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Wolf in the Woods

Page 14

by N. J. Walters

  Inside him, something dangerous stirred. He was on his feet before he’d even considered standing. “She saved my life. I owe her my protection no matter what she decides.” He would not have her coerced or guilted into accepting any kind of relationship with him. Nor would he send her back to her own pack until he was sure she wouldn’t be hurt.

  Imagining not being with her was a knife to the gut, but her well-being and happiness came first. That felt … right.

  He resisted when she used her hold on him to try to yank him back down. This was too important.

  He let his gaze go from the alpha to the other original four members of the pack. Jacque would make no decision like this without the support of his brother, Louis, his cousin, Armand, Gator, and Cole. There were varying degrees of concern as well as amusement on their faces. All except for Cole. He didn’t look happy. Billy assumed it was because he was worried about his mate.

  Jacque leaned back in his chair. “What do you say, Addie? This is your life.”

  She rose to her feet. He sensed her nervousness, but she stood tall and proud beside him. This was the moment she could leave him. If she said she wanted to go home, Jacque would make it happen, no matter how much Billy wanted her to stay.

  His entire life came down to this. Or at least that’s how it felt. He wanted her to choose to stay, to stake that claim in front of his entire pack. Nothing like asking everything from her. He’d promised himself he wouldn’t push her, and he was doing just that.

  He inhaled sharply, scenting the members of his pack, the crisp air, and the varied smells of the forest. The wind rustled the leaves, making them sway and dance. The heat from Addie’s hand seeped up his arm to warm him.

  “I’m not ready to go back home. Not yet.” Before he could feel too much relief, she continued. “But I need to tell my parents and my alpha something. It’s not fair to them.”

  His heart ached for her. She had pressure coming at her from all sides. He was supposed to be making things easier for her, not adding to it. “I can go back with you, to your pack,” he offered.

  His mother cried out in distress, but Elias wrapped his arm around her, keeping her beside him. Billy appreciated that. He loved his mother. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt her, but Addie was his heart and his chance for a future.

  She shook her head. “I’m not sure that would be wise. I don’t know that they’d be as accepting as all of you have been.” What went unsaid was that right now he was more like a half-breed wolf, unable to shift, but with a wolf’s instincts and strengths. And most packs saw half-breeds as an abomination.

  The Salvation Pack accepted all its members—full-blooded, half-breed, and human. A lot of packs saw half-breeds as weaker. And the fact that children weren’t likely was also a factor.

  Even in their pack, that had proven out. The children had come from matings with full-blooded wolves. Anny and Gwen had been converted after being attacked, but they could fully embrace their wolves. Even then, of the two of them, only Gwen had had children. And while Cherise couldn’t shift, she’d been born a full-blooded wolf. Gator and Sylvie and Elise and Mikhail were all full-blooded.

  Talk about putting the cart way before the horse. He had to get her to agree to mate with him first. And the only way to do that was by getting her to stay, to give their relationship a chance.

  It had been fraught with danger since the outset. They needed time to simply be together and live, to find common ground and forge new ground together, to discover if this thing between them was real. He believed it was worth fighting for.

  Her wanting children might be a factor. They hadn’t gotten around to discussing such things, but if she wanted them and thought she might not be able to have kids with him, that might influence her decision. He fought down a growl of fury at the thought of her having them with another male. Beneath the anger was a gut-wrenching fear that she might leave him.

  Ignoring everyone around them, he placed his palm against the side of her face. “Stay.”

  “Why don’t you put a time limit on it,” Jacque suggested. “Your parents and alpha might feel better about that, especially if I let them know you’ll be protected while you’re here.”

  “Would that work? Would that ease your mind?” As much as he hated the idea of a limit, he was willing to agree to anything if it made her decision easier.

  She didn’t rush her answer, but took the time to think it through before nodding. “Yes. When do we call my parents?”

