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Must Be Love

Page 2

by Baker, Tory

  “Um. Hi, this is Aubrey. I was uh... calling to thank you for last night,” she stumbles over her sentence, and if this isn’t my lucky day, I don’t know what is.

  “Hey, Aubrey. How are you feeling?” I ask her with a grin on my face.

  “I’m okay, a little tired, but a lot embarrassed,” she replies.

  “You have nothing to be embarrassed about, Aubs. The people who should be embarrassed are Trisha and Brittany. Those two know better, yet they don’t give a damn either way,” I say in a harsh tone.

  “Just the same, I knew better. I just thought a taxi could take me home. I’m really sorry if I inconvenienced you and I’m so thankful you brought me home,” she says in a rushed voice.

  “The pleasure was all mine,” I say into the phone. Thinking of how I can see her again. Busy schedule be fucking damned. I want to see Aubrey. No, it’s more of a need I feel deep in my soul.

  “Thank you. Can I um...take you out to dinner or make you dinner at my place to say thank you?” she asks.

  “Sure, but why don’t I pick you up and we can grocery shop and bring it back to my place to cook. Axe gets lonely out here by himself,” I pour out. Sure, we could stay at her place, but it’s minuscule and barely enough to be considered a one bedroom. I saw her kitchen, and everything is almost dorm room size. I’m not sure how we’d manage to work around each other.

  “Axe? Who’s Axe?” I hear the uncertainty in her voice.

  “He’s my dog, a golden retriever. I’m gone a lot, so I try to be home when I can.”

  “Oh. Okay, that works. What day works best for you?” she questions.

  “Can you do this afternoon? My schedule during the week is more chaotic than not,” I ask her.

  “Sure, let me know what time and I’ll be ready,” she says and I can hear the happiness in her voice.

  “Will one o’clock work?”

  “Yep! I have nothing going on, so whenever. You know where I live. I guess I’ll see you then,” she rambles.



  “Can’t wait to see you again,” I click the phone off when I’m done. I have some cleaning up to do around here and then I need to hop in the shower as well.

  Chapter 8


  That was not at all how I expected things to go. I figured I’d thank him. Maybe take him out to dinner or lunch, and then we’d go our separate ways. Though, I have to say. I’m really freaking excited.

  He was the most handsome man I have ever met, and that was in my tipsy state of mind. Yet, I remember the way I felt as he held me, the way he smelled, the way he took care of me. He never took advantage of me. He was the perfect gentleman.

  I decide since I’m going to Cade’s this afternoon, my grocery shopping will have to wait. Instead, I clean up my apartment for the week then catch up on some reading until it’s time to get ready.

  I dust, vacuum, wipe down counters, clean the bathroom, leaving my bedroom for last. The apartment is small, but it’s perfect for what I need.

  My parents, gosh do I love them. They knew I wanted to spread my wings and fly. They let me, even though they tried to pay my way. I put my foot down and said no. They helped pay for my college and dorm fees that my scholarship didn’t pick up. That was plenty.

  They didn’t need to help by paying for my rent. I roll my eyes at the thought. They deserve to live their life after they raised me.

  I decide to look up some dinner recipes on Pinterest and maybe find something new Cade and I both may like.

  I find some recipes for fajitas, and black and blue cheeseburgers. I think either of these could be good meal ideas.

  I decided to go ahead and get ready, just in case it takes longer than expected to tame the hair that is medusa. I was going to shower before calling Cade but decided against it. I knew if I didn’t make the call when I did, that I would chicken out and just send him a text.

  I hop in the shower, making sure I shave, wash, shampoo, and condition my hair. I step out and feel like a brand-new woman. I know I won’t have time to really do my hair, letting it air dry will have to do. Usually taming my locks into straight hair is my go-to, but it takes time. Something I don’t have today.

  I swipe some mascara on my lashes and call it a day. My next stop is clothes and since it’s cool out, I’m going with my skinny jeans, a slouchy off the shoulder sweater, and ankle boots. They even have a knitted like fabric that peeps out.

