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Wicked Secrets

Page 24

by H G Lynch

  Grinning, Ember grabbed a bottle of Irn-Bru and tossed it to Sherry. Cracking the lid, Sherry swigged the neon-orange drink. Ember opened her own drink and tilted her head back as she brought the bottle to her mouth, gulping down the cold, fizzy sweetness. The bottle crackled as she swallowed the last of it, and finally lowered the now-empty bottle.

  Sherry raised both her eyebrows, took a sip of her Irn-Bru, and said, “Feel better?”

  Ember nodded. “Much.”

  Rolling her eyes, Sherry put twisted the cap onto her bottle and put it down on the counter. She muttered that she was going to the bathroom to try and clean up. “Try not to eat anyone else while I’m gone,” she said. Ember flipped her off as she strode down the aisle toward the sign with the little green bathroom symbol on it.

  While Sherry was cleaning up, Ember checked the store, inside and out, for video cameras. Fortunately, the tiny store had none. She was in the clear. The cashier guy had fallen asleep on the floor, and the holes in his neck from her bite were almost healed – another property of vampire saliva was that it healed the bite, better for hiding their existence.

  “All done.” Sherz came out of the bathroom looking a lot neater and cleaner than she had before. The cut on her face didn’t look nearly so bad now.

  Ember decided she might as well try to fix herself somewhat too, just to look less gruesome. She must look like a zombie. She trotted into the girls’ bathroom – it was surprisingly clean for a petrol station – and saw she was right. She stared at her grim reflection in the grimy bathroom mirror, and grimaced. Her hair was wild, half her face was caked in mud, there was blood smudged across her forehead and around her chin, and she was covered from head to toe in dirt. Her clothes were filthy, but there wasn’t much she could do for them at this point. So she turned on the cold water tap and attempted to clean her face so she looked somewhat human again.

  Once her face was a more natural colour again, she tugged her fingers through her hair, pulling out leaves and twigs. She managed to get it looking less like a bird’s nest, but it was still an awful mess. The dried blood had matted the back of her hair into an icky brown state and she considered washing it in the sink, but decided she really didn’t want to walk the rest of the way back to school with wet hair. Knowing her luck, she’d catch a cold.

  As soon as she got back to school, she vowed to take a ridiculously long, scalding shower. She couldn’t wait to curl up in her little cosy bed.

  If she could, she’d curl up with Reid.


  The night was a little less windy when they got outside but, if possible, it was even darker. The sky had completely clouded over so they didn’t even have an ounce of moonlight to see by now. Luckily, Ember’s night vision was improved, so she could see the ground clearly enough not to fall in any ditches. She kept her arm linked through Sherry’s as they walked, and not a single car passed by. Everything was quiet and eerie, and their footsteps echoed down the empty road.

  It felt like they’d been walking for maybe half an hour or so when Ember felt the need to say something, to break the deafening silence around them. “You know what?” she asked abruptly, her thoughts more tangled than her hair.

  Sherry looked at her, puzzled. “What?”

  “I think this has got to be the worst weekend of our lives.”

  They looked at each other for a moment, and then started laughing. “I think you might be right. I vote we don’t leave our room for the rest of the weekend,” Sherry added and Ember grinned at her.

  She nodded in agreement. “Definitely.” Ember bumped her hip against her friend’s, making them both stumble. Anyone watching would’ve assumed they were drunk.

  Their humour quickly faded, and Sherry said quietly, “Reid and Ricky must be freaking out, right now.”

  Ember looked down at her feet, her trainers crunching on the gravel by the side of the road. “Yeah,” she said glumly. Thinking of Reid made a hollow pit open in her stomach. She thought of the hurt on his face when she slapped him, the anger in his eyes, the way he’d avoided her afterward. God, she’d give anything to take back that stupid fight.

