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Claimed by the Fallen: A Fallen Angel Reverse Harem Novel (The Fallen Harem Book 1)

Page 18

by Samantha Britt

  A sea of mangled, rotten-smelling corpses covers the floor of the warehouse. Some demons are decapitated, while others look whole despite the emptiness behind their open red eyes. I gape at the sheer number of demons lying dead below me. The most I’d ever seen was seven. Did all these demons come here to get to me? And had Lukas and Charles really managed to defeat them on their own?

  My answer comes the next second when two pairs of black wings swoop in from the ceiling. I watch as Adrian and Zeke, wielding matching flaming swords, bear down on two fleeing yancor demons. They slice through them like butter. Sizzling black blood spurts out of the flailing bodies.

  The angels haven’t noticed me. They go after another set of scurrying demons. I clear my throat and manage to croak out, “G-Guys.”

  Their necks whip towards me. One moment, they are hovering down below, chasing the enemy. The next, two broad sets of wings are flapping in front of me. I step back to allow them room to land. Their feet hit with a thump as the dark angels retract their wings.

  “Are you hurt?” Adrian asks, his hazel eyes scouring me from head to toe.

  I find it hard to speak. I’ve been awful to Adrian. Yet, here he is, looking like the only thing he cares about is my wellbeing.

  The muscles around my heart tighten… but not in a painful way.

  “Ron?” Zeke pulls my gaze away from his brother. He, too, looks concerned.

  “I’m fine,” I manage to say past the lump in my throat. “My parents?”

  Before either of the angels can answer, the landing beneath us shakes. Adrian shoves me back until I am against the wall, away from the unstable railing. I hear the rusty stairs crash to the floor.

  “Stay here,” Zeke commands. Then, over Adrian’s shoulder, I see him leap off the landing.

  “What’s going on?” I lift my eyes and I’m startled by how close Adrian’s face is to mine. His chest is pressed against mine, and his shoulders are rounded over me. He is using his body as a shield. Adrian’s warm eyes flicker between mine. He isn’t convinced I’m unharmed yet.

  “Adrian.” I place a hand on his arm. “I’m fine. I promise. Please… tell me what’s going on.”

  Adrian shudders when I touch him. He closes his eyes and breathes through his nose. I can feel his breath against my forehead, and our continued closeness gives me goosebumps. The arm beneath my hand is all muscle. I stare at our connected skin, and marvel at the warmth I feel from the contact. I know I should remove my touch for modesty’s sake, but I don’t want to. I continue to feel his muscles and revel in our proximity as I wait for his answer.

  I’m so focused on my fingers resting on his arm, I miss when Adrian opens his eyes. I can feel them watching me. Slowly, I lift my gaze. He looks in control, but I see desire in the depths of his hazel irises.

  “We tracked the yancor pack to the warehouse,” Adrian reveals. “Most of them have been dealt with.”

  Mention of the demons breaks the pleasant tension I’ve been feeling between us. “The demons followed me here? That’s how you found me.” After seeing the number of demons on the floor below, I’m beyond grateful they did. I wouldn’t have been able to escape on my own.

  “Yes.” He grunts, straightening his spine, but he doesn’t step back. Adrian won’t lecture me right now, but I don’t doubt it will be coming soon. And he probably won’t be the only one to let me have it. I’d acted foolish by meeting Lukas alone, especially considering I thought I was walking into a meeting with a demon.

  “What about my parents?” I lean my head against the wall so I can look up at him more clearly. “Have you found them?”

  “We’ve been fighting yancor demons this whole time. I haven’t seen them yet.”

  Now, it’s my turn to straighten my spine. “They’re tied up in a room downstairs. There’s a glass wall. We need to go get them.” I refuse to consider the demons may have already reached them.

  Adrian nods. He steps back and holds out a hand as his wings flare out behind him. I eye the limb questioningly.

  He smirks. “The stairs are gone. There’s only one way down.”

  He’s right. Still, the thought of flying with an angel is takes me by surprise. I mean… I’ve acknowledged angels exist, and I kind of accepted the fact I might get wings one day, but I never really thought about flying. I hate planes, but I have to admit the idea of flying with Adrian is both terrifying and exciting.

