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The Blue-Eyed Black-Hearted Duke

Page 29

by Sandra Masters

  Silence. Hushed silence. Utter silence.

  He raised his head, stood, and took his champagne glass. “A toast to my beautiful ward.”

  “Hear. Hear.” Some of the male guests agreed.

  A few gasps emanated, but all glasses raised in merriment. He granted all at the table one of his famous smiles.

  Jaclyn’s gracious nod also acknowledged the compliment.

  Wolferton signaled the musicians and turned to Jaclyn. “If you please, I do believe it is time to dance.” He led her to the dance floor to claim the first waltz.

  “You are an absolute rogue, Radolf. You enjoyed every moment of astonishment. Have you ever performed as an actor?”

  Radolf didn’t answer at once but gave a pensive thought as they whirled around the floor. “No. Perhaps I should have kissed you on the lips. The act would have aroused them for sure.”

  “You’ve such a changed demeanor. I wonder what has caused such a difference.” Jaclyn tilted her head from side to side in tune to the beat of the music.

  “I’m affianced with a beautiful woman who has given me a reason to live. Isn’t that motive enough?” Conscious of their stares upon him, he added, “I believe they all expect me to whisk you away to the veranda to steal a kiss.”

  “Radolf, behave. You’re making me blush. What will your precious ton think?”

  They were close to the French doors. He was tempted to behave like the rake they thought he was. “They are not my precious ton.”

  She hesitated for a moment. “But you are circumspect about all you do and say when you’re with me. You always talked about being in full view for propriety’s sake.”

  “I’ve changed. You’ve redeemed me, and here we go.” Radolf waltzed her through the doors to the terrace where they were in perfect sight of all the guests and stopped. He leaned his lips to hers and gave her a sweet, slow kiss. The guests who saw the display halted their dance, but the music played on. “Now, you have no other choice but to accept my proposal. My dear, I’ve claimed you in front of all that is holy, the guests, and the blasted ton.”

  He ushered a dazzled Jaclyn back to the ballroom floor, went to the dais where the musicians played, signaled them to stop, and took quick note of the guards placed around the room. “Ladies and gentlemen, my sister and I welcome you all to this reception. It’s a rather warm evening, so we hope the warmth doesn’t prevent you from enjoying the festivities.” He glanced to his side where Jaclyn’s soulful glance spurred him on. “I have a question to ask of my ward, Miss Jaclyn Moreux.”

  He held her hand and then released it with a squeeze. Out of his breast pocket, he removed the ring box, took the precious heirloom gem, and dropped to one knee. “My dearest Jaclyn, will you marry me?”

  The Duke of Wolferton, dedicated bachelor and rogue, dropped his knee to a beautiful slip of a girl, held her gaze as she prepared to speak. For a tiny moment, he surmised she’d refuse, but then her smile told him differently. What a sight it must have presented to his guests.

  Jaclyn turned her face from him to the audience, and then back. “Yes, Your Grace, I will.”

  He arose and placed the ring on her finger amid gasps and salutations, kissed her hand again. They faced the crowd.

  “Ladies and gentleman, may I present my future duchess?” Adoration in his heart made it pound harder. Her impossibly wide eyes reflected her love for him. Of this, he was sure. Many a woman in attendance sighed at the couple.

  Bloody hell, he was never more proud than at this moment. He announced to the partygoers, “Forgive me for my playful activities this evening. We’ve planned this surprise for a while, and it got the better of me. We are to marry in three weeks. I wish it were sooner.” He lowered his glance and mimicked a shameful smile.

  The crowd loved every moment of it and clapped their hands. The few pressmen in the room jotted notes for their papers. He signaled to the musicians to resume the music. He allowed Monsieur Dupree to dance with Jaclyn while he took Josette as a partner.

  Again, that gut instinct of his made its presence known. He scanned the room but saw nothing untoward. Still, he watched as a cheetah that stalked its prey.

  Chapter Sixty-One

  The Guardian Avengers

  With each dance allotted to thirty minutes, as the evening wore on, Jaclyn asked to sit out. The excitement and joy had taken its toll. Other dancers chose to sit, enjoy conversation and beverages. Claret-cup orgeat for the ladies, and a punch laced with alcohol for the men.