  Sherry nudged Ember’s arm. As if reading Ember’s mind, she said, “You know he’ll have forgotten about that entire argument. He’s probably worried sick about you right now, and I bet as soon as we get back, he’ll be desperate to make sure you’re okay.” Sherry smiled a kind, reassuring smile, and Ember felt a little hope blossom in her chest. Maybe Sherry was right

  “Hey, look! Lights!” Sherry cried suddenly, distracting Ember from her thoughts. Her head snapped up and, sure enough, there was a puddle of light streaming onto the road ahead. Excitement fluttered in her gut. Could it be the school at last? It felt like they’d been walking all night – it had to be the school!

  They broke into a sprint.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  ** Ember **

  They tripped and stumbled, laughing and hissing as they bumped into trees and got tangled in branches. In the dark, it was impossible to know if they ought to recognise these trees, but they kept going anyway until they could see a filtering of yellow light beyond the boughs. They ran faster, falling on their knees and ignoring the bite of sharp branches. The light got brighter as they ran, and eventually they began to make out the imposing school building through the trees. Ember could see it, and it had never looked more like home. She wanted to call out, but didn’t have the breath.

  The girls stumbled out of the trees, gasping and laughing and crying all at once. They grabbed each other in a hug and jumped up and down in sheer joy. “Yes! We’re finally back!” Ember yelped. They were so wrapped up in their excitement at finally being back to safety, that it made them both jump out of their skins when a familiar voice called to them.

  “Ember? Ember!”

  Ember recognised Reid’s voice in an instant and she pulled away from Sherry to turn and find him. Even through the dim lighting, she could see the relief on his face as he ran toward them. He bundled her up in a bone-crushing hug, so tight she could hardly breathe, but she never wanted him to let go. His warmth, his solid body against hers; his cool breath in her hair and the spiced apple scent of his skin in her nose; the silkiness of his blonde hair brushing her cheek and his muscular arms strong around her – everything about him felt safe and familiar.

  Relief made her heart pound, and she wrapped her arms around his waist, squeezing him like he might disappear if she let go. Tears sprang to her eyes and spilled down her face; she hadn’t realised how scared she’d been until now.

  “Jesus, Ember, you have no idea how worried I was!” Reid murmured into her hair. “We found Owen’s journal and we found out his plan, and the minute I knew, I went I looking for you. All I could find was your damned ribbon and…” He stopped to take a deep breath she knew he didn’t need.

  Shakily, he whispered, “We searched half the damned forest for you! I honestly thought there was chance I wouldn’t see you again. How did you get away? How bad are you hurt? Are they still after you?” Reid fired questions at her too fast for her to answer, squeezing her tight. Then he pulled back, his eyes sweeping over her, looking for damage. He looked frantic, and he was trembling just a little, and despite everything, Ember felt her heart ache for him. It was endearing that he’d been so worried about her.

  She smiled at him, laughing even as she was still crying. “Jeez, Reid, give me time to breathe,” she said hoarsely, attempting to extricate herself from his grasp even though she wanted to stay in his arms forever. Wiping tears off her face, she looked up at him, and he met her gaze with bright, bright azure eyes. There was a look of such unguarded vulnerability on his face that it made her want to cry more. She pressed her lips together, and reached up to brush his hair back out of his eyes.

  He sighed at her touch, relaxing just a little, and lifted his hands to cup her face. His thumbs brushed the wetness on her cheeks, and he leaned his forehead against hers, his breath shaky on her lips. He kissed her, gently,
so gently, and his lips tasted like her tears. His fingers slid into her hair, tangling in the dirty strands carelessly. Her heart fluttered, and she snaked her arms around his neck. His heart pounded against hers, fast and reckless, and he kissed her harder. Her lips parted under the pressure of his, and she gasped breathlessly against his mouth. He crushed her against him, his lips feverish, and suddenly she wanted to be alone with him. She wanted to discover just how intimate his kisses could be.

  But eventually, he pulled away from her and his lovely blue eyes met hers. Even in the darkness, his eyes glowed unbelievably blue. He was so heartbreakingly beautiful it made her chest ache. He opened his mouth to say something, and then hesitated. Nervousness flickered across his face, and he closed his eyes for a second. His fingers were still tangled in her hair. With his eyes still shut, he whispered, “Ember, can I tell you something?”

  She frowned, surprised. She was used to him just saying whatever he liked, whether or not she wanted to hear it. “If I said no, would it stop you?” she asked.