  I reach out and grab Adrian’s hand. He pulls me to his chest, wrapping a strong arm around my waist. Then, before I know it, he launches into the air. My stomach feels weightless. Adrian glides through the warehouse with ease. We’re on the ground floor in less than ten seconds. My feet touch the floor, but Adrian doesn’t immediately let go.

  “How do you feel?” He wears his characteristic smirk. He could tell I was nervous.

  “Fine,” I say. “You can let go now.” Despite how nice it feels to be wrapped up in Adrian’s arms, I can’t forget we are standing a warehouse with dozens of demon corpses. Their smell is nauseating. Briefly, I wonder where my other angelic bodyguards are, as well as Lukas and Charles. Are they still fighting yancor demons?

  With obvious reluctance, Adrian drops his arm and releases me. “Where is this glass wall?”

  “Right h—” My words die out as I turn around, gesturing towards the room where I’d seen my parents. The glass wall has been blown out. Shards litter the ground, and my blood runs cold. A demon stands there, facing me, and it is holding a dagger to my mom’s throat.

  “Mom!” I lunge forward. Adrian grabs my wrist and nearly dislocates my shoulder as he pulls me back.

  The demon grunts something in its unfamiliar language. Adrian growls something back, also in the guttural language.

  I face him. “What is it saying?”

  Adrian clenches his jaw. “Nothing.”

  “Don’t lie to me!” I shout, my fear for my mom makes me lose my temper. I can see the demon has said something to make Adrian upset, and I suspect it has something to do with me.

  The muscle in Adrian’s cheek twitches. “The demon wants a trade. You for your mother.”

  “Fine,” I quickly agree. “Whatever it takes to get him to let her go.” I look back at my mom and see her wide eyes. I know her well enough to know she wants me to run. But this is my fault. I can’t let her pay for something that’s my fault.

  “Absolutely not.” Adrian tightens his grip on my arm. “Don’t be stupid.”

  “Don’t call me stupid,” I hiss, glaring back at him. “She’s my mom.”

  “Do you think she would want you to sacrifice yourself for her?” He gives me a shake, as if that will help me see reason. But there’s nothing reasonable about anything in my life anymore.

  I’m a Nephilim—angel—whatever. My entire existence has been a lie, except for the love my mom and dad have given me. I never once felt like an adopted child. I’m entirely theirs, and they’re mine. I cannot let anything happen to them.

  The demon grunts again. This time, it sounds angrier. And impatient.

  “Please, Adrian,” I try a different tactic, gazing at him with desperation. Despite my best effort, Adrian is unmoved. He jerks his head once and says, “Never.”

  The demon growls. Then, I hear my mom’s muffled cry of pain.

  I look back and scream as I see the demon slice into the tender flesh on my mom’s neck. With wide, blue eyes, Mom falls to the ground. Blood gushes out of her fatal wound.



  A red haze falls over my eyes. Vaguely, I realize Angel Fire has consumed all of my body. I hear Adrian hiss and drop his hold like I burned him. Then, I explode.


  Blinding white light replaces the red, making me lose my vision for a second. When my sight returns, I see the light has spread out in a circle around me, igniting objects in its path. My battle cry reverberates through the warehouse. The sound is so strangled—so full of pain—I barely recognize it as my own voice.

/>   Free of Adrian’s grasp, I walk forward. Flames continue to lick every inch of my body, miraculously leaving my clothes intact. My surroundings are blazing, but I don’t spare the fiery objects a glance. My attention is locked on the demon who just cut my mom’s throat. Black blood leaks from the corner of its eyes, and the creature seems disoriented as it stumbles back, trying to get bearings to make an escape.

  I’ll be damned if I let the demon get far.

  As if some outside force is controlling my body, my arm rises and an electric bolt shoots from my fingers. The demon howls when the angelic power hits its mark.

  I shoot another bolt and grin when the demon cries out again. The monster’s pain pleases me. It deserves to suffer for what it’s done, and I’m determined to make sure that happens.

  The air around me grows warmer with every passing second. I hear someone shouting my name, but I’m too focused on my vengeance to acknowledge it.

