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Stand-In Saturday: (A standalone romcom. Book 2 in the Love For Days series)

Page 17

by Kirsty Moseley

  I smile inwardly and push forward, sucking gently, worshipping each little ridge and groove with my tongue, loving how his hands shoot to the back of my head, pulling at the slide and clips I have holding my hair in place. He’s gently thrusting into my mouth as he finally works my hair loose, shaking it out around my shoulders.

  One of his hands grips the back of my neck, and he pulls his hips back, his dick leaving my mouth with a wet pop. “Nope, that’s enough of that. You’re gonna make me come.”

  “Isn’t that the point?” Devilishly grinning up at him, I lean in and suck him again, taking as much of his length into my mouth as I can without gagging, using my hand on the rest. I revel in his moan of pleasure, feeling pride spike inside me.

  His hand fists into the back of my hair as he gently thrusts into my mouth again, groaning, his protests forgotten as I work my magic. “Wait, Luce.” Another groan. “Shit, Lucie.” Another thrust and then a gasp. “Luciella, stop.” He pulls back again, breaking contact, and his eyes flash with playful reprimand as he shakes his head. “You’re bad.”

  Grinning, he kisses me again passionately; I can taste myself on his tongue as he guides me onto my back. When he planks over the top of me, I can’t help but admire his stamina. I’m a ten-second-plank girl at most; my arms would be shaking like jelly by now. He’s incredible. Raking my nails up his biceps, I feel his taut muscles, and for some strange reason, I want to lean over and bite them. He seems to have awoken my dormant crazy.

  Raising my head, I kiss him again, and the last of his restraint is gone. Things become frantic between us as he reaches for his wallet and pulls out a condom. Ripping it open with his teeth, he slides it over his length and then lowers his body to mine. The skin-on-skin contact is delicious, and I’m so lost in a fog of desire that I can barely remember my own name. My leg wraps around his waist, and my fingers scratch down his back as he enters me so slowly that I think the feel of it might just stop my heart. It’s euphoric, and my moan is so loud that he has to cover my mouth with his to muffle it. The feeling of fullness is like heaven, but when he starts to move, I come undone.

  The weight of him on top of me, the feel of him moving inside me, it’s too much, too good. We’ve reverted to just basic, carnal desire, all tongues, teeth, hands, tangling breaths, and pleasure. I raise my hips, meeting his thrusts as my fingernails dig into his back, urging him on. When he breathes my name and nips at my earlobe, my passion rises to dangerous levels, and my teeth sink into his shoulder. He grunts, and his thrusts become harder, causing me to moan louder and louder as the pleasure intensifies.

  His mouth lavishes attention on my body, hands tracing every inch, as if he wants to memorise it. Pushing up, he sits back on his heels and pulls my legs straight up his body, wrapping an arm around my thighs to hold them in place. The new position makes me feel things I’ve never felt before. My eyes flutter closed as I try to cope with the building sensations. Each thrust shatters my mind a little more. My pleasure is climbing to impossible heights, small bursts of it exploding behind my eyelids. This is the best sexual experience of my life. I’m racing towards my end. Flurries and ripples of pleasure join and converge, combining into waves, growing stronger until they form a tsunami that crashes over me.

  I climax so hard, I see stars, and he follows soon after. The moan of pleasure he makes when he comes sears its way into my brain, lodging there. I hope I can always remember the sound, even when this weekend is merely a distant memory.

  I’m exhausted when he moves my legs from his shoulders and flops down next to me, throwing his arm over my stomach as I stare up at the ceiling and try to catch my breath. My brain is swimming in endorphins; I can barely think straight. He wasn’t lying when he said how long he could last for. It felt never-ending. The boy has so much stamina that I might not be able to walk straight tomorrow. My muscles ache deliciously, my brain is melted, and my lungs gasp for air like I ran my own half marathon. I’ve never felt so alive—or close to death.

  “I think I died,” I mumble.

  He chuckles, rolling to his side, peppering soft kisses around the base of my throat. “You’re welcome.”

  His arms tighten on me, pulling me against his body as he kisses my forehead. He’s still breathing heavy, sweat glistening on his skin, and I press my nose against his chest, unable to stop smiling.

