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Alpha Bloodlines

Page 12

by Kirsty Moseley

  I headed to Mel's just before lunch as we were going to a BBQ at one of Scott's friends, as I pulled up I saw Jay's car in the drive and happiness rushed through me. I grabbed my overnight bag and headed to the house trying to calm my excitement. I didn't bother knocking, I practically lived here when I was a kid so it's kind of like a second home for me.

  I dumped my stuff down by the door, "Mel?" I called as I walked up the hall to the kitchen.

  "Yeah in here" she called back.

  I smiled as I walked round the corner, the first person my eyes spotted were Jayden, I couldn't look away from him, he was so damn hot. "Hey" I said grinning.

  "Hi shortie" he said his face matching mine as he came to stand next to me. Neither of us spoke, we didn't really need to, I was too busy taking in every single perfect inch of his face, enjoying the heat seeping from his body into mine where he was standing so close.

  Someone cleared their throat loudly and I heard people laughing, I reluctantly dragged my eyes from his and looked at my best friend. She was laughing hysterically, then I noticed there were four other guys in the kitchen all laughing looking at me too. "What? What's funny?" I asked confused.

  Mel shook her head, "I was talking to you" she said still giggling, she was taking to me? I didn't hear anything.

  "You were? Sorry, what did you say hon?" I asked blushing slightly, I must have been too busy staring at Jayden imagining all of the things I wanted to do to him.

  "I said we're going to a pool party at Seth's" she said happily, oh shit, a pool party? I can't get half naked in front of a load of people!

  "Um Mel I don't, err" I said uncomfortable,

  She shook her head "I've got a spare bikini you can borrow don't worry, I know you don't have one with you" she said dismissively.

  I burst out laughing, did she seriously expect me to wear a bikini in front of people? And one of hers? She was like a twig! "Yeah because I'll fit into one of yours" I said laughing harder.

  She smiled and nodded at my chest "I know, you may have to tape them bad boys in or something, that killer cleavage will be on show quite a bit, but you don't mind that do you Jay?" she said teasingly. I gasped and dropped my eyes to the floor as everyone's gaze fell to my chest.

  "I don't mind that at all" Jayden said flirtily from next to me making me roll my eyes, I couldn't help but smile.

  Mel grabbed my hand and dragged me up to her room, "Mel I don't want to go to a pool party" I whined, Mel didn't understand my issues with my body. When I first tried to talk to her about it she just dismissed my worries as stupid, I didn't try to talk to her about it again, she didn't understand.

  Silly girl thought I was beautiful because she was looking at the real me, she was biased because she was my best friend, bless her.

  She pushed me onto her bed and went to the drawer, she turned back to me with a bikini in each hand, "Black or blue?" she asked holding her hands out to me. Oh god they were so damn small!

  "Mel, I can't wear that! For one thing it won't fit me, and for another I don't want everyone to see me in a bikini!" I said willing myself not to cry.

  "Black it is then" she said ignoring me as she tossed it into my lap.

  "Mel, come on please" I said horrified.

  She sighed "If it's that bad then wear a t-shirt over the top, some people will wear t-shirts over" she said shrugging, ok I guess I could do that, I could just say I didn't want to get sun burnt or something.

  I sighed and stood up, "Fine! But you owe me for this, there better be alcohol" I said shaking my head as I crossed the room to her bathroom to change.

  I pulled on the ridiculously small bikini, I mean it fitted me because it stretched but Mel didn't have much of a chest so my breasts were very obvious with the little triangles that just about covered me.

  I groaned but refused to look in the mirror as I pulled my clothes back on over the top.

  Mel was sitting on the bed waiting for me, "Where is it? Have you got it on?" she asked suspiciously.

  I grimaced "Mel, It's fucking tiny, seriously it's embarrassing, you sure other people will be wearing t-shirts too?" I asked, I didn't want to stick out like a sore thumb and embarrass myself in front of everyone!

  "Yes! Now come on then. Let's go, I'm starving" she said handing me a towel and dragging me back downstairs.