  I’m just transferring my cards from last night back into my wallet when I hear my doorbell ring.

  “Coming!” Answering the door, I’m breathless, and it’s not because I was running out of my apartment. It’s because Cade has left me speechless with my heart thumping out of my chest, and has my breath hitching.

  He’s fucking gorgeous. He’s standing there in faded blue jeans and an olive-green, long-sleeved Henley shirt and it’s molded to his thick arms and tapers to his waist.

  “Um..hi,” I murmur, as I take my long hair and bring it to one side of my shoulder, the one where my sweater is covering a shoulder.

  “Aubs,” he says huskily out and then his arms are surrounding me and he’s hugging me. It’s not one of those side hugs. It’s a solid hug, where he folds you into his body and I take in every single moment. When he pulls back, his hand goes to the nap of my neck as he tips my head back, way back. He’s much taller than my five-foot-five frame. He has to be at least a foot taller than me.

  “You doing okay?” he asks.

  “Never better,” I say with a smile, one that I know reaches my eyes.

  “Alright, let’s hit the road,” he says as he takes my hand in his and holds his hand out for my keys in the other. He locks up my place and then we head towards his truck.

  Chapter 9


  She’s taking to me holding her and hugging her better than I hoped for. I thought she’d be apprehensive, especially after taking her home last night. But she’s not, her hand hasn’t let go of mine. When I reached for her hand in the truck, it was right there with mine. Now we’re at the grocery store. I grabbed a shopping cart and asked her, “What were you thinking dinner wise?”

  “That depends on what you like. I have two recipes for you to choose from.” She’s fiddling on her phone. “I found two recipes on Pinterest I haven’t made yet. It may take some help on the grill, if you have one?” she questions.

  “I do, what recipes were you thinking?”

  “There’s oven-baked chicken fajitas with all the fixings, or there’s stuffed black and blue cheeseburgers, with oven baked onion rings, and a salad. What are your thoughts?” She asks.

  “Let’s do the burgers,” I tell her. Her hand is engulfed in mine as we walk through the doors to the local Safeway.

  “I’m just going to pull the recipe up on my phone, so I can screen shot what we need. I’m sorry, I promise I won’t be on my phone the whole afternoon,” she rushes out.

  “Not a problem. Mine is always on me, because of the logging company my father and I run. There may be times when I need to step out to answer a call or work on a plan. We’ll work through this together,” I stop the shopping cart and turn into her, so she can see the truth in my eyes.

  “Oh, okay. I didn’t know you managed a logging company. Well, of course I wouldn’t. I’m still new in this town. Duh, that must be hard work,” she says with a laugh.

  “It is, but it was my father’s company before I stepped in to help out. Now it’s in my blood. I’ll tell you everything you want or need to know about me. I’m not keeping secrets from you, Aubs,”

  We shop for hamburger meat, blue cheese, buns, lettuce, tomato, onions, flour, buttermilk, and panko breadcrumbs.

  I stop her when we walk by the bakery and grab a couple of apple fritters along with vanilla ice cream to round out dessert.

  When she tries to pay for our food, that’s when I have to tell her, “Babe, I got it. When you’re with me, you’re not paying.”

“Well doesn’t that defeat the purpose of me saying thank you for last night?” She stands with her hands on her hips. It makes me want to kiss the sass out of her.

  I appease her, “Next time,” and swipe my card to pay as she rolls her eyes at me.

  Chapter 10


  We drove back to his house and talked the whole way. How I moved out here away from my family and how I’m liking the town.

  I asked about his parents. He told me his mom lost her battle with breast cancer a couple of summers ago. I hated that I brought it up, and even told him that. He just gave me a look that said, “If I didn’t want you to know, I wouldn’t have told you.”

  When we pull into his driveway, it’s picturesque and tree lined. Then we get to the bend, it opens up and you can see his beautiful log cabin.