  The scrawny creature cowers in the corner. It screeches unfamiliar words and furiously swings its head from side to side. It isn’t until I see the milky film covering red eyes that I realize I’ve blinded the demon.

  I feel no pity.

  Again, I fire a shot of Angel Fire. This time, it burns a hole through the demon’s torso. My breathing is ragged, and I feel an undeniable dose of satisfaction when the yancor demon collapses onto the floor. My fury keeps me ablaze. I yearn to find other demons to make pay. Without thought, I glance down at the floor. My mother’s blood has reached my sneakers. Just like that, my anger fades away, replaced by grief.

  The Angel Fire dies out as I collapse onto my knees, unbothered with the fact there is blood on my pants now. My mom is lying with her back to me. I reach out to turn her over but hesitate. I don’t know if I want to see her wound up close. I don’t know what to do.

  A strong hand lands on my shoulder. My tears begin to spill over and run down my cheeks as I look up at Adrian.

  Gone is his characteristic smirk. I see only compassion and regret in Adrian’s deep hazel eyes. “I’m sorry, Angel.”

  I whimper and look back down at my mom. She can’t be dead.

  My mom is the most selfless and kind woman in the world. She’s done everything for me.

  And how do I repay her? By being an abomination and getting her kidnapped so some weirdo angel can meet me.

  Maybe if I refused to let my angelic bodyguards be around all the time, Lukas would have been able to meet with me on my own. The thought makes me shrug away Adrian’s touch. I know this is all my fault, but I can’t deny I want to lay some of the blame on him and the other three angels. They were supposed to protect me, but I’ve been hurt worse than I ever could have imagined. My mom is everything to me. She can’t be dead. I won’t let her be dead.

  Strengthened by my thoughts, I don’t question myself when I reach out and touch my mom’s arm. Her skin is still warm, and that gives me hope.

  I exhale and mentally call forth my Angel Fire. My hands don’t illuminate. Instead, I push the growing warmth into my mom’s body. Her skin glows, and I hear Adrian say, “Angel… what are you doing?”

  I don’t answer. I focus entirely on pushing all of my angelic power into my mom. I refuse to let her go. Not today. Not when I can help her.

  “Veronica,” Adrian sounds alarmed. “You must stop. You are losing too much.” He tries to pull me back, but I don’t budge. I don’t know how I know this, but the connection between me and my mom is inseparable until I wish to break it.

  Mom’s entire body is illuminated. I still can’t see her neck, but I imagine her wound is healing. In fact, I will it to be so. I pour all of my thoughts and efforts into mending her sliced skin and replenishing her blood loss.

  The whole process only takes only a minute or two, but it feels like hours. It isn’t until I feel my mom shift beneath me that I dare to remove my arm. When I do, I realize just how drained I am.

  I fall backwards. True to his nature, Adrian is there to catch me. “Angel?” I feel his fingers running over my body, frantically trying to help me. “Angel, don’t fall asleep. Stay with me.”

  There is nothing I’d rather do, but I am no longer in control. I spent all of my strength healing my mother. I close my eyes and release a happy sigh. I welcome the darkness, knowing I saved my mom from a fate which was entirely my fault. And I would do it again in a heartbeat.


  I’m floating through darkness. It feels like I’ve been here a lot lately, and it’s beginning to feel like home. Contentment fills me, and I’m at peace. This is where I’m meant to be. Nothing can hurt me here. I’m safe, and so are my parents.

  My body is weightless as I hover in the inky blackness. Then, without warning, a rope is wrapped around my waist and I’m bent into a V shape as I’m pulled back into the light.

  I open my eyes.

  My ceiling fan spins above my head. I’m back in my bedroom.

  What just happened?

  “Messenger.” Familiar blue eyes fill my vision. “You’re awake.”

  I squint, and it takes me a moment to recognize the angel leaning over me. “Mr. Cohen?”

  He sighs, relieved. “Joseph, remember?” He tries to smile, but I can see the effects of worry written all over his face. He looks like he hasn’t slept for days.

  “What’s going on?” I try to turn my head, but my muscles don’t respond. “What’s wrong with me?”

  “You exerted too much power.” Adrian’s voice reaches me. I don’t need to look to confirm its him. His frustration and displeased tone are recognizable.

