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Desire (Legends of the Kilanor Book 3)

Page 24

by Jared Stone

  “Well, let’s go check it out!” Lucian said, carefully sliding down the other side of the dune as mini avalanches were created beneath his feet. Schuntz then did the same after, just as Blake had crested the summit.

  “Ugh! You guys are killing me!” Blake exclaimed in a raspy voice as he watched the two younger men race down into the valley below him.

  When Lucian arrived in the vicinity of the object in question, he approached it carefully, prepared for something to spring up and try to kill him. From a few feet away, he peered at it, circling around slowly to examine every side. It appeared to be a circular disk made of some kind of black metal, slightly domed and about three feet in diameter. Lying there motionless in the sand, it seemed innocuous enough, but Lucian wasn’t taking any chances.

  “What do you think it is?” Lucian asked Schuntz.

  Schuntz shrugged. “I have no idea,” he admitted. After a pause, he added, “Perhaps you should go and lift it up.”

  Lucian shot a look over at Schuntz that displayed his obvious reluctance to do any such thing. “What are you, nuts!? I’m not gonna do that!” he stated angrily. “Why don’t you go over and pick it up?”

  “Mr. Aarden, I am not even able to generate qi in this body,” Schuntz reminded the boy bitingly. “I am as good as useless like this, unable to fend off anything that might be lying in wait underneath.”

  Lucian considered for a moment that the professor had a valid point, but this level-headed reasoning was quickly pushed aside by a sudden wave of indignant rage.

  “Why should I be the one to die just because you can’t figure out how to be useful in my body!?” he shouted.

  “Bloody Hell!” Blake cried out from behind them as he stumbled through the sand and fell to his knees nearby, drenched through the button-up shirt he had now untucked. Panting heavily, he looked up at Lucian. “Do you… have any idea… what I am going through… right now??”

  Lucian glanced down at his roommate on the ground for a moment, then turned back to Schuntz. “I’m not gonna be the one to do it!” Lucian insisted again, pointing down at the mysterious black disk.

  “Mr. Aarden, I am currently in no capacity to assist, should something go awry,” the professor countered. “Granted, you might be in Mr. Valenti’s body at the moment, but I still imagine that you would not want anything unfortunate to befall your usual corporeal form while it is in my possession.”

  “Well, you’re not getting me to do it, either!” Lucian insisted, digging even further into his argument, as if it was a reasonable response to what Schuntz had just posited. The two stared at each other menacingly.

  “Forget it! I’ll do it, then!” Blake cried out suddenly, fumbling around while trying to stand and sending powdery sand flying in every direction through the air. “I’m so close to death at this point, it would almost be a relief!”

  Before either Lucian or Schuntz could stop him, Blake hobbled over to the disk on aching legs, stuck his fingers beneath it, and flipped it over. It rose up on its rim and landed on its top side with a lackluster thump, exposing nothing but the concave underside, outfitted with what appeared to be two rectangular metallic handles. All three of them just stood there, staring at it with a mixture of disappointment and relief.

  “See!?” Blake shouted, motioning toward the curved circle lying motionless once again on the ground. “Who’s complaining about nothing now, huh??”

  Lucian felt just a little foolish after all of the hype, which didn’t help his mood at all. “Well, what the Hell is it?” he asked.

  Schuntz walked over next to it. “It appears to be a shield of some kind,” he stated, bending down and running one finger over the outside rim.

  “What good does that do us?” Lucian inquired harshly.

  Schuntz shook his head. “I am not sure, Mr. Aarden,” he stated. Gripping onto one of the handles, he lifted the shield up from the ground. As it swung around to face Lucian, Lucian could see its perfectly polished surface glinting in pale red hues cast from the sky above. “But I do know that it never hurts to have a shield available, if given the option.”

  “Yeah, until it turns into a worm monster or some-thing…,” Blake mumbled spitefully under his breath.

  Lucian found that he honestly didn’t care whether Schuntz brought along the extra equipment or not, just so long as he didn’t have to be the one to carry it. He then looked to the left, where the tallest of the dunes they had yet encountered towered above them.

