you as you come against my mouth.”

  Her eyes widen. I grab her hand and drag her inside as quickly a
s I can.



  One year later

  “For the love of God, Mila, no! I am not taking you with me,” I tell her.

  She huffs. “But my life is a mess and I want to run away to LA.”

  “You could do that without me.”

  “But a girls’ trip is way more fun.”

  I roll my eyes. “Sort your shit out.”

  “I bet you just love that you can tell people to do that now.”

  We step outside my practice. I activate the alarm on the panel by the door and lock up. The building is still a shell. Builders have been working hard to fit out the rather large space. I’ve made it cosier by having two therapy rooms in the hope that, one day, I’ll be able to employ another counsellor.

  Spencer helped me, along with an architect.

  It’s all been paid for with the money left to me in my parents’ will. I once said that I’d never use that money—it ruined us—but if I can use it to save someone else, it will be worth it.

  Tomorrow, I’m off to LA to meet Spencer on set. He’s been out there for three months. I’m going to watch him be a criminal mastermind, hustling super rich arseholes on screen, and then we’re going back to his apartment for a lot of sex. It’s been three weeks since I last saw him. We’ve both been busy, but we haven’t missed a phone call, FaceTime, or a text yet.

  I cannot wait.

  Mila has taken a call from Liam who was wanting to meet up, which means he wants them to get back together. She will go, too, because that’s what they do, and neither of them seem to be able to break the cycle.

  I’m pretty sure that’s why she wants to come with me. Not that she can because she’s five months into her course at uni – finally.

  I graduated with a first last year. I did it. Andrew and Jodie threw me a huge party. I loved it.

  “Tell Liam no.”

  “It’s not that simple.”

  “Oh, it really is. You don’t want to be with him.”

  “That’s not exactly true.”

  “Well, you don’t want the life you two have together, and there’s nothing else on offer. You need to make a choice. Either have him and that life, or let him go and find the one you want.”

  “Yeah, all I’m looking for right now is to go to America.”

  I shake my head. “Nope.”

  “Fine, I’ll figure it out.” We all know what that means. “Are you completely packed?”

  “Almost, I just need to chuck my cosmetics in my bag tomorrow.”

  “I could carry your bag if you let me go with you.”

  Laughing as we get into my car, I reply, “No!”

  “This car is much better than your last one.”

  I press the engine button. Yep, that’s how I start this thing. We’re getting lazier. There’s a button or app for everything. “You tell me that every time you’re in here.”

  “I always will. I still get backache from your old seats. Spencer did good with this.”

  He bought me a big, flashy Audi that has more gadgets than I know how to use. It took two months from when he ordered it to when it was delivered because he specked me a bloody brand new one.

  Without telling me!

  I came home to see this shiny, silver thing on our driveway. He’d even put a massive red bow on top of it.

  I appreciate it so much, but I didn’t need anything so expensive.

  Apparently, I have some button that I can press to make it park itself. There’s absolutely no way I’m trusting the thing to do that when I can’t even get the radio to stop giving me travel updates.

  “Where am I taking you?” I ask her.

  She sighs. “Home, I guess.”

  “Mila, just tell him it’s not working.”

  “It could.”

  “Bullshit,” I sing.


  “Your addiction… and not in a good way.”

  She frowns. “Are any addictions good?”

  “I should say no after what I’ve seen, but they’re not all bad.”

  “Ugh, you’re talking about Spencer.”

  I turn down Mila’s road, and she pouts. “Last chance, Indie. I can be packed and ready in an hour.”

  “Talk to Liam. Don’t sleep with him.”

  “Easy for you to say,” she grumbles.

  I watch her get out with a huff, and then she turns to me. “You be safe.”

  “I will.”

  “Love you.”

  “Love you, too,” I say as she closes the door.

  I wait until she’s opened the door before I leave. Not before I catch a glimpse of Reid Walker watching her from his doorway while he accepts a delivery.

  Honestly, if she would just ditch Liam for good, she’d see what’s right in front of her.

  My phone rings when I’m almost halfway to our new house. Spencer bought that almost immediately, too, and he installed a swing on the porch, just like I wanted. The elderly couple didn’t drive a hard bargain. Spencer offered them a very good price, and I got the impression they were relieved. The house was too much for them, but it’s perfect for us.

