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Stand-In Saturday: (A standalone romcom. Book 2 in the Love For Days series)

Page 24

by Kirsty Moseley

  My blood is boiling in my veins. I hate the way they’re all looking at him. He’s the loveliest, kindest man. He doesn’t deserve anyone to ever look at him with such revulsion and disgust.

  Fred frowns over at me. “Well, you did insist on bringing someone here just to rub it in Lucas’s face tonight. What did you expect to happen? How much can someone watch their fiancée kissing someone else before they snap? How long has this been going on anyway? Was he the reason you and Lucas split?”

  And now, I’m cut-a-bitch mad.

  My teeth gnash together as he speaks. I almost can’t breathe around my anger. “Ask your son why we broke up, Fred! He’s the one who fucked someone else, not me!” My voice is shrill and neurotic; I’m so angry.

  There’s a collective gasp from the crowd, and fifty or so sets of accusing eyes now swing in Lucas’s direction.

  My father recoils, his mouth popping open. “What?”

  I nod, my eyes prickling with indignant tears. “Three months ago, I walked in on him screwing someone else in our living room. That’s why we broke up. And that’s why I left and didn’t look back. It had nothing to do with Theo. I didn’t even know him back then.”

  Marie whimpers, “Oh, Lucas, no.”

  My father gulps and turns back to look at my ex-fiancé. “Is this true?”

  Lucas’s eyebrows pull together, and he scowls at me hatefully, obviously livid that I let the cat out of the bag and rescinded our agreement to keep his cheating on the down-low. “Yes, but it was only—”

  Before Lucas can finish his sentence, my father pulls back his arm and punches him full in the face. Lucas staggers backwards into Fred, who grunts and shoves him away from him.

  My father’s shoulders slump, and he looks over at his best friend as he massages his knuckles on his punching hand. “I’m sorry, Fred. I had to.”

  Fred shakes his head, glaring at his son, who is now wiping blood from his nose onto the back of his hand, looking a little dazed. “Don’t be. I kind of want to do it myself.”

  Marie steps forward and puts her hand on my shoulder. “I’m so sorry, Lucie. You should have told us. Why didn’t you say, darling?”

  I shrug and look down at my feet, grimacing and trying to adjust my stance so it’s less painful. “I didn’t want to make things difficult for anyone. Fred and Papà are best friends, and I didn’t want any animosity to ruin that. Plus, Lucas still works for the company.”

  Fred’s eyes tighten. “Not for long. He can find somewhere else to work.”

  I recoil and shake my head. “That’s not necessary. I don’t care as long as he’s nowhere near me.”

  “It is necessary. His work has gone downhill since you left. He’s been missing obvious things, leaving projects uncompleted, missing deadlines. And last month, he made a huge blunder with the autumn budget figures that almost cost the company a hundred thousand pounds! Fortunately, someone spotted it just before it went out the door.”

  Oh my God. That’s because that’s all the stuff I used to do for him! Above and beyond my role as his assistant, but I did it regardless.

  Fred continues, “Your father and I spoke about it, and we decided to give him a break. We let things slide because we assumed he was heartbroken over losing you. But now that I know he brought it on himself, he can suffer the consequences. If he weren’t my son, he’d have been fired weeks ago.” He turns to Lucas. “I suggest you turn in your notice and start looking for other employment Monday morning.”

  “You can’t do that!” Lucas rages.

  Fred straightens his shoulders. “As joint owner of the company, I can do whatever I damn well please! Turn in your notice and find somewhere else to work.”

  Lucas shoves away from the wall, his head swivelling in my direction as he lurches forward, eyes narrowed into slits, jaw so tight that the muscle twitches at his temple. I stiffen, readying for any attack, either verbal or physical.

  But Theo moves, too, stepping in front of me. “This is a teachable moment for you, Lucas. The lesson you should take from this is, don’t ever fucking touch her again—or else.” Theo’s voice is calm, but his anger simmers just underneath. His warning is clear as crystal.

  They glare at each other for a few seconds, the air thick with their clashing wrath, before Lucas turns and strides away, roughly shouldering ogling spectators out of the way as he storms out, slamming the front door behind him.

  My mum steps to my side, her arms wrapping around me and leaning in to kiss my cheeks. “Why didn’t you tell me what had happened? Luciella, all this time, I’ve been matchmaking, trying to get you two back together. I feel awful!”

