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Alpha Bloodlines

Page 3

by Kirsty Moseley

  "Ew!" I said turning my nose up, "This needs something" I said looking round for anything to put in the punch to take the kick away. I grabbed some orange juice and poured in half a carton before grabbing two apples and two oranges. "Find a knife, the fruit will soak up some of the alcohol" I said opening the nearest drawer.

  "Here" Mel said sliding a knife across the counter, I chopped up the fruit and threw it in giving it a big stir with the ladle before serving up a little more into a fresh cup.

  I took another mouthful and it was actually quite nice now, "Much better" I said handing my cup to Mel. She smiled and downed the cup nodding for some more, with our drinks in hand we made our way to the dance floor to find Scott.

  "Hey, shit, wow" Scott said with wide eyes as he looked me over, why the hell is he looking at me like that? I blushed and dropped my eyes to the floor, I knew I shouldn't have worn this stupid dress!

  Chapter 3


  I dumped the last of the alcohol onto the kitchen counter looking it over to make sure we had enough, this party was gonna be awesome. I grinned as I counted the bottles, eight bottles of every single drink you could think of, people were supposed to bring something too so we should be fine.

  I grabbed the punch bowl and started mixing in shots of stuff, I had no idea how to make a cocktail or anything so I just threw in whatever I could get hold of first added some orange, apple and cranberry juices and mixed it up with the ladle thing. I spooned out a cup and took a big mouthful, fuck that was awful! I swallowed it grimacing as the alcohol burnt it's way down my throat. I grabbed some lemonade and poured some of that in too, after another test it still tasted like shit but the burn was gone so I downed the rest of the cup. I opened all of the snack stuff pouring them into big plastic bowls before heading upstairs to change.

  It would be hot tonight and I was already running a temperature because of the moon so I pulled on a pair of low slung ripped jeans and a plain white t-shirt, screw it I'm not dressing up to go to a party in my own house. This party was arranged to celebrate my birthday, well that's what most people thought anyway, to my pack and family this was a coming of age party. It's kind of like a birthday party but it was special, today I was twenty. Which meant that I was now officially a full grown male shifter, it also meant that I had the right to challenge my father for Alpha of the pack seen as I was the next eldest male in the family.

  My father had made it clear to me that he would not reject my challenge should I feel ready to face him, a challenge was not to be taken lightly though. If neither of us were willing to submit it would be a fight to the death, there was no way I was doing that. I didn't like my father, I mean he was never really a father to me, taking off just after my Mom died when I was five leaving me to be raised by my Aunt.

  But he was still my father and I wouldn't fight him for something that I had no desire to be anyway, I mean why the hell would I want to be Alpha? I was twenty, in college, fucking anything that moved and generally having a good old time out of life. Who the hell would want to trade that for the responsibility of heading a pack of damn shifters? Not me, certainly not yet anyway, I hadn't ruled out challenging one day but not until it would suit me to do it.

  I was the only one that had the right to challenge at the moment, it went on bloodlines, the Alpha had been in my bloodline for over two hundred years. The only time someone can challenge that is not of the bloodline is when the Alpha is either killed or wishes to resign as Alpha, in which case there is a fight amongst all male shifters over the age of twenty that want to compete. It's a fight into submission or to the death depending on how far you're willing to go for it. Basically it's a huge type of contest with the one left standing at the end being made the new Alpha, but like I say this hadn't happened for over two hundred years as the Alpha's had all bore son's to take over from them.

  My father wouldn't give it to me easily, he would make me work for it and probably make me kill him just to test how far I would go. It seemed to me like I was always a disappointment to him, nothing I ever did was good enough so to be honest I just stopped trying to impress him. When my Aunt died last year she left me the house and a tidy sum to see me through college so I had been taking care of myself since then.

  Once I was dressed I heard people arriving, pulling off the road about a mile away so I made my way down stairs. Scott, Anthony and Paul all let themselves in heading straight for the kitchen to dump the booze they had brought before slapping me a high five. "Wow man, coming of age! You excited?" Scott asked happily.

