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Alpha Bloodlines

Page 14

by Kirsty Moseley

  She moaned slightly as she looked me over and I could smell those damn hormones again, fucking hell those hormones would be the death of me! I willed myself not to get turned on by it, that would be embarrassing as hell!

  "Um I guess I have some of Trey's clothes here, if you want those" she said heading to the drawer and pulling out a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. I took them not really wanting to wear his clothes but as mine were now in shreds on the floor I guess I needed to.

  I pulled them on "Are you ok shortie? That was a lot for you to take in huh?" I asked worried that she had just seen a fight between two full grown shifters, it's supposed to look terrifying to other shifters so I dread to think what it looked like to a human!

  She nodded and bit her lip "I'm ok, I was pretty scared" she said, I wrapped my arms around her gently.

  "I would never have let him hurt you" I said fiercely.

  She shook her head "I wasn't scared for me Jayden, I thought you were gonna get hurt" she said pulling me closer to her. God she was so adorable!

  "Are you hurt?" I asked trailing my fingers over her cheek again, it didn't look too bad but must have been sore.

  She shook her head, "It's ok, I'm fine" she said squeezing herself to me making me so damn horny I could burst. Ok come on Jay make her and her mother safe!

  "Call your Mom shortie" I said pulling away from her and hunting through the mess of mine and Trey's clothes for my phone. Finally I found it and dialled my father quickly, this was his pack, I needed his approval before I could make any plans.

  "Jayden?" he said a little shocked as he answered the phone, I hadn't spoken to him for well over two years, I mean I saw him at pack meetings but I hadn't spoken to him for a long time.

  "Yes Father, I need to talk to you it's important" I said quickly whilst stroking my hand down Brooks head gently, she was talking to someone on the phone asking for her mother, hopefully she would be able to leave, god I hoped she wasn't some damn surgeon or something and was stuck in an operation!

  "Ok, what is it?" my father asked concerned.

  "No I can't do it over the phone I need to come there" I said sternly.

  "Well I'm home right now" he said.

  "Ok, I just need to pick someone up and I'll come straight round" I said.

  "Pick up who? Who are you bringing to my house?" he asked curiously.

  "My mate and her mother" I said linking my fingers through Brooks.

  "You mated?" he asked almost sounding proud.

  "Yeah I did, I'll explain when I come there, I guess I'll be about an hour" I said. I walked to Brook's wardrobe and grabbed a load of her clothes and put them in the middle of her bed, I grabbed the drawers from their frame and tipped them onto the bed dumping all of her clothes into a pile.

  "I'll see you then" he said ending the call, I grabbed another drawer and tipped all of her underwear into the pile.

  She was watching me curiously, "Anything else you want?" I asked waving around the room, she was still talking hurriedly to her Mom about Trey. She ran to her closet and grabbed a couple of pairs of converse from the bottom throwing them onto the bed along with a teddy bear from her dresser. She nodded and I folded the corners of the quilt tying it in a knot. She was talking to her Mom now, hurriedly explaining there was an emergency.

  I grabbed her hand and pulled her down the hall to the next room, I went straight to the wardrobe pulling out all of her mothers clothes piling them on her bed. Brook went to the drawers and pulled out armfuls of underwear and t-shirts, jeans, I grabbed a load of shoes from the bottom of the wardrobe. "Ok Mom, no I can't explain now, I'll be there in a bit, I love you" she said as she snapped her phone shut.

  "Anything else?" I asked looking around, she looked around quickly and pulled open the bedside drawer grabbing a faded old photograph and two passports throwing them into the pile. I smiled sadly at her and tied up the corners of the quilt picking it up and carrying it to the hallway. It was really heavy, maybe I should have take the hangers off of the clothes. I smiled as I dumped it in the hallway and went to grab Brook's one from her room.

  I put the two huge quilt parcels at the top of the stairs and turned to her, "Ready to go shortie?" I asked stepping to her side.

  She wrapped her arms around me tightly. "Why are you doing this for me?" she asked looking at me gratefully.