  “No time like the present.” The alpha pulled out his phone. “What’s the number?” When Addie rattled it off, he made the call and put it on speaker. Not that the wolves needed that to be able to hear, but he was being considerate of Billy’s mom. It rang once before it was answered. “Addie?” The voice was male and gruff and concerned.

  “Yes, it’s me, Daddy.”

  “Where are you? Don’t put me off this time. I need to know where you are so I can come and get you.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Her father’s demand wasn’t unexpected, but Addie’s stomach knotted. He was going to be disappointed in her, but staying was the right decision. She was still in shock that Billy had offered to leave his pack and go with her. It meant everything, even though it wasn’t something she could allow him to do.

  The danger would be too great, coming from many quarters. And while her parents might accept him, she really had no idea how Ryan Hatfield, the alpha, would respond. And there were many in her pack who wouldn’t want him there, would shun or attack him.

  “I told you I met someone,” she began.

  “Who? You at least need to tell me that much.”

  She hesitated, hating that her silence was hurting her family, but not wanting to put this pack in any danger.

  Billy took the matter out of her hands. “My name is Billy Gallagher, sir. I give you my word I’ll make sure Addie stays safe.”

  “I don’t know you, so I’m sure as hell not going to trust your word. You hurt my little girl and I’ll gut you.”

  She winced, but Billy seemed oddly reassured by her daddy’s threat. Men were confusing at times.

  “I understand completely.”

  “Addie?” The female voice was filled with worry.

  “I’m here, Momma. I’m okay. I promise.” She swallowed back the tears that threatened.

  “Why won’t you come home? What happened? You didn’t just meet someone and run off. You could have brought him home to meet us. Unless he’s not a wolf.” Her momma was a very astute woman.

  She really didn’t want to go into all this, especially not over the phone, but there didn’t seem to be a whole lot of choice. “He wasn’t, but now he is. Or at least partly,” she added, needing to be honest with them. She wouldn’t lie to her parents. She might withhold some of the truth, but that wasn’t the same as lying.

  “What the hell does that mean?” her daddy demanded.

  She winced. His voice was so low now it was almost guttural.

  “You didn’t attack him, did you?” her momma asked. “It would have been in self-defense, but if that were the case you would have come home.”

  “I was attacked,” Billy told them, “but not by Addie.”

  “Simon,” her daddy growled after he said the name.

  “How do you know?”

  “The alpha paid us a visit. Simon told him you’d run off with a human. What the hell happened?”

  “I went for a run with Simon and Jude.” She couldn’t spare them, not anymore. They’d made their choices.

  “What did Simon do?”

  “He wanted to mate with me. I objected and then ran. He chased me. Billy was camping in the woods and came to my rescue. They fought. I tried to help, but Billy was injured. Simon and Jude left. I stayed behind.” She kept it short and sweet, wanting this done.

  There was dead silence over the phone. “This Billy, this man who stepped in to help you, was converted?” her daddy asked, skepticism in his voice. What she
was telling him was so far outside the norm as to be almost unbelievable.

  “Your daughter saved my life.” He put his arm around her. “I’d have died without her. I’m partially wolf. Not sure if I can shift yet. Time will tell.”

  She hated that he wasn’t comfortable talking about his inability to shift, that it made him feel somehow less.

  “Addie, you need to come home. I’ll handle Simon.”

  She hated to defy him but had no other option. “No, Daddy, I’m staying here.”

  “I don’t even know where you are. And what if Simon finds you? Doesn’t sound like this man can protect you.”

  Beside her, Billy growled, the sound low and dangerous. Her daddy had just insulted him in the gravest way you could a male wolf. They prided themselves on being able to protect what they considered theirs. It was primitive, but it was who they were.

  “Mr. Fuller, my name is Jacque LaForge, and I’m the alpha of the Salvation Pack.” Addie was surprised the alpha had allowed them to handle the conversation up to this point, but he was now taking control.