  Five bedrooms that, despite what he says, we will not fill with ‘dozens’ of children. There are only so many I’m willing to push out of my hoo-ha.

  Spence wants to have a pool house built. I’m pretending it’s a ridiculous excess, but I’m secretly excited. I think he knows that, too. We’ll swim every morning… naked, apparently.

  At home, I get an early night.

  The next morning, I make my plane with time to spare—first class, of course. Spencer insists on booking my flights so he can make sure that I’m pampered. Can’t say I mind that much, but it still feels like a waste of money. He says we can afford it. We. Everything is we now. I’ve not looked at his bank balance.

  He wants a joint account, but I’ve been putting it off. Sometimes it’s best to stay blissfully ignorant. Lots of money intimidates me. Stupid, really, since we don’t need to spend it all and we can do good things with it. Spence already donates heavily to underfunded performing arts classes for kids.

  The hours pass slowly, as they always do when I’m on my way to him. Coming home, I’m sure the pilot turns on some sort of supersonic mode. I sip champagne and sleep a good chunk of the flight.

  Once down on the ground, I make it through arrivals with little questioning, and I collect my bag.

  Now to find him. He’ll be the one with the security, smiling for photos.

  My heart leaps as I walk towards the exit.

  He still gives me butterflies. Even the thought of seeing him again makes my stomach flutter like mad.

  Spencer Lowe, Hollywood’s golden boy, has chosen me.

  I’ll never get over that, and I’ll never tell him, either. He doesn’t need to know that I still don’t feel good enough. He’ll talk at me until I fall asleep, telling me how crazy I am and that he’s the lucky one.

  I turn the corner and search for him.

  Ahead, in the corner of the room, I can just about make out Arnold, alongside Jared and a big guy who must me Marco, his bloody new bodyguard. Marco has a neck filled with rather nice tattoos, so he’s not quite what I pictured.

  I push my way through the crowd of people bundling out of the airport like it’s on fire.

  Where is Spence? He wouldn’t just send someone for me. I’ve told him I can make my own way to him, but he insisted on meeting me.

  I make it through the crowd, and his ‘people’ are only a few feet away. They’re gathering in a circle, with their phones aimed towards the floor.

  What the…?

  My heart thuds. Spencer?

  I’m about to open my mouth to ask where he is… when I see him.

  On the floor. On one knee.

  My jaw falls.

  “Oh my God, Spence,” I breathe.

  The crowd cheers, as if I’ve already said yes.

  His smile stretches, and his eyes heat. “I’m rich as fuck
, I should be doing this at the top of the Eiffel tower or something, but I didn’t want to spend another second with my ring missing from your finger.”

  There’s a chorus of ‘ahhs’, and people begging me to say yes.

  He’s proposing right now. Right. Now.

  I suddenly wish Mila was here so she could hold me up.

  Spencer raises his eyebrow, waiting.

  As if I would ever say no.

  I smile brightly and shout, “Of course, I’ll marry you!”

  Spencer gets on his feet and scoops me into his arms. “Fuck yeah! I love you, Indie,” he whispers in my ear.

  “I love you, Hollywood,” I tell him, my head spinning.

  Cameras click. I don’t mind because he belongs to me.

  His mouth finds mine, and I’m flying.

  Read My Mind

  Reid and Mila’s story is coming in November 2020! Pre-order Read My Mind here!

  The pursuit of happiness is never easy when the person you love already has a significant other. Someone who isn’t you.

  Mila, desperate for passion in any way she can get it, is back with her boyfriend Liam, despite everyone knowing they’re wrong for each other. Epic loves can’t be forced, but Mila would rather be with someone than no one at all.

  Reid, her sexy neighbour, has been in love with Mila for years. If only she knew that, behind this editor’s brooding stare, was a man who could be everything she needed in her life. Unfortunately, for a man who plays with words for a living, he seems incapable of stringing a sentence together to tell Mila how he really feels.

  When the two are finally thrown together, and fate lends a hand, entwining their lives in a way that forces them to face their true feelings for each other, Reid finally has his chance to make her see him.

  It’s just a shame Mila is already taken…

  Reid is running out of time to leave more than just a red pen mark on her heart.

  Waking Up In Vegas

  Read Wren and Brody’s story. Waking Up in Vegas is out! Buy here!


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