  He opened his eyes, and she shuddered at the intense, searing look in them. He smiled, very slightly, almost shyly. “Probably not.”

  She nodded. “In that case, fine. Speak your mind.”

  Reid bit his lip for a second, hesitating. “I should have told you before – before all of this. But I didn’t have the guts to even…” He sighed, shaking his head slightly, not taking his eyes off hers. “Ember,” he said quietly, “I love you. I am absolutely, completely, insanely in love with you.”

  For a long moment, Ember stared at him, speechless. She drew in a careful breath, fearful that her heart might break through her ribs, it was hammering so wildly. She played his words over and over in her head, half-sure she’d misheard him, but part of her knew she hadn’t.

  A stupid, shy grin pulled at her lips. Looking up at Reid, she saw the doubt and vulnerability on his face, and realised how much it had cost him to say those words to her. He was waiting for her to say something, but there were so many things she wanted to say that they all crowded on her tongue, words tangling with each other in their hurry to form on her lips.

  His brows pressed down anxiously, and he murmured, “Please say something, Ember. Say anything.”

  But she couldn’t untangle the words on her lips. Instead, she leaned up on her toes and kissed him, hoping he could taste all the things she couldn’t say. She felt him falter, his mouth tentative on hers, surprise on his lips. And then something inside him broke, and he was kissing her fervently. He lifted her up and swung her around in a fit of euphoria, and she realised with a touch of disbelief that he hadn’t been certain how she’d react. It had taken him a lot of courage to tell her that, not knowing what she’d say back.

  So far, she hadn’t said anything back, and she knew she should.

  Laughing at his enthusiasm, Ember pried her mouth away from his and he grinned at her; not his usually devil-may-care grin, and not a wicked smirk, but a genuine, blinding, heart-stopping smile. Ember’s breath caught, her heart soaring, and she buried her face in his shoulder so he wouldn’t see the ridiculous, happy tears shimmering in her eyes. She thumped on his shoulder with one fist. “Put me down,” she commanded, glad her voice didn’t waver.

  Seeming reluctant, he did as she asked and set her on her feet. Suddenly, she felt very small, peering up at him, being almost eight inches shorter than him. She looked down at her pale, dirty hands and lifted one toward him. He mirrored her motion, placing his palm flat against hers, like they were on opposite sides of a pane of glass. Her hand looked like a child’s compared to his, her fingers small and thin and his long and elegant.

  Then she twined her fingers through his and stared at their laced hands as she said, very quietly, “Can I tell you something?”

  With a smile, he said, “Anything.”

  Shy, she pulled their hands toward her and rested her lips against his fingers. She whispered into his knuckles, “I love you too.”

  She glanced up at him through her lashes, wanting to see the look on his face. The brightness in his eyes was almost too much, too open and raw, to look at. She bit her lip, bowing her head back to their hands and kissing each of his fingers lightly. He shuddered, blowing out a shaky breath, and she smiled against his index finger.

  Behind her, Ember heard Sherry squealing in delight and Ricky’s voice murmuring softly to her, and suddenly she understood it – the way they looked at each other, the way they gravitated toward each other when they were in the same room. She understood it now, because she felt it, and there was nothing ridiculous or mushy or disgusting about it; it was just…love.


  Reid lingered with Ember outside her room, and Ember paused with her hand on the door handle, feeling there was something else she had to say. She couldn’t quite meet his gaze, so instead she looked at a loose thread on the cuff of his fingerless gloves, trailing against the back of his left wrist. “Reid, about all that stuff with Owen…” she started nervously, “I’m sorry. You were right the whole time, and I let that asshole manipulate me. I should’ve listened to you, but I never thought…I trusted Owen, and I shouldn’t have. I shouldn’t have gotten so mad at you; I shouldn’t have…acted the way I did.” She shook her head, stumbling. She wasn’t good at this apologising thing.

  But Reid’s fingers tightened on hers, and he murmured, “Emz, it’s okay–”

  She shook her head again. “No, it isn’t. I was an idiot.” He opened his mouth to protest and she cut him off. “I was. I should have...I should have let you break his nose at the very least.” She laughed mirthlessly, and Reid tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

  “Well, I can’t disagree there,” he said, grinning cheekily.