  When she asked for the claret-cut punch, Radolf arose and strolled to the refreshment table. Happy well-wishers corralled him along the way. When he returned, she was gone. In a scan of the room, he did not see her, but he went to question one of the nearby guards.

  “Your Grace, a messenger delivered a note to the Miss, and she went in the direction of your study. I assumed it was you.”

  “Well, it wasn’t. I want my fiancée found at once. Set to it at once if you value your job and your life. Now!”

  Jaclyn had headed toward Wolferton’s study. She opened the door, and peeked in. “Josette, are you here?”

  A strong hand caught her arm and pulled her into the room. She screamed loud enough to alert the devil. Alistair Halifax stood in front of her. He clamped one hand on her mouth and dragged her to the farthest part of the room, in front of the Guardian stained glass window. He pulled out a knife with his other hand and hissed, “Your shout was an unfortunate move on your part. I can’t let you marry that scoundrel.”

  Fear surged through her and coated her tongue with bile. She was locked in his arms, his one hand on her mouth, and the other held a knife to her throat. Their backs were to the stained-glass window now.

  “Don’t fight me,” he whispered in her ear and licked her earlobe lasciviously.

  She struggled against him as guests rushed in from the corridor, but stopped when guards, male guests, Halbert, and Wolferton entered the room.

  “Take one more step forward, and I’ll slash her!” Halifax shouted, the edge of his knife on her skin. “Stay still,” he spat at her.

  She stopped moving. He removed his hand from her mouth, then took firm hold of her body, her back to his chest.

  Wolferton was the first to speak, “Halifax, if your quarrel is with me, don’t take it out on Jaclyn. She’s an innocent woman.”

  “Innocent, you say? I saw how you kissed your ward. You were familiar. For that I will make you pay. She’s mine.”

  Jaclyn struggled as terror overwhelmed her senses, but now it was accompanied by intense fear and a racing breath. As long as she could lock her eyes to Radolf’s, she would have courage. She choked back a cry, electrified by the thought that the mad man could slash her at any moment at whim. A knot formed in her stomach. Sweet heaven. Halifax was not speaking coherently. He mumbled in her ear, but she couldn’t understand it all. Words were jumbled. It sounded like “I’m half-brother to your lover,” but she willed herself to remain still and calm. What could she do to get away from Halifax’s grasp on her?

  Jaclyn could see many of the men had pistols, except for Wolferton. He probably did not want to frighten her on their special day so he didn’t have one.

  Halifax had maneuvered his hold on her into a more controlled grip yet kept the knife at her throat where all she could do was look at the men.

  “If it’s money, you require,” Wolferton said, “Name your price, but then you are a coward, otherwise you’d face me—only the two of us.” He took one small step forward, turned his head to Halbert, and said under his voice, “Diversion.”

  Halbert gave an almost imperceptible nod.

  Jaclyn locked her glance to Radolf.

  Radolf moved another step.

  “No closer or you’ll be responsible for her death. I have nothing to lose now.”

  The knife was at her throat, Halifax applied pressure. A prick of blood fell upon her dress.

  Jaclyn gasped.

  A rumbling like thunder came from behind J
aclyn. Halifax turned his head for a moment. All at once, his grip on the knife released, Jaclyn shoved him, and threw herself to the floor. Halbert steadied his pistol and shot Halifax between the eyes.

  Radolf raced to Jaclyn, scooped her from where she lay, and clutched her to his chest. “Don’t move. This isn’t over.”

  The two dogs raced into the room. Within three milliseconds, visible only to Radolf, the blue-eyed wolf leaped out of the stained window and merged into the younger dog. The archangel discharged a lightning bolt and entered the older dog’s body.

  A bolt of lightning from Golden Boy penetrated Halifax who fell to the floor, blood streamed from the back of his head, staining the carpet. An acrid smell of brimstone filled the air, and a mass of opaque mist obscured the room surrounding everyone in blindness.