  I shrugged "Same as yesterday man, nothing's changed" I said a little bored with the whole coming of age thing already, I just wanted to party and get laid.

  "So you gonna make the challenge?" Anthony asked looking at me excitedly, I shook my head laughing.

  "Nah, what the hell do I want all that responsibility for? It gonna get me any more girls?" I asked jokingly making them laugh.

  "No more than you would get anyway" Anthony said rolling his eyes at me, I nudged Scott.

  "Your sister coming?" I asked smiling knowing that it would wind him up me talking about fucking his little sister.

  He looked at me warningly, "Don't even fucking think about it Jayden" he said angrily, his blue eyes getting a little darker making me smile.

  "I was joking! What is she like twelve?" I asked laughing, I hadn't seen Mel for about a year since Scott and I went off to college, she was a nice girl but she just didn't do it for me, no one did.

  "She's almost seventeen actually, she's bringing her friend with her tonight, Brooklyn" he said smiling. I frowned, watching his face, he liked this girl a lot, his little sisters friend I could tell.

  "Yeah? The friend hot?" I asked wanting to wind him up again, his eyes darkened immediately as he stepped towards me. I could feel my wolf pushing to the surface, I didn't like to be challenged, even though I was teasing about the friend if he was gonna be stepping to me I needed to show him to back off.

  I outranked him even though he would technically be my number two if I became Alpha as it was in his bloodline to be my lieutenant. "Back the fuck off Scott" I hissed through my teeth clenching my jaw tight. He glared at me for a couple of seconds assessing my dominance, seeing if he could take me. If he tried I would put him down, he knew that which was why he looked down at the floor pretty quick and stepped back respectfully. I took a deep breath and slapped his shoulder letting him know everything was ok, I didn't hold grudges. "I was kidding man seriously, you like the friend then go for it" I said honestly.

  I had no interest in fighting over a girl, if he wanted this one there would be plenty more at the party for me to fuck. This party would be teeming with humans and shifters alike, personally I liked to fuck shifters. They were more flexible, had more stamina and out of respect of me being Alpha's son they were more than happy to try anything I wanted, hoping I would mate them and make them the Alpha female. That wasn't gonna happen though, I didn't want a mate, why tie myself down to just one girl? The Alpha bloodline ended with me, I wasn't ever having kids. I couldn't get anyone pregnant without mating, I was infertile until I chose someone and connected their body to mine. So I had no doubt in my mind whatsoever that there would be no more Phillips Alpha's.

  People started arriving and a bunch of female shifters paraded themselves in front of me hoping tonight was their lucky night. One girl in a slutty blue dress wrapped her hand around my wrist,

  "Wanna dance with me Jayden?" she purred as she swayed seductively. Fuck this was a good party already!

  "Sure baby why not" I said winking at my boys and following her swaying ass to the dance floor.

  After a couple of hours I spotted part of my pack brothers all standing around chatting so I made my way over to them. "Hey guys" I said throwing my arm around Rick's shoulder.

  "Hey Jay" he said grinning.

  "Good party huh?" I asked looking around at the packed house, the music was banging and everyone was dancing, drinking and laughi

  "Awesome man" Seth said grinning.

  "Got your eye on anyone?" Seth asked looking around and stopping at a group of humans in the corner.

  I grinned "Nah man, I'll take anything, you know me" I said shrugging.

  "Not going for the hottie with Mel Porter?" he asked a little shocked. I grinned this must be the girl Scott likes.

  "No man, Scott's called dibs, where is she anyway?" I asked looking around for this girl that had my best friend so worked up, he had been crazy about this girl for years, I remember him talking about her.

  "I don't know, but trust me you'll know her if you see her, she is smokin hot! Definitely the hottest fucking girl in here" Seth said, the other boys nodded their agreement.

  I frowned, she can't be hotter than the shifter girls, they were all beautiful, it was part of our race to be perfect looking which is why so many of us ended up as models or actors. "Scott didn't say she was a shifter" I said scanning the room for her again.

