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Wolf in the Woods

Page 6

by N. J. Walters

  “Get away from him,” she ordered.

  Hot breath brushed against his neck. Billy sensed the wolf weighing his options. Simon wanted to kill him badly but wanted to live more. He growled and a single fang rubbed against Billy’s shoulder, right over the bandaged area—a warning, a promise.

  “I’m going to count to three. If you’re not gone by then, I’m shooting. One. Two.”

  The wolf growled and pulled back. Billy half expected him to lunge forward. Instead, the huge beast jumped over the side of the truck. He pressed down hard on the gas. The wheels spun in the dirt, caught, and then they were rocketing down the road. The wolf got smaller and smaller in his rear-view mirror.


  Hands shaking, she slumped back onto the seat and stared at the wolf still standing in the road behind them.

  “Are you okay?” Billy’s voice was sharp with worry.

  “I’m fine.” Only she wasn’t. She’d attacked a packmate, threatened to kill him. And she would have done it in a heartbeat.

  He swore under his breath and began to slow the truck.

  “Don’t stop.” Fear ripped through her. They weren’t far enough away yet.

  “Put down the rifle, sweetheart.”

  The term of endearment jolted her, bringing her awareness to the here-and-now. She was naked, practically kneeling on the seat with a rifle clutched in her hands.

  Taking a deep breath to help calm her pounding heart, she put the safety back on the weapon and stored it behind the driver’s seat once again.

  He was still wearing the backpack. That couldn’t be comfortable. “Let me help you.” Maneuvering wasn’t easy, but she managed to drag it away. First thing she did was grab the shirt and pull it on.

  He glanced toward her, his eyes sparkling. “I was enjoying the view.”

  “How can you joke at a time like this?” It took her several attempts to get a single button fastened. Her skin was clammy, her stomach slightly sick.

  His expression sobered. “Make no mistake, I’m angry as hell. That bastard could have killed you. But we’re alive and that’s all that matters.”

  He was right, but now they had another problem. “What do we do now?” She rubbed her forehead and sighed. She was too tired to think straight.

  “Now? Now we go home.”

  She shook her head. “You can’t take me with you.”

  “Sure I can.”

  He seemed so confident, so sure of himself, but she knew better. “Your alpha would never agree to that.”

  “Yes, he would. And, Addie, I’m not going anywhere without you.” He began to slow the vehicle. “Wherever you go, I’ll be right beside you.”

  It was emotional blackmail, pure and simple. He wasn’t safe with her. Eventually, Simon or her daddy would find her. If he was with her—

  Yeah, that wouldn’t end well.

  Then there was the question of what had happened to Billy, what he’d become. He smelled of wolf. But that didn’t mean he was one, not completely. His senses had improved and so had his strength. There was no way he’d have been able to walk out of the woods if he was still fully human. He’d pushed himself beyond any ordinary limits.

  They were both out of their depth.

  Her parents had to have missed her by now and would be worried sick. “Can I use your phone? I need to call home.”

  “It’s in the inner pocket of the backpack.” He tapped his fingers against the steering wheel. “Don’t tell them where you’re going. It’s safer for everyone that way.”

  She dug out the phone, punched in the numbers, and waited, not sure what she was going to tell her parents. As expected, it was answered on the first ring. “Who is this?”

  “Daddy, it’s me.”

  “Where the hell are you? Your momma has been worried sick. I was out looking for you all night.” It warmed her heart that he’d searched for her, even though she hated that she’d worried them.

  “Whose phone are you using?” Leave it to him to home right in on that small detail. She hadn’t taken her phone with her yesterday, hadn’t expected to need it while on a simple run with friends.

  “Someone I met.”

  “You’re with a stranger?” His voice had gotten calmer and lower, always an indication of just how angry he was.

  She shivered and fought the urge to cower beneath his displeasure. Didn’t matter how old she was—he was still her daddy. “Listen, I’ve got to go, but I’ll call you in a day or so.”