  We took two cars, I went in with Jayden, Mel, Scott and some other boy called Paul and the others went in another car. We pulled outside a really nice looking house, "Wow" I said looking it over as Mel dragged me out and round the back.

  "Swim or eat first?" she asked as we plopped out towels down on a lounger.

  "Drink first" I said nervously.

  The pool was nice, quite big, there was a lot of people already here, people stopped to look at us as we walked in. Everyone seemed to be looking at me, a lot of the girls were glaring at me for some reason. What the hell is that about? Jayden stepped closer to me and shot them all a look that should be able to kill them on the spot making them all drop their eyes to the floor, "Why are they looking at me like that? What have I done?" I whispered to him stepping a little closer to him feeling so damn uncomfortable.

  He sighed "You're my mate shortie, girl shifters want to be mated to an Alpha so you've blown their chances" he said casually.

  "Oh god" I groaned, great they all hate me already!

  He laughed "Don't look so uncomfortable! They'll get used to it, the way we mated was so sudden, people are curious about you that's all, not everyone here is a shifter though so don't say anything to anyone in case they're not ok" he said bending slightly so our faces were on the same level.

  I nodded and smiled, "Ok, I'm going to get a drink then I guess" I mumbled heading off after Mel in the direction of the house. Jayden followed close behind me glaring at girls as they looked at me a little disapprovingly. After three vodka shots I felt a little better so we went to sit down, a couple of girls were wearing t-shirts so I didn't seem to be standing out when I left mine on too.

  Even though it was a pool party no one seemed to be swimming, everyone was sitting around talking, some people were dancing, there was a huge BBQ going with all sorts of food that had been burnt beyond recognition where the guy cooking it was slightly too drunk to care. I was sitting chatting to Mel and Jayden, I was already on about my sixth drink so I was definitely feeling a little tipsy. Scott was standing by the edge of the pool talking to one of his friends, "Excuse me a minute"

  I said to Mel and Jay as I stood up and walked over to Scott.

  As I got close to him I saw his face change, "No" he said warningly shaking his head.

  "Oh yeah" I said as I closed the distance and pushed him hard into the pool. He grabbed my hand and dragged me in too making me squeal, both of us came up laughing.

  "Dammit Brook, how the hell am I supposed to pull looking all wet and soggy?" he whined as I splashed him in the face.

  "You'll just have to try harder" I said shrugging and laughing as he reached to grab me.

  I swam away as fast as I could and climbed out ignoring that way the wet t-shirt was stuck to my body as I ran and hid behind Jayden. Scott was walking over to me smirking "You know your gonna pay for that Brooklyn" he said teasingly. I gripped Jay's waist pressing into him from behind laughing, I could hear him laughing. Scott darted to one side so I ran off in the other direction, he caught me easily and tackled us both back into the pool making water shoot up my nose. Scott and I had a slight water fight for a bit, it was fun, he was always like this, I would kill to have a brother like him.

  I saw Jayden move from the corner of my eye and I stopped to watch him as he stripped out of his t-shirt exposing his sexy muscled chest and abs. "Oh shit" I gasped as I saw him in just his shorts, the desire for his body was overwhelming, I was so turned on I could actually have climaxed. He was just perfect, the only time I had seen him with no clothes was at his party and my mouth was actually watering at the sight of him now.

  He walked over to the edge of the
pool and I could barely breathe, "Shit Scott I need to get out of the pool, right now" I said trying unsuccessfully to look away from Jay's awesome body. If he came anywhere near me there was no way I wasn't fucking his brains out and I couldn't do that.

  Scott looked at me strangely, "Why?" he asked splashing me again, I didn't care because at that moment Jayden dived into the water. He swam underwater and came up just in front of me, his brown hair slicked back and shining in the sun. His green eyes were sparkling with happiness and love. I closed the distance between us unable to stop myself and wrapped my arms around his neck crashing my lips to his taking him completely by surprise.

  He moaned a little and wrapped his arms around me pulling me tight against his chest, I wrapped my legs around his waist squeezing my whole body as close to him as I could as I kissed him hard.