  Seth shook his head "She's not, she's human, smokin though" he said blowing out a sharp breath and running his hand through his hair. I shrugged, whatever I said to Scott he could have her anyway.

  "I'll see you guys" I said slapping Rick on the shoulder as I made my way to the kitchen to see Scott and Paul doing shots. "Hey, I'll have one of those" I said grabbing another cup and holding it out to Paul who was pouring them another. "Everyone's going on about this mystery girl of yours" I said laughing as we counted to three and downed the shots, Paul immediately poured another three.

  "Yeah I know, she's got a boyfriend though so" he said shrugging.

  I laughed "Come on, that shouldn't stop you, you're Scott Porter!" I said punching his arm maybe a little harder than I thought as he winced and rubbed his shoulder. Shit I wasn't used to this extra coming of age strength yet, I guess it would take a few days.

  "I know, I keep trying but nothing" he said sadly, I smiled reassuringly.

  "You'll get her, but it's not like she's the one man, she's human, you know she's not for you anyway"

  I said shrugging. It was no big deal, shifters could have sex with humans and could maybe have relationships with them but they never lasted. A shifter could only mate with another shifter so we could have our fun with humans but it would never go any further than that.

  I had heard about one shifter who apparently fell in love with a human but they only lasted a couple of years, love for a shifter faded, it was the mating that created the unbreakable bond that kept them together and in love. This was another reason I didn't ever want to mate, once mated you would never want anyone else. A male shifter would do anything for his mate, anything, she was literally the centre of his world and if anything ever happened to her he would be alone until the day he died.

  This was what happened to my father, when his mate died, my Mother, he sort of lost his grip on everything, like she was the only thing tying him down. He left me, unable to love now that his mate was dead, I understood how he felt and never blamed him for it but I just don't get how people could want to put themselves through that. What the hell could be worth risking everything for? I would never take a mate because I would never want to end up like my father, a lonely, bitter and twisted old man with no love or compassion for anyone, even his own son.

  After a couple more shots we went to dance, "You fucked anyone yet Jay?" Paul said laughing.

  I shook my head and smiled "Not yet, it's only ten" I said shrugging, I didn't want to choose too early, I'd get stuck with whatever girl I chose for the night probably and I wanted to have some fun tonight. Two girls came over dancing with us eyeing me and Scott with flirty expressions. Scott got a good amount of females too because he would be my number two, shifter girls wanted to be mated to powerful males. I smiled nodded over my shoulder "I'm gonna go pee" I shouted over the banging music, they nodded and started dancing with the girls as I weaved my way through the drunken people heading to the bathroom.

  I tried the one downstairs but it was locked so I headed upstairs to my en-suite, desperately needing to pee now after downing all this liquid. I crossed my room and went to the bathroom sighing with relief as I emptied my full bladder. As I was washing my hands I heard someone rattle the door handle, I smiled, someone else who couldn't wait for downstairs. I could smell something that I smelt yesterday at Scott's, it was glorious and it made my stomach clench up tight. I had no idea what the smell was but it was intoxicating and I hadn't been able to stop thinking about that scent all night last night.

  I opened the door and my heart stopped. The most beautiful girl I had ever seen in my life was standing in front of me. She had glossy chocolate brown hair to just above her shoulders, her skin was pale and was flawless, she was wearing a black silk dress that clung to her perfect body showing off all of her glorious curves underneath. Her legs were long and toned, I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out so I closed it again. She was so perfect, I had never seen anything more beautiful and I knew I never would.

  I felt my wolf jump and I clenched my fists willing my feet not to close the small distance between us. I dragged my eyes back to her face to see her beautiful hazel brown eyes were wide and a little bewildered as she stared at me as I was doing to her. I couldn't move, I needed her, I felt the hairs on the back of my neck rise as my canines extended. Holy shit what the hell?