  “The Salvation Pack?” There was surprise in her father’s voice. “But I understood that Billy was human before the attack, wasn’t he?”

  “He was until he was attacked by Simon,” Jacque reminded him. “Now he’s not. But he’s been a member of this pack since he was a kid. Both Billy and your daughter are under my protection.”

  Addie expected her father to protest. “Good,” he said, surprising her. “I don’t trust Simon not to try to get to her. Stay there,” her father told her. “I’ll talk with Ryan and see what he has to say.”

  “If you or Ryan Hatfield wants to contact me, call this number.” Jacque rattled off the number.

  “You might want to be careful,” her daddy cautioned. “The alpha was here earlier and said that Simon is nowhere to be found. He may be on his way there. Hell, he might already be there.”

  Her heart began to race and her stomach dropped. Simon was looking for her. She knew it, but to hear he might already be in Salvation was terrifying. It was dangerous for her to be here.

  Cole growled under his breath. None of the other men looked happy. Billy hugged her, but it didn’t reduce her anxiety. If anything, it drove it even higher. She had so much to lose. This pack had women and children to protect. And Simon was the type to attack an innocent to draw her out.

  Jacque was the only one who appeared totally unconcerned. “Thanks for the warning.” He ended the call. “That’s done.” He looked toward Gator. “What’s for dessert?”


  It was later that evening when she and Billy finally said goodnight to everyone and entered his room. Addie sat on the bed and sighed in relief. Her parents knew where she was and were okay with it, at least for now. And she’d survived her first gathering with the entire pack. But she had an entirely new concern. Had Simon found them? Was he out there somewhere lurking in the dark? Would he hurt members of this pack to get to her?

  “Hey.” Crouching in front of her, Billy rested his hands on her knees. “I know tonight was difficult for you.”

  That was an understatement. She rolled her shoulders and closed her eyes, fighting off fatigue. She wasn’t just physically tired, but mentally and emotionally exhausted. “What if he’s out there?” No need to clarify who she meant.

  His breath caressed her skin before his lips pressed against her cheek. She savored the small caress before opening her eyes.

  “The others will keep watch. He won’t be able to get past them.”

  He seemed so sure, but she wasn’t. Simon was nothing if not sneaky. It wouldn’t do to underestimate him. “What if he hurts someone?” She wanted to say, “What if he hurts you,” but was smart enough not to, even though it was her biggest fear.

  “You’re safe here.” He looked so worried, not about the possibility of Simon attacking, but about her.

  She ran her fingers through his light hair before letting her hand fall on top of his. “I’m fine.”

  “You are,” he readily agreed with heat in his eyes. “Very fine.”

  Her entire body began to hum with sexual awareness. It was time to put all thoughts of Simon out of her head. There was nothing she could do tonight and precautions were being taken. She had to trust Jacque knew what he was doing, otherwise she’d go mad with worry.

  Shoving all her concern about anything outside this room aside, she allowed her thoughts to turn to more intimate activities. She linked her arms around his neck. “You’re not bad yourself.”

  His growl sent a shiver of awareness all the way to her core. Her wolf whined, craving more contact with him.

  He removed her shoes and tossed them aside before running his hands the length of her leggings from ankle to thigh. Her breath caught, and she dug her fingernails into his shirt.

  “I should probably undress you,” he continued. “You know. To make sure you’re healing properly.”

  She gave a solemn nod. “That would be the responsible thing to do. You could do the same. You know, get undressed so I could check your injuries.”

  A slow smile curved the corners of his mouth upward. Her attraction to him was off the charts when he wasn’t smiling. When he did, it went to a whole other level of need. Her nipples beaded, rubbing against her sweater.

  “Hmm, you’re right,” he readily agreed. He slipped his hands under the knit material and palmed her bare breasts. “This time I won’t make a rushed assessment. I’ll take my time and examine every single inch of you.”

  God, she wasn’t going to last that long. She was almost panting now, her skin stretched too tight over her body, her core hot and pulsing.