  I pat her arm and reach out to wipe the tear that’s fallen down her face. “It’s okay, Mamma.”

  From the corner of my eye, I see my dad step to Theo’s side, and I turn to watch the exchange, my heart in my throat.

  “I’m sorry I jumped to conclusions. I did not see what had started it. I just assumed …”

  Theo shakes his head. “It’s fine. Don’t worry about it. So … I take it, this uncouth riffraff is okay to stay, or do you still want me to leave?”

  Papà chuckles awkwardly and shakes his head. “Let’s start over. Hi, I’m Tomas.” He holds out his hand.

  Theo grins the boyish smile that makes my heart ache as he places his hand in my dad’s. “Theo.”

  “Nice to meet you, Theo. You have a decent right hook on you, by the way.”


  Papà grins sheepishly and massages his hand again. “Well, I wasn’t always this respectable, you know. When I was in my early twenties, I used to hang out in some pretty shady bars back in Italy. I always enjoyed a good scrap, usually over a woman. Speaking of which”—he leans in and raises one eyebrow—“you want to date my daughter? I will warn you; I’ll be vetting her suitors more closely from now on.”

  Theo laughs and turns back to look at me. I hold my breath, waiting to see if this whole clusterfuck situation has changed his mind. Maybe I’m too much work. Maybe this messed up family drama is too much for him.

  “Yeah, I want to date your daughter. But it’s her choice where we go from here.”

  A sigh of relief leaves my lips, and my insides rejoice. My dad smiles knowingly and pats Theo on the back, gently pushing him in my direction, winking at me, and then waving his hand to my mother to call her away.

  Theo smiles weakly, his eyes shining with concern. “Are you okay, Luce? That was intense.”

  I nod and hobble towards him, grimacing. “Yeah.”

  Instantly, he reaches for me, his forehead creasing with a frown. “Are you hurt?”

  I shrug one shoulder and bob-shake my head noncommittally. “I just twisted my ankle. I’m okay.”

  Without answering, he bends, wrapping his arms around me, and picks me up bridal-style, as if I weigh nothing at all. I squeal and throw my arms around his neck, grinning delightedly.

  Talk about swoon!

  “Not gonna protest about being too heavy for me to carry?” he teases.

  “No, I remember your argument from last time.”

  “Not too heavy when you sat on my face …”

  Giggling, I press my nose against the side of his neck and breathe him in. I’m not sure I’ll ever get enough of his smell.

  “Let’s go take a look at your ankle. Get you some ice.”

  The waitress who was scurrying around in the background, trying to pick up the scattered cupcakes, stands and looks over at us. “I can get you some ice. Come with me.”

  Still carrying me, Theo effortlessly follows her through the room and hallway and into my parents’ grand, sleek kitchen. Gently setting me on one of the dining chairs, he kneels at my side and eases my leg up, carefully resting my foot on another chair he positions in front of me. We both look down at my ankle. It’s swelling rapidly.

  Reaching for the buckle on my shoe strap, he hisses through his teeth, wincing apologetically as he delicately unfastens it and slides my shoe off. It hurt
s so much that I grit my teeth and squeeze my eyes shut, so I don’t cry.

  When the waitress comes back and hands Theo a tea towel with ice wrapped inside, he props it up against the egg-shaped swelling and grimaces.

  He sits back on his heels and looks over at me, one arm resting across my thighs, his thumb stroking the material of my dress. The concern I see in his eyes makes my insides dance.

  The skin on the side of his jaw is red and sore-looking, so I reach out and softly touch it. My poor baby. What a damn hero he is. “I’m not sure why, but you look hotter with a bruise.”

  He chuckles. “It’s the bad-boy thing; chicks dig it.”

  I smile and nod in agreement. Leaning forward, I plant a little kiss on the bruise, wishing I could take the pain away. His body stills.

  “I should never have got you involved in this, Theo. I was so stupid for bringing you here, just to score points. I’m sorry.”