  He moved forward a little and pushed me against the side of the pool tracing his tongue along my bottom lip. I opened for him eagerly, oh god he was such a good kisser!

  His arms tightened around me and I swear I heard a low growl resonate from his chest, it was sexy as hell. Where I was wrapped around him I could feel how hard he was already and I wanted him so bad I could burst. He pulled away to kiss down my neck tracing his tongue over his mark making pleasure shoot round my body, I bucked my hips slightly grinding against his erection making him gasp slightly.

  I forgot where we were, I forgot everything, I forgot about Trey and the reason's why I shouldn't be doing this. I couldn't think of anything other than Jayden and how much I needed him and how he was setting my whole body on fire. Suddenly he pulled out of the kiss making me whimper, I pulled his face back to mine needing more but he pulled away again.

  "Trey's on the phone" he whispered sadly his arms loosening around me slightly, he looked devastated. What the hell is he talking about? Trey was on the phone? Oh shit! I looked over to see Mel talking on my phone waving frantically for me. I looked back at Jay, he honestly looked heartbroken.

  "I'm sorry" I said honestly, he nodded and let me go as I reluctantly unwrapped my body from his, damn stupid Trey! I hated him so much! I swam to the stairs and pulled myself out, I didn't look back at Jayden again, I couldn't see that heartbroken face again. I didn't ever want to hurt him, but I had no choice, I needed to keep him and my Mom safe from Trey and this was the only way I could do that.

  I ran to Mel and took the phone grabbing a towel and wrapping it around myself, "Hey hon" I said quickly.

  "Where the fuck are you?" he growled angrily, my whole body stiffened.

  "I'm at Mel's" I said closing my eyes.

  "Don't fucking lie to me Brook, she just told me you were at some asshole's pool party" he said his voice shaking slightly where he was so angry.

  "Um yeah, it's one of Scott's friends" I said knowing I needed to tell the truth.

  "Scott, Mel's brother? That fucking prick that wants to screw you?" he spat angrily, shit even he knew Scott liked me and he's only met him once!

  "Trey hon" I started but he cut me off.

  "Give me the address, I'm coming to get you" he shouted, I flinched slightly. Fuck me if he's this angry something's gonna get broken this time, I felt sick, I could barely breathe.

  "I don't know the address, I'll come home, I'll get Mel to give me a lift back to hers and pick up my car and then I'll drive to yours" I said trying to calm him down.

  "Give me the fucking address now" he roared making me jump.

  I turned to Mel quickly, "What's the address here?" I asked desperately.

  "1021 Riverside" she said looking at me apologetically.

  I repeated the address to Trey, "I'll be there within half an hour, be ready when I get there, if I have to come in and get you I swear to god Brook I'm going fucking to kill someone" he shouted making me cringe again.

  I nodded "Ok, I'll be out front" I said snapping my phone shut and throwing it in my bag so I could dry off quickly.

  "You leaving?" Mel asked shocked.

  I nodded "Yeah, Trey needs me" I said towelling off my hair, I noticed my hands were shaking.

  "Is everything ok?" I heard Jay ask from behind me, I couldn't look at him, knowing that after what just happened I was leaving to be with my boyfriend.

  "Everything's fine, Trey needs help with something" I said pulling on my jeans over the top of my wet bikini bottoms. The t-shirt I had on was still plastered to me, it wasn't going to get dry even though I continued to wipe the towel over it.

  "Here shortie" Jay said handing me his t-shirt, god he is so damn sweet! But I couldn't wear that, Trey would want to know who's it was and it would just end up causing me more trouble.

  "Um no thanks, it's fine it'll dry don't worry" I said quickly still not able to look at him. Trey ruined a perfect fucking moment, that was everything I had been thinking about for the last week and Trey has to choose that exact moment to ring, fucking asshole!

  I slipped my shoes on, "I can't stay at yours Mel, I'll call you tomorrow" I said hugging her quickly.

  I turned to walk off but Jayden caught my hand making me stop sending another wave of desire through my body. God every time his skin touched mine I wanted him more and more!