  He growled at her. She closed her eyes and swallowed back tears. “You need to come home,” he told her.

  “I can’t. Not yet.”

  “What aren’t you telling me, Addie?”

  “Love you and Momma.” She hung up and swiped at the tears filling her eyes.

  Billy reached out and rubbed her arm. “I’m sorry.”

  She gave a watery laugh. “Me, too. I’m twenty-four years old, but right now I feel like a kid who disappointed her daddy.”


  Billy hated seeing her upset, but there really was no other choice. Not while Simon was still roaming free. He had no doubt the wolf would keep the incident to himself, unless he could come up with some spin to make it work for him. In the meantime, they would be safer at home.

  Problem was, the road was shimmering in front of him. The longer he drove, the more difficult it became to focus. The adrenaline that had kept him going for so long had dissipated, leaving a bone-deep exhaustion in its wake.

  The end of the road rose up before him. He managed to stop and shove the gear into park. He dug deep for the energy he needed to keep going, but it just wasn’t there.

  “What’s wrong?” Soft hands stroked his face. He closed his eyes and leaned into them. “Billy?”

  The underlying concern in her voice made him open his eyes again. It wasn’t easy, but he managed. “Hmm.”

  She lightly tapped the side of his face. He liked it when she touched him. “You need to listen to me.”

  “Okay.” He was floating. It was nice. “You’re so beautiful.”

  She laughed, but it was strained. “You need to give me directions. How do I get to your home?”

  “That’s easy.” He pointed to the right. “You go that way.”

  She snorted. “Good to know. Let’s get you over onto my side, okay?”

  “Sure.” He wouldn’t mind cuddling up next to her. Damn, he was tired. He yawned so wide and long, his jaw gave a loud crack.

  “Come on.” She tugged on him and he slid over. It was a heck of a lot harder than he’d thought it would be. When he finally got there, she was gone. He looked around, surprised that she was now behind the wheel.

  “What are you doing?” he asked.

  “Driving.” She put the truck back in gear and turned onto the highway. “You need to give me directions.” With her prodding him, he managed to tell her what she needed to know.

  “I’m just going to take a little nap. Wake me in an hour.” Like a curtain coming down, his awareness began to fade. The last thing he saw was Addie glancing toward him with a worried expression on her face.


  Simon was still fuming when he pulled his truck into the pack compound and slammed on the brakes, sending rocks flying from beneath the tires. Even running for hours to try to work off some of his anger hadn’t worked. She’d gotten away from him … again. Had actually held a gun on him, threatened to kill him. And even worse, the man with her was still alive.

  The alpha walked out of his house and stared in Simon’s direction. That old wolf was a pain in his ass, just like his daddy was. Someday he planned to challenge him, when the time was right. In the meantime, he’d swallow his anger and tow the pack line.

  “Problem?” Ryan Hatfield asked when Simon climbed out of his truck.

  He started to shake his head when he got a fiendishly good idea. “She’s gone.” He ran toward the alpha, putting as much worry in his voice as he could.

  “Who’s gone?” Legs sprea
d and hands resting on his hips, Ryan was an imposing figure.

  Simon skidded to a halt in front of him. “Addie Fuller. She went running with me and Jude yesterday but went off on her own. I was worried when I heard she hadn’t come home and went looking for her.”

  “Did you tell her folks you left her out there alone yesterday?”

  Simon wanted to claw his alpha, but that would lead to his untimely death. He shook his head. “Didn’t think I had to. I never figured she wouldn’t have contacted them if she wasn’t going to make it home.”

  When Ryan nodded, he continued. “I tracked her scent. She wasn’t alone.” He paused to increase the drama.

  The alpha frowned, his brows lowering and his gaze staring straight at him. “Who was with her?”

  “A human. When they saw me, they ran. Addie’s run off with a human.” Damn, he was good. It was almost too easy. They’d all be pissed at her for running off with some human. It was payback for every time she’d turned him down. Her parents would be angry and hurt, maybe even shunned by the pack. Served them right. They’d always taken her side against him, allowing her to turn him away.