  He shrugs. “I’m not. I had a great time tonight, if you take away the last, like, fifteen minutes or so. The food is delicious, the drink is free, and the company isn’t too shabby …”

  I chuckle and stroke his face again, relishing in the feel of his skin under my fingers. When I look at him, my feelings hit me full force. I like him—a lot. He’s so lovely. Now that Lucas is out of the picture, I can finally move on. See where this goes with Theo, start with a clear, fresh head and see what happens. I’m acutely aware that I’ve only known him two weeks, so this might not go anywhere … but I have hope. Deep down, I now know that even if it doesn’t work out with him, I’ll be okay. I’ve survived worse. I’ve started over once; I can do so again. I believe in myself now. Lucas underestimated me—hell, I even underestimated myself, but I vow, no more. From this moment on, I’m going to stand up for myself and go for what I want.

  And right now, what I want is Theo. My fingers trace over his cheek. Judging by the way he makes my whole body come alive, I have a suspicion that I won’t need to worry about starting over. I think he’s right about what he said earlier—being stuck in that lift with him meant something. Only time will tell, and I can’t wait to find out.

  His eyes meet mine, and there’s a hopeful glint to them that nearly knocks me sideways. “So, earlier … you kissed me.”

  “I did.” I nod and pull him closer, my breath coming out in excited pants.

  His arm slips across my body, hand curling around my thigh. “What does that mean?”

  “It means, this is the start of a beautiful friendship.”

  He groans. “Friendship? No, Luce. No more friend-zoning me, please. Come on, take a chance and go on a date with me.” He brushes his nose up the side of mine, setting butterflies the size of fruit bats loose in my stomach.

  “Another fake date?” I tease.

  “No,” he says gruffly. “No more fake dates. A real one.”

  I purse my lips and pretend to consider it. “I’ll tell you what. Why don’t we Rock, Paper, Scissors for it? You win, and I’ll go on a date with you. I win, and we just stay friends.”

  A frown lines his forehead, and his lips press into a thin line. “If that’s what you want. Let’s leave it to fate then. See if the karma gods really are on our side.”

  Biting back my smile, I bring my hands up, one fist on my palm, and I look at him expectantly.

  He nods and mirrors me.

  I hold my breath, and my excitement fizzles in my tummy as we thump our hands on our fists.

  One …

  Two …

  On three, we throw our shapes.

  Theo’s shoulders slump as I reach out and wrap my paper hand around his rock fist, squeezing gently.

  “Friends it is then,” he says, frowning down at my lap as he sighs dejectedly.

  Chewing on my lip, I reach out and grip his shoulders, pulling him closer to me. “It’s a good thing I don’t believe in karma, huh?”

  His eyes widen, and he raises one eyebrow in silent question, his body stiffening.

  “I’d love to go on a real date with you, Theo Stone,” I whisper, not trusting my voice to work.

  Immediately, he lights up, beaming a smile over at me that’s so dazzling I’m momentarily stunned, and then he leans in, pressing his lips against mine, arms wrapping around my body, kissing me with so much care and passion that it makes my heart ache.

  Now, I feel at home. Right here, in this moment with him. I never want it to end.

  I grin against his lips, happier than I have been in years.



  I wake to my pillow moving under my head. Only it isn’t my pillow. I’m lying on Theo’s arm, and he’s trying to discreetly slide it out from under my neck without disturbing me.

  I groan sleepily and wrap my hands around his forearm, pulling it back across my torso and pressing my face into the crook of his elbow as I snuggle back against his body that’s spooning me from behind.

  “I gotta get my arm back,” Theo whispers in my ear, tracing his nose across my cheek.

  I smile and tighten my hold on it, interlacing our fingers. “Nope, this is my arm now.”

  He chuckles softly, and it rumbles into my back when he half-leans over me, pressing me down into the soft mattress. As he kisses the back of my neck, I shiver as a wave of lust washes over me.

  “You know what today is?” he asks, his fingers slipping beneath my pyjama top, his knuckles brushing against the skin on my waist.

  “I do.”

  I grin into my pillow, my body tingling with pleasure because he remembers. I didn’t expect him to—he is a guy after all. I didn’t mention it and didn’t plan on making a big deal out of it, but today is our six-month meetaversary. Six months ago, I got stuck in a lift with a handsome stranger who ate my doughnuts and signed a contract for an exchange of fake-date services. Six heavenly months of his time. It’s gone by in the blink of an eye.