  He lifted the sweater up and off, making a small sound of pleasure before dipping his head toward one of her breasts. He lapped at the taut nipple before taking it into his mouth and sucking.

  Rip! In her haste to get his shirt off, she’d torn it. His laugh was low and sensual and raised goose bumps on her arms. He released her long enough to let her get rid of the garment, exposing all that tanned muscle.

  While she was admiring the view, he cupped her breasts and thumbed both nipples. “You’re so perfect.” She was far from it but wasn’t about to correct him. Her head fell back when he began to tease and suck the sensitive tips, one at a time, back and forth until she was breathless.

  She dug her nails into his broad shoulders. He wasn’t as bulky as most wolves, but he was strong. Did he work out or was his job physically demanding? She had no idea. There hadn’t been enough normal in their lives, no time to learn the little things about each other.

  It was one of the reasons she was wary of the suddenness and depth of her attraction. Since they’d met, every moment had been fraught with danger.

  Her unanswered questions and fears flew out the window when he nuzzled a warm path down to the waistband of her leggings and hooked his fingers under the material.

  Kneeling before her, he was big and all male, his skin glistening with a light sheen of sweat. The scars on his chest weren’t nearly as red as they had been, but they would never truly fade. They were too severe. He would always wear a faint reminder of what had happened.


  She stood and allowed him to peel her leggings and underwear away, leaving her naked. A low sound vibrated in his chest as he pushed to his feet and shucked his jeans. Now it was her turn to emit a low sound of passion. Well-defined pecs gave way to muscled abs. Her gaze dropped, zeroing in on his erection.

  Her mouth went dry. They’d made love, but this was somehow different. Both of them had committed to their budding relationship, to discovering if there was enough between them to last.

  When she trailed her fingers over his turgid length, he groaned, as though in mortal pain. Sexual power was new and heady.

  “Addie.” This time there was no question in his tone, only pure unadulterated need.

  Feeling primal and wild, she circled him as she would prey. The thick muscles in his back tense
d. Delighted to have had such an effect, she nuzzled him, tasting the salt on his skin.

  She pushed him toward the bed. He fell forward, rolled onto his back, and tucked his hands behind his head, looking sexier than any man had a right to.

  He raised a brow. “Care to join me?”

  “Oh, I plan to.” She put one knee on the bed and crawled over him until she straddled his thighs. His cock flexed and his chest expanded. He wasn’t nearly as calm as he pretended.

  He was also letting her take the lead, not trying to dominate as most male wolves would. That meant everything to her. Their first time, he’d been the one in charge. Now it was her turn.

  She placed her hands on his thighs and stroked upward, avoiding his groin. Muscles flexed beneath her palms. She’d never wanted to touch a man in such a way before. Now she wanted to explore every inch of him.

  The pulse in his neck beat furiously. The muscles in his arms strained from the effort to keep from grabbing her and taking over their lovemaking. It would be instinctive for him, but he was fighting it, for her.

  That deserved a reward.

  She brushed her fingers over his hard length, marveling at the softness of the skin covering it, the heat radiating from it. He was breathing heavily, his lungs expanding with each deep breath.

  How far would he let her go? How far could she push him before he broke?

  Determined to find out, she wrapped her hand around his erection and squeezed.

  He threw his head back, his jaw taut. “Harder,” he ordered.

  She didn’t want to hurt him, but figured he’d stop her if it went beyond pleasure. She tightened her hand around him.

  “Now stroke me.”

  Getting the rhythm, she pumped up and down, gliding over his shaft. His hips arched up, almost dislodging her. She’d miscalculated, had assumed she’d be the one in control, but his pleasure was feeding hers. Her nipples were so tight they hurt, and the throbbing between her legs was worse.

  The scent of her arousal rising from her core, the heat radiating from her skin, and the feel of Billy under her hands all pushed her to the breaking point.


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