  “If we get to the top of that, maybe we’ll be able to spot the next gate,” Lucian suggested, pointing to the summit of the mountain that rose before them.

  “Ugh!” Blake moaned. “I don’t think I can do it, man! This body is totally giving out on me!”

  Lucian glared at him. “Well, what do you want me to do about it?” he snapped. “Carry you!?”

  Blake smiled at him timidly. “Please?” he asked.

  “Oh, for God’s sake!” Lucian exclaimed, rolling his eyes.

  “I’m serious, man!” Blake insisted. “You have the strength for it! Trust me, I know! Just carry me on your back for a while. You’ll barely even notice!”

  Lucian sighed. He really didn’t want to; but, if it would just make Blake shut up about it for even five minutes, he was willing to give it a try.

  “Fine,” Lucian consented.

  “Thanks, man,” Blake said in genuine gratitude.

  Coming to stand behind Lucian, he wrapped both arms above the boy’s shoulders and lifted one leg up on the side. Lucian reached down and grabbed his leg, hoisting Blake onto his back without difficulty. Once his other arm was wrapped around Blake’s other leg, they were ready to go.

  “That is arguably the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to my body,” Schuntz lamented, turning away from the spectacle with a disapproving shake of his head.

  Without further commentary, Schuntz and Lucian began the long, steady climb up the steep incline, with Blake grabbing onto Lucian for dear life, lest he fall and go tumbling back down to break his hip. It took some considerable time and effort to reach the top, but, once they had, all three gazed out onto the flat desert on the other side with wide-eyed horror.

  “Holy Hell,” Blake mumbled.

  Before them stretched miles and miles of endless sand, with thousands of charred holes burned cruelly into the soft white surface. From the smoldering sky rained down millions of bits of smoking ash and fiery orbs the size of basketballs. As these fireballs hurtled down from the ashy clouds above, they left a trail of black smoke in their wake. Crashing into the desert floor, they burst in a shower of singed sand particles and liquid magma. All three of the travelers stood on the ridge, paralyzed.

  “Do we really have to cross that?” Lucian asked in disbelief.

  “Of course we have to cross it, Mr. Aarden,” Schuntz stated with resignation clearly present in his tone. “This is much more in keeping with what I would have expected from this realm.”

  Lucian gazed out apprehensively at the field of flaming death. He couldn’t help but call to mind the unfortunate events of the golden boulders from three challenges before.

  “Blake, I think I need to put you down now,” Lucian informed his roommate, carefully lowering each of the brittle legs to the ground. “I’m gonna have to concentrate on dodging those fireballs and getting through this.”

  Blake nodded. “It’s fine, man,” he said, laying his hand somberly on Lucian’s shoulder. “Thanks for bringing me up here at least.”

  “Let us hope that this shield is as fire retardant as it seems,” Schuntz stated, once again inspecting his newfound treasure. He then let a smile creep across his face. “It is truly a pity that there is only one.”

  Lucian narrowed his eyes at Schuntz. “What makes you think you get the shield?” he asked. “I don’t see your name on it.”

  “Mr. Aarden, I am the only one among us without any ability to protect himself,” Schuntz reminded the boy. “You and Mr. Valenti should be quite
capable of deflecting these fireballs using your qi. I, on the other hand, would be entirely vulnerable out there without cover.”

  Lucian snarled in indignation at the professor’s presumption. Just as he was about to argue over it, he felt Blake’s hand once again on his shoulder.

  “He’s right, man,” Blake said softly. “It’s okay. Let him have it. We’ll both be fine with our energy.”

  Lucian scrunched up his face in forced consent. “Fine,” he stated shortly. “Just make sure you protect my body and get it back to me in one piece!”

  With this Lucian angrily marched off, sliding down the sloping decline into the valley below. Schuntz started sliding down after a moment spent slipping his right arm into the metal handles on the backside of the shield. After him, Blake carefully slid down as well, using his hands as much as his legs to stabilize his somewhat-controlled fall.