  I struggle to understand what he is talking about. I open my mouth, preparing to ask, when an onslaught of memories bombard me. I see my mom with a sliced neck, and I feel her blood seeping into my athletic pants. My heart begins to race.

  In a hoarse voice, I ask, “My mom? Is she okay?” I stare into Joseph’s eyes, searching for any hint of information, but he disappears from sight as Gabe takes his place.

  Gabe takes my hand and smiles, and I’m momentarily awed by the beauty of the simple gesture. “She is healed. You healed her, Veronica.”

  I blink, unsure I heard him right. “I-I did?” I can scarcely believe I succeeded in saving my mom’s life, but I remember feeling her move just before the dark consumed me.

  “Yes,” Gabe confirms. “You did.”

  The relief I feel is overwhelming. I’ve never experienced anything like it. I close my eyes to hide my tears, but one escapes and rolls down my cheek. “She’s okay,” I whisper, more to myself than anyone else.

  “Yes,” Mr. Cohen’s voice is soft, “and you will be too. You need to rest, then you can come back to us.”

  “Rest.” Saying the word makes all of my muscles relax. It’s almost like I’m under a spell, but I refuse to let it pull me under. My eyelids part and I meet Gabe’s gaze, trusting he will tell me the truth. “What happened to me?”

  “You risked your life by draining all of your angelic power.” Zeke appears beside Gabe’s head. His eyes are dark, and I know he’s upset. I lick my lips and say the first thing that comes to my mind.

  “I thought I… died.”

  The room grows quiet. I get the sense none of the angels wishes to discuss what almost happened to me.

  A thought steals my attention, “What about my dad? He’s okay, too. Right?” The last I remember, my dad had been unconscious and lying on the ground. I pray to God he is not hurt after the ordeal, as well.

  “Yes, Messenger,” Mr. Cohen’s voice is strangled. “Both of your parents are unharmed, and Zeke has altered their memories. They will have no recollection of the violence they experienced last week.”

  “Last week?” I curse my inability to physically react to his words. My body longs to leap off the bed, but it’s like my brain is disconnected from my nerves. “I’ve been unconscious for a week?”

  “Yes,” Gabe nods. “Your body needed time to rejuvenate.” He pauses. “You were very close to leaving this world.�

  I force back emotions about my near-death experience and focus on my current reality. It’s the only way I can move forward at this point. “Why can’t I move?” I try, again, to engage my core and sit up. My muscles refuse to respond. “And haven’t my parents worried about me being in a coma for a week?”

  “They’ve been dealt with,” Adrian mutters.

  Again, I long to be able to turn my neck toward the irritated angel. “What?”

  “Nothing bad,” Gabe assures me. “We only altered your parents’ memories so they wouldn’t worry about you. They know you’re here, and they know you’re safe.”

  I suppose that’s all I can really ask for.

  “Thank you.” I shift my gaze back to the swirling fan. “So… what happened at the warehouse?”

  “You mean other than you leaping into danger like a fool?” Adrian snipes from somewhere out of sight.

  Zeke clears his throat and quickly tries to mask his brother’s words, “The yancor pack has been taken care of.”

  “All of them?” I hold my breath, barely daring to hope.

  “Yes,” Zeke confirms. “All of them.”

  I close my eyes tight and exhale, “Thank God.”

  “God had nothing to do with it.”

  I ignore Adrian. “The yancor demons weren’t responsible for abducting my parents.” I open my eyes and look at Gabe.

  “We know,” he replies.

  I’m surprised. “You do?”

  “Yes, we caught the demon scent long before they entered the warehouse. We knew they weren’t there when you first arrived.”

  I swallow back my guilt. “You knew where I went?”

  “Of course, we knew where you went,” Adrian growls. “Did you think you could sneak out without one of us noticing? Consider yourself lucky we tracked you to the warehouse in time to save you from the hoard of demons ready to tear the place apart.”

  I shove the memory of the dozens of corpses from my head. “The kidnapper called me and said he’d kill my parents if any of you came with me to the warehouse,” I finally admit the truth. Despite my lingering guilt, it feels like a weight is lifted off my shoulders.


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