  “Your place is beautiful, Cade,” I tell him as we both unload the groceries once he parked underneath the second floor covering.

  “Thank you,” he responds as he whistles, and I hear the jingle of a bell. Axe comes right up and nudges Cade’s leg for attention.

  “Hey Axe, meet Aubrey. Aubrey, this is Axe.” The dog comes to me and immediately sits. His tail is wagging a million miles a minute and his tongue is out, making it seem like he’s smiling.

  I get down into a kneeling position and Axe is instantly on top of me. I topple back with a giggle, as Cade helps me back up. I rub the top of his head and coo, “You’re so handsome, Axe.”

  “Come on boy, let Aubs breathe for a minute. Sorry about that. He gets excited every now and then,” Cade tells me. My hand is back in his as he leads me up to the back door and up a flight of stairs. When we make it to the top, it opens into a chef’s dream kitchen. Everything is open and the counter space is to die for. I place the few bags I carried in and start unpacking them.

  “I’m going to fire up the grill. You need anything while I’m out there?” Cade asks, his hand on my bare shoulder as he comes up behind me. My head tips back and I tell him, “Just a mixing bowl, unless you mind me traipsing through your kitchen.”

  He glides his finger slowly down from my neck to my shoulder and I shiver, “I’ll grab it for you, but feel free to traipse anywhere you want.”

  With that, he turns and opens the back-patio slider. I watch his backside as he leaves, and I have to say he’s built like a Greek Adonis.

  I start mixing the ingredients for the cheeseburger patties. Once those are formed, I move on to the onions, realizing I need to go through his cabinets to find a cutting board. It only takes two tries and I find it. Preparing dinner is effortless and I have everything ready while Cade is manning the grill. Once I have everything prepped and waiting on the counter for Cade, I walk out and look at him. He’s standing on his back deck and you can see his muscles move as he turns his head.

  “Hey,” I say, awkwardly.

  “Come here, Aubs,” he replies, and my body listens to his command like I’ve known him my whole life.

  Chapter 11


  Dinner was nothing short of amazing. We cooked as much as we could together. Me, manning the grill, and her, baking the onion rings. Once everything was done and plated, we sat outside and enjoyed our time together. There wasn’t an ounce of uncomfortable silence. We talked about anything and everything, from our childhood to what she wants for her future.

  When dinner was done, we put everything away, which wasn’t much. Apparently, Aubs likes to clean as she goes.

  Now we’re sitting outside by the fire pit. It’s not much, but I knew with the weather turning colder, I would want someplace to sit outside and take in the night air.

  Aubrey and I are sitting in a double-sized chair. I grabbed a blanket from the living room and have it wrapped around us. She’s snuggled up into the side of my body and the feel of her body this close to mine —fuck, what she does to me.

  When I start feeling a light mist come over us, I grab the water hose and put out the fire in the pit, making sure it’s out for good. Aubrey is up and picking up our drinks and folding the blankets, waiting for me to finish.

  She may not know it yet, but if I have my way, I’ll never have her leave my side.

  “Ready to go in?” I ask her.

  “Yeah, it’s getting pretty late. I should probably get back home,” she says with a tone that I can’t decipher completely. Almost like she doesn’t want to leave, but work is calling tomorrow.

  “Fuckin’ sucks, babe. I hate to take you back to your place,” I tell her as I come up in front of her. Her head is tipped up towards mine. I lower my lips to hers and kiss her, fuck, do I kiss her. Her lips are tentative at first, but once my tongue seeks entrance, she moans.

  I guide her in every way, my hands still holding her around the nape of her neck. When I feel her hands reach for my shirt and they move underneath, that’s all it takes. I back her up against the door and pick her up by the backs of her legs.

  “Wrap your legs around me, Aubs,” I whisper out and she does exactly what I say. I know she’s an independent woman, something I fucking love, but I’m thankful she’ll listen to me when it comes to this point. I want her to feel how much I want her.