  "Will you call me later?" he asked pleadingly. I closed my eyes, shit this was getting so hard, it wasn't just the lust that I felt for him now, there was definitely something there, and I didn't want to leave his side, I wanted to stay here with him so bad.

  I nodded "If I can" I said as I pulled my hand from his and practically ran to the front of the house, I sat on the curb and put my head in my hands unable to stop the tears from flowing down my face. I don't know what I was crying for the most, the pain I was soon to feel or that heartbreaking sadness that was stretched across Jayden's face.


  I watched her walk away taking my heart with her, she was killing me, this whole situation was killing me. And that kiss! Fucking hell that was so damn hot, I would give anything to hold her again, I didn't care if I never had sex again in my life, but I needed to feel her delicate skin on mine, hold her hand and kiss her goodnight.

  She had practically ran away from me to go to that asshole, I moved to go and wait out the front with her but Mel caught my arm making me stop. "Don't get her in trouble with Trey, just stay away" she said pleadingly, she looked a little scared. Why the hell were the two of them so jumpy for? Brook looked like she was almost shaking when she was talking to him on the phone.

  I took a deep breath and sat down on the sun lounger, "What did he say he needed her for?" I asked Mel knowing that she spoke to him too.

  She shrugged "I don't know Jay he didn't say" she said plopping down next to me.

  "What did he say then?" I asked curiously.

  "He asked to speak to her, I said she was swimming, he said he didn't know we had a pool, so I told him we were at a pool party, then he just demanded I call her and get her to speak to him, sounded pretty pissed actually" she said, she bit her lip as she looked at me like she shouldn't have said anything.

  "He sounded pissed, what do you mean? Do you think he would have shouted at her?" I asked jumping up as anger took over.

  She grabbed my hand "Jay chill, she won't thank you for getting involved, she wants to be with Trey" she said ripping my heart open further. I knew she did, it just hurt even more when someone actually said it out loud, I sat back down and nodded still unable to get rid of my anger completely.

  If I find out he shouted at her I swear I'll rip him limb from limb.

  Scott put another burger in my hand, "Chill, eat, she'll call you later, you need to start relaxing Jay"

  he said patting my shoulder sympathetically. I sighed and nodded, I know I needed to relax, she wasn't mine, as much as I wanted her to be, it was her choice. I sat back eating my burger trying to think of anything other than her, "So that kiss was fucking hot Jay, seriously, if her phone hadn't rang I think you would have banged her in front of everyone" Scott said laughing.

  I smiled, actually I probabl
y would have done, my wolf had almost taken over, the only reason I stopped is because I could hear Mel shouting for Brook that Trey was on the phone, it was like I snapped out of some sort of passion fuelled trance or something. I shook my head "No man I had it under control" I lied, he smirked at me knowingly making me chuckle.

  "She was the same though, it was so funny one minute we were mucking around then she just stopped, looked like she even stopped breathing, when I looked round you were taking your top off, she goes 'Shit Scott I need to get out of the pool right now' and she couldn't take her eyes off of you, she wanted you bad" Scott said laughing. I grinned, I knew how much she wanted me, her hormones were going crazy, I smelt them as soon as my head broke the surface of the water. I closed my eyes willing myself not to remember I didn't need another hard on, she did that to me enough already, I didn't need one when she wasn't even near me!

  I couldn't stop thinking about her, what if this Trey guy was angry with her for coming out to a party or something? After an hour I asked Mel to call her, she sighed unhappily but rang her anyway, I think just to stop me whining, but Brook didn't answer her phone. After another half an hour she tried again but still no answer, "I can't do this anymore, I need to go and see if she's ok" I said standing up quickly.

  "Jay you can't! You said you've already knocked once and he saw you, you can't pass yourself off as a stranger this time" Mel said disapprovingly.

  "You said he sounded pissed, I can't get it out of my head, I need to hear she's ok, if she won't answer her phone then I'll have to think of something else, maybe get one of the neighbours to knock or something" I said not knowing what the hell I was talking about.

  "Want me to come? I could knock" Scott suggested.


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