  She looked up at him and his smile faded. “Am I forgiven for being a total bitch to you?” she asked quietly.

  He frowned at her. “Well, I don’t know. You hurt my feelings, and I’m not sure I can forgive that.” Seeing the playful light in his eyes, she shoved him lightheartedly – of course, he didn’t budge. He laughed, and captured a lock of her hair, wrapping it around his finger. “Of course you’re forgiven, Firefly. You weren’t the only one acting like an idiot.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Thanks,” she said sarcastically.

  He tugged gently on the lock of hair wrapped around his finger, scowling at her. “You know what I mean.”

  “Yeah, I know,” she muttered.

  Reid sighed, reaching to pluck a leaf out of her hair. He held it up and frowned at it. Very softly, he asked, “What happened out there, Emz?”

  She looked down, images rolling through her head: Owen’s grinning face; tears on Sherry’s cheeks; witches cackling as she struggled against them; dark figures being eaten alive by blazing flames. She shivered hard. “I don’t want to talk about it yet. Can I tell you tomorrow instead?” she asked, her voice wavering. He nodded, squeezing her fingers. She smiled wearily. “I think I’m going to go…bathe,” she said, making a face as he plucked another leaf out of her hair.

  He grinned. “That might be a good idea.”

  She eyed him. “Alone. I’m bathing alone,” she clarified.

  He laughed. “You’re no fun.” He smirked, and then added, “I’ve got to go call Brandon anyway, and let him know you’re safe. Go clean up and I’ll see you soon.” He planted a soft kiss on her forehead, and wandered down the hall to his room.

  Ember watched him go, chewing her lip on a grin. Then she shook her head and slipped into her room and sighed. God, it had been a rough couple of days. “Right, first things first,” she muttered to the empty room. She went to the mirror and groaned at her horrid reflection. She looked like she’d been dragged through a hedge backwards.

  Grabbing a towel and slipping into the bathroom, she felt herself relaxing into the familiar routine of stripping down and readying her shampoo, shower gel, et cetera. She knew her nightmares tonight would be haunted with images of Owen burning before her. It was weird, how she didn’t feel t
raumatised or upset, she just felt tired and dirty…and maybe it was wrong, after everything that had happened, but she was happy. She was happy because of Reid.

  She kept hearing his words in her head, seeing the look on his face as he said them: I am absolutely, completely, insanely in love with you.

  She focused on that as she stepped into the blasting water of the shower. It was too hot, making her skin itch and prickle, but it was washing away the horror of last night and cleansing her numb soul. Maybe the guilt and regret and terror would hit her yet, she just needed to defrost first. But until it did, she would lose herself in the scalding water streaming down her face, over her closed eyes.

  The twigs and dirt were swept down the drain until the water turned from brown back to clear. Then it was time to tackle her disgusting, matted hair. She squirted a huge blob of her favourite, watermelon-scented shampoo into her hand and lathered it into her wet, tangled hair. With a smile, she rubbed the ends of her hair between her fingers, remembering Reid wrapping it around his finger.

  Picturing his dazzling smile, she thought, I am totally, stupidly, irresistibly in love with you too.


  When Ember stepped out of the bathroom, finally feeling clean again and dressed in her coziest pyjamas, she found Reid sitting cross-legged on the end of her bed. He was playing with something, running it through his fingers, and Ember realised it was her hair-ribbon – the one she’d lost in the forest when Owen knocked her out. He looked up at her when he heard the bathroom door open, and he smiled ruefully at her. His fingers didn’t still, looping the red ribbon around and around his index finger and thumb.

  Ember tore her eyes away from the frenetic movements of his fingers and raised her eyebrows at him. He shrugged one shoulder and held out the ribbon to her, dangling it from his hand. “I thought you might want this back,” he said. She padded over the carpet and took the end of the ribbon, but he didn’t let go. He looked at the narrow strip of silky fabric and frowned. “I haven’t been able to let it go since I found it,” he admitted in a soft voice.


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