  I smiled "You're my mate, I'd do anything for you" I said. God she was so close I couldn't help but kiss her again. All my will to stay away from her was gone, Trey was gone surely there was nothing to stop us being together now, unless she just didn't want me. I touched my lips to hers gently, she squeezed herself to me tightly, my wolf wanted her, I was so fucking hard it was unreal, I could smell how aroused she was too and the scent was filling my head making me slightly dizzy.

  She traced her tongue along my lip and I opened my mouth eager to taste her again. As soon as her tongue touched mine my wolf growled, I pressed her against the wall kissing her deeply, bending my knees so our faces were at the same level as I ran my hands down her perfect body, the passion taking over. I broke the kiss to kiss down her neck pressing every inch of my body against hers, she was panting excitedly making me even hotter. Shit! We needed to go, I had to get her mother before Trey did, I didn't have time for this!

  "We need to go shortie" I said reluctantly pulling my mouth from her perfect soft skin.

  She looked at me torn, she didn't want to go I could tell, her hormones were raging and they were driving me wild. If we didn't stop right now I wouldn't be able to. "We need to pick up your Mom, she'll be waiting" I said tenderly.

  She seemed to snap out of it immediately, "Ok, let's go" she said nodding. I grabbed her quilt bag and she went to get the other.

  I laughed "You won't be able to lift it shortie" I said shaking my head. She didn't listen, she grabbed the knot and lifted with all her might, a sexy little grunt escaping her lips with the effort but it didn't even raise an inch off the ground.

  "Crap! I'll take some stuff out" she said moving to untie it.

  I smiled "It's ok shortie I got it" I said pushing her hands off of it as I picked it up in my other hand.

  "Holy crap Jayden!" she gasped.

  I smiled "Shifter remember?" I said teasingly as I winked at her.

  She shook her head giggling, "Right come on then son of Alpha, let's go" she said heading towards the stairs.

  "No Brook!" I ordered, she stopped immediately, "Behind me, just in case" I said nodding behind me, she moved to the side as I passed and stepped behind me. As we got to the front door I stopped.

  "Hold the back of my shirt shortie, don't let go, stay as close to me as you can, take the keys out of my pocket" I said nodding down to my front pocket, she grabbed them quick and I stepped out of the door with her hot on my heels.

  "I need to lock the door Jayden" she said as we stepped over the threshold, I stopped and scanned the front while she locked the door behind us.

  When I felt her grip my shirt again I started moving towards my car, she unlocked it and I threw the two quilt bags in the back of my car, lucky I brought the Chevrolet instead of one of my little old cars, otherwise her mother would never get in! I made her get in the drivers side as slide across to the other side. I pulled away as soon as her belt was on speeding to the hospital where her Mom worked with her giving me directions. She called her mother and told her to meet us in the back, I pulled right up and pulled Brook out of the drivers side again, holding her tight to my side.

  Her mother was just inside the door looking totally panic stricken, they ran and hugged as soon as they saw each other, I smiled. Ok wow I would have preferred this meeting to have been under different circumstances!

  "Brook, what happened to your face? Oh god my poor baby, let's get you inside and I'll have a look" she cried looking like she wanted to cry, Brook shook her head.

  "It's fine honestly, we need to go" she said taking her hands and pulling her towards me, "Mom this is Jayden, Jayden my Mom" she said wa
ving her hand between us, her mom looked at me confused, obviously wondering who the hell I was.

  "It's nice to meet you Miss Mill's" I said holding out my hand to her, she smiled politely and I could see where Brook got her looks from, her mother was the complete opposite of Brook with blonde hair and grey eyes but their features were similar and the smile was exactly the same, I liked her already.

  "You too Jayden, you can call me Beth" she said nodding at me politely.

  "Thank you, we really need to get going, come on shortie" I said holding out a hand to her.

  She came to my side immediately, "What's going on? You said there was some sort of emergency to do with Trey, Brook what's happened? Has there been an accident or something?" she asked curiously. Brook looked at me for help, ok I guess this is more my department than hers!