  “Okay, you were right; that sex was better than the chocolate cake. Maybe I have been doing it wrong,” I admit.

  He bursts out laughing, and when I look up at him, I see he’s grinning broadly.

  His fingertips lazily trace up and down my spine. “I’d rate that a twelve out of ten.”

  I laugh so hard that I snort unsexily, but I don’t even care when he teases me about it because I’m lying in his arms, blissfully happy and thoroughly sex drunk, if that’s even a thing.



  “Ahh, shit, shit!”

  I startle and jerk upright, wrenched so fast from an idyllic sleep, where I was cuddling with a beautiful, naked girl, that I’m disorientated. I look around for danger but see nothing. The room looks as it should, no intruder, not even a spider.

  What the hell?

  At my side, Lucie rolls onto her back and throws her hands over her face, hissing through her teeth as she swears again.

  I blink, shocked, having zero clue what’s happening. The only explanation I can think of for this outburst is that she woke and realised we were in bed, naked, again and is freaking the heck out.

  Is she regretting last night that much? Or did she not realise who I was? Maybe she thought she was snuggling with someone else? That thought makes my stomach burn with jealousy. I don’t want her with anyone else.

  “Luce, what? What’s wrong?”

  I reach out and wrap my hands around her wrists, attempting to ease her hands from her face, but she just groans and awkwardly pushes herself up to sitting, using her elbows, hands still clamped tight.

  “My eyes. Damn it. I fell asleep with my contact lenses in. Ah, crap on a stick.”

  I huff out a relieved breath and close my own eyes, my stomach unclenching because this isn’t about regret of our night together. Thank God. “Ouch. Are you okay?”

  She nods and takes her hands from her face, wincing over at me, blinking furiously. It’s too cute. “You’re not supposed to sleep in these disposable ones; they go all dry and hard, and they irritate like a mothertrucker. I’m gonna go take them out.” She swings her legs over the side of the bed and heads for the bathroom, butt naked.

  A moan of appreciation leaves my lips as my eyes rake over her. Her arse is spectacular. I saw it a bit last night and had my hands on it, of course, but seeing her walking away from me naked like that? I’m achingly hard in an instant. Seeing that butt in clothes is nothing compared to seeing it in its full naked glory. I want to sink my teeth into the thing.

  This is the second morning in a row I’ve woken naked with her; it’s heaven.

  I didn’t expect this to happen at all … yeah, after meeting her in that lift and seeing how hot she was, I certainly thought about it happening, but I didn’t think about it seriously. I honestly expected this weekend to be a long, painful, awkward weekend of misery that I spent the majority of drunk. I didn’t expect Lucie to be so amazing. I certainly didn’t expect to start to fall for the emotionally unavailable little Italian intern with the gorgeous smile and the brilliant banter.

  Raking a hand through my hair, I glance over at the clock. It’s just before nine a.m. We agreed to meet with my parents and grandparents for breakfast at half past nine this morning for one last hurrah before we all split up and make our separate ways home. I don’t want to do that now though; I want Lucie all to myself for a while longer. I decide to see how Lucie feels about cancelling and getting room service instead.

  After a few minutes, she comes back out. My eyes immediately slide over her. She’s delectable in the morning. Her sleepy face and messed up, postcoital hair really
get my blood pumping—down south, of course. I am a guy after all. I can’t help it; she’s gorgeous.

  When I told her last night she had ruined me by coming on my thigh in the hallway, I meant it. That was the singular most erotic thing that had ever happened to me, and yet that was only the beginning. After that, she continued rocking my world, shaking the very foundation of my being. I fell asleep last night with a self-satisfied grin on my face, mentally replaying the sounds of her moans, as she cuddled up to me with her face pressed into the crook of my neck. Bliss.

  She chews on her lip as she leans one hip against the wall and fiddles with her hands, playfully rolling her eyes. “So … we’re naked together again.”

  I shoot her a smug grin. “You can’t resist me; that’s what the issue is.” Jeez, I hope that’s true. I don’t want to just be a one-night stand to her!