  Theo smiles against my shoulder and massages my back with his free hand. “Yep. Today is the day I have to go help Jared paint the nursery. So, I gotta go.”

  My mouth pops open. He hasn’t remembered after all. I don’t know why, but I’m a little disappointed now. I hadn’t thought he would, but then I got my hopes up for a couple of seconds. I hide my disappointment by planting a kiss on his forearm.

  “Of course. What time is your train?” I glance at the alarm clock. It’s only just after seven a.m.

  He begins kissing the back of my neck and nipping at my shoulders. I can feel the hardness of him against my bum, and it makes an ache of longing build between my legs as my brain fogs with lust. I want him. Six months on, and he can still whip me into a frenzy with one kiss; it’s insane really.

  “Soon. I gotta go get showered.”

  He moves to pull away, but I shake my head. He’s started something now. There’s no way I’m going all day, being a horny, unsatisfied beast. Moving my arm behind me, I close my hand over his erection and squeeze him through his pyjama trousers. The feel of him in my hand makes desire pool between my legs, and I close my eyes, breathless with anticipation.

  He groans into the back of my neck. “I don’t have time. I gotta go.”

  My hand doesn’t listen as I rub gently.

  “Luce …” His voice is a whispered plea as he shifts his hips, rubbing his erection against my hand. Suddenly, he moves, making me roll further onto my tummy as he presses more of his weight onto my back. It’s divine. “I literally have fifteen minutes to shower and get dressed before I need to leave.”

  “And five of those minutes can be spent with me. Skip the shower.”

  You can’t beat a morning quickie; they always guarantee I start my day on a high note.

  He chuckles, his breath blowing over my hypersensitive skin. A shiver of excitement trickles down my spine, and my teeth sink into my bottom lip. “Just five minutes? You plan on being fast.”

  I nod. “Stop wasting time, Mr Stone. Are you going to make me come before you leave, or do I have to do it myself once you�
�re gone?”

  “I love it when you get all demanding and sassy,” he growls. “Okay, let’s play a super-fast game of gold medal, silver medal.” Translation: who comes first?

  His teeth nip at my earlobe as he tugs at my pyjama bottoms, pushing them down over my hips and thighs. He groans as his hand brushes across my sex and feels how excited I am already. Fisting his erection, he lines up and sinks into me from behind. My breath whooshes out of me as my eyes roll into the back of my head.

  What follows is a hard, frantic quickie, which leaves me breathless and grinning in a state of bliss. Of course, I win the gold. Theo always makes sure.

  “I gotta go now, Luce. Sorry to smash and dash.”

  I burst out laughing at his phrase.

  He kisses across my back, tongue trailing down my spine, his hand kneading my rump. He groans against my skin. “Jeez, will I ever get tired of this arse?”

  I hope not! I squeal as his teeth playfully nip it before he pushes himself up off the bed.

  Flopping onto my back, I twist my head and smile, contentedly watching him as he pulls on jeans and then looks in his wardrobe for a T-shirt. His back still makes me all kinds of giddy. A naked Theo back is one of my favourite things ever.

  “Want to take me for dinner tonight?” I ask.

  We might not really be celebrating, as it’s not a proper anniversary, but we could at least not have to cook.

  A frown lines his forehead as he apologetically looks over his shoulder at me. “I’m not sure I’ll be back in time. Depending on how long it takes to paint the nursery and assemble all the furniture, I might be back late. Or if we don’t get done today, I might stay over with Jared and Amy, so we can finish tomorrow.” He tugs on a Drop Dead Fred T-shirt.

  I pout, hating that idea. “You might not come home?”

  He shrugs. “I don’t know, Luce. I don’t want to stay there, but we’ll have to see how it goes today. I’ll call you in the afternoon and let you know how we’re getting on. But I likely won’t be back in time for dinner, so don’t wait for me before you eat.”

  I pout because he’s going to be gone so long. But I can’t really be annoyed. When Theo moved to London to be with me two months ago and we rented this flat, Jared spent several days here, helping us decorate and move furniture. So, the least Theo can do is go there and help them decorate their nursery, readying for the new baby Stone who will make its appearance in just over three months’ time. Everybody is excited about meeting him or her—none more so than Theo. As a “professional uncle,” as Amy describes him, kids definitely call to Theo’s inner child. I try not to let myself get too broody, thinking about it.


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