  "Beth, I'll tell you everything when we get to where we're going, it's a long story and we don't have time for this right now" I said sternly. She didn't know of my dominance but people could usually sense an Alpha presence and not even realise what it was. Anyway she accepted my explanation with a small nod.

  "Ok Jayden, let's go" she said as we walked to the car, I waited until both of them were safely in the car before climbing in and speeding away towards my fathers cottage.

  Chapter 15

  After about twenty minutes of driving I pulled up outside my fathers cottage. Beth gasped in the back as she looked at the house that I used to live in as a child. "God this place is beautiful" she said looking at the house in awe, I smiled I guess it is pretty nice, a stone cottage built right in the middle of the woods. It was quite a big with big bay windows either side ot the front door and a thatched roof, but all I had here were memories of my mother dying then my father rejecting me so it wasn't a happy place for me to be.

  I stepped out of the car and headed round to get Brook's door, I opened Beth's too and waited for them to both be out. "Who's house is this Jayden?" Beth asked curiously, looking around at the little stream that ran down the side of the cottage.

  "This is my fathers house" I said trying to keep the emotion out of my voice, Beth smiled "It's gorgeous" she said still looking around with wide eyes.

  Brook took my hand as we walked up to the door making me feel instantly comforted, I squeezed it gently as we knocked. "Crap I'm nervous about meeting your Dad" she said straightening her top.

  I smiled "It's fine shortie, you look beautiful, he's gonna love you" I said proudly. Beth grinned behind me and I knew I'd just won her mothers approval, Brook grimaced and carried on fussing straightening her hair.

  The door opened and my father stood there, he was a very dominant male, he radiated authority, even the way he stood was arrogant and I tried desperately not to challenge him. God it was so hard! Now I was of age, my body didn't like the way he was standing trying to be taller than me, looking at me like I was beneath him. "Jayden" he said holding out a hand for me to shake.

  "Father" I said nodding respectfully but not taking my eyes from his like I was supposed to, I should have dropped my eyes to the floor. He noticed, his eyes tightened slightly but he let it go.

  He looked at Brook and looking her over, I felt my body stiffen ready to protect her, he was Alpha, if he didn't approve of my mate I could be thrown from the pack and she would be killed. This hadn't happened for over two hundred years, no Philips Alpha had ever disowned a pack member because of choice of mate, but then again no shifter had ever mated a human before.

  His eyes came back to mine and he nodded slightly showing his approval and I relaxed slightly.

  "Father this is Brook, and her mother Beth Mill's, Brook, Beth this is my father Richard Philips" I said politely.

  Beth held her hand out to him "It's nice to meet you Mr Philips" she said smiling. I saw him stiffen, shifter's knew better than to touch an Alpha without them making the first move and I could see he was a little shocked.

  He shook her hand and returned her smile with a tight one of his own, "It's nice to meet you too Mrs Mill's" he said.

  "It's Miss, I'm not married, but you can call me Beth anyway" she said laughing, he nodded and his eyes snapped to Brook.

  "So this is her?" he asked looking her over again, she pressed herself to me tightly.

  "Yes" I said squeezing her hand reassuringly.

  "Nice to meet you Brook, welcome to the family" he said nodding and stepping aside so we could enter the house.

  "Thank you Mr Phillips" she said respectfully.

  He nodded to the lounge so I led them in there motioning for them to sit down on the sofa. "Father can I speak to you in private?" I asked.

  "Sure, let's go into the kitchen" he said looking at me curiously.

  I kissed the top of Brook's head, "I'll be right back ok? Wait here for me?" I asked, she nodded smiling her sexy little smile making my heart melt and I followed my father to the kitchen.

  "Ok Jayden, what's all this about? This isn't just you wanting my approval of your mate, but she certainly get's that, she's very beautiful even with the bruises, your pup's will be strong and healthy" he said proudly.

  "She is beautiful, but no that's not why I came here today, I have a problem, something's happened that I need your help with" I said skirting around the issue slightly.