  “I knew you’d still be gloating about the hallway incident.” She chuckles and walks to the bed, picking up her glasses from the bedside cabinet and slipping them on.

  “I might gloat about that for the rest of my life.”

  She giggles, her cheeks flushing pink. Unable to resist, I reach out and take her hand, pulling her onto the bed with me, easing her down and moving so I’m half-hovering over her. I want her. Last night didn’t rid me of my desire for her; if anything, it’s made it stronger. Propping myself up on one elbow, I stroke my hand down her side, gripping her hip, revelling in the feel of her skin under my palm. Her arms come up, wrapping around my neck; as her eyes meet mine, I can see the excitement dancing there. I take that as a great sign that we’re on the same page.

  “How are your eyes?” The whites of them look a little pink and irritated.

  She shrugs one shoulder, one of her hands slowly sliding up my neck and weaving into the back of my hair. “They’re okay. I’m totally blaming you for it. You short-circuited my brain last night, so I forgot all about my contacts.” She grins up at me flirtatiously as I press my body harder against hers.

  “My bad. How can I make it up to you?” My lips brush against hers as I speak, and I feel her excited tremor.

  “I can think of a couple of things you could do,” she purrs, moving one of her legs and hitching it over my hip as she arches her body into mine. It’s a clear invitation.

  Last night wasn’t merely a one-night stand after all; she’s extending it to encompass the morning too. Hallelujah.

  “Just a couple?”

  My insides rejoice, and I press my lips to hers, kissing her passionately. She moans in the back of her throat and kisses me back immediately, her arms tightening on me as my hand slides down her body to cup her bum.

  “This arse,” I groan, peppering small kisses across her jawline.

  “What’s wrong with it?” She gasps as I squeeze and knead it.

  “Nothing. It’s bloody perfect, Luce. Best arse I’ve ever had the pleasure of setting my eyes on,” I breathe the words against her skin as I kiss around the base of her throat.

  She giggles, but her laugh turns into a moan as I move my hips slightly, and my erection rubs across the wet heat of her sex. My whole body tenses when I feel how turned on she is by me. I want to go down and do her most favourite thing ever again. But first …

  I pull back a fraction and look at her, and her flushed, excited face is almost my undoing. “Should I cancel breakfast with my parents, or do you want this to be real quick?” Please say cancel.

  She gulps and looks up at me. “I feel bad, cancelling on your parents.”

  “But?” I prompt hopefully.

  She grins. “But we can always meet them for coffee or something later.”

  My lips crash against hers as I practically growl in victory. She kisses me back hungrily, but I force myself to pull away before it gets too heavy.

  “Let me text my dad and tell him we’re not coming.”

  She whimpers as I move away from her, and my body immediately misses the contact of her. Pushing myself up off the bed, I go in search of my trousers from last night. I abandoned them somewhere with my phone in my pocket. After finding them, I sit on the edge of the bed and open my Messages app.

  Just as I find my dad’s message thread, Lucie’s arms wrap around me from behind, her hand splaying across my chest, fingers scissoring around my nipple. The heat of her body against my back is maddening, and I try to type out my letdown message as quickly as possible. The trouble is, I can’t concentrate and keep hitting the wrong letters. It’s taking a ridiculously long time to write out a simple lie.

  Lucie trails open-mouthed kisses around the back of my neck as she palms my chest and stomach, fingernails scratching through the hair below my navel, heading even lower. When one of those pretty manicured hands closes around my painfully hard shaft, I forget what I’m doing and simply look down at it in awe. I can barely breathe. I didn’t realise I had a thing for nails until I saw hers yesterday.

  My skin is prickling with excitement, my balls clenching in anticipation. When she teasingly bites the column of my neck, it turns me on so much that my brain instantly switches to savage mode.

  “You keep biting me, and you’re gonna get fucked hard,” I growl.

  Her breath hitches, and I feel her smile against my neck. “Promises, promises.”

  Her teeth gently sink into the skin of my shoulder just as I hit Send.

  Without warning, I drop my phone, twist, and wrap my arms around her, tackling her to the bed. She squeals in delight, and I crash my lips against hers, intending to make good on my threat.