  “You’re sure?” Ryan’s voice deepened, and there was a note of compulsion in it.

  He swallowed hard and almost blurted out the truth, but a sense of self-preservation prevailed. Besides, it was true. She had run off. The alpha just didn’t need to know why.

  “I’m sure. I heard her call him Gallagher, Billy Gallagher. I would have caught them if my truck had been parked closer.”

  “You did right by coming to me with this. I need to go talk to her folks, see if they’ve heard from her. This isn’t like Addie at all.”

  Simon waited until the alpha was out of sight, on his way to the Fuller house to see Addie’s parents. Only then did he allow himself to smile.

  It was time to go online and do a little digging around. He needed to find the Salvation Pack. It was somewhere in North Carolina. Shouldn’t take him too long to narrow things down. When he did, he’d go hunting.

  But first, he wanted to see what the alpha was going to say to her parents. Judging the old man was far enough ahead, he set off after him.

  Chapter Six

  Addie pulled the truck off the main road, hoping it was the correct turnoff. Billy’s directions had been slurred and disjointed. She’d used his phone to find the best route to Salvation, North Carolina. From there, she’d used what he’d told her to guide the way. He hadn’t stirred during the long drive. Honestly, she was ready to curl up and nap in the truck if this wasn’t the right place.

  She drove down the dirt track that was supposed to lead to the pack parking lot, according to what he’d told her. She turned a corner and came upon the promised lot. There were several more trucks there, but she didn’t see any houses or people.

  She parked, turned off the ignition, and just sat there. What do I do now? God, she was exhausted. The thought of having to search for someone made her want to cry.

  Before she could open the door, a huge wolf stepped out from behind a tree and glared at her with piercing green eyes. His coat was lighter than most wolves, almost blond in places. And he was huge. She’d grown up surrounded by powerful werewolves, but she’d never seen one this big before. And he didn’t look happy to see them.

  “Billy.” She reached over and shook him lightly. He just lolled to one side and kept on sleeping.

  The large wolf tipped back his head and howled, calling for reinforcements.

  Suddenly, coming here didn’t seem like such a good idea. His pack might be the kind to act first and ask questions later. And Billy was no help.

  A flash of movement caught her eye. It was a big man with brown hair, running down a nearby path. He didn’t pause but headed right to the passenger side and ripped open the door. “Billy?” He glared at her. “What the hell happened?”

  She swallowed hard and managed to find her voice. “He was attacked trying to save me.” Best to be honest about everything. “He’ll be okay. He’s just exhausted.”

  “Son.” The man lightly tapped Billy’s face.

  “Tired.” The word came out partially slurred. He licked his lips and tried again. “Need to rest.” Just hearing him speak after so many hours loosened the tight knot in her stomach. She’d done it. He was home with his pack.

  Two other men hurried toward them. She had to blink several times to make sure she wasn’t seeing double. Nope, it was two different men, but they looked like carbon copies of each other, except for the colors of their T-shirts.

  “Who are you?” the older stranger asked as he lifted Billy from the truck.

  She thought about lying and just leaving, but one glance toward the huge wolf put the brakes on that idea. He wouldn’t let her go. And unlike Simon, she didn’t think a rifle would stop him. Most likely it would only piss him off.

  “I’m Addie. Addie Fuller.”

  The man sniffed the air. “You’re a wolf.” He tensed and glanced down at the blood-soaked bandages wrapped around Billy’s shoulder and chest.


  “Come with me. We’ll get this sorted out once he’s seen to.”

  She clamped her hands around the steering wheel. “Who are you?”

  His gaze softened slightly. Or maybe that was just wishful thinking. “Elias Gallagher. Billy is my son.” He glanced over his shoulder. “And those two are Sage and Reece. They’re my nephews, Billy’s cousins.”

  He started to walk away, leaving her to stay or follow. There was a hard tug in her chest that worsened the farther away Billy got. She jumped out of the truck and staggered slightly. When one of the twins started toward her, she righted herself and rushed after Elias.