  I grind our lower halves together. I know she can feel my cock and I can feel her heat, even with our layers of clothes. She’s burning up for me, just as much as I am for her.

  It doesn’t take long until I lose her mouth, as her head tips back and she’s moaning loud and saying my name, “Cade, oh my god. More, please more.”

  I give her exactly what she wants. I can’t wait to have her naked and spread out. I’d taste every inch of her. Imagining her writhing on my bed. Fuck, it has me about to come in my damn jeans. I bring one hand up and under her shirt, tearing the cup of her bra down and finding her nipple. I pinch her nipple, as I roll my hips and she comes apart for me.

  It’s the most beautiful thing in the world.

  Chapter 12


  I’ve never come like that. Well, I’ve never really orgasmed at all unless it was by my own hand. I want more of Cade, now more than ever.

  I slowly come down off of my high. My smile is wide and I’m looking at him as we’re eye level.

  “Cade,” I whisper out as if he’s the answer to all my hopes, dreams, and prayers.

  “Aubrey, babe. You’re fucking gorgeous when you come for me,” he grunts out. I can still feel his hard cock that’s situated in-between my spread legs.

  “Can I help you with that?” I question, knowing I’m turning every shade of red there is.

  “Did that just for you. I can wait,” he mumbles as I slowly slide down his body. It causes me to shiver and want more of Cade.

  “Oh, okay,” I drop my head down. Cade’s fingers tip my chin up and as he looks into my eyes and says, “That was for you and only you. I promise once I have you, we’ll do everything together. You don’t have to be shy around me, Aubrey.”

  “Wow, I um… Just so you know Cade, I don’t do things like this, as in ever,” I tell him honestly. Trying to suck back some of the shyness.

  “It’s okay. We’ll take our time. It’s just you and me here, okay?” Cade says and I know he means it.

  “Thank you,” I say as I get on the tip of my toes and kiss the underside of his chin, and then turn to walk back in his house to gather my purse.

  I don’t get very far when Cade grabs my waist from behind. He holds me there, his chin coming down on my shoulder.

  “I knew you’d be mine and I’d be yours after I saw you on that dance floor, Aubs. I’m going to make sure you know that, now and forever,” his voice is husky in tone and it sends chills down my spine.

  “I can’t wait.” My eyes meet his over my shoulder. Showing my honesty. I never thought I’d meet someone this fast and know he’s the one, but I did, and he feels the exact same way.

  I’ll take all the embarrassment of last night if it led me to Cade.

  “Grab your stuff, babe. If we don’t leave now, I’ll
never take you home.” He pulls away from me and walks toward the stairs that lead down to the garage. I grab my purse and meet him down there. He holds the passenger side door open for me to get in.

  I stop on my way to his truck when I see Axe sitting under the covered awning. I pat his head and tell him, “Bye Axe, see you soon.” He follows up with a slobbery kiss to my hand. I laugh and head towards Cade.

  Once I’m in and buckled, he walks to the driver’s side and slides in. We head towards my apartment, with a feeling of loneliness already settling in. It’s been a full twenty-four hours of knowing Cade and I already have so many feelings for him.

  Chapter 13


  I was just going to walk her to the front door and kiss her goodnight, but I couldn’t leave her.

  She left her door open, and I followed her. Something I knew I would do willingly. Shit, I’d do anything for Aubrey. I hate that she’s in this small ass apartment, but I understand it, too. It’s just her here and I know that old coot veterinarian doesn’t pay his employees as much as he should.

  “Cade?” Aubrey questions. I’m sure the look on my face isn’t pleasant.

  “Sorry, I was thinking about something,” I mumble.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, just thinking about this upcoming week and how much it will take me away from you,” I reply.

  “We can call and text,” she offers.

  “Not gonna be enough. Might have to swing something in the middle of the week. Either me here, or you at my place,” I counter.

  “I can come to you, that way Axe isn’t by himself all night. Plus, I get off by five every day this week,” she says.


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