  After the mystical cloud evaporated, Wolferton moved Jaclyn behind him. Halifax’s eyes were wide open like a marble statue, then the explosive force of the surrounding air superheated. Due to the lightning, Wolferton witnessed a pattern of scars branched out like limbs of a tree visible across Halifax’s face and head. The singed body caught fire. Wolferton raised his arm to cover his head as the window shattered, and shards fell upon Halifax, and only Halifax.

  Wolferton called, “Halbert, clear the room and close the door. Those of you who belong to the constabulary, may take your notes. My man had to shoot the villain who attempted to murder my fiancée. Double portions of liquor will be in the men’s retiring room. Please tend to your womenfolk to assure there were no injuries.”

  Camille, with Mr. Dupree and Josette, waited outside the door. “Precious girl, I heard everything but dared not enter. Come, let’s sit in the small private drawing room. There’s a decanter of liqueur there. I think we all need it.”

  Jaclyn clung to Radolf like a second skin. She started to shiver and shake, an aftermath of assault to her body and senses now that she was safe. “Don’t leave me, Radolf. Please don’t go.”

  “Hush, Jaclyn. I’m here and won’t leave you.” He handed her a glass of a brandy. “Small sips. It will help your tremors. I doubt any of us will slumber tonight. I need you to be brave for me, I have to make sure the constable is aware of all that transpired. I saw everything, as did Halbert.”

  Wolferton placed her in Camille’s arms, touched her face with his right hand and placed a wayward tendril behind her ear. “The Guardians saved you and allowed Halbert a good shot.” He kissed the tears streaming down her cheeks. “It all happened so fast.” He whispered so only she could hear, “The Guardians now dwell within Loup and Kort.”

  Wolferton took full note that her body no longer shook. Jaclyn gazed wide-eyed at the two dogs who came into the small room and sat next to her. It was as if their strength transferred to her, but her consciousness ebbed.

  Moments later, Wolferton returned, took her to his embrace, and Jaclyn sobbed—but now with joy. They were both safe.

  “Cry all you want, my love. This accident is a sad way to start our new life, but I am a cautious man.” He almost lost her and didn’t want bad memories to be a constant reminder.

  He tried to sound lighthearted, “Are you prepared to marry me tomorrow night? I love you, Jaclyn. Make me the happiest man in all of England. We’ll need time to get everything in order. It won’t be easy, but I’ll make it happen.”

  She didn’t answer.

  He stepped back. “Jaclyn, I will not impose upon you, but want to protect you with my name and body.”

  “Radolf is correct,” Camille said. “After this, a large celebration of any sort would spoil your marriage joy. We can have a simple party at the Hertford estate a few weeks hence, after the shock and gore are an unpleasant memory. Monsieur Dupree and I can be witnesses tomorrow.”

  Chapter Sixty-Two

  The Dukedom for a Heart

  Wolferton was in a wing chair in the sitting room with Jaclyn on his lap. He crooned to her his lullaby. Jaclyn lulled into a slumber.

  Camille whispered, “She’s sound asleep. Why don’t we all try for some rest? Take her to her room and cover her. Tomorrow she can change into fresh clothing with Sedona at hand. Keep the door open, and we’ll hear her call if she needs us.” She smiled at him. “Keep singing. It’s a soothing song. Sedona will sit outside the open door as chaperone. Or I can if you so choose.”

  Radolf cast her a glance.

  “Wolfie, you have a sweet voice for a man.”

  He shot her another gaze, this one a lot stronger. In spite of that, he hummed as he arose with Jaclyn cradled in his arms, caught his balance, and then stepped up the stairs to her room. Not that she was heavy, but his arms and legs were cramped from a long time in the chair. The covers already turned back, he laid her on the bed, removed her shoes, and covered her with exquisite gentleness. He sighed. “Sleeping angel, you’ve had quite a day, as have we all.”

  Halbert tiptoed into the room and placed the decanter of liquor on the table at his side. About to collapse in his chair, he first clapped his man on the back. “Thank you for the good pistol shot.”

  “No problem, Your Grace, it had to be done. I’ll refill your liquor glass as needed.”

  Halbert switched chairs to a more comfortable one. Wolferton nodded. Fatigue caught up with him. The pressure of the last hours had his insides churning. He’d never been afraid of death before because he held his life in cheap regard. Now it had a new meaning, of salvation and redemption. Camille was right. Tomorrow would be a new beginning. To forego an elaborate ceremony did not matter when the primary concern was that now they found each other—no one or thing could tear them asunder.