  We decide to forgo our planned paddle boarding session and instead take a nice leisurely float on the loch in a rowboat. I thought it might be something romantic, an excellent way to end the weekend. The hotel hires them out directly from the beach out front. I spotted them on Friday while I was searching for stones to skip with Carys.

  I can’t stop grinning, which makes my cheeks hurt a bit. I’m deliriously happy. I’m having a blast with her, and the sex … forget twelve out of ten—she gets all the damn points. We’ve already had sex once this morning, and then while I was singing to myself in the shower as we waited for our room service to be delivered, in she walked behind me. Let’s just say, hand jobs and watching her ride my fingers are my new go-to shower activities.

  We only have a few hours before we need to leave to go to the airport, so I intend to pull out all the stops to ensure that she falls for me too. I don’t want this to end up being another one-sided thing. I’ve had enough of that for the last year or so. I like her, but I’m not sure if she likes me for anything other than physical pleasure. She hasn’t mentioned where we stand, and I don’t want to ruin anything by asking, so I’m just rolling with it for now and trying not to think about her getting back with her ex next week when she makes him jealous at her dad’s party.

  I hold her hand and help her into the rowboat, waiting until she’s seated before the guy from the hire place and I ease the boat into the water. She’s grinning as she grips the sides, laughing when the boat rocks from side to side as I clamber in, too, and sit on the seat, facing her. Gripping the oars, I row us out. Lucie sighs in contentment and leans back, stretching out her legs so they go between mine, crossing her ankles. Her hair is piled up in a messy bun high on top of her head. She’s wearing a flowery, fitted pink crop top that exposes an inch of luscious belly and a pair of frayed jean shorts that cut off mid-thigh. Her legs are long and take up all my attention. I’m pretty sure the girl is trying to kill me.

  We chat back and forth about our lives, our jobs, movies, books—everything really. It’s so easy to talk to her that it’s sort of scary. She even has a go at rowing for a bit because she said she’s never tried before, and then we just sit in the middle of the loch and float. No one else is around; they’re all likely packing, seeing as it’s going-home day, and pretty much the whole hotel was taken up with wedding guests. We have to go soon, too, but we have another half an hour at least before we even need to think about going ashore to p

  It’s peaceful, tranquil, and perfect. As we sip on bottled water and Lucie plays music through her phone, I realise it couldn’t be any more romantic even if I’d tried.

  It’s quiet but a nice quiet. Companionable and easy. Birds chirp, water laps on the sides of the boat, the girl sitting opposite me is exquisite. This is pretty much one of the best days of my life.

  Lucie tips her head back onto her shoulders, basking in the sun, legs stretched out in front of her, her top showing yet hiding all her perfect curves. My eyes rake over her, my artist’s brain cataloguing the shadows and lines, her serene expression, the freckles peeking out from under her sunglasses, the dip at her collarbone, how the sun kisses her skin. I’m itching to draw her again, just like this.

  “I wish I’d brought my sketchpad.” I frown at my own lack of forethought.

  She smiles over at me. “Yeah, the view is amazing.” She shields her eyes with her hand and looks out over at the mountains peaking in the distance.

  “It is,” I agree, my voice gravelly with lust again, my gaze fixed on her.

  She turns back to look at me, and a smile tugs at the corner of her mouth.

  Leaning over the side, she dips her hand into the water before pulling it out, only to lazily draw her wet fingers across the base of her throat. The move makes my balls tighten. I’m not sure she meant it to be sexy—she’s likely hot, and she wanted to cool down—but intentional or not, I’m now at full mast. Beads of water run between her breasts, and I watch avidly, imagining following the wet trail with my tongue.

  She dips her hand again. “Ever done it on a boat?” she asks casually, tracing her palm across the smooth surface of the loch.

  I blink, my mouth popping open. No way. She isn’t saying … “Seriously? You want to do it now?”

  She turns back to face me, her eyebrows shooting up. “Theo, I’m not saying I want to have sex with you on the boat.”

  “Oh.” Disappointment hits me harder than I’m ready for. I clearly read the situation wrong. My pervert hopes were raised and then dashed in less than ten seconds.


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