  In his disgruntled state, Lucian continued walking forward as soon as he had once again hit the flat desert floor. It’s not fair that Schuntz gets the shield, he thought to himself. Sure, he can’t generate qi, but so what? If he had to put in even half the effort I did originally to learn to meditate, he wouldn’t be useless like this right now! Kicking up sand as he strutted forward, he looked above him and saw ashes floating down, landing on his hair and shirt and fizzling out before they could cause any harm. I mean, sure! Schuntz has my hard-to-control energy and Blake is super old now, but they didn’t get it any harder than I did! I have to….

  Before Lucian could finish his train of thought, he sensed something coming at him from above, to his right. Without even thinking, he threw his hand out toward the object. His palm exploded with dark energy, which collided with the fireball and burst in an explosion of red sparks that fell harmlessly to the white ground below.

  Pfft, that was simple, Lucian thought. I don’t know why Blake is always complaining so much! If I had this much power, I would….

  Just then, another fireball came shooting through the air straight toward his head. With another effortless gesture, Lucian completely pulverized the projectile, leaving in its place nothing but plumes of smoke.

  This challenge is gonna be a cakewalk now, he assured himself. He then turned to look back at his companions. Schuntz crept along cautiously, shield held high above him, sheltering him from the fire which rained down upon him. Lucky for him, the shield seemed to be impenetrable by the elements, with fireballs bursting against its side and running off the sleek, polished surface in burning hot liquid form. Blake went even slower, successfully moving along while keeping alert to his surroundings. As one fireball shot down at him, he readied a ball of red qi in his palm and fired it off. It exploded against the fire in mid-air, and Blake was able to continue along unscathed. Lucian fired off a few more rounds as he stood there until both Schuntz and Blake had reached his side.

  “I see you both made it this far, at least,” Lucian said smugly, lifting his arm to once again blast away an incoming fireball.

  Blake sighed. “Yeah, man,” he said, clearly fatigued. “But this sort of thing will really take it outta ya! I’m running a little low on energy here, I think.”

  Before Lucian could criticize his roommate for once again complaining, Schuntz held out the shield on his arm. “Take this for a while,” he insisted. “I should be able to dodge them if I move quickly enough. You should rest and recharge.”

  “Woah!” Lucian exclaimed, perturbed. “Why does he get the shield!? When am I gonna get a turn?”

  Schuntz raised his eyebrows. “Mr. Aarden, watching you just now, I see no reason why you should need the shield,” he said. “I am offering it to Mr. Valenti because I understand what it is like to face the limitations of old age and tired bones. But you seem to be quite fit to make it all on your own.”

  “It’s not about whether or not I can do it,” Lucian growled. “It’s about why I have to do it. It’s not fair.”

  Schuntz looked concerned. “That sentiment is quite unlike you, Mr. Aarden,” he stated. “Are you alright? Do not forget that Mr. Valenti’s body continues to host a subversive demonic energy inside of it. You must remember to remain vigilant that it does not begin to overwhelm your consciousness.”

  “Yeah, man,” Blake added. “Don’t let yourself get upset about stuff. I know what it’s like, trust me. But just try to remember we’re all on your side here. We’re your friends.”

  “I’m fine!” Lucian cut in dismissively. “Whatever. Just take the damn shield. I don’t care.”

  With this, Lucian started marching off again, further into the desert. Blake looked at Schuntz and just shrugged before taking the shield from him and slipping it over his own arm.

  “Thanks,” he said to the empathetic professor. He then continued walking along with the shield raised over his balding head. Schuntz followed behind him, eyes vigilantly turned toward the sky, prepared at any moment to jump or pivot to avoid a fireball to the face.

  Lucian plowed forward, steaming. I can’t believe those jerks are so self-centered, he told himself. If I were them, I’d make sure I got a turn with the shield, too! Instead, they’re just taking it easy back there while I do all the real work up front!

  Lucian effortlessly blew away three other fireballs headed in his direction, his arms now steadily cloaked in a dark veil of energy which contorted and twisted around his form. As if these tendrils now had a mind all of their own, they lashed out in every direction, completely obliterating anything which dared fly too close.