  The sight of the knife at Jaclyn’s throat had made him feel helpless and sick to his stomach. He never wanted that feeling again.

  Jaclyn murmured something in her sleep. He grasped her hand and hummed to her again. He envisioned her by his side, the children they would have, and most of all, he believed it would come true. Without awareness, the saint had tempted the sinner, and she won. I’m a man redeemed and in love. Wolferton confessed this was all a marvel to him. One moment he was a rascal and the next moment an acceptable scoundrel with a redeemed past. He knelt at her bedside and prayed. Thank you for this precious gift of love. Thank you for the Guardians for all things are possible through Your hand. We are all Your creations.

  He stood and stretched his legs again to get his circulation flowing. A glance at the disheveled angel in the bed made him smile. Part of the pins in her hair had fallen somewhere, probably wherever her crown toppled. With a gentle touch, he removed the other pins. In her disturbed slumber, she moved her head back and forth. Soon her long tresses graced the pillow. He must have been made of rock not to jump in bed with her, but he savored the thought and relied on his tested patience, and he too, fell asleep.


  Household activity awakened Jaclyn. There to her right was her fiancé sound asleep. He gave a gentle moan every now and again. She slipped out of bed, her feet on the soft rug. Intent on not awaking him, she went to the dressing room and removed her gown and underclothes. She performed her ablutions, slipped on her banyan wrapper, and cinched it around the waist. Jaclyn peeked out. Her Radolf was still in the arms of Morpheus, the Greek god of dreams.

  She sat in a chair near him and looked fixedly at Radolf. The stubble on his face she found attractive. It reminded her of the treasured memory of her father. She used to rub her little girl cheeks against his face, and they would play a game of rub-a-dub. Radolf had removed his jacket and waistcoat. His lawn shirtsleeves were rolled up, and the V neck was halfway to the waist. Oh, my, what thoughts that conjured.

  Jaclyn tucked her legs underneath her and studied the musculature of his legs and those magnificent thighs. After their marriage, she’d be able to explore them as he would explore her body. The clock chimed five times, but it didn’t seem early. His fingers were long, lean, strong and begged to be touched. Excitement tingled within, and she trailed her own along his arms like the gentle brush of a
feather against the skin.

  He reached out and caught her hand. “Are you in the mood to play?” he asked with a subdued yawn. Radolf rested his hand on hers, closed it, and held it tight.

  Jaclyn used her other hand to pull back a wayward curl.

  Wolferton said, “No, don’t. Soon that will be my duty.” His hand slid up her wrist, and he fingered her softness. He released her, stood and stretched. Then he extended his hand and she arose from her chair and leaped into his arms, and said simply, “I love you like this. You’re not a guardian, or a duke—you’re my very special man.”

  “I’ll be sure to remind you of these words three months from now when you’ve grown tired of hearing me say how much I love you too.”

  “Never. Never. Never.”

  A vague sensuous thread passed between them. Jaclyn stared at him and sighed.

  Radolf’s voice became husky. “I take it all back. You are not a saint. Welcome to my world, darling, as long as you sin with me.”

  She laughed and kissed his cheeks on both sides. “This was but a sample. Prepare yourself for an onslaught.”

  Radolf muttered, patted her backside. “I so love a battle. Now it’s time to get dressed. We are to marry later this evening.”


  Wolferton descended the steps with a jaunty stride. The whisperings of the cleaning staff caught his attention outside his study door, water-filled buckets on the floor, maids who crunched their aprons with nervous hands, wearing stark expressions on their faces. It seemed no one wanted to enter the room. He sighted Halbert at the same moment they approached the now-silent group.

  “Why are you out here in the corridor with disregard of your duties?” Halbert parted them and stepped inside.

  Wolferton turned his head, and one of the maids cowered from him. After he entered the study, the reason was clear. The bloodstain on the carpet was gone, and the stained-glass window of the Guardians, which had shattered to pieces was back in place, sun streamed through with channels of warmth and sunshine.

  Bloody hell!


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