  Don’t show weakness. These were wolves. They would respect strength and pounce on weakness. Wolves were social creatures, always touching, always sharing with one another. But there was also a dark side. Pack law could be swift and vicious. They were part animal, after all. They lived by their instincts. Fighting and jockeying for position was a huge part of most packs.

  At least in her pack. She had no idea how this one worked, but imagined it had to be the same. It was in their natures.

  Billy stirred as she came up alongside him. He opened his eyes and stared at her. She wanted to reach out to him, but she kept her hands by her side.

  “I’mokay.” The two words slurred together and came out as one.

  “I know you are,” she assured him.

  He nodded and just seemed to let go. He was safe now. His family would take care of him. But what would happen to her?

  She glanced over her shoulder. Yup, the big wolf was right behind them, not to mention Billy’s cousins. All she could do was follow Elias.

  Not that she really had any plans to go anywhere until she knew Billy was going to be okay. He’d driven himself too hard. Yesterday, he’d been human. He’d died last night and come back. He’d seemed fine, acted fine, but he’d pushed himself to keep her from worrying. That was just the kind of man he was.

  “I’m Sage.” One of the twins came up alongside her. He was wearing a blue T-shirt, which meant the other one had to be Reece. “Are you okay?”

  His kindness was almost more than she could bear. She nodded and kept going. When she rounded a bend in the path, a lovely log home came into view. There was a porch on the front and another along the side. In fact, it seemed to wrap around most of the house. Any other time, she would have loved to stop and admire it.

  A woman stood on the deck. When she saw Billy, she gave a cry and ran toward them. This had to be his momma. Addie could see the similarity in the color of their hair and eyes.

  “What’s wrong with him?”

  “He’s okay, Sue. He’s been hurt, but he’ll be fine.” He kept going straight toward the house. Sue kept pace with them, but she looked quizzically at Addie.

  She could just imagine what Billy’s momma saw when she looked at her. But for one of his shirts, she was totally naked. Her legs and feet wer
e dirty, and her hair was lank. Not to mention it was her fault he’d been hurt. Of course, she didn’t know that. Not yet.

  Could she make a worse first impression? And why did she care what any of them thought of her?

  “Take him to his room,” Sue ordered. She held the door for Elias and Billy and quickly followed, leaving Addie to bring up the rear with the twins. She was right behind them, not wanting to let Billy out of her sight.

  It wasn’t surprising he lived with his folks. That’s the way it was with wolf packs. Unlike most humans, they stayed close, several generations of family often sharing the same house or at least living alongside or nearby one another.

  His room was much like him, sturdy and warm. The walls were the color of coffee with lots of cream. A bed with a large padded headboard and covered with a forest-green comforter dominated the space. Family pictures lined a shelf above the dresser. An upholstered chair sat in the corner next to a sliding glass door that let out onto the side deck.

  Sue turned back the bed covers, and Elias laid Billy down. “I don’t know how severe his injuries are,” he told her.

  “I’ve called Gator and Jacque.” A giant of a man wearing only a pair of jeans stepped into the room. His hair was blond and his features severe. But she recognized those green eyes. This was the huge wolf from the parking lot. He crossed his bare arms and glared at her, as if to caution that he was watching her.

  The warning was obvious. If she did something he didn’t like, she was in big trouble. Inside, her wolf whimpered. All the fine hairs on her body stood on end. It was getting harder to control the trembling of her limbs.

  “Thanks, Cole,” Elias told the newcomer before turning to her. “You need to tell me exactly what happened.”

  She swallowed hard. Was this man Cole Blanchard? The one she’d heard whispered about in her own pack? He certainly looked like he was capable of killing anyone who pissed him off. She didn’t think he’d lose any sleep over it either.

  It was going to be difficult enough to tell the story to his family, let alone with that huge wolf staring at her. Before she could begin, a man stepped up to the sliding glass door and opened it. A wave of power slammed into her, making her stagger back a step.


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