  I was the one who spotted it first, Lucian continued to reason. It should be mine. Finders keepers. I would be able to make it so much farther in this desert without the two of them slowing me down anyway.

  Lucian whipped around to face the two men behind him. “It’s my turn with that shield,” he commanded loudly, holding out his glowing black arm. “Give it to me.”

  Blake and Schuntz both stopped in their tracks. They stared at the embodiment of demonic energy before them.

  “Lucian, get ahold of yourself,” Blake said. “This isn’t you. Don’t let that demon crap inside your – my – body take control of you.”

  Lucian glared at them through silvery-blue eyes. “You two just think you can have everything, don’t you?” he spat in disgust. “Blake with all the strength and Schuntz with all the knowledge. Well, now I’ll be taking what’s rightfully mine. Give. Me. That. Shield.”

  Blake looked at Lucian with some fear and mostly pity in his old, weary eyes. Slipping the shield from his arm, he threw it onto the ground between them. “You want it so badly, take it!” he shouted.

  Schuntz stepped forward in front of the shield. “This is no longer about the shield, Mr. Aarden,” he stated forcefully. “You have lost control over yourself. You have allowed your jealousy and resentment to feed the demon inside of you, and it has overtaken your sensibilities. You must….”

  “Be quiet!” Lucian roared, throwing out his hand toward Schuntz. Immediately, more black tendrils of energy shot out and wrapped around the professor in Lucian’s body. Lifting Schuntz up into the air, the dark energy began to constrict, crushing the man trapped within.

  “Lucian, what are you doing??” Blake cried out. “This isn’t you! You’re hurting him! You’re hurting you!”

  Something about what his roommate had just said allowed Lucian’s consciousness to creep back into his mind for a moment. He stared into his own face, the pain of the demonic energy contorting it so that it was almost unrecognizable. It was as if he was staring in a mirror, experiencing the pain along with Schuntz in a way he had never been able to before. He struggled to maintain his control as he felt the darkness slowly creeping back into his mind.

  They are trying to trick you, it said to him softly. If you go easy on them, they will never give you the shield. They will never stop complaining. They will go on living their easy lives while you continue to struggle with all of your problems.

  They’re my friends! They would never do this to me! Lucian countered.
r />   You have the power now, the voice said. They want your power. The only way to stop them is to kill them….

  Lucian stood there, grappling with the forces inside of his head, and hanging on just barely to the last vestige of self-control standing between the demonic energy and the complete annihilation of Schuntz – and, with him, Lucian’s own body. Lucian stared into his own eyes and tried to fight.


  A fireball came tearing through the sky and blazed past Schuntz’s left arm, searing off the outer layer of clothing and burning the skin beneath quite badly. Lucian let out a cry as he watched this, and the dark energy which had once wrapped around Schuntz was sucked back into Lucian’s arm. As Schuntz fell to the ground, Lucian ran over to him with bright blue eyes filled with nothing but concern.

  “Professor! Are you alright!?” Lucian exclaimed, rushing over to the boy now on the ground. Coming to kneel beside him, he looked at the burnt limb, which seemed to have lost most of the skin in the center of a large, charred hole. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry!” Lucian continued over Schuntz’s moans of excruciating pain.

  “Lucian, we gotta keep moving!” Blake reminded them both, generating another ball of qi in his hand and firing it off against another flaming projectile. “Pick him up and let’s go!”

  Lucian scooped his arms under his own body and effortlessly lifted up Schuntz, leaving the shield still lying on the ground.

  “Take the shield,” Schuntz groaned through gritted teeth. “It is what you want. Take it and go.”

  Lucian looked up to the flowing magma sky and shook his head. “I don’t want it anymore,” he stated resolutely. “Blake can take it. I’ll get you out of here myself.”

  Looking back, Lucian called out, “Blake, you can have the shield. Take it and let’s go.”

  “Dude, you can have it,” Blake insisted, firing off another ball of red qi into the air. “You’re gonna need it if you gotta carry him too!”


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