  I gritted my teeth and tried again to speak, come on Jayden you can do this! "You need the bathroom?" I asked my voice husky and thick with lust. She gulped and her eyes dropped to the floor, I wanted so much to lift her chin and look into her eyes again but instead I stepped to the side and held the door open for her. She looked at the door and shook her head slightly looking confused before heading in and locking the door behind her.

  What the fuck was that? I went over to the mirror and opened my mouth looking at my canines that were just going back to their correct human teeth. What the hell happened then? I rubbed my hand up my arm and looked back at the door, I wanted to see her again. I wanted to touch her and run my fingers through her silky brown hair, as I thought about it my canines extended again.

  I slapped my forehead confused as hell, suddenly I heard her speak and my heart took off in overdrive "You ok?" she asked. Her voice was so beautiful, it was like an angel singing and I would do anything to hear her speak again. I looked up to see her standing there looking a little uncomfortable with her arms crossed over her beautiful body hugging herself tightly.

  I nodded and willed my teeth to return to normal, I ran my tongue over them and they retracted allowing me to turn to her again. "I'm fine, you enjoying the party?" I asked wanting to hear her speak again, she smiled and I felt like my world started to spin too fast, happiness bubbled inside me and I wanted to see that smile again.

  "Yeah, it's good, you?" she asked looking me over biting her lip slightly.

  I took a deep breath, taking in another lungful of that intoxicating scent, I took a step forward and sniffed again, shit it was her! She was the smell from Scott's! Her beautiful eyes looked a little startled as they came back to mine, my wolf jumped forward wanting me to take her, wanting me to claim her. I couldn't help but close the distance between us, her breath seemed to catch in her throat as I reached my hand up and brushed a stray lock of her hair back into place. Her hair felt like silk between my fingers and my whole body was screaming for me to touch her skin.

  Our bodies were about a foot apart and I was just considering if I could close the distance when she did. She pressed herself to me, her perfect body touching every inch of mine, I gritted my teeth as my wolf growled in my chest. He wanted her now, I was fighting it as best I could but her scent was driving me wild. I was stiff as a board, it was almost painful how hard I was, I bent my head and touched my lips to hers. My whole body tingled with pleasure as her warm soft lips pressed against mine lightly.

  She made a small moan in the back of her throat and I couldn't hold it any longer. I wrapped my arms around her tight and pulled her closer
to my chest as I moved walked her backwards to the bed. Shit I had to have her now! Her hands went up around my neck pulling me closer, as we got to the bed she laid down, I hovered above her and pulled her up the bed more before laying on top of her gently keeping all of my weight off of this perfect angel not wanting to hurt her. I would never hurt her.

  Her hands went down to the back of my t-shirt pulling it up over my head throwing it on the floor, her eyes and hands trailing over my chest making me shiver. I licked along her bottom lip wanting to deepen the kiss, she opened her mouth eagerly and I slipped my tongue into her mouth. She tasted even better than she smelled and I couldn't think about anything else, she took over everything, her scent, her taste, they were driving me out of my mind.

  I pulled my head back to look at her. She was so beautiful, like a perfect angel, my wolf jumped forward again, so close to the surface now, I was fighting a loosing battle, he wanted her, he wouldn't stop until she was his. I was sweating and panting for breath, fighting with all of my might to get the hell off of her before it was too late, but I couldn't move, I couldn't force even one inch of space between us. I was gonna take her and there was nothing either of us could do about it. She looked at me, her hazel eyes showing concern, she raised her hand and touched my sweating forehead.

  "Are you ok?" she asked in her angels voice, that tipped me over the edge.

  My canines extended again, further than I had ever felt them, "I.......can't control....can't" I choked out. She frowned confused and I lost the battle, I felt him take over as I lunged for her throat and bit her deeply marking her as my own.

  Chapter 4

  As soon as my teeth sank into her skin my whole body throbbed with love and passion for her. She was my world, she was my everything, my whole life before her had been a lie, everything that I had found beautiful, everything that I had found interesting or that made me happy were nothing, nothing could compare to this girl. I pulled my mouth away from her neck tasting her sweet blood on my lips, my teeth retracted and I looked into her eyes.


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