  "What?" he asked leaning against the counter looking at me arrogantly, he liked to have power over me and the fact that I needed his help was amusing to him I could tell.

  "When I mated with Brook, I didn't know she had a boyfriend, he's Alpha of The Tridents" I said watching his face harden.

  "What the hell? Why the fuck did she let you mate her if she was with someone else?" he cried angrily. I moved slightly so I was in front of the door in case he went into the lounge where Brook was, I wouldn't let him near her if he was angry.

  "She didn't know who he was father, but he's seriously pissed that we've mated, he wants both her and me dead, he's also threatened to kill her mother" I said trying to keep my voice down. I hadn't explained anything to Beth yet, I didn't want her to hear it like this.

  He blew out a big breath and ran his hand through his hair, "Ok what do you want to do about this?

  Obviously you want something from me or you wouldn't be here" he said shaking his head.

  "You're right father, I want your permission to kill him and any of his pack that get in my way, I won't allow him within a mile of my mate" I said clenching my jaw tight.

  He raised an eyebrow "And how do you intend to do this? On your own?" he asked curiously.

  I shook my head "I was hoping for the pack's help" I admitted.

  He laughed "Right, you want me to ask my pack to protect your mate because she's too fucking stupid to realise she was already dating an Alpha when she mated with you" he said sneering.

  My wolf burst forward and I slammed him against the wall my hand around his throat squeezing his soft neck that I could easily snap. "You WILL NOT talk about my mate like that" I growled.

  He smiled "You wish to challenge for Alpha?" he asked looking amused, I let go of his throat and stepped back but didn't take my eyes from his. I didn't want Alpha but I would take it if necessary.

  "I don't want to take Alpha from you unless I have to" I said honestly.

  He laughed "You think it would be that easy, you want it you take it?" he asked his eyes twinkling with amusement.

  I nodded, I could take it easily we both knew it, "Yes father, I could take it, but I don't want it, not yet, I just want to make my mate safe, but you WILL show her respect" I said sternly, showing him my dominance. His eyes flashed as he assessed my threat, he searched my face for the longest time before he looked away first. I had won, he conceded, he had just handed me the pack, I could demand Alpha right now without a fight and he would have to give it to me, but I didn't want it so I didn't say anything.

  "Will the pack help me? If they come for her, will they fight with me?" I asked.

  "How did she not know he was Alpha? Which pack is she from? I've not seen her be
fore" he said not answering the question, ok great here's where it gets a little tricky.

  "Father, Brook isn't from a pack, she's human" I said.

  He laughed and shook his head, "Seriously which pack is she from? Is she a Trident?" he asked amused.

  "Father this isn't a joke, Brook's human, I don't know how but I've mated her, I needed her, I mated her by accident, I couldn't control it, my wolf wanted her as soon as I laid eyes on her" I said watching his smile fade to be replaced by shock and then plain horror, he was horrified I had mated a human.

  "You can't have, that's not possible" he said shocked.

  "I did, it is possible, I don't know how, Trey Newton Alpha of the Trident's has tried to mate her too but it didn't work for him" I said my wolf growling again at the thought of his teeth on my angels neck, biting her hard enough to draw blood.

  My father pulled up a stool and sat down looking a little shaken, "You mated a human? In wolf form?" he asked curiously.

  I shook my head "No, in this form, I couldn't stop myself, the very second I saw her, smelled her even, I needed her, it wasn't a choice, I didn't even know her name when I took her" I said shrugging.

  "God above" he said putting his head in his hands, I smiled and waited for him to take it in, I didn't know how to comfort him, I hardly knew the man.

  "Ok, does she know what you are? Does her mother know?" he asked.

  "Brook knows, I told her, but her mother has no idea, Brook had no idea until today that Newton was a shifter, they were just dating" I said.

  He nodded and everything was quiet for the longest time, "Let's go talk to them, I think her mother needs to know, but if she won't keep our secret then she'll need to be dealt with" he said sternly. I nodded in agreement even though I knew we wouldn't be hurting a hair on Beth's head, I promised my angel I would protect her mother, and protect her I would.


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